Move Instantly & Face Angle; Please Help?

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Level 2
Nov 18, 2005
Ok so im making a turn based game. I havent gotten into anything fancy yet with animations, im just trying to make it playable. My problem comes with the movement. My units have no movement speed, just so the players (my brothers and I :p) can't do anything weird with them in-game. The way the movement is set up is the unit casts an ability "Move Up" and it moves him up 1 square. Problem is: when I use the "Unit - Move (casting unit) instantly to (Center of <region>), facing 90 degrees" he doesn't change his facing angle until I've moved him the second time. I've tried just moving him twice in the trigger (duplicating the move instantly action) and it still doesn't change his facing angle until I've casted the ability the second time. Any ideas on how to fix this? Keep in mind that I can't just make the unit face 90 degrees because they can't move.
Level 16
May 1, 2008
Seas =)

Yep if the movement speed is 0 the unit won't turn anyway. If the unit attack a unit the unit will still stand at the position even if the enemy unit is behind this attacking unit.

What you can do:
- When you cast the ability, give the unit a small movementspeed. After the unit face the point you want, set the movementspeed again to 0.
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