• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Modeller , Concept artists & Skinners READ!

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Level 7
Jan 29, 2006
If you are a Modeller , Concept artist or Skinner
You may be interested in what I offer.

I am offering anyone that is a capable 3d modeller , concept artist , or skinner , a Chance to work on a real game , of course you must be good , and this will be an extremely valuable experiece to learn a great deal about actual game modeling.

I , and a Partner are designing a game , an MMO-ORPG
We have all the programmers needed , but still require more 3d modellers , a concept artist , and skinners.

If you are at all interested , contact me at [email protected]
Level 7
Jan 29, 2006

No , there is no age limit Cavman , but ive seen your work , which seems to be mostly modding wc3 units , if you can show me something made from scratch , that is good , i will consider it. it only has to be a model , we have separate peopel for skinning and animation. but you will have the chance to learn all.
Level 7
Jan 29, 2006
The Chronicles Of Strife

ElectricSaiyan said:
I'm interested...

What kind of model do you want us to try and make? A human??
Get back to me ASAP please, so I can start.

Oh, and ignore my other stuff that is submitted. It's crap, and old....and sucky....

First of all , my team is making all the models for this game , The Chronicles of Strife and what you work on depends on your skills , i have people that are each good at certain things , so we rotate the models around , each doing what were best at.

If you want to join the team , you have to show me your good email me at ([email protected]) cause my other ones down right now....
And you gotta be willing to stick with us for the duration of the 6-8 month process.
Level 1
Jul 4, 2006
What modeling program should we use, seeing as its an actual GAME and not a warcraft III Map Or did I just read that wrong and it is a wc3 map?
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