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Naruto World Wars 3.6.0

Naruto World Wars

Naruto World Wars is new AoS map which follows story of manga/anime Naruto Shippuden.Center of story is 4th shinobi war,Kabuto has revived all shinobies that have died in series and with Uciha Madara he is praparing to invade Konoha and start 4th shinobi war.You can decide which side is going to win.
Thank You for playing Naruto World Wars.

You can chose from following mods:
-ap(All Pick-Means that you can chose any hero)
-apem(All Pick Easy Mode-Means that you can chose any hero,your are getting xp faster and towers are weaker)
-appm(All Pick Pro Mode-Means that you can also chose any hero but game play is oposite of easy mode)
-ar(all random)
-arem(all random easy mode)
-arpm(all random pro mode)
-nr(No Runes-Means that runes which can ordinary be found in river wont apear)

For now you can chose from 40 different heroes with realistic and balanced skills.

Find out about latest updates and changes on our forum adress:

Creating Team

Map Creator:straja44
Special Thanks to:

Current Version of map :3.6.0
Map is protected.

Heroes List:

Akatsuki Tavern 1:
Deva Path
Naraka Path
Human Path
Asura Path
Preta Path
Uchiha Madara

Akatsuki Tavern 2:

Konoha Tavern 1:
Mei Terumi
Rock Lee

Konoha Tavern 2:
Killer Bee

Naruto World Wars 3.6.0 (Map)

21:09, 15th Jul 2011 -Kobas-: Acceptable from now on. 09:03, 28th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved Comment




21:09, 15th Jul 2011
Acceptable from now on.
09:03, 28th Jun 2011
Status: Approved
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
could you explain more about your description? tell us more about the gameplay, its features, commands, screenshots, and not at least, the credits for your map

by using these BB codes for coding stuffs, and following this Template tutorial for you to not just to give a proper information, but attract viewers as well :)
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
Kl3sk Reviews : Naruto World Wars

Version : 3.5.6

Map Type : Anime / AoS

Description : 2/5 (mediocre)

First off, the colors are a real eyesore. Please try to make it a little more ...appealing. Your description doesn't need every color of the rainbow. Second : the description itself is lacking a lot. "Naruto World Wars is new AoS map which follows story of manga/anime Naruto Shippuden.
Center of story is 4th shinobi war,Kabuto has revived all shinobies that have died
in series and with Uciha Madara he is praparing to invade Konoha and start 4th shinobi
war.You can decide which side is going to win.
Thank You for playing Naruto World Wars. "

^ be honest with yourself, would YOU play a map with such poor wording and phrasing ? Part if it is describing the anime Naruto (Shippuuden), while the last line is shows gratitude towards the unfortunate few that have tried it. There are several typos in enumerating the game modes alone : "You can chose from following mods" / "but game play is oposite" , etc.

The credits are okay, I guess, but why would you end your pseudo-description with the "Heroes List" ?

So far, the map promises a mediocre experience. But I'll try to make the best of it.

In-Game Review


Right from the start, I can't help noticing the creator of the map put no effort whatsoever in making the terrain in any way visually appealing. It's sloppy, crappy and over-all...just sad. I'm pretty sure that it would take no more than half an hour to make minor changes in this sense and I encourage the map-maker to do so. (1/5)


To be short on the matter, I'll just point out that the "Konoha Chunin" model has a lot of issues regarding contrast, or Gama , since it's just so damn bright and it "sticks out" , so-to-speak. Otherwise, hero and units have custom models so that's a bonus. Side-note : Akatsuki and Konoha building barely have any custom models and together with the terrain, make the map seem "meh". (3/5)


Okay, I see that they're "custom" but what the hell is it with those Japanese symbols ? They should not take an image's place, in my humble point of view. Too lazy to add real icons ? :3 . 3 out of 5 icons are symbols, thus, my rating is :(3/5)


Your talent as a map-maker clearly doesn't rest in terraining, I can tell you that, but wow, spells aren't your deal either ? Off the top of my head I can name 5 similar Anime / AoS maps which skills are far superior to these. But alas, I can't compare maps when reviewing. That's not how it works. However, even without comparing, who can over-look the facts ? The spells and abilities are bland. Their descriptions are okay, but they promise more than they can chew. Visually unappealing, no custom sounds, or anything that might make it spew any "juice". You should work on Quality over Quantity (in every aspect of the map). Granted, these skills don't seem to be bugged, they don't glitch, or leak, so that's a thumbs up. (2/5)


