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MineralZ 1.55(f)


*Reworked nearly every system in the game to improve efficiency and reduce lag.

*Removed ALL waves and replaced them with new counter-parts. There are a total of 32 base wave-type units that have varying abilities. Each wave type is modular - allowing me to add/change/remove existing wave types with ease.

*Provided a large buff to the regenerators - double the range and healing but at double the price.

*Removed the ability for any zerg (minus wave 30 boss) to destroy the natural walls in the game.

*Many zerg can now burrow under your wall, jump over your wall, or fly over your wall.

*Reworked Thermal turrets to give them AOE atttacks and multiple attacks per second.

*Reworked Reaper turrets - they now gain damage and attack speed over time (visibly)

*Tesla tower chaining has been reverted back to the original style.

*Added docking port which currently features two air vessels. One that mines and another that attacks.

*Added Mineral Deposits - Large minerals with more life that can only be mined through "Destructive Mining" (Mining ship and Golem)

*Added energy shields as a wall tier option

*Added solar panels as a power generator option

*Added a bunker building

*Reworked the sentry tower

*Added a "Holographic display" that shows what the next wave will be.

*Added/changed a bunch of icons and special effects / sounds.

*Changed Font
*Added a playable zerg slot called "Host" - currently WIP and not quite ready for playing yet. Slot is
filled by a computer but can be filled by a player for testing purposes.

*Added the Artillery canon - a tower that fires at the cost of Rubinite.

*Added Seismic tower - AOE damage with a slow.

*All turrets are constructed by first building the foundation called a turret base. After that is built, it can be upgraded to any turret type. This foundation effectively raises all turrets off the ground.

*Factories no longer require any energy.

*Minerals now have quality. Higher quality = more life and regeneration.

*Reworked terrain generation

*Reworked Zerg AI
For 1.5(a):

Fixed bugs.
For 1.5(c):

Fixed bugs. Wave types are fixed, terrain generation fixed.
For 1.5(c)(1):

Fixed saving (-save).
For 1.51:

Fixed numerous bugs, added wave 40 boss, added new start, victory and defeat sounds. Added various icons for upgrades. Changed how mineral quality affects mining... And much more.
For 1.52:

*Added batteries: Branch off from Generators. Mobile power generation structure that directly uses diamonite to provide energy.
*Easy mode has a longer day 1, higher mineral quality.
*Various balance tweeks: Wave 20 boss has less AOE on his attacks and drains less mana.
*New icons for various upgrades and structures
*Fixed Magnet towers
*Added victory / defeat music
*Increased base find time to 25 seconds
*Miners can now see over most temple blocks
*Fixed multiplayer desyncs due to blizzard patch
*Fixed various bugs
For 1.52(a):

*Minerals now have a visual quality indicator

*Added Wraith Vessel
^- Purely offensive ship used to combat the zerg, costs 200/200/200/200. Deals significant AOE damage.

*Added Crystal Stabalizer
^- A [Tier 2] branch off from the regenerator. Capable of healing minerals at a slow rate without power and at a quick rate with power.

*Minerals Average and below do NOT regenerate over time anymore

*Moved all flight upgrades to the Docking Port

*Added the upgrade Microfusion Cores
^- Provides ships with passive energy regeneration for sustained flights.

*Added the upgrade Upgraded Firepower
^- A 5 Level upgrade that increases the damage of all your flight vessels.

*Fixed Battery [Tier 5] Bug

*Default regenerators no longer heal minerals

*The countdown before miners spawn has been reduced to 5 seconds. Players no longer have vision during this time. Increased day 0 time to compensate (Easy: 300 Seconds, Normal+: 200 Seconds).

*You can now only build 1 house

*Added Beacon Structure
^- Unlocked after building a house. Structure with 1x1 Placement that allows your to return minerals. Max of 10 beacons per player.

*Zerg now have a 1 in 10 chance to drop genetic material which provide a random number of minerals when picked up(Between 1 and the current wave number.)

*Added Feclid Wall [Tier 11], costs 2000/0/0/0 with 21k HP and 20 HP/S

*Droid now costs 15/15/15/15 instead of 5 credits. You still need the research Droid AI to build more than 1 droid.

*Droid AI costs changed to a static 5 credits per level.

*Spiked Walls upgrade changed to static 1 credit per level.

*Fixed a bug with Kabraxis causing him to burrow at the wrong times.

*Removed immolation from all thermal turrets.

*[Tier 5] Thermal Turrets and above have an increased AOE from 300 to 512.

