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Lucid Dream

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Level 12
Mar 29, 2012
Ever heard about lucid dream?
Just google it.

Meanwhile, have you ever experienced lucid dream?
A dream that is much clear than usual, that you can remember almost 100%, the place, weather, the people there, or even time? Its said that we can also control that dream, do what ever we like, fly or something.

Well, I got one. Sadly I didn't know anything when I had my first lucid dream.
In that dream, I was in a city with friends. We went to the mall, enjoying our favorite foods and snacks. Well, it's ended there actually :eekani:, but the images of that dream is just so clear in my mind. The next morning, I can remember every foods I ate in that dream, I remember most of the person I met inside the mall, cars, weather, landscapes. Ok, that's it for now.
So that's me, what's yours?
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Interesting... but if I ever had a lucid dream, it was the most terrifying one I had. I remember precisely all the feelings I had and almost every place I saw (it was the city I live in mostly). Didn't meet people I knew because I was captured by damn terrorists that wanted to burn me alive the next day for no reason with other hapless people having the same cruel fate. That feeling of immense fear I had is something I'll never forget... I suppose we can call this a "lucid dream".
Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
I had a lucid dream but I dont remember 75% of it. I only remember that me and my family were shopping then some riots started and suddenly everywhere was foggy and everybody except my family was gone and there was slenderman in the fog. We ran to a dead end and just when I looked back I noticed slenderman cant be real and I noticed I'm in a dream so I didnt ran or get scared, I just waited there so slenderman can teleport into my face and scare the crap out of me but he didnt teleport he ran to me very fast without moving his legs it was weird. I wish I didnt just wait there, because I could destroy slenderman if I wish and then I would go to Equestria lel.
It is hard for me to tell when I've had a lucid dream. Sometimes I'll have a very, very vivid dream--but then the details become foggy for me anyway as soon as I wake up.

But similar to Shadow_Fury and hiphop4eva, my most memorable lucid dreams were pretty scary. They usually involved me waking up abruptly. One was about some sea snakes or something along those lines, and my family & I were trapped.

The most recent one was a dream where I was sleeping, and that there were cockroaches in my blanket. As I lifted the blanket, more and more cockroaches started coming out. It was so vivid--it really felt like there was something crawling on my arms. I woke up and immediately pulled off my blanket out of fright. That shit is cray cray.
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
Lucid dreams, eh?

Dreams are a succession of images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep - as per definition.
That's the exact same what you'd call a place where you are what your subconsciousness wants you to be.
You act as it wants you to act, you say what it wants you to say and you feel what it wants you to feel.
Freud, as per example, said, dreams are a recovery state for your brain after a day.
A place where you recover from the past day.
He isn't wrong about that, still why are dreams often more than this?
Doesn't one dream the most wicked things every now and then?
Even more, how does this relate to the Lucid Dreams which are proven to be a state in you being able to control your dream and thus fly?
Can't you cut a house in two with your bare hands?
Can't you rebuild it by just using your physical force after that?
Thinking about dreams has always left me in confusion.
I can't make sure whether a dream is good or bad, nor can I say how dreams have changed during the past two thousand years.
Paul Tholey, a psychologist used to examine Lucid Dreams and condition them.
He said, it was possible for people to train things while being asleep, in order to improve them in reality, the awakened state of oneself.

Fortunately enough, you can condition your mind to hint you at such lucid dreams, like for example while dreaming, try to make your brain look at a watch.
The human brain cannot distinguish numbers while in a dreaming state and thus the result is mostly either a blank/disorted screen on digital watches or "it just doesn't make sense" when looking at an analogue clock.
Congratulations: you have a lucid dream.

Approach number two would be to try thinking about the place where the dreamer currently is in - covered with water.
Try diving into the clear water - and breathe underwater.
If you can supress the thought of drowning due to air insufficience, congratulations: you have a lucid dream.

There are many ways to distinguish a normal state of dreaming from a lucid state.
Some people also make use of CILD (character-induced lucid dreaming) which follows the throry of imagining a character who isn't real in any aspect as a checkpoint.
I myself have three lucid dreams out of five nights cause I trained my mind to watch out for those indicators.
And while most of those start out dark and vividly, from the point where you can control your dreaming state, you are free to change anything - be it the population, environemnt, flow, gravity or time.
It's like creating one's own world and it's pretty awesome - try it out ;D
Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
lucid dreams, eh?

