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Naxxramas Progression

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Naxx has been released in the Americas, and will be released in EU tomorrow. How has everyone fared in the wings so far? (spoilers ahead, in case you haven't tried it yet)

The first wing, Arachnid, was fairly straightforward on normal. I used an existing deck as a mage and it happened to work out for the entire thing.

Class challenge was interesting because you have to play around the deck they give you, but it was still fairly straight forward. Maexxna was a bit annoying though because of the sea giant, which is usually hard to deal with, as well as the 4/6 Spectral Knight (which IMO, is rather OP).

Heroic, on the other hand, was pretty challenging:

Anub'Rekhan summons a 4/4 on heroic, which is insanely annoying to deal with, especially since most early spells only deal 3 damage. I used my existing mage deck on this as well, and the key cards were: raging worgen (it can take a good chunk of hp out of him), amani berserker (getting a 5/2 is great, and can take out one 4/4), azure drake (+sp helps, e.g. frostbolt will take out a 4/4), water elemental, and flamestrike (if you can last until you get flamestrike, it'll help a lot). Beware of having 3 hp units when he gets to 7 mana, because his locust swarm will take them out.

Grand Widow Faerlina gets good AoE pressure due to her hero ability (1 damage to random character per card in enemy hand). In general, choose a deck that won't hoard cards. I used Zoo lock, with a few changes. Enrage units are great for this since they'll often get hit by the hero ability. Imo, worgen over scarlet crusader and get some enraged berserkers. As zoo, it was pretty easy though. But hellfire can really mess things up. I was lucky and she didn't use it until the turn before her death.

Maexxna is the funnest and most challenging (imo) heroic boss. You need a deck tailored to her hero power: auto-cast 0 mana web -> returns 2 random enemy units back to opponents hand. As such, your deck should compose of battlecries and charges. I chose rogue for this, especially because of elven archers and SI:7 assassin. More importantly, get cheap heals, such as the 2/1 amani troll or the 3/3 far seer. I dipped pretty low in the fight (~4 hp) but ended at 30 hp by the end of it. Alternatively, you might be able to use zoo or something, but I didn't try it. I just relied on my assassin to get damage and other battlecries/weapons/AoE's. I also picked up two assassinates, which is useful against the sea giants and anub'ar ambushers. I ran out of cards in the match, but by then, she was running out as well (and I had board control). Goblin bombers are also really useful, but they are tricky since you need RNG help and it can damage you.

Sadly, there isn't any reward for beating it on heroic. Oh well. It was fun though. I love the music. How was your guys' experience with it? And what decks did you guys use?
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Yeah, it was pretty quick. Although, the servers crashed and latency was bugging out so it felt like it took longer than it actually did. :p That was probably one of the buggiest/lagfest launches I've ever experienced. Every few minutes, hearthstone would undergo an update. Did you do them on heroic? What deck did you use for Maexxna?

Anyway, it was still pretty fun, and the music is great. I look forward to next week. Hopefully it'll have better rewards.
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
Normal and Class challange was really easy, first try on all. (got a bit lucky with rogue that I had alextraza so each time she were bounced because of the hero power i'd just get full hp again)

So far only killed anub rekhan in heroic, i played around a little and then I thought that handlock is probably the best way to go. I also added in corruption and used it on the 2 8 taunt with summon creature from enemy deck as deathrattle, poof sunwalker turn 3.

edit: For faerlina I obviously had to change deck because of her hero power, and i instantly thought of aggro paladin with divine favour. And I already had my murloc paladin so I used that and it worked out really well.

Edit 2: finally beat maexxna with a hunter deck, the key is to get board control and then you can just snowball since almost all of his cards are low value.
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Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Wasn't too easy but it was too short and the enemy cards repeated way too much. I did like the new board and class challenges though, cool idea. Personally, It took me 1 try on everything except druid challenge, mostly because I don't have too much experience with playing druid and I'm used to fast-paced swarms. It took me around 1.5 hours. Haven't played heroic though I don't really have any incentive to do so.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
It was a joke, the AI is absolutely braindead and does one massive misplay after another. But hey, the moment they announced playing against the AI it was obvious the "content" itself will just be a filler.
The only "difficulty" I experienced was the Rogue challenge, which I found to have an absolute garbage of a deck which I found nearly impossible to win with.
I was hoping the class challenges would have some funny theme in them (which was kinda the case with the gargoyle buff gimmick in druid) not "let's throw some of the worst cards in the game for you to play with and cry" bullshit that was in the rogue one.
The Heroic mode though, is just lame.

