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Your task is to create a low-poly model, which by definition should be consisted of 400 triangles or less.
AlienAtSystem's Spirit Chakram | Points | |
| The mesh looks rather decent, however, it is nothing too impressive. The model could benefit from a few more changes, or something else to stand out and make it special. One thing that sort of bothers me is that the weapon doesn't look 'weaponized' enough. It doesn't look very sharp, since the wooden edges look rather dull. |
3/10 points |
| The projectile version spins, whereas the attachment model has no animations. Although extremely simple, this is intended, and befitting of the model's role. |
3/10 points |
| The model uses a few simple Blizzard-made textures. Although they fit with eachother, they are rather boring. I honestly prefered your previous iteration of the model more, as it had a more interesting color scheme. Additionally, there are several wrapping issues on the main mesh of the model - the edges don't connect properly. Although, admittedly, they wouldn't be visible in-game at all. |
2/10 points |
| Honestly... I found the idea rather dull. It's a simple attachment\projectile model, obviously intended to fit with the Huntress and Sentry models, with a lightning theme. I've seen this kind of weapon often before, both in Warcraft 3 and outside of it. |
2/10 points |
| All needed mechanics for a projectile model are present. Death sound, spawn sound and even a ribbon emitter. |
5/5 points |
| I like the lightning effect. It stands out well in-game. The stock projectile ribbon emitter is also there. However, the effects are few, and rather simple. |
3/5 points |
[C]While the model itself is fairly decent, it has a few wrapping mistakes, and is relatively simple. Personally, I think that attachment models are a rather cheap cop-out on the "Less is More" theme. I would've preferred a unit, a building or even a doodad.[C]18/50 |
GhostThruster's "MC Hammer" | Points | |
| The mesh is well done. The helmet looks like an accurate representation of Master Chief's helmet, which, I assume, was the idea. However... I believe that it could've been done with less polygons, since it is merely an attachment model. As it stands, it's far too round and 'perfect' for Warcraft III. I honestly don't see this model being used often in-game. Additionally, there are several verticles and faces that are invisible in-game, and could have been removed. |
4/10 points |
| Although the model has no animations whatsoever, that is to be expected of an attachment model. |
3/10 points |
| The texture, which I assume is hand-drawn, is well made. However, the color scheme is the absolute opposite of Warcraft 3's standard: It is muted, gray, and very unnoticeable in-game. Since the model will be visible from a top-down perspective most of the time, all that is visible is a grayish-green blob and a bit of orange. Additionally, there are a few very minor wrapping issues: One on the visor(the texture connects poorly in the middle), and one on the underside of the 'horns' of the helmet. |
6/10 points |
| Recreating the Master Chief's helmet from Halo is not a very creative idea, since you're essentially using someone else's idea and recreating it. Additionally, the same applies as what I said about AlienAtSystem's model: Attachment models are sort of cheap, considering the theme is "Less is More". I can hardly see the "more" part of making a simple attachment model. |
1/10 points |
| All needed mechanics for a projectile model are present... That is to say, none, since this is an attachment model. It functions well in-game, however, and that's all that matters. I did notice a collision box, although I fail to see the use of it. |
5/5 points |
| The model is completely devoid of any special effects whatsoever. You could've at least added a flashlight or something. |
0/5 points |
[C]Again, while the model is alright, and the mesh is well done, it has a few wrapping mistakes, and is relatively simple. I think that attachment models are a rather cheap cop-out on the "Less is More" theme. A unit, or even a building or a doodad, would've been preferable.[C]19/50 |
SuPa-'s Cave Goblin | Points | |
| The mesh is evidently expertly crafted. Everything looks great in the model editor, except for the forehead, which I found to be a bit too large\long, and flat. Also, the arms seem a little bit too long, especially compared to the legs, although that might be intentional to demonstrate the goblinoid form. It even has a rather recognizable silhouette in-game, which means you could easily tell when it's a cave goblin(or a horde of 'em!) that's attacking you. However, it does lack some additional details. Most importantly, a weapon. I realize that the idea is that you could simply attach your own weapons, but a weaponless model is not of much use to your average mapmaker, especially since this is not an epic hero or anything, but a simple cave goblin, which will probably serve as a low-tier unit, or a creep. You could have also added in some simple shoulderpads, or a hat, at the expense of some of those polygons that you used in the head, chest, or arms. The loincloth could also have been a lot simpler. A simple triangle would've sufficed, especially with an alpha'd out texture(you could've made a meld between the TC area and the alpha'd out area). Now.... I've made a decision to include your separate portrait file, since it was below the 400 triangle limit, and I feel that it would be unfair towards WhiteDeath's Heavy Trooper if I didn't include the separate portraits, seeing how he didn't include an inbuilt one. I didn't see anything regarding the portrait in the rules, either. |
