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Mathias Part V - The Bitter End


Mathias Part V - The Bitter End (Campaign)

VGsatomi: Approved. Part of the lengthly mathias campaign.




VGsatomi: Approved. Part of the lengthly mathias campaign.
Level 4
Feb 10, 2007
I congratulate to you, the campaigns are very good in addition to interesting. Although it surprises a little to me that you did not take in whatever to Calia the smaller sister from Arthas. Anyway, as suggestion you could make cards of personages like in LunarFalls.
Level 8
Sep 4, 2011
I have contacted the site and claimed the moral right under copyright law to be recognised as the original creator of this campaign. To substantiate my claim, I refer to this link
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/mathias-chronicles-redux-30883/ . Whilst I am happy for the campaign to be distributed, I am not aware of any material difference between or modification to the campaign I created and that presently uploaded by Scott Fravell "Frostmourn". I have no connection whatsoever with Scott Fravell "Frostmourn" I have not authorised Scott Fravell "Frostmourn" to use my intellectual property. I reside in New Zealand and many of the place and character names used in the campaign are based on actual New Zealand locations.I retired from Warcraft III modding and campaign development some years ago and am not active in the community. However simply because I am not active doesn't mean it is ok for peple to rip off my work!

The final cinematic is by far my favourite. By that stage I had deviated so far from the Frozen Throne (and ultimately WoW narrative) that I needed to do something dramatic to bring closure to the story. I had to spend a lot of time getting the 'nuke' effect to work properly.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
This should be updated. There needs to be a mention that it's a campaign. I thought it was just a map at first. I think it's not even in the campaign section of the forums...
There are few levels to make a challenge, on Normal difficulty, anyway.
It's fun somehow, at least. It's almost bug free and has a decent story.

-who the heck is Lazenbury talking to?
-enemy units spawn out of nowhere
-some enemy units (purple and green for instance) may remain where they spawn. The allies may send some units near the enemy's spawning points and keep them there
-some allied units do not help other of their nearby units of the same colour unless the enemy units is very near to them. It's like they're on hold position or something
-why is Duncan fighting amongst the Cult of the Damned? And where's Mathias?
-units selected during cinematic scene
-two heroes moved during a cinematic scene (after the timer faded) in the middle of battle
-Ushgar comes kills Duncan in one blow and then remains as neutral passive, actually an ally because the other purple orcs start to attack him!
-Edwin is Obi Wan Kenobi!? Why wasn't Gorefiend hurt by the Sapper's explosion too?

-they send the king alone then they go to rescue him in the same place and level...
-it seems Edwin doesn't want to go too. The player can't control him too
-the king lived for two more weeks after being blown up?

-heroes who were level 10 in the previous campaigns now are back to level 3
-I don't know. How did they build the Quartermaster's Store without any resources at the start?
-the horse packs were already under the player's control...
-the trolls have buildings named Furbolg Hut
-a Water Elemental can trigger the troll hero cutscene. And the troll says: "human"
-again, optional quests are useless. They give no rewards
-the concept of the map is interesting

-Azeroth Nobles have mana but no spells...
-there are more than 5 Peasants mining in one place
-units are on hold position again...
-OK, so, the orcs attacked the higher ground but their major force decided to remain outside in the lateral camps!?
-what the heck is it with that Quartermaster's Store anyway?
-level progression is slow especially when you have to build everything from scratch. It makes you fall asleep
-how did they even had the time to build their base while the other nearby orc bases were supposed to be fully operational?
-yellow units in front of the yellow base are on hold position
-the yellow AI does not have any heroes, neither do the green and orange ones...
-Ushgar attack alone and after he reaches low hp turns invisible and attacks once then cloaks again and so on. He stays there and does not go anywhere else
-then a Barrow Den just creates itself... and Ushgar is invulnerable and the player can see which is an illusion and which one is the real one... He is also visible
-what's the point of a requirement to capture Ushgar if he's invulnerable!?
-I'm guessing Finger of Death was on recharge that she didn't use it on Malakai too...

