i was able to make this work for items on the ground, but can't make it work for items in the shop.
no items
Unit - HEY! LISTEN! 0616 <gen> Is issued an order targeting an object
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(Item-type of (Target item of issued order)) Equal to tome of strength +2
(Item-type of (Target item of issued order)) Equal to tome of agility +2
(Item-type of (Target item of issued order)) Equal to manual of health
(Item-type of (Target item of issued order)) Equal to tome of Intelligence +2
(Item-type of (Target item of issued order)) Equal to strength, intelligence, agility + 5 each
(Item-type of (Target item of issued order)) Equal to power overwhelming
(Item-type of (Target item of issued order)) Equal to rune for the ruined
Unit - Pause HEY! LISTEN! 0616 <gen>
Unit - Order HEY! LISTEN! 0616 <gen> to Stop
Unit - Unpause HEY! LISTEN! 0616 <gen>
Game - Display to (All players) for 1.00 seconds the text: u cant buy items