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Elemental Wars

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Level 6
Dec 28, 2006
I'm doing a map "Elemental Wars" which will be (and now is a little) like DoTA-Spellcraft mix. In this map, for example in "War Mode", you are in team of two not oposite elements (Fire, Water, Earth and Air) and must destroy enemy's base. You can upgrade your team's army, adding elementals to it. I'm doing CTF mode too, and I will add also some other modes. Now I'm enchancing spells with JASS to make them better and then I will translate map to English (I've already translate about 30%).

There are some references:
-max hero level is 50
-max basic ability level is 8, ultimate 4
-there ar three heroes per element (warrior hero, ranged hero, mage)
-each hero has 5 abilities including one ultimate and at least one passive
-item system like in DoTA, but there will be too "Elemental Items" which only hero of this element could carry
-there are 5 levels of elementals (small, medium, great, greater, elder)
-trees are in every game generated randomly (and paths in forest)
These things I will add:
-CTF Mode
-Gladiator Mode (each team includes one element, it's team vs team vs team vs team)
-Survivor Mode (you must survive as much waves of enemies as you can)
-four new elements: Light, Darkness, Nature, Technology
-Elemental Items

Please post any ideas of spells, mods, etc. If I use this ideas I will obviously give a credit :grin:
Level 1
Jan 25, 2007
I'm doing a map "Elemental Wars" which will be (and now is a little) like DoTA-Spellcraft mix. In this map, for example in "War Mode", you are in team of two not oposite elements (Fire, Water, Earth and Air) and must destroy enemy's base. You can upgrade your team's army, adding elementals to it. I'm doing CTF mode too, and I will add also some other modes. Now I'm enchancing spells with JASS to make them better and then I will translate map to English (I've already translate about 30%).

There are some references:
-max hero level is 50
-max basic ability level is 8, ultimate 4
-there ar three heroes per element (warrior hero, ranged hero, mage)
-each hero has 5 abilities including one ultimate and at least one passive
-item system like in DoTA, but there will be too "Elemental Items" which only hero of this element could carry
-there are 5 levels of elementals (small, medium, great, greater, elder)
-trees are in every game generated randomly (and paths in forest)
These things I will add:
-CTF Mode
-Gladiator Mode (each team includes one element, it's team vs team vs team vs team)
-Survivor Mode (you must survive as much waves of enemies as you can)
-four new elements: Light, Darkness, Nature, Technology
-Elemental Items

Please post any ideas of spells, mods, etc. If I use this ideas I will obviously give a credit :grin:

hmm cool cant wait to play the english version well hmm for earth you can make a guy make a stone house or somthing come out of the grounds and it shoots rocks that do high damage at people?? while the guy stays in his attack stance that will look cool! :D and you can just make the stone thing he spawns a peasent with a rock model and ranged attacks thatshoot rocks :)

for earth warrior you can make him turn into a rock sorta like garaa from naruto as a ultimate and while hes a rock he cant move or attack but he is invincible and he rejenerates health fast! :D

if you mean darkness evil kinda darkness as a ultimate make him shoot children up into the air and then hit the ground exploding on impact!

as for tech you can always use the goblin tanker guys tank transformation as a ultimate theres some ideas i hope you use one of em! :D :infl_thumbs_up:
Level 6
Dec 28, 2006
Here I place some shortened description of Fire Element spells:

Fire Warrior:
Fire Stream: deals damage in line, and sets targets on fire.
Immolation: While activated, deals damage to nearby enemy units, and also sets ground on fire (for 5 seconds). Burning ground deals the same damage.
Inner Fire: Gives damage bonus.
Fire Sword (Passive): Burns target for 10 seconds.
Avatar of Fire (Ultimate): Bonus hp, damage, splash attack.

Fire Archer:
Searing Arrows: Bonus damage every hit.
Explosion: Deals damage to nearby enemy units and pushes them away for short distance.
Melt Armor: Decreases targets armor and deals some damage every second.
Trueshot Aura (Passive): Bonus damage to nearby units.
Fire Storm (Ultimate): Falls flames from the sky, each flame deals AOE damage to enemy units, hits randomly, but preferes enemys position.

