Hello everyone...Ive been working a while on this project although im not even close to finishing it...just thought id post the info on the map,and hope that ill get some feedback and helpfull advice on what i should improve,what to do,and what not to do....
- Story
This is not an RPG map,so making a deep storyline is useless.
The main point of the map is;two factions are at war.Both of seek champions to represent their side,offering a large reward.
When picking Heroes at the beggining,both teams will pick from the same taverns.The map's name will probably be Mercenary Wars because none of the Heroes has a determined side at the beggining(Like the good and evil Heroes in DoTA),they are Mercenaries,and they will fight for the cause of the highest bidder.
- Gameplay
This is mainly a 5v5 arena-styled map,128x128 or 160x160 sized,with a number of events to spice up the game.There are two main bases,one on each side of the map.Gold and XP will be the two main factors on the map.Both will be obtainable by killing creeps scattered across the map.As you delve deeper into the map,and as the game time passes,the creeps will grow stronger,offering the players balanced leveling.On the beggining,you will be able to choose a Hero that you will control through the whole game.Level cap should be around 25-30-35.Of course,PvP will be an improtant factor of the map,but more about that later.
- Heroes
The most important thing in a map with a high replay value is probably the multiple choice system.If the map can offer a lot of choices to the players,they most certainly wont get bored with it quickly.When you choose your Hero at the beggining,it will be one of the rare units that you will be able to control(the others are summons and a small number of mercenaries),so i have decided to make a large number of Heroes(About 50 at the beggining,and as the map is updated,im planning to add more),with custom spells made in JASS and GUI.I believe that a map can achieve high quality if its spells are original and different from what the players usually see when playing WC3.So far i have made about 12 - 13 Heroes,some of them need to be reworked though.Each Hero will be unique in his own way.
- Modes
The goal of the map will be determined by the mode which the host player can choose at the beggining.
-Normal mode;the goal is to destroy a certain building in your enemy's base;and to defend the building in your base at all costs.(also there will be modes such as Fast Mode with increased xp and gold rates)
-Deathmatch;the first team to get a certain number of kills wins.
-Capture The Flag;the name says it all.
There will probably be a lot more modes added,since they are irrelevant at this stadium of the project.
- Events
The thing that should distinguish this map from all the other Creep Around Then PvP arena maps is the large number of events;yet i will do my best to keep the map simple,without unnecessary additions.Some event examples are:
-Raids;there will be a Dungeon or two on the map,with stronger creeps and a Boss in the end.Bosses will drop usefull items and give rewards to the team that kills them,although the items will mainly be one-use,or reagents for some good item recipes.
-Merchants;im planning on making a number of goblin merchants that will travel freely across the map,selling various goods and usefull items.
-AoS action;if the players clear out all the creeps in an area,just running around waiting for respawns would be useless.Thats why every once in a while,each faction will send some of their warriors to attack the other faction's base,although,the rate at which they spawn will be slower than the one seen in most AoS styled maps.
-Runes;runes with various effects will be spawned randomly across the map.Rune examples are:
Thundergod's Rune
-Strikes all enemy Heroes on the map with bolts of lightning,dealing minor damage.
Invisibility Rune
-Turns all friendly Heroes on the map invisible.
Trick or Treat Rune
-When picked up,you have a 50% chance to gain increased damage for 30 seconds,and a 50% chance to get turned into a random critter for 30 seconds.
There are much more runes i had in mind,but ill talk about them later.
- PvP
One of the most important aspects of my map.What fun is it if you cant kill,camp,and gang the crap outta your friends,right?By killing enemy Heroes you will gain additional Gold,XP,and Reputation that can be exchanged at your base for some interesting stuff.Most of them will be intended for one-use,like a +30 Agility potion,that lasts 60 seconds.Considering that the map size is not that large,there will be a lot of PvP.Upon death,the Heroes will have to wait to be revived,or alternatively,pay for revival to one of the spirit healers scattered across the map.
- Terrain
I want my map to be a true eye-candy.I want the terrain to be as good as possible,yet ive noticed that some people prefer regular wc3 doodads and trees than the ones from the UTM.Dunno why it is like that,but ill have to make a couple of polls before i start seriously working the terrain.(I already did 50% of it,but it seems unpractical,so ill probably do it again)
- Items
Ill try to make it as simple as possible,yet fun.So 100 vendors,each with 10 recipe combinations wont do.Recipes usually lead to imballance.Then a certain item gets bought all the time while the others never get sold.So there will probably be about 80-90 stat boost items in your base,categorized by the vendors(level 1 shop,level 2 shop,level 3 shop),and about 10 stat boost items sold by the goblin merchants.only 10-20 out of all the items will be recipes,and they will give the biggest bonuses,but will also be quite expensive.Of course there will be about 20 one-use items sold by the vendors,and about 10 obtainable by raiding.
If you have ANY advice,ANY tips to give out,they are more than welcome.So dont be lazy and give me some feedback
I will update this as the project develops,God help me,and give me the strenght to finish it.
