Hs meta decks [ all classes ]
UPDATED ON 10/28/2014 1:31 PM
You can use this thread as a guide to most common and powerful
meta decks, to create them from various decklists or to prepare
a counter deck if you plan to ascend the ladder of Hearthstone.
I will update this list as much as possible. You can remind me to do so
if you see a new deck climbing the ladder.
Good Luck in ranked!
Great site to view top hearthstone decks as well as other meta related stuff
Miracle was the bane of the game hand to hand with Buzzard Unleash
hunters (all of them). Now I haven't seen many miracle rogues, maybe one
or two and I've played at least 50 ranked games since the nerf.
Supposedly there is a new way miracle can work and its through spell spam
and Violet Teacher abuse. So basically you abuse the board by playing Auctioneer
or Violet Teacher and focus on building a strong board presence instead of
one hit kill like before. This may be a valid substitution, now that Miracle doesn't
effectively play Leeroy. Here are the top two Miracle updated decks:
New Miracle:
Kolento Miracle Rogue (still plays Leeroy):
The hunter combo is over. And people like Trump called hunter dead.
I disagree, but only because I played my hunter naxx rush deck and
took out buzzard anyway because it was slowing me down with all
the need to keep dead cards in my hand and wait for doggies and good
conditions. Also I made a bunch of midrange hunter decks with mostly
basic cards and fared well even against decks at rank 5. So in my point
hunter is nowhere near dead, only updated to play tempo aggro control
or rush instead of combo to win like miracle. Here are some decks you can
look that don't require the buzzard nor the unleash as a draw mechanic:
Midrange Naxx Hunter Aggro:
Hunter Rush Deck (played this deck since 10 September):
The deck above got updated. The difference between the two
were +2 Flare, +2 Unleash the Hounds and +1 Tracking instead of
1 Loatheb, 2 Sludge Belcher and 2 Savannah Highmane
IMO, this is the new meta. Every 2-3 games I play against a Priest and
the sad part is, every priest plays a very similar and sometimes the exact
copy of the deck. I cannot blame them, the Priest deck is so annoying
to play against and it's also an aggro, so while its punching your minions,
stealing your cards and using your Belcher as a meat shield to punch your
Ooze, it also has area removal, single target removal and late game.
This might be the best deck with a high win chance to play right now and
this is the deck:
Priest Deck:
This deck became popular where all other control decks failed. It came
as a solution to the zoo, hunter & miracle menace in the meta that was.
Right now, its still very viable and still very played. Though I think Priest
is way more popular, at least every 5 games I see a control warrior. So
while not as popular as Priest, this deck is a monster in itself. Its early,
mid and combo potential with card draw, armor gain and massive minions
in the late game make it a true opponent.
BIG NOTE:This deck is probably the most expensive deck you can make
and the one that uses too many legendaries (around 10-12) to win.
There are many combinations of it, but its basic theme is the same -
gain armor to win either by brute force late game or fatique.
A few decklists:
Warrior Control Updated:
Old Warrior Control (or another version):
This deck wasn't as popular due to the large number of hunters, miracle,
handlock and zoo. However, since the nerf its more likely to see people
going for paladin because of its very strong early-mid + some late game
cards. The best area combo is paladin's Equality + Consecration or
Equality + Wild Pyromancer. Then it just keeps summoning free 1/1
tokens, buffing them and putting both taunts, divine shield or damage
spells like Avenging Wrath. I love paladin as much as the next guy, and
there are about three ways to play him well. A few decklists:
Midrange Paladin Control:
Shockadin by Holyrock:
Tauntadin by Kolento:
[RAMP DRUID] +rep to Chaosy (completely forgot about this deck)
This druid was dominant in the last meta, I haven't seen much of this deck around.
Though, if you ever get to play against a druid, the percentage of it being
this deck is highly probable. Called Ramp, a deck archetype most likely taken
from MTG, this deck plays Wild Growth, Nourish and Innervate as key ramp
cards to gain mana quickly and put powerful threats as early as possible.
The most terrifying plays this deck can pull are turn 1 Chillwind Yeti or turn 2
Druid of the Claw. When put against very powerful minion effects, it has a ton
of silence with Keeper of the Groove and sometimes Spellbreaker.