9/10 points |
| The animations are very bland and boring. There is little to no variation, and they seem rather stiff. A couple more variations of "Stand" would've really gone a long way, along with a simple "Spell" animation - perhaps a warcry kind of ability? Maybe he could throw a rock? I really liked your idea of a "Walk Fast" animation, but I couldn't get it to work in-game. I might've been doing something wrong, so I won't take away points for that. It looked pretty nice, too. One thing to note, however, is that most animations were rather... Fast. The Attack and Death animations are the chief culprits here. Additionally, the in-model "Portrait Talk" animation doesn't actually have him open his mouth: I was very disappointed in that. Of course, the separate model file rectifies that: The animations are much smoother there. However, I don't feel that the eyes are expressive enough - he just blankly stares, even while he talks, and this makes him feel a bit static and robotic, and not at all evil and beast-like, as he should be(since he's a cave goblin! :O). |
6/10 points |
| The model uses two very well made, custom, hand-drawn(I assume?) textures - one for the model and one of the portrait. HOWEVER... It doesn't fit the in-game style. Like, at all. And herein, I believe, lies the biggest problem of the model. The texture is very bleak, and white, and the teamcolor is heavily shaded, and very dark. It is nearly impossible to make out any details in-game, because... Well, there aren't any. It's just a white, cave-goblin-shaped blob. The teamcolor is nearly impossible to make out, and that's a big problem - I would've suggested teamcolored shoulderpads or a hat. The loincloth is just not visible enough in-game from a top-down perspective, and you can't see the eyes unless you look at the portrait. All in all, it just sticks out in-game, and that is a big problem. Even the portrait looks pretty strange compared to the other models. |
5/10 points |
| I think the idea has a decent amount of creativity in it. It is evidently based on Tolkien-esque cave goblins, with SuPa-'s own twists(teamcolored eyes are pretty sweet). However, it is nothing too special, either. It fits the contest's theme of "Less is More" by demonstrating that 400 triangles are more than enough to create a decent unit model, and a good looking one at that. |
6/10 points |
| I have found that a few key mechanics were missing, or lacking in their execution. The model has no "gutz" bone texture, and therefore, it just slides off into the ground, unrealistically, without leaving behind a corpse. The cameras(both of them) were not placed very well: The in-model portrait camera was at a rather awkward angle, whereas the separate portrait camera was not centered properly, and gave the goblin a bit too much "headroom" - it should've been a bit lower. Blood and footprints were present, although there does seem to be an extra pair of 'footprint' nodes for the Walk Fast animation. This could've been avoided by simply adding the keyframes to the original footprint nodes, instead of creating two additional ones. A portrait was included, along with a team-glow background, which is good. There was also a death sound, although I didn't find it very fitting. The Ghoul's death sound was a bit too long, and a bit too squeaky, compared to how the model's expression looked like and how short the death animation was. |
3/5 points |
| The model was completely devoid of any effects whatsoever. I would have suggested some team glow("Replaceable ID 2") planes over his eyes. Maybe some dust while he's walking? |
0/5 points |
[C]I really like this model. The mesh and texture are very professional and well-done. I just don't think that it was optimized enough for Warcraft 3, and as a result, well, it sticks out. The animations were rather disappointing, as well.[C]29/50 |
Wandering Soul's Shadow Cat | Points | |
| The mesh looks fairly good. I can't say that I'm a big fan of that spiked tail, though. It looks a little strange. The legs look like they are very loosely connected to the body, however. The cat looks a bit "stretched out" and too long, and it sort of adapts a few canine features - before I read the name, I actually had trouble understanding whether that's a cat or a wolf. Of course, the tail is a dead give-away, at least if you ignore the spiky part. The ears look a little bit strange, too, and not very cat-like, and the jaw doesn't look connected to the skull at all. All in all, the mesh looks decent, although slightly deformed in a few places. |
