Marketplace Issues

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Level 2
May 3, 2019
I have been working on a Hero PvE map, recently. I've had issues with triggers, but nothing I couldn't fix. I've even met issues with making a druid bear transformation (which I'm still working on -- that particular issue, if anyone is interested in giving any input, is that the druid will simply freeze for the equivalent of the spell's duration, then be transformed for another 60 seconds, then go back to his original form as a level 1, which... isn't exactly the end goal).
However, the issue I'm having problems with is the marketplace. I have a marketplace and a goblin merchant set up at the starting area -- the concept is simple; the marketplace sells consumables, the goblin merchant sells long-lasting items and tomes for stat boosts. So far, the items I have in the 'items sold' section of the marketplace are the following:
Mana Potion
Health Potion
Mana Stone
Scroll of Healing
Scroll of Mana

For the first few test sessions, it worked fine. However, the moment I added item drops to a few key enemies (tougher enemies that have spawn triggers attached to their deaths), the marketplace started selling unique copies of items that drop from these enemies. However, what makes little to no sense to me is that the marketplace doesn't sell ALL the items that drop (I have an enemy that drops kelen's dagger of escape -- the marketplace never once sells that), but ALSO ends up selling items that have never been put anywhere in the map, anywhere in triggers, were never attached to any enemies, and were never even modified nor were they ever put in the items sold of the marketplace (specifically, mask of death and sobi mask). I'm not entirely sure how I'm supposed to fix this, given that I have nothing in the map that should allow the marketplace access to these items -- for the items that are in other places of the map I can kindof understand (maybe the marketplace has a pool of items from all items obtainable in the map, though that logic breaks when I realize that not all the obtainable items are available), but I can't understand for the sobi mask and mask of death.
Level 6
Dec 31, 2017
Marketplace sells items of the same level and the same class that a unit has dropped.

It only works with Charged and Permanent items as far as I know, so changing classification of dropped items in the Object Editor is worth trying.

Other option is changing your Marketplace to be a regular shop: seems you don't need this marketplace mechanic at all.
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