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Mapmaker team assembly

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Level 15
Jan 16, 2008
I'm trying to assemble a team of map makers capable of doing large projects without any major stepbacks. Team name would be Rogues of Roke and i already have an idea of the first project. I wouldn't be the leader of the team, even dough it has many flaws, i believe in democracy. If u're interested and have one or more of the following skills, you can apply here and maybe post a demonstration of your work.

Terrainers: 2 or 3 total
Spell makers(both GUI and triggered): 2 total
Modeler: 1 is enough
Icon maker/2D artist: also only 1
Trigger masters: 2 in total, we split their work
Coordinator: probably me but if i'm not online, maybe some1 else to gather materials

If you think you are good at something above, i can't w8 to see you in action!
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