Let me tell u something: this map would have 10/10. but it is so full of bugs, that it only has 2/10. for an example:
Capter One:
If u skip the chinematic, example the one in the submap (when u defeated the opponent side), u will not get the ring of protection+3.
and u cant save, while ure in the submap, cuz so u cant get out...
Or in Capter 2:
The movie with the bronze dragons suddently came up (none of mine men were up there), and while i was looking at it, some ghouls came down, and destroyed my base + start hero.
Lucky the goblin wherent there, so i thought: if i win this part of the camp, my hero may come again, so i took whosyourdaddy on, and flew with the jetpack up to the undead base. then, suddently, when i entered an are with some rocks, he just died.
so uhm... only 2/10. fix the bugs please!!