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most overpowered offensive class at 70 (PVP)

most OP

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Level 8
May 7, 2007
none of them are the ultimate BEST, if you have the gear your gonna rock arena no matter what class, but if i had to pick...

Resto Healing Druid - Travel form , lots of heal over times

Holy/Prot Healing Paladin - Can take a bunch of damage if specced/geared right and also heal pretty good.

Disc/Holy Priest - Disc priests are commonly found in arena, using Power Word: Shield and other talents to heal effectively. Really dangerous in pvp if specced / geared right.

Sub/Asass Hemorrage Rogue
- If specced right, and using swords/fists/maces a hemorrage rogue is pretty good.

Beastmaster Hunter - I dont know for sure about hunters, i never leveled one past 25.

Demonolgy/Affliction or Demonolgy/Destro Warlock - Affliction was nerfed with Resillience but is still alright if specced with demonolgy / Not sure about demonologic destro lock, but I have seen some people reccomend it.

Elemental/Resto Shaman - If specced right and geared, can deal a bit of damage.

Arms/Fury Warrior - If specced enough arms and some fury, a mortal strike warrior is effective at destroying healers and clothies.

Arcane/Fire Mage - This dangerous yet vulnerable pvp spec is effective at blasting away targets fast, but at the cost of a lot of mana. If geared and specced right, you can be dangerous in PvP.

Arcane/Frost Mage
- This spec may not be as effective in damage as a fire mage, but has more survival against melee and Frozen targets.

There are tons of ways to spec, there is no overpowered class if geared and specced right.
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
Enhancing Shammys if geared right can give so much dmg its sick (i know cuz i have one)Dual-Weild + Crit
Level 2
Apr 4, 2008
you have to admit that warriors burst+MS is OP especially in two's against a 1 DPS 1 healer team because the healer can't do enough (unless he is a druid =/)
Level 2
Apr 4, 2008
at 50-60 almost no classes can beat a rogue because there is no resil and you don't have all of ur end game skills where as all rogues need is ambush backstabs and stuns
at 50-60 almost no classes can beat a rogue because there is no resil and you don't have all of ur end game skills where as all rogues need is ambush backstabs and stuns

:p Man, must have been bad Mages, SPriests, Druids.

There weren't Resilience before, but it didn't stop Mages from perma-kiting with rank 1 Frostbolt.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I'd say the game is pretty balanced. Little things here and there, but overall it's not bad. Can you imagine doing all the balancing? There's a lot of spells and gear in the game.
Warlocks are about as IMBA as they come for Arenas. A friend of mine plays one and he's number two in our battle group for 3's.

They are good for the Spell Lock, because the Warlock himself doesn't have to be in LOS or in range to interrupt a caster, the pet just have to be locked on the person. Aside from this, they have a pretty decent CC that works pretty well that has a chance of separating healer and DPS target.

But though, they'll be crippled by a lot if the opposing team uses 4 or so pieces of SR plus Shadow Protection, which will force the Warlock to gem spell penetration, but still will not have enough to reduce the resistance to the lower 25% percentile.

I personally didn't have much problem against Warlocks before I quit, but Rogues are tough when you need to endure a CC of a partner(by not using trinket) or get an unbreakable Blind straight up. In 3v3 though, Rogues are always seen by the BM Hunter with Detect Stealth on, stacking with Paranoia.
Level 22
May 11, 2004
There is no contest here.


Granted there are other pain in the arse classes, like warlocks, but they have much more weaknesses, and have fewer escape options. I PvP with an enhancement shaman and a holy paladin. Both those classes have no defense/survivability against rogues.

With mace stun, they can basically auto attack you to death and not let you get even a single attack off, and allows them to spend their combo points on more offensive attacks. There has been COUNTLESS times where I was taken from 100% to 0% and not even able to get a single attack off, except when certain cooldowns were up (i.e. blink, divine shield, ect) but all those do is just prolong the an already inevitable losing fight. the biggest exploit they have: THEY COMPLETELY NEGATE ALL CASTING ABILITIES, which makes some classes completely helpless against them. With the dozen different stuns, and of course, kick, which silences a player for what feels like half an hour. They make it so healers cannot heal, and they have anti-healing poisons that would make mortal strike warriors blush....

They can stealth, freely pick their fights, and ambush you from out of nowhere with no time to prepare, keep you stunned the entire fight and simply prevent you from getting away, should you somehow break free, with deadly throw, slowing poisons and sprint.

If in the rare occasion the fight actually DOES turns against a rogue, they have more escape options then every other class COMBINED. Evasion basically gives them complete damage immunity for a good period of time, cheat death basically adds 10k HP to their heath (a pyroblast critting them for 20 damage!? C'mon...), and can tank multiple players even better then a prot warrior with shield wall on. They can vanish and disappear in a split second and completely remove themselves from combat even when there was several players actively beating on them. They can stun and sprint away, they can blind a player for 10 seconds and run away. They have more collective CC then any other class. I once saw a rogue sap 1 player, blind a second and cheap shot a third, effectively single-handedly removing 3 players from a fight. No one else can do that.

With all that they are the hardest class to kill, have the most CC, and the hardest class to survive against. They are the only class that has never seen a significant nerf, and has actually been buffed every patch, even though its the class that least needs it. And since all Blizzard development employees play rogues, we are not likely to ever see them nerfed. Ever.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
It's never fun against a rogue, but playing as one, sure. And VG, I don't see Blizzard GM's using Rogues as having anything to do with it, since they don't actually use the class at all.

And might I remind you that evade is completely wonderful to an MS Warrior with overpower :D

I kept it on my tab key because I used it so often xD You'd actually be surprised how many rogues there are that are stupid enough to pop evasion on a warrior lol
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