-smart assassin. She didn't even realize she was being followed and then didn't even try to escape...
-the concept of the level is nice and all but there's no danger element. The heroes can just make a run for it and save everybody. Mr. Ryan or somebody should be searching for Mathias too
-there was no depth into the stealth part of the mission either
-again, it looks weird for undead to roam the streets and the villagers to just be out in front of their residences at night

-so they buried Kel'Zarach there? I thought he was just left where he died
-what's the big deal with only some gates being opened? Can't they just be broken down?
-two heroes with Unholy Aura...
-the mines in the town are owned by the blue AI. Thus Peasants won't go in the mine automatically after trained
-gates destroying after some other event like building a Town Hall makes the game linear
-the towers on the walls surrounding the town are inactive
-the Sky Barges don't even try to make a run for it
-was it necessary to open the other gates after the Town Hall was built?
-wood is scarce and mostly behind enemy lines...

-what the heck are Wisps doing in Dalaran?
-the pool only creates the same type of unit...
-releasing the monsters should make them rabid into attacking anyone nearby but they just stand there...
-a lot of heroes are just copies...
-golems seem to be conjuring by themselves...
-The Citadel Must Hold (4/4 Towers) requirement somehow and sometime became gray
-some undead units remain in the city and stand still
-talk about 3x Brilliance Aura that does not stack
-when the important towers in the middle are attacked, the mini-map doesn't display red circles because their not considered player owned units
-the shield was activated but the level didn't end until a minute or so after the end scene

-Mathias has a lower level than in the previous campaigns :|
-WHAT!? The undead starve people to death in cages!? They need them to become undead not torture them... Mathias (only one man) can turn the odds in their favour to save the Peasants to mine for 15 minutes so they can leave through the Way Gate!? Then she tells him he has a bad habit of people dying around him!? Is he a good addition to her troops or not?
-items have no custom or at least modified icons
-Kyreen has a higher level than Mathias

-I thought that Gorefiend died in a previous level...
-again, hero levels are lower than they were in previous levels...
-OK, so the Zeppelin has to get the evacuees south where the Sky Barges are!?
-oh, so then I have to find a effin' cage that no one ever tells you where it is...
-anyways, there's no flying units in this level except the Sky Barges and the Zeppelin... except for the last part of the level...
-the Laboratory was destroyed but a Zeppelin somehow survived. Who destroyed it? The undead, possibly?
-the idea was to evacuate so they could return?
-are undead supposed to still come while the Golems are being hunted?
-how did Gorefiend even find out of the Flesh Golems when undead were swarming everywhere?
-well, if Mathias came from the north, then how was he able to when undead also came from the north?
-Gorefiend now has range 600...
-when the three heroes have to go south, there is no barricade anymore...

-they teleported to the orcish camp?
-the blue player doesn't have any heroes and is useless
-fully repair all Zeppelins now? Why could I do it before? By the way, time when nothing important happens...

-now Malakai relies on the spirits for decisions!? Since when? He didn't have any problems accepting Maraleth's aid on a whim...
-Gorefiend is a hypocrite. He took his vengeance on the other orc heroes telling them it was wrong to fight amongst humans. Now that's what he suggests to Malakai...
-anyway, Mathias tricking Kel'Thuzad was awesome though
-there are some Centaur Tents between fences somewhere to the southwest
-the blue orc sometimes moves its units to some specific locations. For instance the troops are kept south of the Great Hall while the AI insists having more than 5 Peons for the mine even though I sent some of them to gather wood
-in the end scene, Gorefiend is named Malakai

-this cinematic is very cartoony
-how did Kil'Jaeden get to Azeroth!? Why didn't he know where the Lich King was when he was the one to create him?
-the Goblin's language is too modern: nuke, orbit...
-there was such a low chance for them to survive the jump, but maybe softness of snow?
-how was Maraleth so sure Kil'Jaeden was caught in the explosion when he was not in the middle of battle but keeping the portals opened?

-why the Liche King and not the Lich King?

If you ever decided to do a campaign again, you'll have the basis for it and you'll probably do better in all aspects: story, gameplay (which is the most important because it's a game), cutscenes and other stuff.
Level 2
Feb 22, 2021
I wish this was not the final part. I wanted to play more after the ending. Thanks for making this great campiagn bundle.