Melee Mapping Contest #7 - Results

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Contestants were to create a competitive 4v4 melee map. The winner's map will be featured in W3Champions 4v4 ladder.


  • 1st place: 750 experience points and your map featured on W3Champions 4v4 ladder
  • 2nd place: 600 experience points
  • 3rd place: 450 experience points
  • Entry: 150 experience points
  • Judge: 50 experience points per entrant
The three winners will receive an award icon representing the winning entry.​




LayoutAre neutral buildings and expansions placed properly? Is there adequate spacing? Is the pathing intuitive?/40
CreepsIs the creeping fair for all races? How is the creeping flow? Do creeps have proper aggro? Are the item drops balanced?/25
TerrainIs the map visually pleasing in terrain, doodad placement, and overall theme? Are the visuals repetitive? Is the aesthetic well designed but not overly obstructive?/20
CreativityDoes the map bring something new or creative to the table?/10
TechnicalBugs and other technical issues will negatively impact the score of a map/5

  • Judgement: 70%
  • Poll: 30%
FinalScore = (30*Reached_Votes/POSSIBLE_VOTES) + (70*Average_Judge_Score/POSSIBLE_SCORE)

Three (3) multi-accounts have been detected in the poll. Their votes (in favor of StrickEagle's entry) will no longer be taken into account as this is against the rules.

LayoutUnique design with 4 different starting positions. Everything feels slightly too big/too far away/too open./30
CreepsGenerally well designed creepcamps and expected itemdrops. Learning four fundamentally different starting positions might be overwhelming for players./19
TerrainCool tileset combination, creating a unique environment. Sometimes the visuals want to achieve too much at once. Rather develop different themes for different parts of the map./16
CreativityUnique layout and visuals./9

LayoutInteresting design with the central frontal double base. Huge distances between teams. Central portals are probably more confusing than useful./33
CreepsGood creespot design but amount of creeps is rather low for such a huge map. Earlygame opportunities are spawn dependent./21
TerrainThe painted woods theme is visually pleasing and well excecuted. The additional city/arcane theme is arguably overwhelming as secondary theme./19
CreativityVisually unique. Innovative portal implementation./10

LayoutCould use some more chokes. Asymmetric Lab/Merccamp is problematic./35
CreepsWell composed creepspots. Unequal opportunities depending on starting positions. Too many p4 drops. Could have more contested creespots./21
TerrainGreat implementation of an unusual tileset. Bushes in UD mainbases look unpleasant. Doodads are randomly stacked sometimes./18
CreativityUnique tileset. Rather standard gameplay with the innovation of the central double expansion./8

LayoutSophisticated layout but most features will probably remain unexplored in PVP because you will always fast tech into air instead of exploring the map./22
CreepsThe map doesn't offer distinct creep routes which isn't too problematic because you will fast tech anyways. Itemdrops are creative but don't meet players expections in PVP./13
TerrainOverall well executed visuals. Doodads are overwhelming at some places, e.g. destructible rocks in front of the labs./17
CreativityVery unique map concept./10

LayoutSafe standard layout. Slightly too much open space. Some highground is hard to detect. Treeline little too far away in mainbases./31
CreepsCreep choice and itemdrops are sensible but creep spots don't really connect to intuitive creep routes./19
TerrainOverall pleasing with some areas being top notch (e.g. middle and lava dikes) and other areas being rather bland (e.g. the corners). Would profit from water levels./16
CreativityUnique tileset combination, standard gameplay./7

LayoutDrawing inspiration from existing 4v4 maps while still being unique. The area behind the central spawns is rather un-interactive. Some chockes in the map middle are questionable./33
CreepsExpected creepspot compositions and itemdrops. Creeping from central starting positions is weird without real opportunity to expand./20
TerrainNice mix of winter and city tileset./18
CreativityStandard gameplay and visuals./6

LayoutInteresting choice and distribution of neutral buildings. Top right and bot left starting positions are by far the worst for macro playstyle (worst Lab&Natural access)./34
CreepsGenerally balanced despite unequal starts depending on positions. Might be overwhelming for players to learn 4 different starts./21
TerrainCool choice of doodads, trees and cliffs. Sometime it's hard to assess wether a cliff is passable or not. Minimap doesn't really help with pathing./18
CreativityAn improved version of Arathor with some novel ideas./9

LayoutWell-drafted map layout, drawing inspiration from other successful 4v4 maps while still exploring a novel nieche./39
CreepsCreep and item choices are convenient but somewhat repetitive./23
TerrainThoroughly well executed visuals with room for improvement concerning some unexpected/outstanding sceneries./17
CreativityRather safe approach, both visually and gameplay wise./6

