My WIP Models (WARNING: Contains Large Images!)

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Upon Delorin's request, I have made further amendments to the Nazjatar Gate.

Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Sweet stuff. :)
I'm not sure about the texture(it's stretchy), but if that's the best you can find, I understand. Not very many textures that you can stretch indefinitely.
BTW, as a tip, you could try extending a texture's wrap beyond its borders to make it loop.

Extending Deolrin's tip, duplicating the base mesh and wrapping it the opposite site will reach the same effect, though it is in one through and doesn't look like it's stacked (if you know what I mean)
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
But the lack of arc(h?) is what makes it unique from the Waygate. : )

Looking much better. I'm glad someone with actual modelling experience patrols this topic, since to my eye it was "fine", but is definitely much improved with these changes.


Y'know, your Front page / First post is getting rather lengthy... Might I suggest a "List" and "goto/point" tags to ease use? :p

Dwarven Demolition Squad - Completed

Last edited:
And yoy guys thought I couldn't get any better. Meet my latest creation, the Gnomish Field Engineer, the first completely scratch-built model that I've ever made! Well, the mount is, anyway...


And before you ask, yes, that is a female gnome. And yes, that is a fucking MECHANOSTRIDER! More info in the first post.

Deal with it. :ogre_datass:
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
AndrewOverload...edMyCircuits said:
Gnomish Field Engineer
Okay, now onto something completely different... a female gnome engineer on a mechanostrider. That's got to be a first for WCIII, right?

The idea behind this girl is to give the Alliance a support unit that is meant to tag along with other mechanical units such as Seige Engines. The Field Engineer does this by utilising various abilities, such as repairing a nearby mechanical unit or giving it increased attack damage. The reason that she is mounted on a mechanostrider is because... well, she would have to catch up with them somehow!

As for the model itself, the rider was heavily edited from the Villager Child as a base, with the head mesh being remapped and edited to look more feminine. In addition, the rest of her body was also retextured and remapped, while parts from various other models (some of which that you might recognise from my earlier Dwarven Demolition Squad) are also used to make her look more the part for an engineer. The Field Engineer's trusty mchanostrider, minus the lighting around the eyes, is also 100% fully made from scratch. No, I am not kidding on that one, it's a first for me.

However, there might be a few issues with the model if not taken into context, the main problem being that there are no suitable voices for a female gnome in WCIII, nor even any gnomish voices in general as the gnomes seem to have only officially re-emerged in the lore during the post-WCIII/WoW era. By taking that into account, I thought that the safest bet would be to make the portrait work in a similar manner to the Goblin Shredder. By that, I mean that the rider's face is actually made visible in the portrait, but will not actually talk as the 'strider would be the one making all the noise.

This is seriously one of my favorite topics. I am just in love with the stuff you come up with. The best part, though, is not your innate talent (which, being born with, wasn't under your control), nor your skills (which anyone can practice to achieve). It is your work ethic, and dedication to improving yourself. Your work ethic, in tirelessly striving to create models, and (except for all the understandable issues with the Dwarven Duo) in completing one thing before moving on to another. Your dedication to improvement, in that you are constantly trying new things (first geomerged units, then buildings, then scratch-modelling), and also fixing stuff you've already made. No resting on your laurels, here. :p

Blathering effusive accolades aside...


Really quite nice. That mechanostrider looks as if it could've mechanostrided right out of WoW, yet fits in Wc3. Good use of Steam Tank textures, & TC. And the Gnomish Maiden, as everyone is going on about... Man. Why didn't we think of Villager Child-ren for Gnomish repurposing!? Beautifully done.

Personally, I'd love to see this in a fleshed-out "Ironforge Alliance" mod; not enough females, or Gnomes, or mechanostriders. Gosh, that thing is cool.

I'd really like to see what you'd think of a more "Heroic" mechanostrider... I've always envisioned a wily Gnomish "Technomage" or "Mekimage" on the back of his own Mechstrider companion. If not you, permission to use your work as a base would be nice, as well. :p

Anyway, looking good, and I look forward to it's completion.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
I'll never be able to get past that gnome being a human boy... But that Mechanostrider is kickass!