*Zerg Nydus Worm HP has been reduced by 66%

*Added Zerg Ultralisk. Spawns after wave 20, deal AOE damage (192 AOE), and has 50 armor. Base HP 650, gains 150 per wave number.

*Fixed saving of the furthest wave reached.
For 1.52(b):

*Nerf to battery: max power of all batteries reduced by 25%

*Reduce energy cost of seismic towers: [Tier 1] - 10, [Tier 2] - 15

*Added [Tier 3] Subsonic Seismic Tower: Cost 120/120/120/120, AOE 1024, DMG 450, ENERGY 20

*Added [Tier 4] Supersonic Seismic Tower: Cost 300/300/300/300, AOE 1200, DMG 1000, ENERGY 30

*Added [Tier 8] Syonic Fusion Turret: Cost 0/120/0/120, Range 700, DMG 275, ATK SPD 0.7

*Fixed boss AI where they would not path properly

*Added Wave 50 Boss
^- Khahrahk the Scarlet King

*Bosses now gain 5% damage per attack (multiplicative)

*[Tier 8] Syonic Inferno Turret base HP increased from 200 to 800

*[Tier 4] Bionic Rocket Turret base HP increased from 300 to 500

*Wave 40 Boss Xoviks the Vile poison potion attack increased from 1 time per second to 4 per second

*Nerf to walls: All walls now have 1 armor per tier (Max of 11 at the moment at Feclid wall)

*Turret Base height decreased by 96

*Added [Tier 9] Feclid Inferno Turret: Cost 0/0/0/500, AOE 512, DMG 475, ENERGY PER ATTACK 7, ATTACK SPEED 0.1(edited)

*Fixed Vessels not dying without power bug

*Fixed anti-air turret AI

*Removed human borders for high resolution
*Added [Tier 5] Missile Turret: Cost 0/0/300/300, RANGE 1200, DMG 350, ENERGY PER ATTACK 12, ATTACK SPEED 0.25, MAX TARGETS: 3

*Added [Tier 6] Superior Missile Turret: Cost 0/0/800/800, RANGE 1500, DMG 800, ENERGY PER ATTACK 15, ATTACK SPEED 0.20, MAX TARGETS: 5

*Added [Tier 8] Feclid Fusion Generator: Cost 0/500/0/0, RANGE 900, ENERGY PER SECOND 50, ENERGY REGEN: 65, MAX ENERGY 700

*Added [Tier 9] Feclid Fusion Turret: Cost 0/300/0/300, Range 900, DMG 750, ATK SPD 0.65

*Added [Tier 10] Hellfire Turret: Cost 0/0/0/1200, AOE 512, RANGE 1200, DMG 450, ENERGY PER ATTACK 12, ATTACK SPEED 0.1(edited)

*Normal Mode now goes to wave 40

*Hard and above go to wave 50

*Added [Tier 8] Feclid Regenerator: Cost 300/0/300/0, RANGE 1500, HEAL PER SECOND: 90

*Added [Tier 9] Chromatic Regenerator: Cost: 800/0/800/0, RANGE 1600, HEAL PER SECOND: 300

*Added [Tier 9] Chromatic Fusion Generator: Cost 0/1200/0/0, RANGE 1000, ENERGY PER SECOND 150, ENERGY REGEN: 200, MAX ENERGY 1500

*Nerf to droids, they no longer receive any bonus or penalty from mineral quality(edited)

*Max number of droids through the Tech Droid AI nerfed from 4 to 2. You can have a max of 3 droids versus 5 now.

*Credit Tech Diplomacy cost changed from 6 credits to 2(edited)

*Hard difficulty is now 50% harder, Nightmare is 100% harder, Hell is now 200% harder then previously.

*Code wipe
For 1.53:

*Removed voting for difficulty. The player closest to red (lowest player number) chooses the difficulty.

*Slightly nerfed Microfusion Cores Upgrade in terms of passive energy regeneration. Fixed the cost.

*Special spawns (Corpse, Temple and Mount) have been given a 10% chance individually to spawn.

*Increased Reaper Turrets attack speed by 100%

*Added warning for low powered vessels

*Zerg can now attack vessels

*Minerals, when destroyed, give an extra 50-200 minerals

*All tiers of Crystal Stabalizer now cost 10x as much minerals.

*Nerfed Regenerative Remedy - reduces damage to minerals by 25% versus 80%.