5/10 points |
| Most of the animations are well-made. I am assuming that these are custom, and not taken from a Blizzard model. The "Attack" animations are a bit too abrupt and quick, and they look rather static as well. However, I really like the Walk and Stand animations, as well as Spell Throw - they seem very smooth, and well-made. The death animation... Well, eh. I suppose it makes sense, in case the user wanted to use it as a summoned unit(as was the original intention of the creator), but the "Feral Spirit" spell already comes with a field specifically for that reason called "Art - Special", and this feels like a wasted opportunity. A proper death, with a corpse and all, would've greatly improved the model's usability. There doesn't seem to be any difference between "Portrait" and "Stand", though, which renders the "Portrait" animation useless. |
6/10 points |
| The model utilizes Blizzard's Shade texture, which, I believe, was a rather difficult texture to work with. The wrap is decent, I suppose, but could definitely use some more work here and there - especially around the head and the teamcolored areas. The teamcolor material should've also been "Unshaded", as is the case with most, if not all, Blizzard models. Although the model looks more 'unified', thanks to the use of a single texture, I definitely believe you could've used a couple more. For instance, you could've used the sacrificial skull texture and tinted it black for the head, and you definitely should've found a better texture for the teamcolored parts - perhaps the teamcolored crystal of the Ziggurat? That might've been interesting. I believe that the Shade texture was never meant for big models(as is evident by it's small size), and even then, the Shade is mostly covered in black smoke particles, which is why this particular texture might not have been the best choice for the entire model. |
3/10 points |
| Well, the idea of a shadowy, skeletal cat version of the Dire Wolf(or a similar summoned unit) is rather interesting. There are not a lot of feline models in Warcraft 3 as it is. However, it didn't "blow me away", as one might say. It's a decent idea, but that's about it. It fits with the theme rather well, seeing how summoned units definitely shouldn't have a lot of faces on them as they are, and with an awesome 399 out of 400 triangles used, it's just about qualified. |
5/10 points |
| All needed mechanics are present... However, I personally don't think the Death sound fits too well(the one used is the Naga Myrmidon's), and the decision to use Troll footsteps seems a bit silly to me, seeing how there is an existing "paw" footprint. Additionally, there is no background teamglow in the "Portrait" animation! This is a pretty big thing, as it goes against Blizzard's established standards, and generally degrades the model's in-game appearance. |
3/5 points |
| Although there seems to be a particle emitter during the "Death" animation, it doesn't seem to show up in-game. I do not know the cause of this, but as a result, the model has no visible effects at all. Personally, I think it would benefit greatly from a lot of team-glow planes, similar to the Spirit Wolf(on the eyes and all over the body), or, a black, shadowy fog all over the body, similar to the Shade. As it is right now, it seems a bit 'empty' and bare. Like I mentioned in the "UV\Textures" part, the Shade texture seems to be meant for a model with particles. The one particle that you did create does not seem to fit very well, at least judging by how it looks like in Magos. but you deserve a point for trying, at least. |
1/5 points |
[C]The model fits the idea of a summoned unit, and looks pretty good. It fits the theme of "Less is More" - in fact, I think a summoned unit is exactly what the saying "Less is More" applies to the most in Warcraft 3. However, the model does contain a few technical flaws, and some of the animations could use some improvement, as well as the mesh and the UV Wrap.[C]23/50 |
UgoUgo's Meteor Fly | Points | |
| Now... I'm, well, honestly not sure what's going on here. The mesh just seems like a lot of random, flat plates of... Rock, I assume...? And those random plates seem to be connected by... Team-glow. I'm just... Confused. Now, this normally wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, but as it is, it looks very random and out-of-place in-game. I'm not even sure how it's supposed to attack! Does it throw fire? Does it stab it's enemies? I honestly have no clue, because of how random it seems! Now, I did really like the mouth area, with the eyes inside of it's mouth, but it is barely visible in-game except for the portrait. |
5/10 points |
