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[Solved] Map transition does not work when loading a custom savegame

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My custom map transition does not work when loading a custom savegame although the savegame exists and can be loaded when copying it to the regular save folder and loading it manually.

if (SaveGameExists(loadPath)) then
         debug call Print("Loading game since it exists.")
         call SaveAndLoadGameBJ(savePath, loadPath, false)
Since the condition is true, I guess the path should be correct. The savegame is very big: ~12MiBytes.

When the code is called the game returns to the campaign screen. What could be the reason?

I've tried it with:
before so saving the current game should not be the reason.
Does nobody have any idea? I've tested saving and loading the savegame in a small campaign and it works there too. If it is related to the savegame's size why can I load it when placing it to the saves folder and loading it regularly? When I load the game via a chat command like above it returns to the campaign screen too. Does
have any other restrictions? The LoadGame() call is called in a function which is called via .execute() Maybe this causes the problem?
I have tested it with .evaluate(). I've not optimized both maps with the war3optimizer in one test. There is also two smaller maps of which the savegames only have around 3,8 MiBytes and it still does not work with them. The savegame of OrcX01 does already have 4,6 MiBytes. When using the wrong load game path the game does not return to the campaign screen, simply nothing happens so the path has to be correct. I've also tried
LoadGame(path, true)
In this case the score screen appears BUT the Accept button is grey and disabled. I have to exit Warcraft via the task manager. This is very strange behaviour. When creating a custom trigger in the trigger editor and calling
 call LoadGameBJ( "Temporary\\Gardonar0.8.w3z", false )
there with that fixed path when the player types "load" doesn't work either, so it should have nothing to do with the way it is called.

I have attached the campaign. Even if you cannot see most of the models, you can reproduce the behaviour. You can start chapter 2 and then go into the right marked area. It will change to the map "Gardonar's Hell" then. Then you can either type "load" in the chat or move into the marked area in the left bottom corner. It will try to load the saved game but fail and the campaign screen will appear. You can then copy the savegame from "saves/Profile1/CustomSaves/TPoFCampaign0.8_de/Temporary/Gardonar0.8.w3z" into your folder "save/Profile1". It then appears when loading a game in singleplayer. If loaded manually it should work. I will try a different campaign path now without underscore and dot or numbers. Maybe a different map path, too.


  • TPoFCampaign0.8_de.w3n
    11 MB · Views: 93
Ok, I think I got it. Sorry for the spam. It has something to do with the file name of the savegame as well as the file name of the campaign (which is used in the save path). I removed the underscore and dots but only the savegame "Temporary\\Gardonar.w3z" worked then. "Temporary\\GardonarsHell.w3z" apparently was too long. I renamed it to "Temporary\\GH.w3z" and now it works. I noticed that the Bonus Campaign uses underscores too but no additional dots. It also has shorter savegame names. For the versions I will use "08" now instead of "0.8" and I will use single or double letters for the savegames. I have no time to test the actual restrictions but it would be cool to write them down somewhere.
My campaign is called "TPoF08de.w3n" now and the path is then "save\\Profile6\\CustomSaves\\TPoF02de\\Temporary\\GA.w3z".

What I got is:
- No underscores in campaign names.
- Shorter file names for savegames.
- Probably no additional dots in savegames or campaign names (except from the extension dot).

Remember that the Bonus Campaign only uses paths like "Blizzard\\Zones\\OrcX01.w3z". It never uses the path with the folder named after the custom save game. Instead it copies all zone savegames into "Blizzard\\Zones" whenever a player loads his savegame from the Bonus Campaign. Therefore it avoids long savegame paths.
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