• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Originally i wanted to make this unit for a modern warfare map of mine, that's also why it got a custom build-animation. But that project got abadonded so i upload it as a model. I will later upload some more models of this type, they just need some fixes and improvements. It's a military bunker hidden under a hill with a minigun for firing at enemy intruders. Especially effective against enemy infantry, but lesser effective against armored vehicles and vulnerable to aerial bombers. Have fun with it and feel free to use it for any purpose you like (including taking parts of it for own models).
IMPORTANT: the minigun is self-made, not ripped from Frankster's Heavy Metal Fox Tank.

EDIT 1: thanks to DESTROYER123's, Antiface's, KayS, mnib's and Accname's comments this model got one big update. I'm realy glad for your constructive criticism guys and the good ideas for improvement! Thanks a lot! Thanks to you guys, this model looks way better now. It works ingame as well (i tested it).

EDIT 2: added bushes so that it looks more camouflaged.

EDIT 3: due to the ongoing demand, i rescaled the minigun. It's now 1.5x its original size.

EDIT 4: fixed the UV-map impurities on the construction hangar's sides. Also edited a bit the emitters. Looks and performs better now.

EDIT 5: changed the animation names from Stand_1 to Stand 1, as Frankster had pointed out (thanks his good advise about the improper format name). Also, the model should be used as a ''hidden trap'' now, not as a building. It's supposed to fire only into one direction. Also made a few other minor fixes.

EDIT 6: just extended the ground stuff more downward, so that it looks properly on uneven terrain.

minigun, chaingun, bunker, modern warfare, shelter, military, army, defensive structure

Minigun_Bunker (Model)

00:23, 13th Oct 2011 anarchianbedlam: It would be nice to see you put some more effort into this model. the death animation particles dont look too great. (maybe add smoke,.... why would you use the 'sort primitives far Z' button?). Put some UV wrap...




00:23, 13th Oct 2011
anarchianbedlam: It would be nice to see you put some more effort into this model. the death animation particles dont look too great. (maybe add smoke,.... why would you use the 'sort primitives far Z' button?). Put some UV wrap on the sides of the... 'construction cover' and for the birth animation, dontcha think it would look better if the grass bunker appeared BEFORE the construction cover opened?

The format of the animation name is wrong. There should be a space between the animation name and the number.
Also there are many wrapping issues on the whole model.
Also, the model is quite useless if used as a model because tower model tend to have a turret bone which could direct the gun in ANY direction not just one. You failed to see this convention.

It would be great if you could add a base extending a bit underground, in case the model's placed on uneven terrain.

EDIT: Changes made, though I would like to see it go a bit deeper. Add another cylinder below to gain depth. Approved nonetheless.
Looks nice but it doesn't have a door.

this is like a defense tower, i thought of making one with a door first, but than i decided to make it that way, but i changed my mind when i had the first result. I will see, if it gets approved, i will make a ''doored'' version too. If it gets rejected, i don't see the point for making it.
Level 4
Mar 7, 2010
instead of the yellow big part u could use some ground texture like the grass so it fades in terrain, would be more useful

I would definitely like it if the bunker would use the texture of the maps terrain.
I saw an other model of an earthgolem of sorts using this.
Level 49
Jan 20, 2010
gonna check this one later and give my review

EDIT: the model looks good, although there are some wrapping faults like the top of the bunker and the sacks in front. i do suggest adding more polies to the sacks since its only 250 polies right now, more of it wouldn't hurt :)
birth animation looks kinda weird for me. so my rating will be 4/5 :)
a very useful model for any modern warfare map.
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Looks good, but i think it will facing targets or not? that will look realy bad :/

what exactly do you want to say?

gonna check this one later and give my review

EDIT: the model looks good, although there are some wrapping faults like the top of the bunker and the sacks in front. i do suggest adding more polies to the sacks since its only 250 polies right now, more of it wouldn't hurt :)
birth animation looks kinda weird for me. so my rating will be 4/5 :)
a very useful model for any modern warfare map.

