MPQ Help

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Level 8
Aug 13, 2009

I've been trying to make my own .mpq file, so I won't have to import each custom item I use in my campaign one by one, but instead do what the Ominous Horizons did, which was make their own .mpq so that the units would be there already, (yes I am aware the .mpq was just made for downloaders, they weren't really using it because everyone would need it) though I need one for testing and such.

Anyways, what I've done so far is edit the OH's .mpq and add my custom stuff into it. I compressed / encrypted exactly like they did and when I try to use my .mpq it says that the War3xlocal.mpq is corrupted. How do I fix this? Do the units/abilities folder names have to be named exactly like the .mdx? Or am I just doing something totally incorrect? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

{EDIT 1}
Still need help.

{EDIT 2}
I'm still needing help.
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Level 8
Aug 13, 2009
Does it really matter why I want to use? It is a request forum. Meaning, I, someone who has no knowledge of what I asked help for, is asking you (most of you, anyways) who do know what they're doing, to help me better understand it, so that I may use it in the future.

I want to use it, for testing and general campaigns. Out of respect, however, don't reply to my post if you have no intentions of helping me, because that wastes both of our times.
Level 8
Aug 13, 2009
Indeed. I have checked them all and none of them are corrupted. I personally think it was the program I was using. It was called, "MPQEditor". I downloaded WinMPQ, I don't know how to use it though, or if it works for that matter.
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