
"Near Harad, a hot and exotic land. It is the kingdom of the Haradrim, warriors loyal to Sauron."

Behold wet-landers, the mightiest of the Sultan's great Mûmakil!

Credit to Callahan for providing the mammoth model to use as a base.

-Lowered file-size only by 4 kb though :\
-Fixed Tusks
-Credited Callahan properly

Mumakil, Oliphaunt, Elephant, Harad, Haradrim, Lotr, Lord, Of, The, Rings, Battle, For, Middle, Earth, Ring, War, Rhun, East, Easterling, Southron

Mumakil (Model)

17:07, 24th Jul 2015 MiniMage: Could be a useful.
Level 67
Dec 23, 2013
"Free domain" is all good & fine, but credit should always be given when one didn't do something oneself. Every free-domain thing out there has a signature on it from the guy who made it first, and that's only just.

He stated that he doesn't care how they use his resource, and they actually did still credit him for it anyway.

There's no problem here, so why make one? Why waste half a page talking about it? Try not to forget that the whole purpose of this site is supposed to be to provide resources for people to use. This isn't some copyrighted painting museum meant for people to see and not touch. We're a modding community, remember?
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Well. There is a total of five of my icons there, uploaded by 3 persons, none credits given. Always "I drew this". Nobody ever linked me, my work, or THW. That's why I hate this. Brb, going to disintegrate those people.

OT: A splendid use of in-game textures, and a neat addition to your race :)