Fire Mage:
Fireball: Explodes when hits target, deals damage to nearby units nd sets them on fire (units also explodes :)
Dancing Flames: Some flames circulates around mage, hitting enemy units randomly. Flame explodes when hits, dealing AOE damage.
Flame of Life: Regenerates life and mana.
Fire Shield Aura (Passive): When enemy attacks unit under it's effect, attacker takes fixed damage (doesn't depend of damage delt).
Volcano: Casting 2 seconds, then creates volcano which releases lava streams, and lasts 8 seconds.

Maybe some spells will change, but I don't think so now.
Level 6
Dec 28, 2006
I think map will be ready in next month. I don't have much time now, I spend about 35 hours in school (per week) and I must learn much (I have 1,5 year to my "matura exam", which is like A-Levels in Poland) and do a lot of homeworks :bored: . I can spend only about 1 hour a day making Elemental Wars. :angry:
Level 19
Nov 16, 2006
I have another idea for the fire archer :
Burning Rage
Whenever casted, the Burning Archer will split into four trembling and burning units which instantly will fire at all enemy's in their range.
When the explosion spell is learned, it will deal extra damage and will create an explosion behind the target, sucking it to the units of the Burning Rage.
The units of the Burning Rage are immune for melee and ranged attacks. When hit by a spell , it will dissapear. If all units are dead the Fire Archer will appear with 40% of its life. Lasts otherwise for 12 seconds.
Level 6
Dec 28, 2006
I don't want to replace any active spell of Fire Archer, but any idea for passive (aura) could be useful :grin: . I'm thinking about aura which decreases damage from ranged attacks, depending of distance between attacker and target (Fire protection aura).

Developing progress has been increased a bit.
Level 8
Jul 16, 2004
Hm i have a few ideas for the different heroes:
Earth Warrior:
Diamond Skin: Increases the armor of the warrior and reflects a percent of melee attacks back to the attacker.
Pummel: Channels all of the warriors might into his next attack, striking his enemy to the ground and radiating his strength through the earth, striking any nearby enemies.

Earth Ranged:
Petrify: Immobilizes the target for XX seconds. If the target is killed while petrified, the target will shatter into pieces, shredding nearby enemy units.

Air Warrior
Zephyr: The warriors attack speed is greatly increased, but drains mana
Ultimate: Whirlwind: The warrior summons raging torrents of wind around him, shredding apart nearby enemies. The warrior cannot attack during this.

Air Ranged:
Torrent: Surround the archer with high speed winds, increasing its movement speed and reducing any ranged damage taken by XX

Water Warrior
Frostbite: The warrior and his allies attacks are infused with ice, dealing more damage and slowing those attacked by them.
Ice Armor: All physical damage is reduced by XX, but fire damage is increased by X%.

Water Archer:
Icicle Trap: Lays a trap that when stepped on by an enemy unit, propels icicles in all directions, slowing and damaging enemy units.

Water Mage:
Ice Nova: A wave of frost radiates from the mage, dealign damage and freezing enemies in its wake.
Mistify: The mage vaporizes into mist. While in this form, the mage cannot be harmed by physical attacks. However the mage cannot attack.
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Water Warrior
Ice Shield: Reduce damages by XX% while draining mana.
Ice Strike: Like Thunderclap but with an Ice effect.
Water Body (Passive) : Give high regeneration rate to the hero.
Sub Zero (ULTIMATE): Freeze the hero and anything(Ally or ennemy) around him in a range of 400 in a big glacier that will damage frozen ennemy during 10 second leaving all freezed unit vulnerable around the hero except the hero.(I suggest using a dummy with the model Frost Nova and wait 1 second before putting his anim speed to 0%, I already done this and it's really cool. Just give a permanant imolation with a great range to the glacier dummy.)

Water Ranged:
Ice Arrow: Like the normal ability Frost Arrow.
Water Walk: Like wind walk.
Unsolid Body (Passive) : Give XX% of chance to dodge attacks.
Volley of Ice Arrow (ULTIMATE): Like FoK but with Ice Arrow models and a slow effect.