Also personally, the fact they use random class cards is pretty lazy.
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Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
Well RNG and casual is pretty much the theme of the game, it's just the high player base and accessability that has made hearthstone into a competitive game.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
I think Heroic Anub'Rekhan is the hardest boss in the current wing, the other two bosses are too gimmicky and can be easily beaten with virtually anything once you see their hero power.
Especially Heroic Maexxna I think is very poorly designed, possibly the easiest match from the expansion so far, I don't get what people find so difficult on beating her.
Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
I won against all 3 and first 2 heroic easily but don't understand why you think heroic Maexxna is the easiest.What you use against it?


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Ok I cleared the HC mode now..

1st encounter: my priest deck.


2nd encounter: Modified Zoo Lock


3rd encounter: Controll Lock (not hand lock)

I removed the deck since it was made to counter only, basically you abuse heal battle cry since he returns them to the end each turn. Then Jaraxxus late game to finish.
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
I think Heroic Anub'Rekhan is the hardest boss in the current wing, the other two bosses are too gimmicky and can be easily beaten with virtually anything once you see their hero power.

Anub uses the 2 8 taunt deathrattle summon minion from enemy deck. I used corruption and then it was an instant win basically.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
I won against all 3 and first 2 heroic easily but don't understand why you think heroic Maexxna is the easiest.What you use against it?

She always starts with the creep spiders, kill those fill her board with 1/1s and you will take only 7 damage a turn.
Get something that heals like Guardian of Kings or Ancient of Lore and keep smacking her face with charge and you pretty much can't lose.
It is very, very facerolly match.

With Anub the 2/8 taunter isn't really a problem, the free 4/4 every turn starting turn 2 however... (even as soon as turn 1 with coin)
Every match, regardless of the deck I use it ends up with him having a full board of broken cards by turn 5, the only time I beat him I did a stupid gimmick priest deck with divine spirit + inner fire with taunted 11/11 ancient watcher he couldn't get through.
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Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
With Anub the 2/8 taunter isn't really a problem, the free 4/4 every turn starting turn 2 however...

You're missing the point, it's deathrattle makes it summon one of your minions to the board. If he gets it in hand he will coin it turn two and that means that by turn 4 you can have, say a sun walker which happen to trade 3 for 1 against 4 4's.

Basically the easiest way to win against him is to just spam big creatures and get corruption in hand.
Level 8
Oct 12, 2011
For me, the Heroics were a joke, since I also got pretty lucky. For Anub, the taunt gave me Ragnaros, which pretty much won me the game. Faerlina I just zoo'd down so I never had cards in my hand on her turn. For Maexxna I went full heals, only played two cards per turn and crushed her with Arcane Golems.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
You're missing the point, it's deathrattle makes it summon one of your minions to the board.
Yes it did, it annihilated my Faceless and one of my Ancients of Lore.

I'm gonna bet my kidney that the card is gonna get nerfed so hard it will burn a hole in the ground.
The deathrattle will end up being a serious advantage for the owner of the Deathlord 80% of the time.
From all the times I have killed him in the missions he pulled out a card that got completely screwed, majority of the minions in my decks have an essential battlecry effect and the deathrattle completely neutralizes them, it is absolute BS.

I can't even begin comprehending what they were thinking when they made the card.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I had a LOT of trouble with the heroic bosses. Faerlina is really easy, but the other two are much harder. I haven't tried a rush battlecry against Maexxna, but I will today. Took my many tries to beat Anubarak.
(I just guessed at spelling names)

Finally won with this "OP" deck. Everyone says Alex is too easy, but getting her out on turn 9 without him having lethal within a turn is pretty hard. And I actually didn't need her. I used her when I had already won to heal myself for 2 health here.


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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Even then it takes many tries to get the right cards, and him get the wrong cards. It's not "easy".

I did it with warrior. It took me a few tries before I had voodoo doctor early, and he only played one wolf and all 1 damage drops. Just had to clear the wolf with a murloc.

