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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
that goddamn pink pony ruins everything

Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Yeah jelly, and so cute Scootaloo. Without wanting to know how they get their marks before I reach that episode, in that episode above
if they had changed their roles on the play whoever can sing, dance and make costumes best, they would've got their 'cutie marks'.



Level 2
Jul 12, 2011
I am loving this
currently at episode 9 and took a break from it , will resume soon
I think my favorite character is fluttershy,followed by rainbow dash.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Ok I was around 13-15 yr old when they released the old version of MLP. I was like, 'eww what the heck is this silly girly show'. I made fun of it, I laughed at it, I never even watched it. Now I see screenshots frm the old MLP and I feel the same, I don't like the old ones, I wouldn't watch them at all. Did you see how fat and ugly they look?

But MLP Friendship is Magic it's the cuteness of these new ponies that attracted me and combined when they are funny, it is totally relaxing and pleasant to watch them. Also maybe because I havent watched anything after TS for years, so it didn't hurt to have a new show did it? Everything is so much better and awesome with the new MLP

I am glad, on the above video they didn't find it strange. Also the plush ponys on the previous pages weren't so good imo but look at those behind the girl in that video, they were good and the pony mane is actually realistic unlike the plush toys.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
[reaction=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/932170/Hive/fim/DDD.png]There's so much win in Py's post...

Lol +1 (+2 for the WIP Fluttershy)

So you're 43-45?

no, I'm 70.

'The original line of My Little Pony began with Earth Ponies in 1982:' Either way not as early as you claimed. I would've never liked .these fat horses. Good thing they made cute huggy wuggy ponies instead.

It seems we have a cheap first national TV that bought 80s cartoon in the 99'-2000 (that's when I was 13-14) and i thought they were from the 90s.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I remember seeing once a documentary about why some buildings are representetives for their cities. They gave as an example the Eiffel Tower, which you can basicly represent it out of 3 lines, it's just an A shapped tower. They exemplified other monuments as being easily represented within 3 lines. Point was, becuase they could be represented within 3 lines, than they would be easily remembered by people, and actually attract people through their simplicity.

While watching MLP, I started thinking about this. You can't draw them within 3 lines. No, but between them, there are only 3 elements which sets them appart from one another. Their color, their mane shape and their eyes. I dont count the cutie mark as being something repesentetive since it's rather small. So I believe that's one of the reasons why these characters are so appealing, because they are easily recognized and what we perceive in them is easily digested by our brain. Furthermore, some people claim "omg, MLP sux, the main characters have only 2 dimensions", but I believe that it's all for the best actually. You have 6 characters which are easily defined visually, whom also have very simple and extreme character types => even easier to be defined !

Also, the facial expressions are so awesome, they really managed to represent emotions succesfully. Personally, from a graphic point of view, MLP is amazing !
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I don't know about MLP but another show - TS because the producers, I've had their email, were French they kept on promoting French everything - french boyfriends, french cheese, French cities, etc, every time there was something French awesome. It was getting annoying but it's not the first time French do it for cartoon show. Isn't MLP FisM American? Never thought it is promoting or representing some real things.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Ya I mean look:


Now that's girly, that I wouldnt watch. And what further lead to the disgust in the old series - when they aired it in my country they TRANSLATED the Opening Song into some ugly translated and awful kidlike song, I mean even at the age 0f 10 I wouldn't stand that song (me and my cousing totally made fun of that song)


+1000 internets, +all rainbows, +all babies, + all dashes + all coolness goes here
And does't look that girly does it? new PWNIES emit coolness, period.

And many shows 2D are better than 3Ds - TS the one I mentioned, if we go back to Marvel ones, TMNT, all better than many 3D cheap crap done nowadays. Cartoon Network became bad compared to what they aired in the past, same goes for Jetix->Disney. Don't know what these new directors were up to but I see totally lame things there.
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