Water Mage:
WaterWave: A wave of watter that deal light damage and that don't cost too much with a fast cooldown. Stroke ennemy will pushed by the wave. ( Good ability for a mage that want to evade physical damages.)
Summon Steam Element : Create an element which is invisible and that can use healing abilities.
Manatide (Passive) : Drain nearby ennemy mana user greatly.
Maelstrom (ULTIMATE) : Create a lot of wave that turn around the hero getting nearer and nearer. Ennemy that touch those wave won't be able to move and will have to follow them in the maelstrom. The Hero can't do anything during this phase. When the waves get to the Water Mage, they are sent at oposite directions from the water mage still pushing ennemy units in it doing lesser damages all the time during. (Hard to explain :p)
Level 6
Dec 28, 2006
I updated some spells:

Fire Warrior:
Burning Rage (Instead of Inner Fire) - Adds fixed bonus damage (not percent of current), if hero under this effect kills a an unit his Hp will be healed by percentage of dying units max hp.

Fire Archer:
Way Of Flames (Instead of Trueshot Aura) - Gives chance per atack, that arrow will set on fire ground on it's way.

Earth Warrior:
Roll - Hero rolls to target area dealing damage to enemys on his way, stunning them and pushing for short distance. If he has learned Stone Skin, he will do bonus damage.

Now something about your ideas:

Water Wave - I've already had similar idea for Water Warrior, but normal damage, coldown and mana cost.

Water Body - Warrior already has Regeneration Aura.

Ice Shield - I think, you impute me an idea to do spell (but +slow for attacker), with mana draining like immolation. I will probably use it.

While reading yours replys, I came to conclusion, that I have to post all current abilities of heroes, even though I will replace many of them.

There are these spells (without Fire, because I've already posted them):

Water Warrior:
Crushing Wave: Deals damage and pushes unit on its way.
Ice Field: Creates ice field. Enemy units in this field takes damage and are slowed.
Freeze (Passive): Gives chance per atack to freeze target, doing bonus dmg.
Regeneration Aura (Passive): Increses friendly units hp regeneration.
Avatar of Water (Ultimate): Transforms into avatar with bonus hp, bigger damage dices, ranged, slowing attack.

Water Archer:
Ice Arrows: Bonus damage and slows.
Blizzard: Like normal W3 blizzard.
Freeze Weapon: Decreases enemy targets damage.
Cold Body (Passive): Deals damage to nearby enemies and slows them.
Global Cooling (Ultimate): Bugged ability so I won't describe it.

Water Mage:
Frost Bolt: Deals damage to target and slows it. Unit regains it's speed gradually.
Frost Nova: Like W3 Frost Nova.
Frost Armor: Liek W3 Frost Armor.
Brillance Aura (Passive): Like W3 Brillance Aura.
Cone Of Cold: Deals damage to units in cone and freezes them. Freezed units takes additional damage.

Earth Warrior:
Roll: Rolls to target point, deals damage, stuns and pushes units on his way.
Pulverize (Passive): like W3 Pulverize.
Stone Skin (Passive): Reduces taken damage.
Mighty Attack (Passive): Chance on attack to do multiple damage and stun.
Stone Form: Transforms into Golem, bonus hp, armor, damage, reduced attack and move speed, can switch between warrior and stone form freely.

Earth Archer (Iron Giant):
Crushing Boulder: Single attack with bonus damage and stun.
War Stomp: Like W3 War Stomp.
Giants Strength (Passive): Increases damage and range (range increase depends of strength).
Iron Body (Passive): Reduces damage percently, deals amount of damage reduce to attacker.
Shake Earth (Ultimate): Throws powerfull rock, which deals the most damage in epicenter (the farther the less damage), stuns and slows for long time.

Earth Mage:
Hurl Boulder: Damages and stuns target.
Quake: Deals damage in area and stuns.
Steel Armor: Increases targets armor and regeneration a little.
Strength Aura (Passive): Increases melee units attack damage.
Strength Of Earth (Ultimate): Increases targets Strength.

Air Warrior:
Chain Lightning: Like W3
Haste: Increases movement and attack speed.
Evasion (Passive): Like W3
Critical Strike (Passive): Like W3
Avatar Of Ai (Ultimate): Transforms into tornado, hero can't atack, but has great evasion chance, deals damage to nearby units and building and throws random enemy units into air.