*Fixed wave 50 boss

*Tesla towers:
T1: DMG 50, Cost 85/0/0/85
T2: DMG 90, Cost 153/0/0/153
T3 DMG 162, Cost 275/0/0/275
T4 DMG 291, Cost 495/0/0/495
T5 DMG 524, Cost 892/0/0/892
*Thermal Turrets:
DMG S/ D/ E/ R
Tier 1 15 0 0 0 22
Tier 2 30 0 0 0 45
Tier 3 60 0 0 0 90
Tier 4 120 0 0 0 180
Tier 5 240 0 0 0 360
Tier 6 480 0 0 0 720
Tier 7 960 0 0 0 1440
Tier 8 1920 0 0 0 2880
Tier 9 3840 0 0 0 5760
Tier 10 7680 0 0 0 11520

*A small text box will appear when selecting ally structures, showing their current resources

*"Improvement" of Temple generation. Now uses 12x12 prefabs during the loading screen, and then fills in the rest of the temple with the usual generation. In-game load time reduced greatly.

*Size of Temple was reduced by 4x4

*Added "-angle ###" command to change angle of attack

*Added Warcries for each boss

*Exploding zerg deal significantly more damage

*Fixed minerals spawning on top of and beyond arena walls

*Added two new tiers to the Reaper Turret. Reaper turret base attack speed increased by 1 attack per
second. Attack speed gain halved to compensate.

*Added skip cinematic option for "player host"

*Fixed Artillery Cannons

*Added 3 new tiers to the Artillery Cannon

*Added new credit upgrade: Duplicating Rounds - Allows the Artillery Cannon to have a 50% chance of creating a new round at no cost. Costs 10 credits
For 1.53(a):

*Fixed various bugs.

*Added wave 60 boss
For 1.54:

*Reworked the entire harvesting system
*Reworked the OnAttack system to be far more efficient
*Negative gem quality removed. Gems are either baseline and above
*Reworked the Tesla Coil chaining to be far more efficient

*Reworked the Zerg AI to remove stutter steps

*Increased max wave spawn to 75 units at one time(edited)

*Changed the gem quality names Impeccable> Exquisite> Flawless> Fair

*Fixed Diamonite Mining upgrade tooltips

*Fixed Building names bug

*Fixed Zerg causing lag at later waves

*Negative gem quality removed. Gems are either baseline and above
*Fixed wave 10 boss and improved zerg AI

MineralZ is SIGNIFICANTLY less laggy. I had to rewrite some major systems, but the end result was well worth it. Enjoy!

For 1.54a:
*Fixed the fatal crash bug thanks to gondarwars! Implemented various other bug fixes.

For 1.54b:
*Major bug fixes.

For 1.54c:
*Minor bug fixes.

For 1.55:
* Fixed Desync(s).
* Refactored a lot of GUI into vJass for perforamce improvements.
* Auto loading is now implemented. You'll have to load your code manually just once, then it will automatically detect it in later games.

For 1.55(b):
*Fixed more desyncs.
*Fixed the auto loading and saving.

For 1.55(c):
* Fixed varius tech tree requirements.
* Fixed energy issue(s) with various towers
* Fixed building naming issues when cancelling an upgrade
* Regular towers can no longer target burrowed units. Seismic towers can target visisble burrowed units.
* Vessels can no longer be targeted by most zerg. However, all bosses can still attack vessels.
* Mineral deposits now yield x12 the regular mining amount, but take 10 times as long to mine.
* Waygates are no longer targeted directly by zerg, giving players more creative freedom with zerg destruction.
* Slightly buffed all fusion turret damage
* Added two tiers to tesla towers, a new wall tier, a new barrier tier and a new BFC tier.

For 1.55(d):
* Possibly fixed the saving and loading of codes by making the system significantly more robust. ( Checks for multiple load files and player names. It will also attempt to check codes without the battlenet handle id of the player for future compatibility)

For 1.55(d)(1):
*Fixed desync bug introduced in version 1.55(d).
*The save code being used will be displayed at the start of the game.