Of course, for the late game it plays heavy druid taunts and
in most cases, it uses the Force of Nature + Savage Roar as a kill trick. A really
powerful deck. A few decklists:
Nuba Ramp Druid:
Naxx Ramp Druid:
[HANDLOCK] +rep to Tonex (soulfire me in-game for forgetting about handlock)
If the plague of hearthstone is zoo, then this is the great evil. Both decks
are heavily based on the warlock's hero power, the ability to tap for extra cards
at the cost of life. Handlock is a deck that abuses the warlock ability to the point
of insanity, maximizing cards held in hand for card advantage, a myriad of answers
and most importantly for summoning Mountain Giant and Twilight Drake as soon as
possible. That's only a third of its tricks. Due to Life Tap's abuse, the life loss works
in the Handlock's favor, causing it to be able to summon Molten Giants for no cost at
all at 10 life. It uses area effect spells to sacrifice its huge minions to deal with any
aggro threat and it all fails its Jaraxxus time. Let's not forget that the deck plays
2 Sunfury Protector and 2 Defender of Argus to give those big giants and ancient watchers
taunt. It also plays Ragnaros, Black Knight, Sylvanas and other legendaries because
why not. If there is a deck that should represent the new meta, this is the deck
that stands hand to hand with priest aggro control decks. A few decklists:
Standard Handlock:
Hydra Naxx Handlock:
Shaman was popular during the last meta and still remains a powerful
choice for pro players. It is one of the decks that Handlock doesn't do
well against due to its early pressure + Bloodlust kill combo, not allowing
the Handlock to throw its taunts and area spells most of the time. Shaman
has the best of all worlds: cheap effective damage spells like Lightning Storm,
Forked Lightning, direct damage like Lightning Bolt, Rockbiter Weapon & Lava Burst
and powerful minions like Fire Elemental, Flametongue Totem, Earth Elemental AND
as for hard removal it has Hex. It has literally everything to deal with anything
and is strong at all points of the game. Plus its Bloodlust literally screams COMBO!
A few decklists:
Trump's F2P Budget Shaman (watch the series on youtube how this deck became Legend):
Nuba's Legendary Midrange Shaman:
I haven't seen too many mages in the ranked plays though
usually when I meet one, it either falls into the Freeze Mage
or the aggro mage. I think Freeze Mage has been around for
forever, especially because it fared really well against so many
other aggro classes due to its area freezing spells, mass area clear
and other combo cards that dragged the game for forever into
finally killing you with Pyroblast or spell combo like drop a spellpower
minion, 2 Frost Bolt and 2 Ice Lance for an incredible 20 damage.
However, lately most mage decks have gone aggro and have been
doing really well. Again, I don't see many of them around but they
are really aggressive and playing rush creatures in combination with
cheap spells, some card draw and deathrattle minions. I think mage
has one of the best aggro decks, since its a hit-all damage class that
can really go for the face. There are various combinations to the aggro
mage but most either play secrets or they don't. Mad Scientist is exclusively
a hunter and mage used card, rarely seen in paladin. Few decklists:
TheFishou Aggro Mage:
Aggro Rush Mage:
RDU's Freeze Mage (note: fairly expensive deck):
You can use this thread as a guide to most common and powerful
meta decks, to create them from various decklists or to prepare
a counter deck if you plan to ascend the ladder of Hearthstone.
I will update this list as much as possible. You can remind me to do so
if you see a new deck climbing the ladder.
Good Luck in ranked!
Great site to view top hearthstone decks as well as other meta related stuff
Miracle was the bane of the game hand to hand with Buzzard Unleash
hunters (all of them). Now I haven't seen many miracle rogues, maybe one
or two and I've played at least 50 ranked games since the nerf.
Supposedly there is a new way miracle can work and its through spell spam
and Violet Teacher abuse. So basically you abuse the board by playing Auctioneer
or Violet Teacher and focus on building a strong board presence instead of
one hit kill like before. This may be a valid substitution, now that Miracle doesn't
effectively play Leeroy. Here are the top two Miracle updated decks:
New Miracle:
Kolento Miracle Rogue (still plays Leeroy):
The hunter combo is over. And people like Trump called hunter dead.
I disagree, but only because I played my hunter naxx rush deck and
took out buzzard anyway because it was slowing me down with all
the need to keep dead cards in my hand and wait for doggies and good
conditions. Also I made a bunch of midrange hunter decks with mostly
basic cards and fared well even against decks at rank 5. So in my point
hunter is nowhere near dead, only updated to play tempo aggro control
or rush instead of combo to win like miracle. Here are some decks you can
look that don't require the buzzard nor the unleash as a draw mechanic:
Midrange Naxx Hunter Aggro:
Hunter Rush Deck (played this deck since 10 September):
The deck above got updated. The difference between the two
were +2 Flare, +2 Unleash the Hounds and +1 Tracking instead of
1 Loatheb, 2 Sludge Belcher and 2 Savannah Highmane
IMO, this is the new meta. Every 2-3 games I play against a Priest and
the sad part is, every priest plays a very similar and sometimes the exact
copy of the deck. I cannot blame them, the Priest deck is so annoying
to play against and it's also an aggro, so while its punching your minions,
stealing your cards and using your Belcher as a meat shield to punch your
Ooze, it also has area removal, single target removal and late game.
This might be the best deck with a high win chance to play right now and
this is the deck:
Priest Deck:
This deck became popular where all other control decks failed. It came
as a solution to the zoo, hunter & miracle menace in the meta that was.