Elven archer helps a lot with early damage on the skittering spiders so that you can overload his board.
Then you sustain and weapon up as much as possible. With voodoo, farseer, and hero power, you can take a full 1 damage board. Then use weapons and spells to hit her.

People keep talking about how it wasn't challenging enough. Well I don't see how it could be harder without being almost impossible. It's basically: build a counter deck. Play until you get the right RNG. Win.

Also I have a feeling these won't be the hardest fights. Some of the upcoming hero powers look nuts (leaked onto reddit).
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Yeah I guess so. There are more wings to come, but they are rather small. It definitely doesn't take a week to complete them.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Yeah, every deck would have one of those if it was a regular Hearthstone card. 3 damage to your hero is nothing for that kind of card.
Level 8
Oct 12, 2011
Played Ramp Druid against HC Noth and Heigan, Priest against Loatheb. Loatheb was pretty easy since he Facelessed his Spores twice and played Ghouls when they would only clear his own minions. Only hard one was Noth, but after ramping into Ragnaros, I was lucky in that he didn't draw any more Plagues.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Purge, that sucks man.

I haven't had the desire (or time) to do HC, so I just got all the cards. Gotta say, this wing is even better. I loved the class challenges this time. Really unique decks that were a lot of fun to play around with and see what crazy shit you could do.

I got to duplicate a mad scientist and load up on secrets. Was awesome.

The best beast I got was a savannah highmane.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
I personally think this wing is even more uninspired.
They went from "craft a deck you can't lose with" to "craft a deck you maybe can win with as long you draw the perfect hand and as long as the boss doesn't draw this specific card to make you insta lose".
The fact they disabled Alexstrasza is just hilarious, way to go blizzard ! ... "Let's just turn off cards that beat our poorly designed mechanics" !

The class challenges.. are well, boring. The hunter one is entirely based on RNG, and I personally find anything secret related to be straight up bad so I didn't really enjoy the mage one either.

Though the cards are interesting I must admit, the Belcher is probably the best one from the lot.
I don't share people's enthusiasm on Loatheb, I just consider it a 5/5 with no text.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Cleared the new wing just now, the hardest one was the first one for me, took many tries.

Anyway for heroic... equality and doomsayer disabled for the horsemen fight (only hc). I am yet to progress on it since I decided to create a death rattle deck with the new legendaries.


First HC kill vs Instructor.

Second HD kill vs the four horsemen

and lastly..
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Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
Yeah, it is pretty scumbagy. Especially for those who bought the entire bundle/previous wing but still haven't got it fixed yet.
As such certain individuals not only can't play the plague wing yet but can't even unlock the next wing either.
Not to mention if you want certain class cards you will have to buy all the previous wings the class challenge didn't appear in.
I was going to skip Military quarter but .. yeah.

Also a random note, Rivendare is broken and he will cause deathrattles to be given even if you silence the minions before killing them.
All the heroics were pretty challenging this time around. At least more than the other wings.

Instructor takes some nice RNG. I ran it as priest. Getting inner fire on the early spawns, and maybe a circle of healing, will help out a lot (get ~14 damage to the hero). I recommend going for 2 mind visions and 2 thoughtsteals. You might get lucky and get the weapon, and smack face for 20 damage, twice.

Gothik was annoying. I probably should've ran pally, but I ended up playing it through as priest. I racked up on AoE's. Auchenai + circle of healing x 2, holy nova x 2, and abomination x 2. Auchenai is especially good because it'll clear the specters on your board (except the 0/6 ones). Get inner fire for the 0/6 mobs. I ended up clearing until he ran out of cards. And his fatigue racked up. Although, pally would be really nice because of pyro-equality and all the self-heals.

Four horseman wasn't too bad. I played it as pally. Funnily enough, if you silence them, it'll remove that horseman's immunity effect. I ended up killing two, and I silenced the last one. That way, he doesn't get the weapon boost, but he loses his immunity. The AI prioritizes saving the horsemen, so you don't really have to worry about the last horseman dying. You just have to save yourself, since the damage racks up really fast. :p

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I've completed the 1st wing, the free one. I mean how one earth I'd get 800g :(

Maybe when I get my money electronic card
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
If you do your daily quest every day you'll get 700 (ftfy) in about 14 days I think. Didn't do the math, but I think that's what I figured before.
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