Air Archer:
Lightning Arrows: Bonus damage, and slows a little
Tornado: Deals damage in line.
Evasion (Passive): Like W3
Speed Aura (Passive): Increases frendly units movement and attack speed.
Rain Of Arrows: Shots nearby enemy units, dealing great damage.

Air Mage:
Lightning: Deals great damage.
Lightning Storm: Deals damage to enemies in great area around caster.
Lightning Travel: Blinks to target point.
Lightning Strike (Passive): Chance per attack that attacks target with lightning (bounus damage).
Deadly Shock: Works like Aerial Shackles, deals much damage, last few seconds.
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
The only problem with your spells Pszczolek, I don't mean they are bad, they are very good in fact, but, like many other ppl, you made a link between to different element (Ice-Water). The ice element is a mix of 2 element.

Some exemple:
Air + Water = Ice elemental
Fire + Water = Steam elemental
Earth + Water = Mud elemental
Fire + Air = Spark elemental
Earth + Air = Dust elemental
Fire + Earth = Lava elemental
3 mixed element:
Earth + Air + Water = Sandstorm elemental

I don't know what would give 4 mized element but it could be really nice XD
Anyway, we need spell for water elemental that come from water more than ice.
That is my opinion, but the one that count is yours.
Level 8
Dec 29, 2006
Idk if you want the water mage to have frost like spells as well but if you do then heres an idea for the water mage's ultimate

Frost Surge: Fires a frost bolt at the target, if the targets health is less than 500, the frost bolt will explode on impact into a ring (or 'nova' if you will) of frost bolts hitting every target within 600 of the location of the explosion for 500. If the targets health is above 500 then he will take 3500 damage instead. (change the numbers to fit your map)
Level 6
Dec 28, 2006
The only problem with your spells Pszczolek, I don't mean they are bad, they are very good in fact, but, like many other ppl, you made a link between to different element (Ice-Water). The ice element is a mix of 2 element.

Some exemple:
Air + Water = Ice elemental
Fire + Water = Steam elemental
Earth + Water = Mud elemental
Fire + Air = Spark elemental
Earth + Air = Dust elemental
Fire + Earth = Lava elemental
3 mixed element:
Earth + Air + Water = Sandstorm elemental

I don't know what would give 4 mized element but it could be really nice XD
Anyway, we need spell for water elemental that come from water more than ice.
That is my opinion, but the one that count is yours.

In my opinion Water and Ice are both opposites of Fire. You could say, that Water is also opposito to Earth, but I presume (in this map) that Ice and Water are close linked, and I use them as one Element, in opposite to Fire. Lightning and Air are also close linked and used as one element. But your examples are right too. And I didn't wrote names of heroes exactly which they are, eg. Water Mage, isn't called that, but Frost Mage :smile:

And now some changes:
demondante's Zephir - instead of Air Warriors Haste
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Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
lol im gonna list a whole list of those mixed elements xD .. finaly something to do!!


Water + Water = Aqua
Water + Fire = Hotwater (???)
Water + Earth = Mud
Water + Air = Seatornade (Dutch is:'Windhoos' but i dont know it in eng)
Fire + Fire = Inferno
Fire + Water = Steam
Fire + Earth = Nothing
Fire + Air = Flamestorm (lol :p)
Earth + Earth = Granite
Earth + Water = Mud
Earth + Fire = Rock
Earth + Air = Sandstorm (like you said xD)
Air + Air = Storm
Air + Water = Rain
Air + Fire = Dunno
AIr + Earth = SOMETHING ...

Damn its pretty hard :p i tried to make all different thingies :p
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Well as I thin there shouldn't be 4 elemental but 5 indeed:

Earth : Solid
Water : Liquid
Wind : Air
Heat : ???
Frost : ???

You know what fire is, what the heat is. The frost, the cold is just the oposite.
Something hot (Fast moving atoms) Fire
Something cold (Slow moving atom) Ice
You know what I mean?
Level 4
Feb 2, 2007
I really like where this is going dude. I know for sure when the map comes out im gonna pick the Water/Ice Elementals. Anyway keep up the great work man I cant wait!
Level 8
Jul 16, 2004
It would be really cool if you could make an item combination system similiar to (i hate saying this) DotA.