Right now, its still very viable and still very played. Though I think Priest
is way more popular, at least every 5 games I see a control warrior. So
while not as popular as Priest, this deck is a monster in itself. Its early,
mid and combo potential with card draw, armor gain and massive minions
in the late game make it a true opponent.
BIG NOTE:This deck is probably the most expensive deck you can make
and the one that uses too many legendaries (around 10-12) to win.
There are many combinations of it, but its basic theme is the same -
gain armor to win either by brute force late game or fatique.
A few decklists:
Warrior Control Updated:
Old Warrior Control (or another version):
This deck wasn't as popular due to the large number of hunters, miracle,
handlock and zoo. However, since the nerf its more likely to see people
going for paladin because of its very strong early-mid + some late game
cards. The best area combo is paladin's Equality + Consecration or
Equality + Wild Pyromancer. Then it just keeps summoning free 1/1
tokens, buffing them and putting both taunts, divine shield or damage
spells like Avenging Wrath. I love paladin as much as the next guy, and
there are about three ways to play him well. A few decklists:
Midrange Paladin Control:
Shockadin by Holyrock:
Tauntadin by Kolento:
[RAMP DRUID] +rep to Chaosy (completely forgot about this deck)
This druid was dominant in the last meta, I haven't seen much of this deck around.
Though, if you ever get to play against a druid, the percentage of it being
this deck is highly probable. Called Ramp, a deck archetype most likely taken
from MTG, this deck plays Wild Growth, Nourish and Innervate as key ramp
cards to gain mana quickly and put powerful threats as early as possible.
The most terrifying plays this deck can pull are turn 1 Chillwind Yeti or turn 2
Druid of the Claw. When put against very powerful minion effects, it has a ton
of silence with Keeper of the Groove and sometimes Spellbreaker.
Of course, for the late game it plays heavy druid taunts and
in most cases, it uses the Force of Nature + Savage Roar as a kill trick. A really
powerful deck. A few decklists:
Nuba Ramp Druid:
Naxx Ramp Druid:
[HANDLOCK] +rep to Tonex (soulfire me in-game for forgetting about handlock)
If the plague of hearthstone is zoo, then this is the great evil. Both decks
are heavily based on the warlock's hero power, the ability to tap for extra cards
at the cost of life. Handlock is a deck that abuses the warlock ability to the point
of insanity, maximizing cards held in hand for card advantage, a myriad of answers
and most importantly for summoning Mountain Giant and Twilight Drake as soon as
possible. That's only a third of its tricks. Due to Life Tap's abuse, the life loss works
in the Handlock's favor, causing it to be able to summon Molten Giants for no cost at
all at 10 life. It uses area effect spells to sacrifice its huge minions to deal with any
aggro threat and it all fails its Jaraxxus time. Let's not forget that the deck plays
2 Sunfury Protector and 2 Defender of Argus to give those big giants and ancient watchers
taunt. It also plays Ragnaros, Black Knight, Sylvanas and other legendaries because
why not. If there is a deck that should represent the new meta, this is the deck
that stands hand to hand with priest aggro control decks. A few decklists:
Standard Handlock:
Hydra Naxx Handlock:
Shaman was popular during the last meta and still remains a powerful
choice for pro players. It is one of the decks that Handlock doesn't do
well against due to its early pressure + Bloodlust kill combo, not allowing
the Handlock to throw its taunts and area spells most of the time. Shaman
has the best of all worlds: cheap effective damage spells like Lightning Storm,
Forked Lightning, direct damage like Lightning Bolt, Rockbiter Weapon & Lava Burst
and powerful minions like Fire Elemental, Flametongue Totem, Earth Elemental AND
as for hard removal it has Hex. It has literally everything to deal with anything
and is strong at all points of the game. Plus its Bloodlust literally screams COMBO!
A few decklists:
Trump's F2P Budget Shaman (watch the series on youtube how this deck became Legend):
Nuba's Legendary Midrange Shaman:
I haven't seen too many mages in the ranked plays though
usually when I meet one, it either falls into the Freeze Mage
or the aggro mage. I think Freeze Mage has been around for
forever, especially because it fared really well against so many
other aggro classes due to its area freezing spells, mass area clear
and other combo cards that dragged the game for forever into
finally killing you with Pyroblast or spell combo like drop a spellpower
minion, 2 Frost Bolt and 2 Ice Lance for an incredible 20 damage.
However, lately most mage decks have gone aggro and have been
doing really well. Again, I don't see many of them around but they
are really aggressive and playing rush creatures in combination with
cheap spells, some card draw and deathrattle minions. I think mage
has one of the best aggro decks, since its a hit-all damage class that
can really go for the face. There are various combinations to the aggro
mage but most either play secrets or they don't. Mad Scientist is exclusively
a hunter and mage used card, rarely seen in paladin. Few decklists:
TheFishou Aggro Mage:
Aggro Rush Mage:
RDU's Freeze Mage (note: fairly expensive deck):
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