Perhaps try making the gnome's hair pink? That would definitely make it look more like your typical female gnome, I think. I suggest using the campaign "Hair.blp" texture(not sure where it's found, sorry), and using Geoset Animations to turn it pink. Then just stitch some 3D eyebrows and you're done. :p

This is seriously one of my favorite topics. I am just in love with the stuff you come up with. The best part, though, is not your innate talent (which, being born with, wasn't under your control), nor your skills (which anyone can practice to achieve). It is your work ethic, and dedication to improving yourself. Your work ethic, in tirelessly striving to create models, and (except for all the understandable issues with the Dwarven Duo) in completing one thing before moving on to another. Your dedication to improvement, in that you are constantly trying new things (first geomerged units, then buildings, then scratch-modelling), and also fixing stuff you've already made. No resting on your laurels, here. :p

And thank you so kindly for your continued support! This doesn't just apply to you though, but to everyone who appreciates my work.:grin:

I'd really like to see what you'd think of a more "Heroic" mechanostrider... I've always envisioned a wily Gnomish "Technomage" or "Mekimage" on the back of his own Mechstrider companion. If not you, permission to use your work as a base would be nice, as well.

I'm actually thinking of releasing the mechanostrider as a standalone model, but if people want to edit the Field Engineer so that they would also have the rider animations to work with as a base then I'll gladly allow them to do so provided that they ask for permission beforehand. This place could really do with some more mechanostriders, and I'd love to see a Gnomish hero riding on one of these sexy beasts!:wink:


Maybe not as green though. It's a sort of wierd colour and looks way too much like one of my crappier shirts...:croll:

Perhaps try making the gnome's hair pink? That would definitely make it look more like your typical female gnome, I think. I suggest using the campaign "Hair.blp" texture(not sure where it's found, sorry), and using Geoset Animations to turn it pink. Then just stitch some 3D eyebrows and you're done. :p

I've actually thought about doing just that! I'll see what I can do.

Speaking of editing, I did post a new update! A few tweaks here and there, and I've also animated it! The full details can be found in the first post, as usual.

Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Nice stuff! :D
In addition to what I previously suggested, I think you could get away with using a more female-esque texture for her chest and hands. I dunno which texture you're using, but her hands look a bit manly, and she's also wearing a strange type of shirt. I know she's a gnome and all, but still, other than her hair I have a hard time telling she's not a human kid.

EDIT: If you do change her shirt, try to go for something with teamcolor, perhaps? Either that, or make her glasses teamcolored. Right now she lacks teamcolor herself and all of the teamcolor is on her mount - this creates a strange unbalance, which I, personally, find aesthetically distracting.

...Maybe I'm just crazy, though.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
You're not crazy Deolrin; just eccentric. :p

I would have to see her in-game, but sometimes there can be an issue with mounted units when either the rider or the mount is 'imbalanced' in some way; it may be Team Color, or texture-choice, or relative size, or relative "noticeability". I suspect the rider could possibly be a little less noticeable or important in-game... But again, no way to tell without her.

I definitely support a Hero-version. Or if not, as you suggest, a separate Mechanostrider. : )
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
As have been mantion this is still a work in progress and the models are not out for the public yet.
Actually, if you check the first post (or the model section, searching for "AndrewOverload519" as author), you'll find he's finished and released every single model sans one that he's worked on & displayed here.

Under the "Finished Models" hidden-tab.

Y'know. :p
Man, it's been a while... He must be working on something super awexome. :p
Or simply because I didn't do anything at all due to lack of motivation. You're welcome. :wink:

But seriously, I haven't even came up with any more ideas for new models since I've done the Gnomish Field Engineer, so allow me make you a deal. If you have any ideas on what I should make next, provided that it is feasible, sensible and can fit into WCIII, then feel free to post them here. If I like the idea, then I might actually make it into a model!

However, please bear in mind that this is not a proper request thread and is only there to give me a much needed kick up the arse in order to get my motivation going. As such, I would only do the ideas that I'd like best and that I won't do them in any particular order, so don't go in a hissy fit if you haven't seen a model posted here that is based around your ideas. There is a whole forum section that's made for that, you know. :p
Level 63
Jan 20, 2008
  • Make more buildings with the same theme.
  • Make models based on Alpha/Beta models or concept arts which were never released or never came to be. You can edit the current models to make them more like their earlier versions. For example, maybe you can either give the Druid of the Claw his robe back:
    or even bring back the old Druid of the Talon:
Level 16
Dec 29, 2008
Well i think someone on xgm had obtained somehow the bear druid, but i might be wrong...

