In your post it looks like you will have more then one item/region I would recommend to have a look in arrays Array Tutorial
I made something up for you that should give you some help...
ShopTeleport Init
Map initialization
-------- Shadowing the Integer will make the variable local but you can acces it like a normal global GUI variable --------
-------- This has to be done as the first action in your trigger --------
Custom script: local integer udg_tempInt
-------- One Segment will be look like this --------
-------- 1. Increase the maximum amount by one --------
-------- 2. Set your Item type that should bring you to the special location --------
-------- 3. set the region of your location and add it to the list --------
-------- You can swap 2 and 3 but I would suggest to keep it constant for every new entry and of course use good descriptive names --------
Set ShopTeleport_MaxCount = (ShopTeleport_MaxCount + 1)
Set ShopTeleport_ItemTypes[ShopTeleport_MaxCount] = ItemA
Set ShopTeleport_Regions[ShopTeleport_MaxCount] = RegionA <gen>
Set ShopTeleport_MaxCount = (ShopTeleport_MaxCount + 1)
Set ShopTeleport_ItemTypes[ShopTeleport_MaxCount] = ItemB
Set ShopTeleport_Regions[ShopTeleport_MaxCount] = RegionB <gen>
Set ShopTeleport_MaxCount = (ShopTeleport_MaxCount + 1)
Set ShopTeleport_ItemTypes[ShopTeleport_MaxCount] = ItemC
Set ShopTeleport_Regions[ShopTeleport_MaxCount] = RegionC <gen>
Set ShopTeleport_MaxCount = (ShopTeleport_MaxCount + 1)
Set ShopTeleport_ItemTypes[ShopTeleport_MaxCount] = ItemD
Set ShopTeleport_Regions[ShopTeleport_MaxCount] = RegionD <gen>
-------- I like to automatically fill in the points for each region due to leaking --------
For each (Integer tempInt) from 1 to ShopTeleport_MaxCount, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set ShopTeleport_Points[tempInt] = (Center of ShopTeleport_Regions[tempInt])
ShopTeleport Action
Unit - A unit Acquires an item
-------- I think shadowing is not really needed by the speed of the trigger actions but I just want to be safe --------
Custom script: local integer udg_tempInt
-------- We looping through the items-array that will teleport the hero --------
For each (Integer tempInt) from 1 to ShopTeleport_MaxCount, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
-------- because we shadowing the tempInt variable and every if in GUI is a new function we just make our own via custom code --------
Custom script: if ( GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem()) == udg_ShopTeleport_ItemTypes[udg_tempInt] ) then
-------- If we found a match the unit will be teleported --------
Unit - Move (Triggering unit) instantly to ShopTeleport_Points[tempInt]
-------- and the item will be removed from the game --------
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