For 1.55(e):
*Improved the mineral model
*Fixed bugs
*Terrain Generation is lightly more chaotic

MineralZ 1.55(f) (Map)

Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/Jul/07 20:56:33 Comment: [Approved] Give "Collect Mineralz" a passive icon Add a newbie quest with all the important info Resource Moderation - Rules
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
With the recent updates 4/5 A lot better now but i still don't find much replayability factor in the actual concept. I had that problem with the Sc2 one as well :( .
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Level 3
Jun 24, 2011
Im a huge fan of Mineralz on SC2 (playing both versions). Thus i had to try this map. I encountered some problems though. 1st: could you give saphirum a darker model, for me it was hard to distinguish it from diamonite (maybe i just need to get used to the crystals). 2nd: i think there should be more rocks and rocks should be created closer together to each other, i played this map twice and both times i had a lot of difficulties to "dig" a base (basically there was nothing to dig) because there were so many blank spots that u could never get a base with less than 3 entrances ( and ofc u can hardly defend all 3), 3rd: i dunno how i did it, but in 1 game when i right clicked a crystal to harvest from it, instead of harvesting i attacked the crystal and it was destroyed and removed, i tryed to harvest several times from different crystals but all were destroyed.
i hope those issues can be fixed so that even wc3 players can enjoy this nice idea of a map.

Looking forward for new versions and gonna try them out as soon as possible.
Level 5
Aug 30, 2010
hm interesting and also i found a bug when mass researching only the first research cost mineralz and the second third fourth and so on doesnt anything and when doing this you can research nonstop without paying mineralz. the lamps are quite bothersome even when they are maxed they are quite crappy it says it have like 950 range but the light is just like 450 range and then its a bit darkier the rest of the range. also when all researchs are maxed its way to easy to kill a mineral source when mining with the worker they should have a higher durability or should leave a damaged mineral that could be restored with a building or something. the tentacles from the young forgotten one boss can easily kill a worker repairing a wall.
Im a huge fan of Mineralz on SC2 (playing both versions). Thus i had to try this map. I encountered some problems though. 1st: could you give saphirum a darker model, for me it was hard to distinguish it from diamonite (maybe i just need to get used to the crystals). 2nd: i think there should be more rocks and rocks should be created closer together to each other, i played this map twice and both times i had a lot of difficulties to "dig" a base (basically there was nothing to dig) because there were so many blank spots that u could never get a base with less than 3 entrances ( and ofc u can hardly defend all 3), 3rd: i dunno how i did it, but in 1 game when i right clicked a crystal to harvest from it, instead of harvesting i attacked the crystal and it was destroyed and removed, i tryed to harvest several times from different crystals but all were destroyed.
i hope those issues can be fixed so that even wc3 players can enjoy this nice idea of a map.

Looking forward for new versions and gonna try them out as soon as possible.

Lol it is absolutely impossible to destroy minerals, unless you mine them to death. Even with "whosyourdaddy" dunno how you encountered this, but if it happens again save the replay.
I will increase the spawn rate of blocks.

2/5 Just didn't do it for me. The menu seemed a bit random the blocks clunky. Some sort of zoomed out camera with decent vision range would be nice. Also the mining system is almost unplayable since you have to manually click back every time. It would be nice if it was triggered- So it was like the Sc2 one of not as annoying as it is right now.

Both your house and the mineral you are mining must be visible when you mine. Otherwise it will try to return harvested material to something that it can't see. I will make it so that it doesn't have to be visible though.

What menu? The dialog? Come now, don't blame me for Blizzard's graphics.
The mining system is triggered. Heavily so. I will add a vision command.

hm interesting and also i found a bug when mass researching only the first research cost mineralz and the second third fourth and so on doesnt anything and when doing this you can research nonstop without paying mineralz. the lamps are quite bothersome even when they are maxed they are quite crappy it says it have like 950 range but the light is just like 450 range and then its a bit darkier the rest of the range
Did you have on "warpten" if not, please produce a replay. I just tried it with "warpten" and it didn't let me spam it lol. I'm sure you had the required mineralz
I would need a model editor to increase the light that the lamps produce, but I don't have one :(
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
The menu -- Building menu seemed cluttered. --Also i meant when in vision and in range i had the building next to me in fact. Every time i finished mining ore i had to manually click on the house to return it. It would be nicer if i just started mining ore and i get a +1 +1 Text floating of my head and dissappearing as it went up.

I know you have already triggered the system but it could of be done in a better way without the need for returning it back to the house in such a fashion.
Level 5
Aug 30, 2010
yeah i had the required amount of mineralz for all the upgrades but i only had to pay the first onee and no i was playing with my friends. the lights really bother me =-= and bramble there´s no need to manually return the ores to the house o_O the worker just returns the load of X mineral and goes back to the same spot to continue mining and i am working in the replay since i didnt save it *facepalm* and sometimes the worker basic vision at night goes away and everything is black without lamps.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Too difficult before you learn to play, too boring after you have learned to play. But still it is worth a 4/5.
Too difficult before you learn to play, too boring after you have learned to play. But still it is worth a 4/5.

