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Mass Hex

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Level 6
Feb 25, 2005
Im gonna try doing a mass hex. I know how to use dummies and allrdeady have 1 ficed and rdy to go.

So, can some1 help me with a simple trigger that either:

creates 1 dummy for each affected unit, and then orders all dummys to do a hex on their specific unit

creates 1 dummy, and orders it do a hex on all affected units (this seems like a bad idea, refering to that the hex wont affect all units at the same time...

Im looking for a smooth trigger that does a hex on all enemy units targeted by an aoe (say silence). Any ideas anyone?[/b]
Level 3
Apr 18, 2006
Lingonberryjam said:
Im gonna try doing a mass hex. I know how to use dummies and allrdeady have 1 ficed and rdy to go.

So, can some1 help me with a simple trigger that either:

creates 1 dummy for each affected unit, and then orders all dummys to do a hex on their specific unit

creates 1 dummy, and orders it do a hex on all affected units (this seems like a bad idea, refering to that the hex wont affect all units at the same time...

Im looking for a smooth trigger that does a hex on all enemy units targeted by an aoe (say silence). Any ideas anyone?[/b]

You seem to understand the basics, what you need now is to first

Set variable = all units within range of the caster with the condition of own of unit equals enemy of caster owner

the variable here is Unit Group type

next use Unit Group trigger to pick every unit in Variable to do mutiple actions
-to create a dummy unit on postion of unit to do cast hex on it.
-set expiry for each last created unit to 1 seconds
-hide last created unit

Thats about all, hope this helps..
Level 2
Dec 18, 2005
You donnot need a variable for this... if you do create a dummy for each unit you might get some laggs in game, so I suggest you create a dummy with the hex ability that has no cooldown and you pick every unit in range and order the dummy to cast hex on the picked unit. After that you remove the dummy.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
raul said:
You donnot need a variable for this... if you do create a dummy for each unit you might get some laggs in game, so I suggest you create a dummy with the hex ability that has no cooldown and you pick every unit in range and order the dummy to cast hex on the picked unit. After that you remove the dummy.

actually, this wont work

abilities in wc3 that default to have >0 cooldown will not work with <1 cooldown. You would have to order the dummy to move to fix this bug.
Level 2
Dec 18, 2005
cooldowns can be set to 0 or below 1, just think of searing arrows, they have no cooldown
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