| Now, here, the model really shines. There are a LOT of animations, and they're all quite smooth. As random as the model seems, the animations are well-made. The "Death" animations are pretty sweet: The "fade" at the end of it gives a nice alternative to Blizzard's "explode into bloody bits", seeing how, well, your model doesn't seem like it could actually have any bloody bits in it. "Attack Slam" had me confused for a little while. It seems rather impractical for it to make a spin in the air just to stab someone. Maybe it would've been better as an alternate "Stand" animation? The "Morph" animations are quite interesting, even though, once again... I don't... I can't quite wrap my head about the purpose. Why does it stick out like that? Camouflage? It seems pretty darn visible to me. Maybe on it's native habitat it might look like a part of the environment? I don't even know. However, I really do think that the "Portrait" animations are what makes this model so great. You've made an excellent use of the technique that Blizzard used with the Frost Wyrm's portrait. I really like the starry night appearance, and the eye glow during the "Talk" animations. Sweet stuff there. |
8/10 points |
| Again, I... Have no idea what's going on. I can't even tell what material that's supposed to be. Green rock? Chitin? Metal? I mean, if I didn't know that was the Infernal's texture you're using, I really wouldn't be able to tell what it is. It just seems so random. Whatever wrap there is seems okay, though. I really like what you did with the mouth. You used a fairly underused texture for the teeth, and you used it very well. It looks cool. |
2/10 points |
| Alright. Well. You blew me away. I have no idea what the hell this is supposed to be, so, yeah, I'd say it's pretty creative. :V However, it is pretty... Random. I mean, I'm not saying you should make a footman or anything like that, but it might be a little too MUCH creativity when you really can't tell what it's supposed to be. |
7/10 points |
| All needed mechanics are there. Not even one is missing. As a side note, I like the death sound. It fits well. |
5/5 points |
| There's a LOT of effects on this model. The teamglow, the fire, the glowy eyes, the portrait backdrops, the dust... As a matter of fact, in some cases, I think it might be a bit too much, as it becomes hard to tell what's actually going on in-game. Also, the fire out of it's backside seems a bit... Random. |
3/5 points |
[C]All in all, I think I can sum this model up as... Random. While it is very creative, obviously, I just can't tell what's going on. The effects and the animations are very good, though, and those are some strong bonus points for the model. As for "Less is More", well... I must say, while "less" might not be "more" in this case, it certainly is "something".[C]30/50 |
WhiteDeath's Heavy Trooper | Points | |
| Although it does look a little bit crowded, and it's hard to make out what's what in-game, I do think the mesh is very well done. I'm not sure about the laser sight, though; It seems unnecessary, considering this is a heavy trooper. There really don't seem like a lot of need for aim in this situation. Plus, the way it looks a bit "cut" at the middle looks a little strange. It just distracts from the model in-game, and makes it much longer than it should be, causing awkward collision with other objects. The Goblin also doesn't look too stable: The cannon is far too long compared to the rest of the body, and it seems like it would fall over at any second. Of course, this is a goblin we're talking about here, so I suppose that a little lack of realism isn't such a huge problem. ^^ The portrait mesh is extremely well done. I love how you didn't just use the original model's mesh, but you actually added stuff on top of it and edited it to look great as a separate portrait. |
9/10 points |
| The animations are incredibly well made. They're all very smooth, and play wonderfully. Although it would take a while setting up the proper projectile starting point and animation timing and such for a user in the World Editor, the attack animations still feel pretty good, and very "powerful", indeed. The "Stand Channel" animation is my favorite on the model itself - just spray and pray with a huge-ass Goblin cannon! All of the animations just "feel" very good, although I am slightly unsure about how well they hold up in-game. The "Death" animation is also pretty epic, HOWEVER, you really should've included "Decay" animations. The "Portrait" animations are my overall favorites, however. They are EXTREMELY well done. Probably the best I've ever seen in Warcraft 3. I LOVE how the helmet opens up as part of a global sequence, which gives it a rather 'random' feel. I love all the spinning and moving parts: They really remind me of Starcraft II. In particular, I'm thinking about the M.U.L.E's portrait here. It's just... Well, I really have no words to express how awesome and well done this portrait is. Great job! ...Although, one very minor thing to note is that the animation doesn't reset at the end of "Portrait Talk - 2" and "Portrait Talk - 3". It's not too noticeable, but you could've reset the keyframes there to avoid that sort of glitchy appearance. |
