The vrykul arrival (searching for better name )
Hi! im in a project making my 1rst campaign, it was going to be a vrykul campaign but i didnt had enough models so its going to be a mix of races, im actually a noob doing these things so i cant do models and im searching in this page, its going to be a random history campaign (not warcraft lore related) so not wait for much
Actual Features:
QWED spells system
Basic Vrykul infantry
Main hero done
I want to ask if someone have models of vrykul structures
Hi! im in a project making my 1rst campaign, it was going to be a vrykul campaign but i didnt had enough models so its going to be a mix of races, im actually a noob doing these things so i cant do models and im searching in this page, its going to be a random history campaign (not warcraft lore related) so not wait for much
Actual Features:
QWED spells system
Basic Vrykul infantry
Main hero done
I want to ask if someone have models of vrykul structures
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