Try it on a harder mode :p
yeah i had the required amount of mineralz for all the upgrades but i only had to pay the first onee and no i was playing with my friends. the lights really bother me =-= and bramble there´s no need to manually return the ores to the house o_O the worker just returns the load of X mineral and goes back to the same spot to continue mining and i am working in the replay since i didnt save it *facepalm*
I tried again to produce the effect with unlimited resources, I spammed away. But it always cost me minerals :S

Also, I updated it. Fixed some minor things, improved how you mine and such
Level 5
Aug 30, 2010
try to increase the god dam annoying 50 or 25 range on building factories it takes like 5 tries to build it =-= and why factories doesnt waste mana? once they are charged they stay full mana for forever lol at least some of them.
hm nothing to do when you die and you gotta wait for them to die if your the host ... boring to death right now..
cant get the bug to work lol >_<
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Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
yeah i had the required amount of mineralz for all the upgrades but i only had to pay the first onee and no i was playing with my friends. the lights really bother me =-= and bramble there´s no need to manually return the ores to the house o_O the worker just returns the load of X mineral and goes back to the same spot to continue mining and i am working in the replay since i didnt save it *facepalm* and sometimes the worker basic vision at night goes away and everything is black without lamps.

Nope he came back to the house then stopped.

Also couldn't you just increase the sight range of the lamp to compensate?
Level 3
Jun 28, 2006
The game is unique and fun. I don't know why others didn't find it as good as I thought they would... I was looking forward to the release when I saw the development screenshots. My critique, anyhow: in response to what you said about the difficulty compensating for the "boring-ness" some claim, maddeem, I think that the difficulty only affects the beginning. It's challenging (in a good way) to get a base started on hard/nightmare, single player, as night comes too quickly. But shouldn't the difficulty do things other than just add damage to the monsters? If you can make it past the first night, you're pretty much set. Mineral harvesting comes fast, and with that you can easily max out your generators, re-generators, and walls. I was discouraged when I thought the game would progressively harder, but instead it actually became easier as my 2-member team went along.

Also, the "Dual Core Upgrade" has the wrong green-crystal (emnizium?) value. It says it costs 10, but it's somewhere between 35-65 (didn't record the exact value).

4/5 until some tweaks come into play.
Level 4
May 7, 2011
sludges on round 30 won't disappear after the night is over on easy difficulty
but they disappeared halfway through the day
The game is unique and fun. I don't know why others didn't find it as good as I thought they would... I was looking forward to the release when I saw the development screenshots. My critique, anyhow: in response to what you said about the difficulty compensating for the "boring-ness" some claim, maddeem, I think that the difficulty only affects the beginning. It's challenging (in a good way) to get a base started on hard/nightmare, single player, as night comes too quickly. But shouldn't the difficulty do things other than just add damage to the monsters? If you can make it past the first night, you're pretty much set. Mineral harvesting comes fast, and with that you can easily max out your generators, re-generators, and walls. I was discouraged when I thought the game would progressively harder, but instead it actually became easier as my 2-member team went along.

Also, the "Dual Core Upgrade" has the wrong green-crystal (emnizium?) value. It says it costs 10, but it's somewhere between 35-65 (didn't record the exact value).

4/5 until some tweaks come into play.

I appreciate the review, fixed the dual core cost :p
And yeah, I know the game doesn't really progress in difficulty. Once you got the game down, your kinda set. MineralZ is ever evolving so don't be surprised if you see some major wave changes.

sludges on round 30 won't disappear after the night is over on easy difficulty
but they disappeared halfway through the day
Yeah, sludge's have the ability mirror image. The images will never die unless killed.
Level 2
Aug 26, 2010
This map is something completely new on wc3 and I like it. Its just it isn t very beginner friendly and the credit shop is limited and not really unique.There is a bug on the 30 th wave where the slugs pass trough blocks . Maybe you can set the option to disable a way gate because the monster can use it to so that all of our bases with way gates get raided if one fails .But at the end it is a really nice map and the only survival/tower defense with a save/load system 9/10 mate.
Level 4
May 7, 2011
yeah.. i got owned on wave 30 when the sludges went through the wall and the other person i played with left after that:/

Kusanagi Kuro

Hosted Project: SC
Level 10
Mar 11, 2012
Can u tell me how to beat the Boomer? My friends and I build many towers to defence the boss level. And then the Boomer blows all of them into air. May be u should reduce the damage of the explosion or give the tower magic registance. Anyway, although I havent played this map in Starcraft II but I must say it's extremly interesting.
Well sludges are meant to shift through the blocks whenever they are attacked. I think it is quite fun to see an enemy behave as the sludges though.
you should change suggested players to 3-11 because swarm is the 12th player
Will do

Maybe you can set the option to disable a way gate because the monster can use it to so that all of our bases with way gates get raided if one fails .But at the end it is a really nice map and the only survival/tower defense with a save/load system 9/10 mate.
I have noticed that myself, waygates can be a luxury and a curse. If your walls go down and they are headed for a waygate, set the waygates target to itself. Or sell it.

