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My Progress study drawings that started from sucky ones

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Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
lol thanks, was trying to emulate oil painting or acrylic, but i think i blended the colors too much in the face so the paint textures were all gone :/

quick shot of what i'm working on. Friend says i can't draw anime :/ i'm gonna try to prove her wrong :p also don't mind the long legs, i like long legs XD
aand i got tired of doing the background so i was like fuckket i'll just put a picture on it. I might re-do this again this january or probably keep it as it is. The concept isn't that interesting anyways.


  • Falling.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 209
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
But still you are able to pull it off.
Question where do you make your graphic art? I'm interested to know.
I only do traditional.
Photoshop!!! My favorite! Any version starting from CS5, doesn't matter much anyway but now I use CC 2016

But when I want something looking like real traditional art I turn to Corel Painter or Adobe Sketchbook ^_^ sometimes I incorporate 3d elements and my preferred 3D programs are either Maya, Max or Cinema4D ^_^

I still draw traditionally though but haven't uploaded them yet
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
I'm hanging up my hat here. I will not be updating this thread anymore, i'll be leaving hive (not that it matters for you guys anyway)
I really liked checking my thread's every page to see how i improved, and also the same for others. It was really fun seeing your creative brains come to life.
It felt really good helping other people, that's why i made the thread http://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/paintovers-and-c-c-sudmit-your-wips-here.290409/

This'll be my final artwork here

Alongside my first artwork here too


It has been fun interacting with other people, i liked checking the interesting artworks you guys made.
The sun has come down for me, night reigns.

this is Kyan Filtiarn, The Kurt-009, signing out...
I'm hanging up my hat here. I will not be updating this thread anymore, i'll be leaving hive (not that it matters for you guys anyway)
I really liked checking my thread's every page to see how i improved, and also the same for others. It was really fun seeing your creative brains come to life.
It felt really good helping other people, that's why i made the thread http://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/paintovers-and-c-c-sudmit-your-wips-here.290409/

This'll be my final artwork here
View attachment 258428

Alongside my first artwork here too

View attachment 258430

It has been fun interacting with other people, i liked checking the interesting artworks you guys made.
The sun has come down for me, night reigns.

this is Kyan Filtiarn, The Kurt-009, signing out...

you'll be missed... like a lot, thanks for your help and your support towards the hive community. Hope things will get better on your end. :S
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
Looking great, man! Amazing colors and feel. Looks like a rushed one, I wonder how it would look like if it was all rendered detailed like the face. Keep them up!
Thank you!
Yeah it's just a sketch, i personally like them that way looking like it's traditional, after some time i found spending another hour to make them look hyperrealistic somehow got boring, other artists ask me "they don't look different much than the photograph itself, quite boring" so i kinda just draw and move on without having to fuss about the small unnoticed details :)

Hey yo back!

Those are rich colors indeed,
Hello!! :) How are you? :) How have you been so far?
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
Some artwork spam because i haven't been able to update this for more than a month :)
please take your time viewing this i would appreciate it <3
Concepting some simple flying whale design for this piece, currently 30%

This was the entry for the oldest/youngest warrior, i had picked the petrified warrior concept for this piece :)

some quick sketches i had made, the purpose was to make the piece look like it has a lot of details but let the viewer fill in the rest with imagination
Beast of burden2.jpg
Theonprins Study.jpg

some cyberpunk concept

did some winter fantasy themed sketch

Entry for daily spitpaint where the participants had to paint for 30 minutes max
Whaling Vessel.jpg

some quick futuristic stuff
Makati 2120.jpg
Last edited:
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
You are an inspiration to all of us!

You have made such an improvement over the years. I myself had only started to try and go digital just recently, I'm certainly getting some neat tricks from your works :D

Trying to update myself with only the current page on this thread, that world eater looks sick m8!
It almost looks like a Magic: The Gathering card if you ask me.
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