I love a good review
Yeah I need to add projectiles to some units. Uberlisk is a NIGHT 50 boss. You simply wouldn't want to know what he does.
Woopies 50 Nights.. wow!
Promising challenging game: 10/10
The number of blocks is constant, it will create 9250 along with 100 of each mineral. The generator doesn't stop until these numbers are reached.
A replay would be very nice
Uh yes the generator did stop you silly ^^.
Mmkay attached replay below . Sorry for calling you maddeeng I see it's maddeem now.
Sorry to break your heart </3 but it's probably less than 1000 XD.
Legendary terraindomizer: 1/10 (it made.. 1/10th of the blocks it should? ^^)
I am adding more mode exclusive creatures, but it will take time. Because I have to plug in every new unit type into a number of systems lol
I'll add missiles to the units with range, but some of them don't really need it. Hydras do for sure tho.
Woot Did I just ask for more challenge x.x
I can't even get past [Night 20] on easy lol.
Uber Mapmaker Feedback: 9.5/10 (you reply fast but it could be instant you know? ^^)
The journal is purely a MISC item. Has no use except to keep the user entertained.
Additional Misc Enhancement: 10/10 (Two whole epic items that do nothing, love it :3)
The zerg egg the other hand, will play a crucial role in later versions.
Someone picked it up and I was joking about how it will randomly hatch on him later on XD.
A shame, it didn't.
Random Suspense to be Disappointed: 10/10 (I was really disappointed. It didn`t hatch on him and kill him.)
Overall: 9/10 -- I will consider 9.5/10 if you read the below and take it into great consideration.
As a fellow developer of an old classic map of the same-ish genre,
I thought I'd give you some input on enemy AI / mobs getting stuck for your new baby map ^^ hehe.
This is, assuming, that you dislike the mobs getting stuck and would like to fix that.
If any of this is unclear to you then by all means I'll extend the already existing wall of text ^^.
I'm not saying you might not understand, just saying my explanation is poor
(because your coding and mapping skills have already vastly surpassed mines).
Moving on, stuck mobs are indeed fixable to a pretty satisfying extent.
This is given that people block up their bases with walls, spawn is middle of map (I know it`s not always the case), and few other limits.
The main focus of extending enemy AI is determining every player's front wall (the very front of their base, hence, pathable with middle of map).
Method 1: Pathing Snippets (Difficulty: Tuff)
1. This is heavy on the wc3 engine and might cause lag.
2. Those pathing snippets seem to have many issues just because of their complexity.
1. Determining stuck units
A periodic check is run on 1 random enemy mob per swarm (or all mobs would be better instead of 1).
How far this one travels and how many times it attacked.
If it ever attacks 0 times, and traveled suspiciously little, we flag it
(and surrounding swarm) as stuck.
2. Find the front of a base
When stuck has been detected: check pathing with middle of map to all existing walls (with snippet).
If there's a pathable wall, ta-da~! Front of a player's base found.
Run once when a unit stuck is detected.
Issue attack order to the nearest pathable front wall.
I won't go in depth why/how this will fix pathing to avoid wall of text, waste of space and I'm sure you know already.
There are minor issues with this I'm sure you realize (not every spawn is middle of map, etc), just keeping checks minimal.
Method 2: My Own Ghostly Invention (Difficulty: Easy as Pie)
But let's say the snippet doesn't work as planned.
I thought of another
ghostly way to remove stuck xD.
Uh, same step 1 (stuck check).
Instead of Snippet for step 2, it would go like...
1. Every Daytime, an invulnerable ground unit with 522 movement and no visual model spawns in middle.
2. One per existing wall (and open wall) in the map (since some players open their walls during daytime for whatever reason).
3. Each one runs toward their marked wall.
4. All the walls reached by these creepy ghosts secretly moving inside the mysterious pyramid will be marked as pathable (front wall).
5. This is in preparation for the Night.
6. The pathable walls are stored in case stuck happens, which will then return nearest pathable wall.
7. I'll stop here you know the rest
. I could have stopped at step 1 and you'd know where I'm getting with this lol.
*Runs on daytime because it takes time to set-up for the Night
*But nonetheless, this should help AI right?
Now don't go playing with those pathing snippets or working on this just yet;
I would hate to see you waste a large amount of time without any progress.
All of this is pretty heavy on the wc3 engine, and lag is the main issue.
We are currently messing with snippets in FS with little luck.
We'll update you if we get it working.
So you can continue working on your map until then
Oh but you can do the
ghost by all means...
Side note: I wouldn't run this anti-stuck AI on ground boomers.
They are challenging when they get stuck as well, as they can blow up the side of your base, etc.
Oh and encountered some young scourges camping my mineral factories didn't explode til Night ended. Normal or not?
My guess is the target they trying to explode already exploded :3.
Screenshot here
P.S. WHERE... is your custom mineral UI window? Did it cause issues? Look in my screenshot I have default WC3 UI window
Oh and I should probably have P.M'd this wall of text, but I want to show the world how much I love you