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[IMG]http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/149931-albums505-picture14275.gif[/IMG]A New Campaign
As you may know my previous thread was accidentally deleted by myself. I put a lot of work into the thread and map. Fortunatly the map has not been effected by this disaster and I also have a record of all spells and systems.
Why then? you may ask, have I changed the game type from an ORPG to a Campaign? Well the reasons are simple;
FirstlyI have foreseen that Mages will indeed go above the 4MB limit. You might say, then stop adding imports. I can not. The imports are what makes Mages aesthetically pleasing. If I just used normal warcraft models, then it would be no different from any other ORPG no matter how many different features I added.SecondlyI believe that if the game is played multiplayer, there will be too many complications, such as maximum doodads and players owning realms. Hopefully in Mage - Campaign, You will be able to receive proper rewards for conquering realms and you will not need to worry about dreaded 20 character long save/load codes.To Sum upThis change, as no one other than myself has experienced Mages gameplay, it should not change your view on the project at all.New GameplayBecause I am now building a Campaign that can have almost limitless possibilities I have decided that instead of a major story line, there will be the different chapters. These Chapters will be different from any other in a Campaign though. They will be Major Realms of which you must defeat the Ultimate Boss In each. You can Travel to any Realm You wish other than the final realm from the beginning of the Campaign. This method, will be unlike any other before and will allow the user to choose the realm to travel to ingame rather than in the Campaign menu.Other Bonus'sThere will be many benefits of a Campaign, I have below just listed a few of them:
- The Campaign will now incorporate Pausing (When changing spells, using Items, etc..).
- Realms will be different Chapters.
- There is no longer a size limit so custom imports can be used.
- Chapters can have different loading screens of world maps.
- The Campaign will be entirely unique and a new experience.
- I believe that by using my methods there will be a much better replay value for my project.
- As there is now only 1 Player, actions will not need to be repeated so lag will be even 'less' of a problem.
Mages - Campaign is a brand new idea, of the typical magical campaign. Its very different, however from anything you may have seen before [or so I hope]. As the leader and sole team member of this project I am not having an easy time, however at the moment the only other team member I need is a model editor and creator.
I have tried exceptionally hard to make Mages an enjoyable experience, both for myself and the players. I have therefore had to implement a number of 'Outstanding' features along with some beautiful terrain.TopTerrain
Unfortunately, I am not the best terrainer in the world, however personally I believe my skill to be above average. [I'll let you decide for yourself]. The terrain I have created, is beautiful [In my eyes] and most certainly playable. Terrain, is very important in my opinion therefore I ask that you please look at the screenshots I have taken. Then offer advice, whether here, in a private message or by any other means of communication.
What's So Good About..?I am almost willing to guarantee that Mages is unlike 'Anything' you will ever experience. There are only three Classes, but so what if they're good right? Each class can be Male of Female, (no differences except model). Oh yes I have custom Models for each class (See Classes and Spells for more information. One of the main reason I think Mages will be so enjoyable is down to the fact it is now a Campaign and therefore has so much more potential than an ORPG. Admittedly, you cannot have the RPG factor as much, however there is still an advanced AI to keep you happy. Also, later after this project is completed I will perhaps construct an Arena style map where you can load you're hero's and battle to find the Greatest Mage. I was thinking of even having Tournaments at some point. (which of course I will be unable to enter lol).TopList of FeaturesThe following list is not yet complete, I have added screenshots where appropriate however not all screenshots have been uploaded yet:
Creep Respawn SystemWell, come on you must have expected it. Every good Campaign, needs creeps, and as an Open Campaign it therefore needs a creep respawn system. Although there are many good system, mine will insure creeps are never spawned near to another unit other than another creep. Therefore you will never see them spawn which will generally increase the excellence of Mages. Hero SelectionAgain, A necessary system not that extravagant, however it is an above average and aesthetically pleasing system that will serve it's purpose. Missile SystemsOne of the 'Key' features of Mages is that you cannot just click on an enemy to attack them. You must use the targeting system, by pressing the 'A' key then sending your spell in the desired direction. Some spells of course are easier to use and require a target or are AOE Spells. No Magic SystemNow, at the very start of the game you will be able to use only one simple spell, until you acquire a Staff in which to channel you magic energies through. There is an exception however, 'The Warlock' who uses very dark, very powerful magic, will be able to cast the basic Blast Spell without a Staff. Campaign SystemThe remake of Mages is as you know a Campaign and therefore it has chapters, however these chapters are no normal chapters, each is a different Realm (See Bosses And Realms) later on for more information. You can, once you reach a method of transport such as boat, Zeppelin or Even a Teleport, go to a different Realm (Chapter) without returning to the Campaign Screen. Camera SystemThis is an average Camera System I built, you use the arrow keys to change the rotation and angle. You also use the + and - keys to zoom in and out (which not many Camera Systems use). MultiboardsI have a number of different Multiboards, which can be scrolled through using the Esc key (this is also how to hide them). The Multiboard that should be primarily used is for hero stats, however there is also one for cooldowns which should be used equally (Especially when you have used more than one spell). The last Multiboard I have used shows Different Information about the Realm you are currently in. (I was tempted to use Multiboards for buying and selling but I think it may look cool but for the effort its worth and the time it takes to navigate to one item, its not worth it). Quick SpellsQuick spells are a different way of navigating through spells. As far as I know there is no system like it. Basically what if does, is sets different spells to the hotkeys: F1,F2,F3,F4,F5 and F6 this way you can cast your different varieties of spells without traipsing through Spellbooks. (More about this in Classes and Spells later on). Attachment SystemI know that everyone goes on about their 'Unique' Attachment systems, well.. They certainly aren't unique, and truthfully, neither is mine. However what is unique, is the attachment models available. Now as I can Remove and convert attachments from other models, including those of a few Hive workshop members mentioning no names (Happy Tauren is the best XD). Therefore I have access to almost as many attachments as I can find on units (which is a heck of a lot). Therefore although my attachment system will be no different to many others, the models I use will be considerably more in quantity and quality. [Broke=More To Come]See More[/Broke]Cooldown SystemBecause I have used some remarkably complex systems in my Campaign. I have had the problem with spell cooldowns and obviously when a spell is Added or removed, (which my Quickspell System does a heck of a lot), the spell cooldown is reset, therefore allowing cheating. Or as some may call it 'Bug Exploiting'. To solve this problem I have stored all cooldowns as reals, but instead of a sucky floating text showing above the hero for 12 spells at once stating time remaining. I have used (as spoken of before) a Multiboard. Also, to replace more sucky floating text, I have used Debug Error Messages (for those who do not know it is the normal message that appears when a spell is use when not ready).