10/10 points |
| I was never a huge fan of the Tinker Tank texture, but eh, I suppose there really is not that many other futuristic\mechanical textures one could use. A few parts from the marine\chaos space orc textures really wouldn't have hurt for some variation, though, because it looks a bit like a gray blob with a big cannon in-game. It's incredibly difficult to make out any details, because it's basically all the same texture. The wrap is great, though - I see no flaws with it. |
6/10 points |
| A goblin heavy gunner, inside a fortified "bunker" power suit, with a huge-ass cannon sticking out in front of it. I'd say that's pretty creative. Of course, the overused Tinker Tank texture sort of ruins it a little bit. |
7/10 points |
| Most needed mechanics are present, as well as a few extra ones. The Death sounds are excellent, in particular. The chain of explosions fits really well... HOWEVER. There are no proper "Decay" animations, and the model doesn't actually disappear upon death, which looks really bad in-game. A "Decay" animation would've gone a long way in this model. |
3/5 points |
| There's plenty of effects on this model. Explosive flashes during the "Attack" and "Spell" animations, light gray exhaust added with a Geoset Sequence, as well as black, smoggy exhaust during the "Walk" animation, a laser sight, red glow around the 'eye'... And they all fit exceedingly well with eachother and the model. There is no overcluttering of effects visible at any point. In my opinion, the Death looks especially awesome. |
5/5 points |
[C]This model shows exactly what "Less is More" means. It accomplishes so freaking much, all at 400 triangles and under. It's just excellent all around, even though there are a few very minor mistakes, and despite of the overused Tinker Tank texture.[C]40/50 |
AlienAtSystem | MESH 3/10 ANIMATIONS 4/10 UV/SKIN 8/10 CREATIVITY 4/10 MECHANICS 4/5 EFFECTS 4/5 Total: 22/50 Seeing a projectile model, as well as fitting attachment to it, is quite uncommon, yet quite a nice idea. The execution of mesh and animations, at such level of simplicity, is good. The effects however might have more variation in more different particles rather than just one. | |
GhostThruster | MESH 8/10 ANIMATIONS 1/10 UV/SKIN 9/10 CREATIVITY 8/10 MECHANICS 4/5 EFFECTS 0/5 Total: 30/50 This attachment model is quite good looking and has a very good mesh and custom texture. You put much effort in composing the artistic parts. However the model is 'just' and attachment and therefore lacks any effects. | |
SuPa- | MESH 10/10 ANIMATIONS 10/10 UV/SKIN 10/10 CREATIVITY 9/10 MECHANICS 3/5 EFFECTS 0/5 Total: 42/50 A typical SuPa- model - great mesh, great animations and great custom skin. You can seemly feel this little fellow. One big negative on this model is that there are no major effects. It would have been very good to see some interesting particle effects on it. Also it is quite hard to select the model and interact with it in the World Editor. | |
UgoUgo | MESH 8/10 ANIMATIONS 10/10 UV/SKIN 8/10 CREATIVITY 10/10 MECHANICS 4/5 EFFECTS 4/5 Total: 44/50 Holy moley! When I first saw that model I had no idea what it might be. The mesh and animations are superb, yet the mesh does not feel entirely Wc3-ish and the texture is a bit too dull in some spots. I really love how you implemented the alternate animations. There a some minor flaws here and there, like some UV mapping issues on the arms of the model as well and the fact that the lower part of the tail looks too misplaced. The fading effect on death does, on my opinion, not really fit quite right. Furthermore the effects are good, but sometimes less is more. | |
Wandering Soul | MESH 7/10 ANIMATIONS 6/10 UV/SKIN 6/10 CREATIVITY 8/10 MECHANICS 3/5 EFFECTS 0/5 Total: 30/50 *Dark Meow sound* Hellish feling model with a great mesh and good animations and skin application. Very creative and through-thought design. What I don't like on this model that the animations are a bit too blocky, especially attack, and that the UV mapping is quite messy in some spots. There are also no effects. | |
WhiteDeath | MESH 8/10 ANIMATIONS 7/10 UV/SKIN 7/10 CREATIVITY 8/10 MECHANICS 2/5 EFFECTS 4/5 Total: 36/50 A cool gunned walker thingy with goblin content. The mesh, animations, effects and UV-mapping are great. The biggest problem is the death animation. The model should disappear at the end of the death animation, which is Wc3 standard. | |
The winner is WhiteDeath with a reward of 40 reputation points! UgoUgo, SuPa-, Wandering Soul, GhostThruster and AlienAtSystem will receive 10 reputation points (placed in ranking order)!
Deolrin and Frankster will also receive 10 reputation points for their contribution as judges!
The winner is WhiteDeath with a reward of 40 reputation points! UgoUgo, SuPa-, Wandering Soul, GhostThruster and AlienAtSystem will receive 10 reputation points (placed in ranking order)!
Deolrin and Frankster will also receive 10 reputation points for their contribution as judges!
[Original Contest]