Fun map, you should change the attack AI though. They target the closest player, or the closest free-pathing player if one exists. It should disperse all the mobs randomly to each player.

Edit: Also there appears to be a memory leak somewhere, possibly within the lightning effect trigger(s)?
They do indeed go to the closest target
But i assure you that nothing leaks in MineralZ
Level 4
May 7, 2011
the sludges on wave 30 can make their mirror image inside our base
is wave 40 the end? because after wave 40 no more monsters spawns.. i had my food on 43/40 before i left
and i'm sure one of the queens somehow destroyed a block in my base
those mind control towers are really op i survived most of the waves with their help
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the sludges on wave 30 can make their mirror image inside our base
is wave 40 the end? because after wave 40 no more monsters spawns.. i had my food on 43/40 before i left
and i'm sure one of the queens somehow destroyed a block in my base
those mind control towers are really op i survived most of the waves with their help

Yeah they are op... I think I'm gunna nerf em :p
Yeah wave 40 is the end. For different modes I'm going to add more waves.
Level 4
May 7, 2011
you should make it end then.. with a victory screen or say the game will end in 60 seconds or something
Level 4
May 7, 2011
one of my walls couldn't get closed even though i was right next to it.. had to sell it and rebuild.. but it happened each time i tried to open that wall but it worked fine on my other walls
is your miner/droids supposed to be able to destroy the minerals? because that happened a few times when i forgot to move them away from the minerals before they got fully destroyed
Well, as the game progresses it seems to get laggier and more jumpy. I still believe this to be in the power generator or regenerator, or even in the tesla coils because of the lightning effects. Either you are leaking or the Engine itself leaks lightning effects, which would suck.

Either way: after wave ~25 the game becomes unplayable to computers that are closer to the minimum system reqs then others.

Edit: Duel Core still has incorrect cost on it.

Still a great map by far!

PS: How is your map generated? is it just a truly random dispersion of blocks or some other method?
Well, as the game progresses it seems to get laggier and more jumpy. I still believe this to be in the power generator or regenerator, or even in the tesla coils because of the lightning effects. Either you are leaking or the Engine itself leaks lightning effects, which would suck.

Either way: after wave ~25 the game becomes unplayable to computers that are closer to the minimum system reqs then others.

Edit: Duel Core still has incorrect cost on it.

Still a great map by far!

PS: How is your map generated? is it just a truly random dispersion of blocks or some other method?

Random dispersion in groups and clumps. Duel core still has incorrect? Darn lol. Its not the lighting or leaks that cause the game lag. Its the mere amount of units, destructables, and events going off. During the day it is often less laggy. I have been going through code to improve wave spawning, and it has made the gameplay much smoother.

Ok I have taken all your bugs and fixes and have applied them to the newest version. I will post the changes in change log. Version 1.1 is near :)
one of my walls couldn't get closed even though i was right next to it
you cant close a wall with units in the way silly :p

is your miner/droids supposed to be able to destroy the minerals? because that happened a few times when i forgot to move them away from the minerals before they got fully destroyed
Yes, this forces users to have much better resource management.
My next lag concern would be how you determine the looping over the unit near generators and such. Also: do you use dynamic triggers? if so cool!

Edit: the attack AI of the mobs creates a great incentive to base in the farthest corner possible and the loser gets swarmed and killed while the winner of the distance race gets a perfect economy. I don't mean to sound like a crying noob or anything, but after a few games and trying to get to the corner regardless if it has a good gem setup or not seems to ruin the experience for me.
The loading portion of the map desyncs myself from others i play with because of the loading lag: it catches up and resyncs so no DC but i end up losing half my initial run time every game. I would slow down the terrain generation a bit and end up waiting a bit longer to not kill lower end computers.
Yeah I'll make it go slower, no biggy :p
COOL! Will it have marines?
Infected marines :p