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Multi Language System 1.2

Multi Language System
V. 1.2

Make your map support Multilanguage.

An GUI made system, easy to understand and to Import...


History: I wanted to make my map support 2 main Languages, English & German. (or even more.. but later..)

Using for what?:You can show every player a message (ex. a hint) in his own language (you just have to set the message in the varriable)
It may be good in RPG games, because i cant understand good english^^.. so the mapmaker could add german or even other languages.

Code: GUI , MPU
Creator: Cr4ck4r

How it works?
(Warning: This will only work if the NAME of "hf00" (footman) was NOT changed)
Well, creating a unit on startup, taking its name, compare it with strings and output a language.

If name of unit:
Soldat = set to German
Footman = set to English
You can also take an other Unit for that (ex below..)
Fleisch Wagen = set to German
Meat Wagon = set to English
( I just took footman, becuase its easy to search on google for french and spain name :D )

In this map:

-Language: English, german, french, spain
-with some examples for them ;)

I only upload the "main" system trigger
Examples you can find in the map.

  • MultiLanguageSystem
    • Ereignisse
      • Map initialization
    • Bedingungen
    • Aktionen
      • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- DELETE THIS MESSAGE --------
      • -------- DELETE THIS MESSAGE --------
      • -------- DELETE THIS MESSAGE --------
      • Spiel - Display to (All players) for 4.00 seconds the text: Test commands: -fr...
      • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- settings varriables, the Languages --------
      • -------- You can add more Languages here --------
      • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • Set GERMAN = 1
      • Set English = 2
      • Set French = 3
      • Set Spanish = 4
      • Set UnsupportedLanguage = 5
      • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- settings for all players --------
      • -------- Language will be set to: 1-5 (integer) --------
      • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
        • Do Multiple ActionsFor each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
          • Schleifen - Aktionen
            • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
            • -------- Creating a constant Unit, save it in a varriable --------
            • -------- and compare names later --------
            • -------- WARNING: Works only if you DONT have changed the NAME of "hf00" (footman) --------
            • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
            • -------- okay, TempPoint to avoind leaks ;) --------
            • Set TempPoint = (Center of (Playable map area))
            • -------- Create "hf00" (footman) and save it as varriable --------
            • Einheit - Create 1 Soldat for (Player((Integer A))) at TempPoint facing Vorgabe für Gebäude-Ausrichtung (270.0) degrees
            • -------- Lets save the unit NAME as a varriable (for every player) --------
            • -------- to compare it later --------
            • Set TestUnitNAME[(Player number of (Player((Integer A))))] = (Name of (Last created unit))
            • Einheit - Remove (Last created unit) from the game
            • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_TempPoint)
            • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
            • -------- GERMAN --------
            • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • 'IF'-Bedingungen
                  • TestUnitNAME[(Player number of (Player((Integer A))))] Gleich (==) Soldat
                • 'THEN'-Aktionen
                  • -------- If name = xxx => then set "Language" to "german/french/spain/english/or not supported language yet(integer)" --------
                  • Set Language[(Player number of (Player((Integer A))))] = GERMAN
                • 'ELSE'-Aktionen
                  • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • -------- English --------
                  • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                    • Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                      • 'IF'-Bedingungen
                        • TestUnitNAME[(Player number of (Player((Integer A))))] Gleich (==) Footman
                      • 'THEN'-Aktionen
                        • -------- If name = xxx => then set "Language" to "german/french/spain/english/or not supported language yet(integer)" --------
                        • Set Language[(Player number of (Player((Integer A))))] = English
                      • 'ELSE'-Aktionen
                        • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                        • -------- French --------
                        • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                          • Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                            • 'IF'-Bedingungen
                              • TestUnitNAME[(Player number of (Player((Integer A))))] Gleich (==) Fantassin
                            • 'THEN'-Aktionen
                              • -------- If name = xxx => then set "Language" to "german/french/spain/english/or not supported language yet(integer)" --------
                              • Set Language[(Player number of (Player((Integer A))))] = French
                            • 'ELSE'-Aktionen
                              • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                              • -------- Spain --------
                              • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                                • Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                                  • 'IF'-Bedingungen
                                    • TestUnitNAME[(Player number of (Player((Integer A))))] Gleich (==) Soldado Raso
                                  • 'THEN'-Aktionen
                                    • -------- If name = xxx => then set "Language" to "german/french/spain/english/or not supported language yet(integer)" --------
                                    • Set Language[(Player number of (Player((Integer A))))] = Spanish
                                  • 'ELSE'-Aktionen
                                    • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                                    • -------- What?... not supported? well.. --------
                                    • -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                                    • Set Language[(Player number of (Player((Integer A))))] = UnsupportedLanguage


-1.0 first release
-1.1 removed that player number things,
made little bit clearer,
now compare string=string
added 2 new examples: message on kill, -from
and even more documentation ;)
-1.2 using Map initialization..
Give me credits if using this =)

language multi test choose cr4ck4r english german french spain

Multi Language System (Map)

19th July 2011 Maker: Could be useful for someone.




19th July 2011
Could be useful for someone.
Level 4
Jul 22, 2010
post the triggs?



Btw, nice idea ^^ (I thought of it 2 weeks ago, but I realized that I can't support more than 1 language since the grammer would be an epic fail)


As A system, I wouldn't give it a high rating, but as a concept, it's great :D
You could change all your strings to string arrays ^^
.. 2/5 :(
:p i think system It is similar to a concept, and conversely^^
the message-string? i will try your suggestion :p
hmm my version because you need the GetLocalPlayer() as i know
// this returns the language of a player (you can add more :P)
function GetPlayerLanguage takes player p returns string
    local unit u = CreateUnit(Player(15),'hfoo',0,0,0)
    local string s
    local string ss = "English"
    if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
        set s = GetUnitName(u)
    call RemoveUnit(u)
    set u = null
        if s =="Soldat" then
            set ss= "German"
        //elseif s == "???" then
            //set ss="???"
    return ss

with the condtion that the name of the soldier is not changed els you have to change it