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Map Pool Changes Reverted

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Many people expressed grief towards the new map pool selections that were released a few days ago. It looks like Blizzard decided to go back to the old map pool:
Blizzard Classic Team
Wonders what they will do, will they even actually made patch 1.27 with all the editor improvements? Perhaps nah :/

They better give some real result tbh.
I think with the classic games in the Blizzard launcher and Windows 10 about the hit the market, they have no other choice but to make a maintenance and compatibility patch for WC3. It seems like there are some issues with W10 and WC3.

So we will eventually see a 1.27 patch. I don't think it will fix any game related bugs, though.

What I wouldn't categorically deny is the possibility for them to port WC3 to Bnet 2.0 in the W10 fix update.
Which means they will probably revamp the battlenet interface and game lobby system. Maybe we get that long overdue fix to personal hosting in the process.

This about the best case scenario we can hope for. No more hostbots. No more hacking.

However, we might also get some undesirable changes, like a fix to the preload exploit that allows to write files on the hard drive.
If they fix it, I hope we get something safe in return. Maybe an improved gamecache that works in multiplayer, similar to banks in SC2.
Last time we had a security exploit like this, we got hashtables.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Warcraft III would be a great game to open source. All Blizzard's current games are so diverse from Warcraft III that it poses no loss of technical secrets. I am sure there are dozens of people here who would be willing to fix out the annoying bugs that have bothered us forever. Additionally if it was open source then the source of all crashes can be found which would be fantastic for mappers suffering from unspecified crashes they have no idea what the cause is.

As it is people can get all WC3 assets for free by downloading StarCraft II, so it is not like they will be losing much.
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
Sounds to good for the current Blizzard.

Back to not expecting anything of real substance from the "new Blizz".
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Warcraft III would be a great game to open source. All Blizzard's current games are so diverse from Warcraft III that it poses no loss of technical secrets. I am sure there are dozens of people here who would be willing to fix out the annoying bugs that have bothered us forever. Additionally if it was open source then the source of all crashes can be found which would be fantastic for mappers suffering from unspecified crashes they have no idea what the cause is.

As it is people can get all WC3 assets for free by downloading StarCraft II, so it is not like they will be losing much.

This would definitely be awesome, but it would be a bad decision for them. A lot of people still play Warcraft 3. Many of SC2's changes have been designed to get some of these players, but a newly updated W3 means more people will stay with it instead of moving to SC2. If some very skilled modders take over the open source W3 project, they might even make the game more desirable than SC2 and HotS, which will move more players to a game that isn't making them any money.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I'm glad they did. Removing "Gold Rush" was a terrible, terrible decision. It's one of the few maps that incites people to fight early. I don't get why they'd prefer otherwise, 4vs4 maps like "Full Scale Assault" that promote air mass and one huge final confrontation are just so boring.
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