With this you could make certain spell books and upgrade them, allowing very basic cross elemental spells. Enemy units have a chance to drop an essence of their type of element. You can combine certain types of these to make the spells/spellbook.

Water essence + Earth essence = Mudslide ~ Slows the movement speed of enemy units in the area.

Water essence + Air essence = Waterspout (Watertornado) ~ Slows enemy movement speed and grants minor mana regeneration to allied units.

Fire+Fire = Inferno (Like previously stated) ~ Flamestrike ability.

Fire + Air = Heatwave ~ minor health drain to enemy units

Fire+Earth = Magma overflow ~ Deals instant fire damage to all units in the area.

Earth + Earth = Coarse Skin ~ Minor damage reflection to allied units.

Fire + Water = Sauna ~ Health recovery for allied units.

These could be one time use spell items that could be made on the spot and used instantly in a fight. Another way of spicing up the fights. These would also not be very strong as they are available at all levels.

Perhaps heros drop greater essences which produce a greater effect when combined with another greater essence.
Level 6
Dec 28, 2006
It would be really cool if you could make an item combination system similiar to (i hate saying this) DotA.
Perhaps heros drop greater essences which produce a greater effect when combined with another greater essence.

Item combination system like in Dota already exist :smile:
But I said that I will add elemental items, (I already done one per Element), which are normal or combinated items, upgraded with Elemental Runes. Maybe I will add essence drop by hero.

I'm glad that there are people interested in my project :grin:

Release date moved into next month, because lastly I have to little time to make map:sad:
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Level 6
Dec 28, 2006
Here are some new or changed spells:

Earth Warrior:
Pummel (demondante's idea) - Deals damage which depends of strength, to unit, nearby units take the less damage the further they are.

Earth Ranged:
Petrify (demondante's idea) - Petrifies unit while channeling. After channeling lasts the same time channel lasted. If petrified unit dies, nearby units are hit by stone parts.

Air Mage:
Lightning Shock - While channeling, deals damage to target, and 50% damage to nearby units. Slows target by 40% per second and nearby by 20%. Channeling up to 1.5 seconds.

Storm - Calls lightnings from sky, damaging units in near. Each target can be hit once. Channeling. (Before there was a spell Storm, but often it didn't hit many targets, now it's made in JASS and works better)

Travel by Lightning - now also deals some damage to units in area from which caster blinks, and target area.

Please think about ulti for Mage of Lightnings, If you can and have willingness :smile: It would be great because I don't have an idea yet.
Level 8
Jul 16, 2004
How about....

Tesla: Deals large amounts of lightning damage to any unit close to the Mage for XX seconds.
You could base it off pheonix fire and change it so you see bolts of lightning instead of flames.

It could also be able to be turned on and off like immolation or something.


High Voltage: A chainlightning that also either stuns or blinds (Curses basically) Maybe it could silence heros as well.
Level 4
Jul 27, 2007
I'm thinking the names you have down are just for the generic general idea, but may I suggest making the names more unique..instead of *element here* *class here*.

I'll read over the classes, and post some suggestions, if you don't mind.
Level 4
Jul 27, 2007
Ok..fer earth...

You already have Iron Giant for the archer, I assume? If that's just naming the model, I think you should keep it..

Not sure WHAT model the warrior is, but perhaps Masse Watcher(German for Earth Guardian..I think it sounds cool)

as fer the mage..

Rots Tovenaar, Dutch fer Rock Magician...

I LOVE foreign languages.
Level 6
Dec 28, 2006
I keep on working with Elemental Wars. I changed hero's names. Now I will finally make archer for Water/Ice. I must solve problem with laging in internet games, but I'm not sure what causes lags, because I fixed memory leaks, and map works normal even on PC with Duron 900, 512 RAM and GeForce 4 MX. Next what I will work on are Elemental items, then CTF mode. I have many ideas to comply with map, but I need much time to use them. Map will be updated often.
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