This section refers to items, their descriptions or other sub-sections. I've seen most 90% of the items and their attributes in older Naruto-based maps (2009 to be exact). I can name them if you wish, I just won't pronounce them to keep this review unbiased. Nothing unique or remotely different as far as memory serves me. Did you "borrow" some ideas from other map-makers, maybe ? I'm just asking, not saying you did. (2/5)


And here it is...the big one. One of the most important aspects of a map, the heart of any map really : the game-play. If the game-play is crap, it doesn't matter if your terrain is godly, or your triggers are on the spot. In this case, I have split this into 2 bits :

As an Anime map : It's okay. The average anime-fan (Naruto-fan) might enjoy it and even play a few games with their buddies and whatnot, but for me, it just didn't do the trick.

As an AoS map : It fails. No offense, but how can you call this a decent AoS map with a straight face ? Naruto and AoS don't mix guys, get it right! (Arena and RPG on the other hand do)

In conclusion : This is a map that at first glance might make one interested, but after about 10 minutes or so, disappointment settles in. Any hopes of uniqueness, originality, or a well-executed standard just drops.

Do I recommend non-Anime fans to play this ? : No.

Do I recommend Anime fans to play this : Yes

Will I play this map again : No (never)

Foot-note : I noticed Ironside reviewed this map before I did, saying "By far the best naruto map I've seen till now." <-- If you live in 2003, then yes. There are far better Naruto Maps even present in this site's top 20. I see we have different standards. But I respect your opinion.

This map should be Rejected until updated. (2/5)
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Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
I agree with his review. Only Anime fans will play this map. Non-Anime fans, i barely saw them due to a lack of quality.
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009

I wish someone would review Naruto Battle Siege like that. Now that's a real Naruto map. It's sad, however, that it is abandoned. If only the author would actually make a innovative Naruto AoS...

I probably know of ALL the good anime (Naruto) maps out there. I've been playing them since the first decent one ever came out : Naruto Final War (last version was 1.7) , the author was Flash.Kisame, if I remember correctly, but it's been years since he dropped the project so I might be wrong. At any rate, I know what a great map left to rot is like...it's a sad sight indeed. When I saw NBS rejected I thought it was some sort of sick joke, but alas : this site has certain downsides when it comes to "strict rules". NBS was rejected due to (get this) having poor terrain...wow...but it can get even better : World of Ancients (Not an anime map) was rejected because of...having imported Wow models ? I mean they weren't even stolen models, he even gave credit and had proof, but no : why SHOULD we have amazing maps on the Hive ? ALL HAIL ZOMBIE MAPS AND CRAPPY AOS' !! HAIL!
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
I like some zombie maps, but yes, there are a LOT of crappy AoS out there. Still, someone like them. And at least NBS isn't rejected anymore... But still, the author abandoned. If only he continued, it would be the best Naruto map ever... Maybe even the best Naruto GAME ever (Although I never played PS3's one, and they SAY it is really nice. Who knows. STILL.)

So, about the map. Add some innovation and call us back, will ya straja.

(Which makes me wonder. I think I have a unprotected version of NBS, and Destiny doesn't seem to come alive so soon. What if I found a complying Naruto editor to continue his work? Problem is, it wouldn't be much ethic. I have to ask him about this... And wait for a answer. Which may take some years.)
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
I still see no improvements made to this map. Even more so : the description is f*cked. I'll inform a moderator of this beautiful example of an Anime / Aos crossover at once!

Edit : Awww...he updated it *cries*

Well, I guess that means I've gotta find another map to review and hassle. See ya!

2nd Edit : I STILL don't see how this got approved. Not only does the Description hurt my eyes and lacks a change-log (to say the least), but it hasn't improved In-game...at all. I really hope -Kobas- reconsiders :\
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Level 3
Jun 22, 2009
Please remove the abundant passives, it is really annoying to not have active skills( torune for example) Also, increase the damage of abilities like asura path's rockets, i mean, 24 dmg per rocket at max lvl?