Waygates and Pathing Maps

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Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
I seem to have run into an issue regarding waygates. I've placed several in a new map of mine, but if the gate's target is in the same area as the waygate, the unit will just be ordered to walk to it instead of being teleported. If the waygate's target is further away in another area (in this case blocked off by boundaries), it teleports just fine.

Is there some hidden relation to pathing maps and the waygate ability? I'd rather not use triggers for this, as this is mainly for AI travel.

If your wondering why I'd need a close range teleport, this is for a style of defense map. There is a waygate behind a closed door. The enemy has a way to break down the door after a certain point, allowing them to use it. The destination of the waygate is just slightly further down the map, giving them a shortcut, making life harder for the defender.
Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
I'm aware that that's how it's supposed to work, my problem is the waygate not teleporting if the unit has the ability to walk there instead. I can point it to anywhere else that the unit can't walk to and have it work just fine, but if the target region can be walked to, the unit gets ordered to walk there instead of being ported.

EDIT: Well I seem to have fixed this one. The regions must be a certain size it seems, when I supersized the regions, the waygate starting working normally.

Nevermind... just one waygate decided to start working. I literally copied the unit and region and tried to make another working one and the unit still wants to walk instead of being ported. This is making no sense.

EDIT2: By jove, i've got it! The target region can't be centered on a unit (aka the sister waygate), it has to be just beside it in order for it to work.
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