EDIT: Yup the bear druid is somewhere on the web.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Or simply because I didn't do anything at all due to lack of motivation. You're welcome. :wink:
Don't say that. You recently re-updated a buncha your existing models, 'recalculating extents' or whatever that means.
(seriously, what's up with all your models and *that* particular problem? Strange).

AndrewOverload519 said:
But seriously, I haven't even came up with any more ideas for new models since I've done the Gnomish Field Engineer, so allow me make you a deal. If you have any ideas on what I should make next, provided that it is feasible, sensible and can fit into WCIII, then feel free to post them here. If I like the idea, then I might actually make it into a model!

However, please bear in mind that this is not a proper request thread and is only there to give me a much needed kick up the arse in order to get my motivation going. As such, I would only do the ideas that I'd like best and that I won't do them in any particular order, so don't go in a hissy fit if you haven't seen a model posted here that is based around your ideas. There is a whole forum section that's made for that, you know. :p

You know this is like Christmas & my birthday, rolled into one... An accomplished, burgeoning artist saying
Maaaan, I'm so bored and without inspiration. If only someone with all the ideas but none of the talent would come along & give them to me, I'd make them for no reason whatsoever!

Anyway, in response to that, I have (more than) a few thoughts:

1) First of all, you should get your eyeballs on over to this thread... And then start combing through the .MPQ's for ideas. It's pertinent to your interests. :p
2) Still working on that mega-Pastebin full of Concept Art & Idea Write-Ups we talked about...
3)But in the mean-time, I guess I have a few lying around.
- A Basilisk! Six-legged reptilian fury, spitting poison and bashing buildings with his thick skull! (Dragonspawn base?)
- A Fireworks Cart! Rickety Pandaren wagon, brimming with colorful explosives & illuminating fury! (Prison Wagon base?)
- A Vale of Shadows! Shadowy haven for dark arts, cobwebs & bat roosts. Trains the creepy crawlies & night terrors of the forest denizens! (Gargoyle Spire base)
- A Dart Skiff! Zooming engine of war, messing' with your ranged support & shooting walls of poisonous darts, Indiana Jones-style!
- A Valk'yr! Ghostly apparition of judgement and malefic resurrection, tasked with generating Forsaken and judging Norse-look-alikes! (Banshee meets Judge Judy meets Vikings?)
- An Embalmer! Crochety Nerubian priestly-type, tasked with tearing out organs & wrapping up loose ends. Mmm, brain hooks!
- A Tradeprince! Cunning Goblin merchant-turned-royalty, obscenely opulent and proud of it. Rides on a palanquin, or perhaps a Steamthrone (TM). Why fight when you can pay others to do so?
- A Monk! Adroit benefactor of peace and rock gardens. Well-versed in a variety of ways to *not* kill you. The Bruce Lee of Warcraft Three! (Pandaren?)


And/or, re-creating Alpha/Beta/Wc2/Old Concept Art (check "ScrollsOfLore" forums) Stuff is always tons of fun. :p Buildings are sorely needed everywhere. Best of luck.

(Seriously, let me know if the above is not enough.)
Level 13
Jul 2, 2008
Interested in creating naval upgrade buildings (where you can upgrade ship units) for all four standard races? Or interested in creating more ship/seamonsters for undead and nightelve?
I also need a wc3/wc2 style stable for human.
A wc2ish ogre mount would be nice too :p
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Hey AndrewOverload, I did some research and found out how to use the Hive's BBCode to do that whole "in-post linking" thing I was describing a few pages back; something you may want to consider as it will give you a lot more organization.

Basically, you wrap some text you want to be a link in "goto" tags like so: [goto=POINT.KEYWORD]textlink[/goto], and then you use "point" tags around whatever keyword you want like so: [point]POINT.KEYWORD[/point]. Place this second block (the point) wherever you want in the post, and clicking the "goto" link will instantly take you there.

Watch out; "hidden" blocks with Points in them have to be open for this to work.

See here for an example.


Also Jungle Trolls. :p
Level 5
Jul 11, 2012
  • Make more buildings with the same theme.
  • Make models based on Alpha/Beta models or concept arts which were never released or never came to be. You can edit the current models to make them more like their earlier versions. For example, maybe you can either give the Druid of the Claw his robe back:
    or even bring back the old Druid of the Talon:

I approve the idea of Ujimasa Hojo!:goblin_good_job: There are a lack of Alpha/Beta models... Would be cool to resurrect some more models from Alpha/Beta models... And mostly of them are really cool! :D
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