Classes And Spells
ClassesCurrently, There are 4 different classes, all of which have completely different stats and completely different Spells. Each Class has a Male and Female model, however the hero's are exactly the same. (The reason is to promote anti-sexism). The Class you choose will also have a powerful effect on how NPC's will react to you. For example one class has a particularly high 'Anger' Rating. Although this will not limit you to only an evil path, a high anger means that you will uncontrollably 'lash out' at people, which they will not like. Howver there is a balance and of course Anger has good properties too. (More about this later in the 'Moral Values and Traits' Section).The ClassesTopElemental Mage
DescriptionThe Elemental Mage is very adaptable hero, he or she has many spells for defense, offense, Transportation and healing. This Mage is also generally a very powerful fighter however as it is not specialized in a particular field it cannot be as powerful in that field as another mage.
As can be told from the name, this class uses the power of Fire, Water, Frost, Earth and even Lightning. Therefore its spells can be devastating to many different enemies while also defending itself. Making it the perfect Choice for a new player.
Frost Wave
DescriptionThe Elemental Mage sends a pulsing wave of Frozen energy in a line which will implode after a short distance, any enemies caught in the radius when the energy Pulses or implodes is severely damaged. Levels will increase damage and distance.Chilling Whisper
DescriptionBy calling on ancient Icy winds, the Mage can focus them on an area and cause all enemies in that area to instantly freeze for a short duration stopping them from attacking but increasing their defenses. Levels will increase the duration the targets are frozen for.Glacial Eruption
DescriptionAfter rising into the air and channeling energy, the Mage calls upon an enormous Icy pillar which erupts at the Mages location, knocking all enemies back and damaging. Levels will increase damage, radius and distance of Knock back.Pyrotic Blast
DescriptionBy summoning searing flames from the earths core, the caster can direct them towards the target location incinerating all i their path. Levels will increase damage and distance.Searing Barrier
DescriptionThe caster can immerse him/herself in Fire, which will then extend its devastation to an area around the caster. The caster may still move freely and will be able to force enemies away from the flames. Levels will increase radius, damage and duration.Radial Implosion
DescriptionAfter absorbing all heat energy from the surrounding area, the Elemental Mage Unleashes it in a single wave of utter Destruction causing all nearby enemies to be blasted backwards by the shear intense heat. Levels will increase radius and damage.
Bosses And Realms
TopRealmsThere are 12 realms of which you can explore. These realms can be accessed by different areas of the realm you are currently in. However unlike many other Campaigns I have not used some cheesy portal, but specific geographic locations. Therefore you will not be able to access certain regions without first completing tasks or accomplishing something.
All realms are also governed by certain bosses [See Later]. These bosses can be defeated, to take control of the realm for yourself. However, of course beating a boss is not easy [See Later]. Upon taking control of a realm you shall receive a number of bonus's, which could include and of the following and more:
- Personal Bodyguards.
- Powerful Items.
- Periodic Income.
- New World Locations.
- Information Regarding Points Of Interest.
Requests and Team Information
Team Members:
Project Leader: Jaijaibinx
- Terrain - Jaijaibinx
- Triggers + Scripting - Jaijaibinx
- Object Editing - Jaijaibinx
- Storyline - Jaijaibinx
- Character Development - Jaijaibinx
TopCurrent Requests
TerrainI am in desperate need of 'Terrain', 'Terrain Concepts' and 'Realm Names'. Please if you wish to help on this front of the Mages Project visit my request forum: here.
THIS THREAD IS UNDER SERIOUS CONSTRUCTION AS IS THE MAP. SO PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY COMMENTS HEREIf you have any questions related to my project please PM or VM me I will be happy to answer all and any questions you may have.
Thank You.
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