Have you downloaded this one now or the first version of it? The printscreen is out of date. I updated it, but the screenie didn't change unfortunately. As mentioned in the discription, the custom birth-animation is supposed to be a hangar (like the UCS buildings in Earth 2150: The Moon Project). I made this birth anime, coz i first intended to make a space campaign, but the project was fast abadonded, so i uploaded the model as it is. The builder unit that was constructing it was going to have a Summon Buildings ability (like the Acolytes).
Level 2
Aug 27, 2011
So it's a much different picture looks like what I saw yesterday ...... sorry I live in a different time zone
perhaps even the surface of the green part should be changed a little bit more on it a couple of plants or flowers
otherwise very smart, Must I use my Wc3map
It is static or not?? When it will attack it will FACE the target
no, it's not static. That must be done in WC3 editor with trigger. I don't think it's makeable in Magos :vw_sad:

perhaps even the surface of the green part should be changed a little bit more on it a couple of plants or flowers
otherwise very smart, Must I use my Wc3map
feel free to use it, you don't need my permission to do that. It's supposed to be a defensive structure, not a hidden defense post. If it would be a hidden defense post it would already have the bushes. Anyway, thanks for the idea, I'll give you rep for it! :ogre_hurrhurr:

I suggest using one of the replaceable cliff textures, like cliff0 or cliff1, so that the bunker will work on ANY terrain you use (those cliff textures change depending on the tileset).

cliff texture is out of date, now it uses a grass texture. Do you maybe know the equivalent grass texture for it (i.e. a grass texture that changes depending on tileset)? Although, using this cliff texture(s) is also a fine idea, will give you rep for it. The only problem is that it would need a re-skin for that :goblin_boom:
Level 10
Mar 25, 2008
Very nice model, i see this being used in modern warfare maps in the future, when i look at this i wonder if you would ever consider making a second one with full stone and sandbags instead of grass, like a newly constructed bunker.
Very nice model, i see this being used in modern warfare maps in the future, when i look at this i wonder if you would ever consider making a second one with full stone and sandbags instead of grass, like a newly constructed bunker.

Well, i am making currently a few more models like this. A minigun and a sniper station. Will be similar to this but not realy a bunker.
Not bad, but I do feel like you... Where a bit slack when making the model. I know you can do much better than this.

thx, but what makes you think that? :goblin_wtf:

about 3 hours ago

sorry Ampha for the delayed reply. Hm, i think you downloaded another old version of it. It's now quite changed.
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Interesting, but has a couple of problems:
1: The sand-bags spontaneously cease in a flat line down either side. Rather than simply wrapping a piece of a sandbag image onto your model, you need to actually change the wrap and mesh so that each sandbag is complete. You can't have half of a sandbag; they don't work the same way as bricks. Basically, you need to have mesh to fit the sandbags, instead of painting them onto the grass.
2: When placed on a hill, the raised edges of this are far above the ground.
3: The metal looks painted onto the grass; it needs its own mesh.

For now, I give this a 2/5. It looks great, but the issues above are a major concern. If you fix these issues, so that it doesn't look as though you painted a picture of sandbags and metal onto the grass, then I will raise my rating to a 3/5. Depending on how good it turns out, possibly even a 4/5, because this is an interesting model.
Interesting, but has a couple of problems:
1: The sand-bags spontaneously cease in a flat line down either side. Rather than simply wrapping a piece of a sandbag image onto your model, you need to actually change the wrap and mesh so that each sandbag is complete. You can't have half of a sandbag; they don't work the same way as bricks. Basically, you need to have mesh to fit the sandbags, instead of painting them onto the grass.
2: When placed on a hill, the raised edges of this are far above the ground.
3: The metal looks painted onto the grass; it needs its own mesh.

