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Maps freeze with specific custom model(s)

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Level 2
Sep 12, 2022
Hey Everyone,

Not sure if anyone can help me trouble shoot this but previously had the Malygos Reforged (by Victorz) custom Model working before recent updates between now and about 3-4 months ago.

But now it seems that when ever this unit spawn on the map. Whether it be in world edit or in game, the whole client seems to freeze up.

I have uploaded and tested about 50+ other custom models into this map and have only had this issue with Malygos, Aegwyn, and Hero archmage unmounted models.

I even went as far as opening a brand new empty map. Imported just the Malygos model and created the 1 custom unit and applied the model. And as soon as its placed on the ground, frozen.

Was wondering if anyone else might be having the same issues with these specific models or not and if so any troubleshooting ideas?
Level 2
Sep 12, 2022
well your solution is to delete that model from your map, I also had a problem with a model and i just deleted that model from my map
Was hoping more for ideas on how to fix it and to get the model working again versus just ignoring the issue and shoving it under the carpet approach but thanks.


Warcraft Moderator
Level 67
Aug 10, 2018

PopcornFX Update

  • The Warcraft III Reforged version of PopcornFX has been upgraded to version
    • Custom mapmakers with custom FX baked on an older version must rebake their assets to the current version.
    • Added an error message in the editor for users who have outdated custom FX.
Perhaps this change in 1.33 did it. I know other people are suffering issues because of 1.33. You have three options as far as I see it:
  • Edit the model yourself to try and fix the issue.
  • Request that the original creator updates their model (doubt anyone would do that unless the model is new)
  • Temporarily remove the models from your map and wait for a fix.
I imagine this has been addressed already in other threads so you might find a solution if you search around.

PopcornFX Update

  • The Warcraft III Reforged version of PopcornFX has been upgraded to version
    • Custom mapmakers with custom FX baked on an older version must rebake their assets to the current version.
    • Added an error message in the editor for users who have outdated custom FX.
Perhaps this change in 1.33 did it. I know other people are suffering issues because of 1.33. You have three options as far as I see it:
  • Edit the model yourself to try and fix the issue.
  • Request that the original creator updates their model (doubt anyone would do that unless the model is new)
  • Temporarily remove the models from your map and wait for a fix.
I imagine this has been addressed already in other threads so you can try digging for 1.33 related issues and hopefully find a fix.
well is nice to see that blizzard is still blizzard...
Level 2
Sep 12, 2022
well try to see if that model will work fine with old versions like war 3 1.30 or 1.31
I would if I could actually get my hands on the older versions atm if you by chance know where I can snag em.

PopcornFX Update

  • The Warcraft III Reforged version of PopcornFX has been upgraded to version
    • Custom mapmakers with custom FX baked on an older version must rebake their assets to the current version.
    • Added an error message in the editor for users who have outdated custom FX.
Perhaps this change in 1.33 did it. I know other people are suffering issues because of 1.33. You have three options as far as I see it:
  • Edit the model yourself to try and fix the issue.
  • Request that the original creator updates their model (doubt anyone would do that unless the model is new)
  • Temporarily remove the models from your map and wait for a fix.
I imagine this has been addressed already in other threads so you might find a solution if you search around.
Thanks Uncle, Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao!
I have no experience in popcornFX unfortunately so maybe in the future as I hope to potentially get into it a bit. I reached out to VictorZ and let him know the updates seem to have broke the model and he liked the post but not sure if that means he will do anything about it lol and I dont blame him for not wanting to at this point.
I would if I could actually get my hands on the older versions atm if you by chance know where I can snag em.

Thanks Uncle, Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao!
I have no experience in popcornFX unfortunately so maybe in the future as I hope to potentially get into it a bit. I reached out to VictorZ and let him know the updates seem to have broke the model and he liked the post but not sure if that means he will do anything about it lol and I dont blame him for not wanting to at this point.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The typical solution is if the model was from a third party you delete the model and report it as defective to the author. It is up to the model author to fix their problem and it might even be rejected until they do so if it is published on a website like Hive.

If you made the model you need to find out what part of it is causing the crash. Do not rule out exporter scripts as a source of error as programming bugs in those could be creating malformed model files. Crashes are more likely occur on edge cases where data translates into something that is not really sensible or valid for processing.
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