Models From My Upcoming Project

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@HammerFist123- Thanks much! It means alot.

@Everyone- Could use some opinions on the new project logo. Sorry if this is wrong section, but I didn't want to make a whole new thread when I already have a good one here.

The Logo looks great! I wish I could say something constructively critical but it all looks really good.
I'ma back!

For the past few days I've been trying and failing to convert my rigged human male basemesh to warcraft 3. It's not animated yet, but I don't want to animate it and then have is screw up and then have to reanimate it.
The texture isn't finished either. I've only blocked in the highlights and finished the symmetrical part of the face so far. Like before, I don't want to get to much into until I know I can make this model work in warcraft 3.


Before that I was working on a medieval barn. Like all of my models, I based it off of time appropriate photographs. I do a lot of research on time periods and the way people lived before I make models. I find that helps a lot.
The mod will take place in a time period somewhat like the high middle ages. (11th, 12th, 13th centuries)
It was a time period in which Europe's economy and population started increasing and getting better rapidly.
The low middle ages, which was the period right before, started about the time the Western Roman Empire collapsed. Europe went downhill from there and become EXTREMELY sparsely populated, fractionalized, and war torn.
It ended as barbarian invasions and conflict were winding down and people were able to organize themselves.
The High Middle ages ended when famines and the black death started showing up, and then shit hit the fan and everything went downhill. Eventually the Renaissance happened and things got better. (Stuff happened before that too though.)
So the mod happens in a fantasy world, but things are somewhat similar. Its the High Middle Ages, and things are going ok, and then a bunch of bad stuff happens at the wrong place and the wrong time (equivalent to the black death and other such calamities) and the world goes downhill.
Of course both history and the story are much more complex than that, but hey, the more you know.
Anyways, back to barns.
The transition from the ground to the inside of the barn will not be apparent once I make some more models.


The barn is huge. You will be able to go inside of it in game.

Also, I've been trying to get some physics animations into warcraft 3. They aren't working exactly right but they will be soon.
I made a few of them for a request I'm doing.
Here is a few screens from the model request. It's meant to be a dungeon building kit. The doors have said physics animations of them being broken down.



The models are low poly and have smaller textures then my other models. I'll release them in the terrain forum and in this thread when I'm done since the pack upload system is a pain to use.

I've also decided I'll eventually some most of the project models for Hunter.
Not anytime in the near future though, and I won't be releasing story specific models. (Characters, special buildings, etc).
Also I'll be updating a lot more regularly now.

This concludes this update.
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Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
1,122, you draw where you can and cannot walk through instead of putting pathing blockers, and import it as custom pathing texture.
In other words you don't have to use pathing blockers.
That being said.. I'm not sure whether it is a good idea, pathing textures can't be rotated, must have to be of certain dimensions and don't scale.
In other words, your models would require a fixed angle and fixed scale for the pathing texture to be of any use.
Unless I'm mistaken and you can freely rotate/scale pathing textures which I however believe is not the case.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
It does not have to be an invisible platform, you can make any doodad into walkable and it will use its mesh for pathing. This can however end up badly if you have holes/uneven surface it may make units jerk around totally or fall through it. That is why invisible platforms are used, because they are just flat planes so the jerking around is reduced to minimum and also because they are pre-made...
Walking, leaving footprints and splats works on walkable doodads properly as if it was terrain. You can even animate walkable doodads and units will raise/fall with it completely naturally.
In theory, you could make absolutely ridiculous dynamic level design such as wildy floating islands/ships that sway around.
I didn't see that done though, which is a shame. Maybe it is not efficient performance wise ? Or people are just lazy and unimaginative ?

You can even make huge units into walkables, Shadow of the Colossus style and units will bob around and change elevation as the doodad moves.
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Update time.
Haven't been overly productive, but got some important things done.

First off, the mesh of the main character is finished. Texture/animations are not.






The main character is an assassin by the way. However, I designed him to look more like a traveler than a traditional video game assassin . He has lots of storage and isn't armed to the teeth, because if you stroll around with a longbow, a crossbow, three daggers, and a sword strapped to you people are going to suspect something and it will painfully obvious you're out to cause trouble. But more on that later.
Two things about the model: The shading is not how it will look in warcraft 3 at all, it probably won't even be shaded with warcraft 3. I'll tag it unshaded and then use the vertex color function to change overall shading based on lighting and smaller shading will be done with the texture.

Also, he's going to look completely different once I texture him.

Second of all, I bought a commercial license for Pixologic ZBrush, which is a digital sculpting software that is used to create characters for both games and movies, but is also quite useful for environment art. It isn't as useful for warcraft 3 as 3ds Max is, but I'm going to use if for things other than warcraft 3 modding.

It saves me a massive amount of time when it comes to things like rocks and bones that would be a total pain to make in 3ds max.



That's just a few odd things I made for warcraft 3. They are low poly and look very good in terms of mesh, and took about five minutes to make.

The real power of Zbrush lies in character art. The following image is a WIP of a character I was creating for the sole purpose of learning ZBrush. It will not be used in any mod or game.


I've also made a few props in the last few days. Nothing particularly glamorous.




Also, I thought this would be a good time to actually tell you all about the mod, considering all you know about comes from a few props and a project logo.