For now, I give this a 2/5. It looks great, but the issues above are a major concern. If you fix these issues, so that it doesn't look as though you painted a picture of sandbags and metal onto the grass, then I will raise my rating to a 3/5. Depending on how good it turns out, possibly even a 4/5, because this is an interesting model.

hm, i guess i should add some bushes or plants to it as it has been sooo much misunderstood......O.K. if this makes you happier, i'll add a few bushes in the front of the building.
If the screenshot is out of date, then attach the up-to-date image in the description, like most people do.
I'll open it up and look at it for now.
I opened it up and looked, it still has all of the same problems that I mentioned above:
The metal window that the gun shoots through looks as though it was painted onto the ground. The right side of the window is not flat. I suggest that you actually make a 3-D mesh for the window and sandbags, instead of wrapping them onto the mesh of a hill and pretending it works. If you won't create a 3-D mesh, then at least fix the wrap on the right side of the door, so that it's not squigly all over the place. And fix the wrap of the sandbags to not include half-sandbags.
The sandbags are cut in half on the sides. Look closely and you will notice that. In real life, you can't have half of a sandbag, all the sand spills out.
Also, change the material of the window, door and sandbags to one-sided, as you would never see them from the inside. This will lower the file size of your model.
At the moment all you did was glue a picture of sandbags and a window on the hill, without actually making much.
If the screenshot is out of date, then attach the up-to-date image in the description, like most people do.
I'll open it up and look at it for now.
I opened it up and looked, it still has all of the same problems that I mentioned above:
The metal window that the gun shoots through looks as though it was painted onto the ground. The right side of the window is not flat. I suggest that you actually make a 3-D mesh for the window and sandbags, instead of wrapping them onto the mesh of a hill and pretending it works. If you won't create a 3-D mesh, then at least fix the wrap on the right side of the door, so that it's not squigly all over the place. And fix the wrap of the sandbags to not include half-sandbags.
The sandbags are cut in half on the sides. Look closely and you will notice that. In real life, you can't have half of a sandbag, all the sand spills out.
Also, change the material of the window, door and sandbags to one-sided, as you would never see them from the inside. This will lower the file size of your model.
At the moment all you did was glue a picture of sandbags and a window on the hill, without actually making much.

Oh, yeah, right, that 2-sided must be changed! Originally the mesh was 3D but noone liked it that way. They all suggested me changing it into 2D. Besides, who is going to take a close-enough look ingame for noticing that? Alright, the front part may need a few adds.....
This has gone from awful to pretty nice, good job there!
Only thing though, is that units in warcraft cannot have a limited field of fire, and hence this bunker would be able to fire in all directions (unless you use it as a doodad).
You can make units fire only in a certain angle with triggers. I.E. --> you make a trigger that disables the attack of the desired unit. Than you make a second trigger like this, that enables attack if an enemy unit comes within the range of the bunker and is in a special angle/point with offset or how it's called. And than you make a third trigger, that disables attack again if the unit exits the specified area. That should do the trick. I think (but i'm not 100% sure if it works) the alternate way is to make the bunker a unit without movement and rotation. Units also ''fire only'' into one direction. ;-)
You can make units fire only in a certain angle with triggers. I.E. --> you make a trigger that disables the attack of the desired unit. Than you make a second trigger like this, that enables attack if an enemy unit comes within the range of the bunker and is in a special angle/point with offset or how it's called. And than you make a third trigger, that disables attack again if the unit exits the specified area. That should do the trick. I think (but i'm not 100% sure if it works) the alternate way is to make the bunker a unit without movement and rotation. Units also ''fire only'' into one direction. ;-)

The last one is not possible ( the editor does not allow 0 turn speed), and the first is very hard and demanding, and i can imagine it would be complex if there were more units in proximity at the same time.
The last one is not possible ( the editor does not allow 0 turn speed), and the first is very hard and demanding, and i can imagine it would be complex if there were more units in proximity at the same time.

Turn speed was a bad example for this, as buildings don't have that anyway. The trigger kinda works, but if you have many of those bunkers it starts lagging.
The last one is not possible ( the editor does not allow 0 turn speed), and the first is very hard and demanding, and i can imagine it would be complex if there were more units in proximity at the same time.

This requires the use of triggers and custom abilities. I myself have already made units that are able to attack only in one direction, and it is entirely possible. The same method I also commonly use to allow buildings to turn (when a "building" uses a moving unit's model).
There are probably tutorials on hive that explain how to do this.
I don't feel like explaining right now, but I'll point you in the right direction: Use ancient/uproot ability as your base, and use triggers to disable that ability.