LayoutThe idea of creating big scrimmages is apparent but it's difficult to call how it will play out in real games. The question is if you can successfully attack into a stacked 4 player base./32
CreepsGiving the players big creepspots for cooperative creeping seems to be a sensible choice for this map layout. Not necessarely fair for all races./16
TerrainMinimalistic but well executed. Could use some visual zoning to help players with orientation./15
CreativityUnique map concept and visuals./9
TechnicalRamps need to be visible./4

LayoutInteresting layout but many possible imbalances like expo distribution. Abundance of chockes and ramps makes pathing with big armies difficult./29
CreepsHaving many medium creepspots is always a safe approach for 4v4 maps. The equal strength of several different creepspots partly covers for the different spawn positions./19
TerrainGreat concept with further potential to be explored, especially concerning terrain./15
CreativityInnovative layout and visuals./10

Map looks nice, creeps can be a bit hard for other races. interesting idea with spawn positions but can be confusing. Layout otherwise decent.

Oneway portal can be confusing for players not familiar with the map, but i think is a very interesting idea to include oneway portals more in laddermaps. Creeps fair for all races, Good creeping flow. Rare Tileset and map looks nice.

Nice done map, double expansion questionable - otherwise good design. creeps fair for all races, Good creeping flow. Neutral ghost on left side merc camp confusing, not fitting merc camp. Otherwise map really nice designed.

Unique map idea with the narrow valley. Some items are unguarded which i have never seen before. Map will lead to massing air where aa will be critical. Map will be confusing for most players as it doesnt represent really a classic Melee Ladder map. There are unique itemdrops which players know from the campaign.

Great map on an uncommon tileset. Layout good and creeps are fair. Creeping flow could be improved though.

Well made map, creeping variation and flow feels good and layout is quite interesting with most goldmines geared towards the center. Map also looks nice.

Overall well made map, looks nice. Though I think the dragons are way too cheap considering the value they provide with no tech necessary. Layout is good although the different starting positions might be confusing to players.

Bandit's retreat is from all submissions probably the least creative map. But in every other aspect is does almost everything right. The map looks nice, has good layout and good creeping flow with fair creeps.

I like the unique take of this map, very small and will lead to fast and constant action. Visuals are nice. The goldmine spots in the middle are though too close together, ramps not really visible. Possible that games could lead to massing t1/towercamping middle. Otherwise good creeps, good design and this map could be a welcome addition to the more macro orientented mappool.

Unique tileset and map layout, although wrong creepstances all over the place. Starting location in 4v4 is always double-free-double spawn vs single-double-single spawn on this map which seems weird and confusing. A lot of crepvarion, though wrong creepstances and neutral haunted goldmine seems odd. Nice visuals and unique layout.

LayoutInteresting layout, which should turn into a 1v1+3v3 game, which is new to me in the competitve mappool. I would like if some of the map was revesited to put more emphasis on this, for example, find a way to put the left big turtle spot on the other side of the map, because it's unlikely that in the 1v1 anyone will ever be able to creep that spot./30
CreepsI would make the leftmost expand easier to creep because typically you'll only have 1 player able to get that camp. same with the expo at the lab/shop/goldmine triangle, only the central player should be there to creep it, would play out more naturally if the spot is easier to take. would also invert creeps between the contested mid expo on the left and the marketplace. Again, I don't see a player in the 1v1 being able to creep the hydra. (tldr: some camps seem too hard to take considering their position on the map)./18
TerrainReally pleasing visually./19
CreativityI expect quite unique games, but the 4 different starting positions can always be an issue, even though the north/south symmetry does help a little to memorize it./10

LayoutI like that the portals that don't lead to another portal which always was a very clumsy mechanic. Long distance between teams and creative base positions. However I think the map would be better with more protected expands. For example, by inverting the portal destination and gold mines./34
CreepsMiddle expands and mana fountain could have slightly more rewarding item(s)/20
TerrainReally nice map with strong visual identity/19
CreativityInnovative without being too game breaking/10

LayoutMap layout is nice and should promote 4v4 fighting, maybe pulling the markets a little closer towards middle would encourage it even more. I don't like single mid tavern, far from everything. Double expo is very controversial, only advantages some races and does not promote "balance", I think this could be changed to be a little more standard./34
CreepsCamps seem a little too hard to take for human. I don't like the creep lure and rune of rebirth items at all./15
TerrainInteresting terrain, don't like the useless dungeon gate / statue behind it. Maybe having a hard to take red camp hidden there? otherwise this part of the map feels very useless. Really cool visual near the market place!/18
CreativityGameplay looks actually interesting and fun - accessible expands yet quite obvious, the map layout will lead to 4v4 fights/10

