Making Waygate ability not allowing mehcanical units?

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Level 8
Nov 22, 2004
I need help for two things:

1) First:

I made cars for my map I want to keep them form using waygates (doors in my map).

So I have tried many ways to keep units classified as mechanical not to be teleported by waygate abitlity. I checked organic units only in the editor, but it still teleports anything.

I tried a few triggers but seemingly I cannot figure out the right one.

Is there an easy way to do this.

2) Second:

Is there a way to change the waygate art effect, because in the editor the waygate abilty does'nt have any art to change.

Thanks alot for you attention!
Level 8
Jan 18, 2007
have you tried to make a trigger that like ewery 0.01 sec checks it?

try this

time- repeating event ewery 0.01 sec

entering unit equal to (or does not equal to if you have more than one unit) mecanical

turn of waygate.

then make a trigger that checks if theres not a mecanical unit and turns on it.
this might only work if your waygate ability is a trigger ability that infects regions (ells you can make a unit within range thing.
Level 3
Jan 19, 2007
have you tried to make a trigger that like ewery 0.01 sec checks it?

try this

time- repeating event ewery 0.01 sec

entering unit equal to (or does not equal to if you have more than one unit) mecanical

turn of waygate.

then make a trigger that checks if theres not a mecanical unit and turns on it.
this might only work if your waygate ability is a trigger ability that infects regions (ells you can make a unit within range thing.

This trigger wont work because entering unit refer to the unit in the event that is in fact a time event,so that trigger wont work.

The trigger should work like that:when a unit that is not mechanical get near a waygate it get moved instantly to a region near the other waygate(i cant make the unit teleport at the same place as the way gate,it would make the unit teleport infinitely) with a nice teleport special effect.
Waygate 1
Unit - A unit comes within 200.00 of Way Gate 0001 <gen>
((Triggering unit) is Mechanical) Equal to False
Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of (Triggering unit)) using Abilities\Spells\Human\MassTeleport\MassTeleportCaster.mdl
Unit - Move (Triggering unit) instantly to (Center of Rect 000 <gen>)
Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of (Triggering unit)) using Abilities\Spells\Human\MassTeleport\MassTeleportCaster.mdl

I made a map example,just download it in the link here:
Level 3
Jan 19, 2007
This isn't a bad idea either,but i don't like it,make it too much weird,you send try to send a mechanical unit around the waygate and it cant advance more then the region there,isn't very advantageous in battles...
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
have you tried to make a trigger that like ewery 0.01 sec checks it?

try this

time- repeating event ewery 0.01 sec

entering unit equal to (or does not equal to if you have more than one unit) mecanical

turn of waygate.

then make a trigger that checks if theres not a mecanical unit and turns on it.
this might only work if your waygate ability is a trigger ability that infects regions (ells you can make a unit within range thing.

Thats a really bad example your giving there, imagine playing the game for about half an hour, that would mean your going through that trigger 90.000 times, you know the amount of memory your eating with that.

I suggest using a trigger to manually move each unit going through the portal, and then check on organic and mechanic.
Level 3
Jan 19, 2007
Thats a really bad example your giving there, imagine playing the game for about half an hour, that would mean your going through that trigger 90.000 times, you know the amount of memory your eating with that.

I suggest using a trigger to manually move each unit going through the portal, and then check on organic and mechanic.

Did you read my posts ahead?That trigger just wouldn't work.
Level 3
Jan 19, 2007
But entering unit will only take one unit at a time,if 2 units enter the region at the same time,one unit will teleport and one will remain in the region :eekani: while triggering unit can take multiple units once,that is called MUI.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
But entering unit will only take one unit at a time,if 2 units enter the region at the same time,one unit will teleport and one will remain in the region :eekani: while triggering unit can take multiple units once,that is called MUI.

...What the fuck. It shouldn't do that! For each unit entering the region the trigger should create a new thread and so all should be detected...

Fire theres a problem with that trigger.It will teleport the units whether the user wants them to or not. You could try changing the waygate ability to not allow mech units but im not sure if that would work.
Herio-san had the best idea:

Unit Enters (no waygate use)
Condition: Entering unit is mechanical equal to true.
Actions: Ord unit to move to (whereever)

there you go. that will work with any ammount of units (or should). Just make it so the can enter it from one side (first screenie) OR make there be 4 regions around the way gate [small regions] then four move to locations (second screenie)


  • Waygate one way.jpg
    Waygate one way.jpg
    1.6 MB · Views: 85
  • Waygate Four way.jpg
    Waygate Four way.jpg
    1.3 MB · Views: 92
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Level 3
Jan 19, 2007
Unit Enters (no waygate use)
Condition: Entering unit is mechanical equal to true.
Actions: Ord unit to move to (whereever)

Thats very a retarded trigger(yes,no offense)it would ORDER a unit to move to a point,lol,pretty efficient teleport,and herio could be maybe good,,,let me think of it

I know i could made a better version of that exemple but i did it fast(thats why theres only one region),il try to do a good one LEAKLESS...

Jee,i never spent that much of time on that kind of exemple map -,-

I can't finish this tonight,il finish it tomorrow
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Level 3
Jan 23, 2007
you know what, just to make sure we're not going through a big hassle with triggers.. make sure the way gates take ONLY organic units and whatever else you want besides mechanical units or whatever.. then just to double check,, make sure the cars are classified as mechanical and not organic under the object editor,, see you might've imported the model and forgot to change that. That should fix your problem,, perhaps i duno.
Level 8
Nov 22, 2004
Sorry I coul'nt reply before.

Thanks alot guys for all your efforts solving the problem, BUT my map contains about 80 waygates LOL I don't wan't to go adding another like 400 regions to my already 190 regions map. And imagine all that memory leak and lagging involved.

By the way I should have a beta version within 2 weeks.

Indeed I have tried using and double checking organic, mechanical and other stuff in the world editor, but it just won't work!

Is there a solution without triggering?

I have even tried making a building into a car as suggested in a previous post, but in order to make it move I have to uncheck : this is a building and make it a unit. Then Bang! Same old problem again.
Level 3
Jan 23, 2007
hey, Melshisedek1 there could actually be quite a few reasons for why it's not working, though i am not 100% sure what the problem is but i know i could definatley fix this WITHOUT TRIGGERS. We do not want leaks in your map it would not be playable. If you wanted me to i could fix your problem probably within an hour if you send me the map.. I would be glad to help out. A bit of credit on your map would be nice. If interested just attach and send to [email protected]

--Though this seems like a scam it isn't!! I enjoy and am trying to help you,, infact i'm working on 2 different maps right now for myself.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Just use normal waygates but when the unit appears on the other side it enters a region and appears back at the entrance of the way gate and thus 80 REGIONS are needed since you can create 80 fixed locations which you store in a variable and you juse have to get the location and move the unit to it (thus no leak).

If your worried about lagg use reals to store X/Y cordinates of the unit. . .

And if you can trigger there will be no leaks so do not complain about them since if a trigger leaks its your fault. . .
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