First off, Hunter is a semi-open world strategic assassination campaign that focuses on choice, story, and realism. After the introductory missions, which give you a glimpse into the backstory and introduce the characters, you will be given contracts to travel to different parts of the world and eliminate people. You get contracts from a central hub map, and then you loadingscreentravel to a region of the world that will bring you close to your target. Said region will consist of several maps that are connected in the same fashion as the maps are in the Rexar TFT campaign. You are free to travel between these maps but you may not leave until you have in some way completed your contract. All contracts will have at least two possible completion paths.
The contracts are the "main quest" and will advance the story, taking you from solving petty disputes with killing to choosing the fate of small towns to changing the face of the earth.
There will also be plenty of small side quests to do while on a contract. And no, I do not mean the "collect 10 wolf hides" sidequests. The sidequests will be smaller stories of their own designed to further to develop the world.

All of this is created with realism in mind. You have to pick which weapons you want to take on which missions (for example, on a stealthy mission you might take only a dagger, but if you want to brute force a mission you could take a sword or a crossbow, and weapons will allow you to adapt to the situation or to your favored style of play), you have to eat and drink and occasionally sleep, the AI will be as realistic as I can make it, and the entire world is firmly grounded in real history and knowledge, with fantasy elements thrown in. I have researched pretty much everything, from weapons to housing and lifestyle, to keep Hunter as real as possible in most ways.

Combat will be short and decisive. You and everyone else has low health and deals high damage. This is why it is so important to try and kill people via stealth. You will not last long in an open fight unless you have specifically developed the main character for it, which means you will have to sacrifice other things.

Stealth is a very big aspect of the mod. Whether or not you are detected will depend upon several factors, including stats, lighting, enemy sight, noise, and how you kill or disable enemies. When you enter stealth, you will crouch and walk more slowly, and will have different animations. You can leave stealth by using the ability again.

There is obviously more, that was just an overview.
Quite the update, hope It wasn't too long.
Anyways, I would like to hear any thoughts on all of this. Thanks!




if you look at the different robes, you'll notice the details. The one in your model is way to sphere-like doesn't really look like cloth, it should atleast have some sharpy feeling in. As for the rest, it's looking quite nice, probably give some more specific traits to the face, it looks a bit standard.

Concerning the shading. For wc3 it's better that the shadding be on the model and not on the texture itself. Trust me if looking at your art style, you'll depend a lot on lights inside the game. only normals (the ones that define shading) are afected by them, so model shading is important.
I'll just use smoothing groups and fix the shading then. I appreciate the feedback.
I'm going to be gone for most of this coming week, so I'm not going to make any progress then.
Inspiration struck last night though and I have a very, very good idea for the introduction. I will try to finish it as soon as possible and then continue on to the first testing version, which will consist of the intro and the first contract. I estimate the first part of the game will have around 10 contracts. Each should take about an hour to complete if you do a few sidequests and the full contract. Probably more if you do everything.
The second half of the mod will be somewhat different.
Right now the biggest thing standing between me and really starting the actual mod is the human models. I need to make models for male and female adults, as well as male and female kids. Once I get a base model I will slightly modify it and reskin it into 3 or 4 different variations. I also need to do some heavy modifications to my male basemesh to make the model for the soldiers on one of the antagonist factions, and I need to modify both the male and female model heavily to make the members of the other antagonist faction.
So for the intro and test I'm looking at about 5 completely different human models and somewhere around twenty to twenty five small variations for said models in all. All must be animated. The male and female base mesh are done, and the main character is done, but that is it.
This will take a lot of time. If anyone is experienced in this field I could use some help.
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Just got back from a week long trip.
Here's a quick WIP of something I'm cooking up. Everything except the head was modeled in 3ds max, the head was sculpted in zbrush and then retopologized in max and zbrush.
Current polygon count is 1,120.


Nice, Looking forward to see the project finish.
Here is the finished mesh of the WIP I showed yesterday. I am currently working on the UVs.


I'm going to try to do something pretty cool with the flag on his back. If everything works out it will use cloth physics that are physically accurate to the rest of the animations.

I'm not currently working on my project because it's good to take a break and make lower poly models every once in awhile. If I have some spare time I may end up making a few models for you all.
Is there anything you want? I'm not going to make a character for you, because that takes at least three days, but I would be more than happy to do a few props.

Any requests taken will be done in order of

First) Time taken/ difficulty
Second) Speed at which you request it

Leave a reply in the thread and PM me with any specific details. This is only going to last two or three days.
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Interesting. What exactly do you mean by bad scaling? I watched the video and it was very cool but I still didn't quite get it. Both the wolf and the orc in my model are based off natural proportions.
Do you want me to just scale the wolf up while keeping the orc the same size? Because that is going to cause some problems with clipping if I don't also scale up the orc.

By the way, here is the side silhouette.

Interesting. What exactly do you mean by bad scaling? I watched the video and it was very cool but I still didn't quite get it. Both the wolf and the orc in my model are based off natural proportions.
Do you want me to just scale the wolf up while keeping the orc the same size? Because that is going to cause some problems with clipping if I don't also scale up the orc.

By the way, here is the side silhouette.


I think rescaling the wolf a bit will look better in-game, but I'm not sure what you are trying to do for your project.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Here is the finished mesh of the WIP I showed yesterday. I am currently working on the UVs.
This model will probably be my entry into a certain modeling contest once it is hosted. If you compare it to the orc raider unit you may notice some similarities.

Yeah... I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way.
Contest entries must be created FOR the contest. You can't use work you started before.
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