LayoutI still wonder how to get to the opposing team. Why not add a ramp from the center bases to the fountain? those creeps look intimidating enough that noone would go through there for a rush, but in the late game it would provider an obvious path to the opposing side. Sadly in the current iteration, air would dominate, which means very little of the map would get crept early on. There needs to be a SERPENT VALLEY way for ground armies to have a window of opportunity, otherwise very greedy tech trees will always be played. Sadly, mass air is not the most fun in 4v4 wc3 because of gyros and bats. ://24
CreepsReally like the creep and their strength, but not the item drops :( they are in general way too weak compared to the spot, with the odd tome of TP drop (?)./17
TerrainGreat looking map visually, didn't like the rocks at the lab at all, maybe having rocks opening important paths between the two sides of the map would be better?/19
CreativityNice ideas, very innovative./10

LayoutThe layout for competitive gameplay is the biggest weakness. I don't like that there 4 middle contested goldmines, usually they're never taken because they're too risky, so in the end it's wasted space without any actual objectives. I'd love to have one more safe goldmine per team (3 instead of 2) but I also understand why some of the decisions were made artistically. I really like that each part of the map has a theme and everything is consistent (terrain, creeps, neutral buildings and even mercs). I think if you blend that concept with a few elements to make the map interesting gameplay wise, we would have a solid ladder map./27
CreepsCreep camps and item drops work nicely. Creep routes suffer a little./20
TerrainReally interesting ideas visually, slightly uneven execution in some parts of the map. The whole middle for example looks great, the volcanos are a really nice idea but I don't like how the bottom one for example is cut./18
CreativityStandard gameplay, nice artistic ideas./8

LayoutExpands are really not in good spots for competitive 4v4. will lead to very one dimensional and not very fun games. You either dominate early game and get the expo, or you don't and there is hardly any comeback mechanism available. I would suggest putting gold mines where the lab & shops are between bases on the top left to bottom right diagonal./27
CreepsCreeps are nicely balanced, items are ok./23
TerrainMap looks really cool and fresh, the middle could use a little more work to have more interesting objectives./18
CreativityStandard but solid./7

LayoutLayout is good, 3 early expands is good enough/36
CreepsWould push items up a tier for the hardest expand (-> khadgar's pipe) and the middle dragon (-> amulet spell shield)./20
TerrainReally cool look, but it wasn't intuitive to me that I couldn't walk on water in certain spots, or which paths were open or not towards an expand/19
CreativityFairly conservative in terms of gameplay/8

LayoutI find the rush distance to be too short, and the path too direct. Would be better with chokes around the tavern / lab so people can hold and defend, or using highgrounds and a low ground for the tavern / lab for a defender's advantage./35
CreepsSeems too hard to creep as human on this map. Don't like that all middle camps give the same item./20
TerrainWell crafted, looks like an instant classic./18
CreativityConservative in terms of expo layout and bases positions (classic 2v2+2v2 map), but innovative with the short 2v2 rush path (which might be problematic in ladder)./8

LayoutI don't think the layout makes for a good competitive map in this current iteration. to me, warcraft 3 is a game of incentives and counter balancing: "you get this very nice spot, I can't contest it, so I'll get that other spot". if the map is a little too empty, it does not work and leads to very stale games, where there's no reason almost to not use your defender's advantage, even more so on a map with very close spawns. Other than that, I like the idea of having a proper 4v4 rush map (not a 2v2+2v2 rush map such as Murguls oasis, or a 4v4 creep map such as Northmarsh ruins). I think digging in that direction can lead to a really fun & competitive map./22
CreepsThe few creeps present are indeed well thought out in terms of strength and item drops. I would add a few green creeps near the bases so players can get going, and a few orange camps in the middle./15
TerrainReally cool minimalistic feeling but a little repetitive. Could use a little variation without losing the uniqueness./15
CreativityVery unique visually (5/5) but pretty stale in terms of gameplay right now (1/5)./7

LayoutNice ideas and I like the abundance of available safe expansions. Middle looks really cool, I'd block off paths between the two sides of the map a little more to encourage/force action towards mid. Not a fan of the tavern placement./32
CreepsI think there should be only 2 camps with tome of power, and both should be either in contestable spots or safe spots. Other than that, creep strengths and drops looked really good to me./21
TerrainReally like it! green and red looks sick. Not sure if I like the gigantic blood ocean around the map though :D/18
CreativityCool ideas, 9 spawns and putting a lot of the mid game objectives in a huge middle circle, hard to predict how games will unfold :)/8
TechnicalWhen I created a 4v4 with computers, harpies attacked my entangled goldmine right away./4



Assigned Staff: @Riki

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