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multiple projectiles

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Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
You can use ''Barrage'' ability.

Don't forget to remove ''Techtree Requirements'' and add proper ''Targets Allowed''.

Also remember to make it an item abillity if you dont want an icon to show up saying it has multi shot. You can also make it show if you want to. Its a personal preference :D
Level 5
Feb 16, 2005
saphiree, that's the problem i keep having. it works on air only, and it doesn't really have 4 projectiles. it has 1 projectile and the other 3 are just impact animations. i have the targets set for both air and ground and it doesn't work. how do i fix this to make this work on ground units as well and have each unit being targeted be attacked by it's own projectile?
Level 1
Jul 16, 2009
Multi Shot

Hey i made a multi shot abillity yesterday and it do show all 3 - 9 projectile i want it to, the problems I had was that "targets allowed" were only set to air and not ground and organic, check those boxes and remember that it is an orb effect and will not work with other orb effects example; I made a Firelord with split shot, problem is that he has incenerate witch is an orb effect = if i have trained the abillity with him the multi shot abillity won't work (fires at one target only) also i set the maximum targets allowed on the hero to 9 wich i made the multi shot abillity lvl 3 to. I hope this information will help you

Oh and btw: if you want the multishot to only shoot inside the units range then remember to set the abillity AOE to the same as the unit ;) or it might shoot further then the units showed range
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so you're saying it's possible to attack more than 1 target at a time, just not possible to have multiple projectiles at once? and, how do you make it work on ground units too?

I have used barrage in one of my maps months ago and it worked on me.

Be sure to set the missile model of the barrage ability to be the same as your unit's missile model.
You can change the targets allowed in the "barrage" ability in the ability editor.
Level 4
Jul 1, 2009
wow i just had this problem a while ago....anyways on the barrage ability it will say "air, enemy" Double click on it and add ground.....it should now say ground, air, enemy
Level 5
Feb 16, 2005
i've got the targets set to include air, ground, enemy, organic, mechanical, pretty much everything lol. i've got the same missile assigned to every attack and the ability. my unit isn't a hero and doesn't have any other orb abilities, just this modified barrage. yet still, the best i can get is firing 4 projectiles at 4 air targets, and still just able to fire 1 at 1 ground target. anything i'm missing? or is there a map or something that i can be directed to where somebody's gotten this to work?
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