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Patch 1.4 incoming for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty | MLG Raleigh

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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005

Blizzard announced yesterday that patch 1.4 is coming for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. It includes many changes for the editor, as well as (much needed, if I may add) balance changes.Full changelog here.

Secretly, patch 1.4.11 is already in the works for some time.

Another Major League Gaming (MLG) event, MLG Rayleigh, is on from 26th to the 28th of August (this weekend!)! With 14k$ of prizes, including 5k$ for the first place, MLG promises another weekend of ultimate SC2 action!The commentator team includes frequent faces such as Husky and Day9, but Artosis and Tasteless are coming back as well!Below is a quote from the official MLG website.
The StarCraft 2 pro roster is locked, and we have our Top 20 and Pool lineup for Raleigh. And…well, to put it mildly, this is going to be interesting. MVPDongRaeGu and FnaticRain have decided to return on their own, separate from the four players invited through the League Exchange, and so have been seeded according to their Rank Points. We have STBomber, ZeNex CoCa, STTester, and none other than oGsNada confirmed as our GSL pro players. And Naniwa and Huk are in the same Pool.

The Top 20

The Pools

Let's take a look at what we have here. The only PvP is in Pool A, where the aforementioned battle between Naniwa and Huk will take place, with InControl as a possible spoiler. Pool B is a ZvT fest, and there is absolutely no ZvP for Idra to worry about. The race spread in Pool C is decently balanced, and LiquidTLO will have another chance to beat DRG, after losing to him in the first match of Anaheim. In Pool D, the received wisdom might be that LiquidRet will slaughter everyone (except Nada), given how he's been playing lately, but all the other players in Pool D are capable of taking him down, if they keep their heads. However it plays out, Pool Play in Raleigh is going to offer some very interesting games indeed.

I believe we will again be able to watch the live stream from TeamLiquid's website. http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/MLG_Raleigh_Red. There's a blue stream as well, I will be posting the link soon.
EDIT: You may also watch the streams in Major League Gaming's official website: Red Stream, and the Blue Stream.
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Acceleration is not speed, by the way.
I must say I am so SO happy and thankful that they've finally given the Immortal a buff ^_^! And I always thought that the Warp Prism should have 100 shields, I was actually going to make that change if I ever made a melee map of any kind, though it comes at no extra cost? Awesome.
I'm not sure why they'd change Infernal Pre-Igniter damage to so low (+5 from +10, wtf) while keeping the same cost or increase the energy cost of Contamination (from 75 to 125, again, wtf?! This ability is already hardly ever used). Infernal Pre-Igniter is expensive but it's really the only thing that makes Hellions worth it against Terran or Protoss. Figures it's another unit to be shelved and only used during certain matches, like Hydralisks in TvZ.

Also, this seems interesting:
* Added raw XML editing mode to Data Editor.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
If it's the XML, like, browser scripting language, then I'm curious as to what it entails.

Also, DSG, you readin' this? I think you might particularly enjoy this line: "Fixed script editor slowdowns related to syntax highlighting." Might be possible that this is why it took so long to paste scripts.

By the way, I am sorry that the formatting and styling of the news post is so bad, but my computer decided to freeze after 3 hours of text tagging and treating, just as I was about to hit the submit button, and I was obviously not in the mood to spend another 3 hours to repeat, so, sorry about that.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
^ Maybe it wont matter that much since to biggest extent it depends on how much in the ramp your units are, you will need to move a little more
^ it's far from April 1st Rui for your spoiler >_>

My 2 cents from the GG site:

MVP style brought fun to TvT even tho one can totally hate the 'whoever burns more scvs dies', Just when I found this boring TvT matches this tactic brought so much dynamic to TvT... Will this be ever used after this patch? From 10 to 5 - INSANE drop of damage..

Immortal range increased... 1/1/1 can be stopped easily with some more zealots and 3-4 immortals. Why do you need that range? As if colossi arent the protoss tank, now make them a 2nd tank. Some toss say the reason was PvP but it looked to me like PvT. To those who complain about 1/1/1 yes its OP for P but so is 4gate when u fe with T. I see it as a way to even the scores - make toss not make 4gate/proxy gateway/cannon and i dont mind removing 1/1/1. But while P will have 10 ways to lame, T has to even the score.

Increase rax LOL, firstly supply depot needed for rax now this is totally needless. 5 seconds more = no gg? or if they didnt touch it = gg? This is the dumbest change of the entire patch

Ultralisk build decreased, they get enough ultralisks if needed, again unneeded

completely uncalled changes: rax, immortal, ultra, some of the balance is bs

Editor: Like I said days ago, if these changes are not enough and some still say 'oh it's too hard' better get used to it, newer games editors will not get any easier. This is not an excuse unless it is a way to say 'i prefer war3 editor'. Whoever wanted to do things on SC2 would always learn the editor nmatter how hard it is.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Fungal nerf vs light was most needed, so blue flame is an ok nerf towards Z. But most go marine tanks vs Z, some go mech and/or blue flame that's why they nerfed it. While I lose also to blue flame if they do more dmg, I kind of like it, would be sad if they become useless. Would have to go the old boring bio tank.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
We at EU may be finally getting the opportunity to go to PTR server with this patch and for future patches. It's not likely it will be a single PTR server for all regions as it would mean playing with the world there which they won't do. Most likely EU PTR. But it's ok, nice to have an account where you can do all shit you want even if temporarily

This MLG seems less interesting than the previous one, at least for me there are no players I care about.

Puma or Bomber takes this one.
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