Mercenary Wars
- Story
This is not an RPG map,so making a deep storyline is useless.
The main point of the map is;two factions are at war.Both of seek champions to represent their side,offering a large reward.
When picking Heroes at the beggining,both teams will pick from the same taverns.The map's name will probably be Mercenary Wars because none of the Heroes has a determined side at the beggining(Like the good and evil Heroes in DoTA),they are Mercenaries,and they will fight for the cause of the highest bidder.
- Gameplay
This is mainly a 5v5 arena-styled map,128x128 or 160x160 sized,with a number of events to spice up the game.There are two main bases,one on each side of the map.Gold and XP will be the two main factors on the map.Both will be obtainable by killing creeps scattered across the map.As you delve deeper into the map,and as the game time passes,the creeps will grow stronger,offering the players balanced leveling.On the beggining,you will be able to choose a Hero that you will control through the whole game.Level cap should be around 25-30-35.Of course,PvP will be an improtant factor of the map,but more about that later.
- Heroes
The most important thing in a map with a high replay value is probably the multiple choice system.If the map can offer a lot of choices to the players,they most certainly wont get bored with it quickly.When you choose your Hero at the beggining,it will be one of the rare units that you will be able to control(the others are summons and a small number of mercenaries),so i have decided to make a large number of Heroes(About 50 at the beggining,and as the map is updated,im planning to add more),with custom spells made in JASS and GUI.I believe that a map can achieve high quality if its spells are original and different from what the players usually see when playing WC3.So far i have made about 12 - 13 Heroes,some of them need to be reworked though.Each Hero will be unique in his own way.
- Modes
The goal of the map will be determined by the mode which the host player can choose at the beggining.
-Normal mode;the goal is to destroy a certain building in your enemy's base;and to defend the building in your base at all costs.(also there will be modes such as Fast Mode with increased xp and gold rates)
-Deathmatch;the first team to get a certain number of kills wins.
-Capture The Flag;the name says it all.
There will probably be a lot more modes added,since they are irrelevant at this stadium of the project.
- Events
The thing that should distinguish this map from all the other Creep Around Then PvP arena maps is the large number of events;yet i will do my best to keep the map simple,without unnecessary additions.Some event examples are:
-Raids;there will be a Dungeon or two on the map,with stronger creeps and a Boss in the end.Bosses will drop usefull items and give rewards to the team that kills them,although the items will mainly be one-use,or reagents for some good item recipes.
-Merchants;im planning on making a number of goblin merchants that will travel freely across the map,selling various goods and usefull items.
-AoS action;if the players clear out all the creeps in an area,just running around waiting for respawns would be useless.Thats why every once in a while,each faction will send some of their warriors to attack the other faction's base,although,the rate at which they spawn will be slower than the one seen in most AoS styled maps.
-Runes;runes with various effects will be spawned randomly across the map.Rune examples are:
Thundergod's Rune
-Strikes all enemy Heroes on the map with bolts of lightning,dealing minor damage.
Invisibility Rune
-Turns all friendly Heroes on the map invisible.
Trick or Treat Rune
-When picked up,you have a 50% chance to gain increased damage for 30 seconds,and a 50% chance to get turned into a random critter for 30 seconds.
There are much more runes i had in mind,but ill talk about them later.
- PvP
One of the most important aspects of my map.What fun is it if you cant kill,camp,and gang the crap outta your friends,right?By killing enemy Heroes you will gain additional Gold,XP,and Reputation that can be exchanged at your base for some interesting stuff.Most of them will be intended for one-use,like a +30 Agility potion,that lasts 60 seconds.Considering that the map size is not that large,there will be a lot of PvP.Upon death,the Heroes will have to wait to be revived,or alternatively,pay for revival to one of the spirit healers scattered across the map.
- Terrain
I want my map to be a true eye-candy.I want the terrain to be as good as possible,yet ive noticed that some people prefer regular wc3 doodads and trees than the ones from the UTM.Dunno why it is like that,but ill have to make a couple of polls before i start seriously working the terrain.(I already did 50% of it,but it seems unpractical,so ill probably do it again)
- Items
Ill try to make it as simple as possible,yet fun.So 100 vendors,each with 10 recipe combinations wont do.Recipes usually lead to imballance.Then a certain item gets bought all the time while the others never get sold.So there will probably be about 80-90 stat boost items in your base,categorized by the vendors(level 1 shop,level 2 shop,level 3 shop),and about 10 stat boost items sold by the goblin merchants.only 10-20 out of all the items will be recipes,and they will give the biggest bonuses,but will also be quite expensive.Of course there will be about 20 one-use items sold by the vendors,and about 10 obtainable by raiding.
If you have ANY advice,ANY tips to give out,they are more than welcome.So dont be lazy and give me some feedback

I will update this as the project develops,God help me,and give me the strenght to finish it.