Dreams are a succession of images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep - as per definition.
That's the exact same what you'd call a place where you are what your subconsciousness wants you to be.
You act as it wants you to act, you say what it wants you to say and you feel what it wants you to feel.
Freud, as per example, said, dreams are a recovery state for your brain after a day.
A place where you recover from the past day.
He isn't wrong about that, still why are dreams often more than this?
Doesn't one dream the most wicked things every now and then?
Even more, how does this relate to the lucid dreams which are proven to be a state in you being able to control your dream and thus fly?
Can't you cut a house in two with your bare hands?
Can't you rebuild it by just using your physical force after that?
Thinking about dreams has always left me in confusion.
I can't make sure whether a dream is good or bad, nor can i say how dreams have changed during the past two thousand years.
Paul tholey, a psychologist used to examine lucid dreams and condition them.
He said, it was possible for people to train things while being asleep, in order to improve them in reality, the awakened state of oneself.

Fortunately enough, you can condition your mind to hint you at such lucid dreams, like for example while dreaming, try to make your brain look at a watch.
The human brain cannot distinguish numbers while in a dreaming state and thus the result is mostly either a blank/disorted screen on digital watches or "it just doesn't make sense" when looking at an analogue clock.
Congratulations: You have a lucid dream.

Approach number two would be to try thinking about the place where the dreamer currently is in - covered with water.
Try diving into the clear water - and breathe underwater.
If you can supress the thought of drowning due to air insufficience, congratulations: You have a lucid dream.

There are many ways to distinguish a normal state of dreaming from a lucid state.
Some people also make use of cild (character-induced lucid dreaming) which follows the throry of imagining a character who isn't real in any aspect as a checkpoint.
I myself have three lucid dreams out of five nights cause i trained my mind to watch out for those indicators.
And while most of those start out dark and vividly, from the point where you can control your dreaming state, you are free to change anything - be it the population, environemnt, flow, gravity or time.
It's like creating one's own world and it's pretty awesome - try it out ;d

gawddammit why cant i dream lucid dreams it sux i wanna go to otherworldly worlds :(
Level 18
Jul 28, 2014
Yes he is




Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
That thread again. Merge please?

Like I have said in those threads, I'll probably lucid dream if I go to sleep with thoughts on that, there was a particular Summer in which I was making quite some progress, but then rl got the best of me =P
During the past semesters I've been so tired with university that I just don't dream, or if I do it's only for a few seconds.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
I've had a few lucid dreams with a sort of half control over everything.

you can control what happens but as soon as you don't try and control, the dream does its own thing.

it's a good thing I think. That dream essentially dreams for you. I don't dream anymore, not at all. I'm basically A zombie now so I can understand why my minds given up.

I've had 2 lucid dreams before.

in one we are on a space ship and all the guys were being attacked by aliens. so I took over the dream and turned into a lady in order to survive. before that the dream kept trying to kick me out by killing me so I had to turn into a girl. when I turned into a girl I tried to investigate why the boys were being killed but the dream ended.

in a another dream there was this big mountain filled with gold and magic, but only if you were a girl could you enter. again I turned into a girl, this time to gain power.

I want to experience dreams again. most of all, I want to be me again because I'm dead on the inside



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Curiously, today I had another dream. Not lucid (completely, at least), but it was an interesting adventure!

Although it had events prior to this, the part I remember starts with some sort of teleportation to the outskirts of a cave, more specifically on a road leading to it. I think there was someone with me and it seemed like we were on a mission of something related to the "the Elements" (i.e. fire, water, air, that sort of stuff, not chemical ones).

Suddenly, a huge incandescent boulder makes its way out of the cave and then in again, leaving a trail of lava along the way and water flowing alongside the trail. We make our way into the cave, making way through the scorched (and hot!) ground.

I don't remember climbing down the stairs. The next thing I know we stand at a crossroads. It seems the place was a desert palace of sorts. The left way has a visible path and something odd: it is a wide, plane corridor, but in less than 2 seconds, sand falls from the ceiling and it turns to a tiled wall (not with a lot of noise though). Some time after, it turns back into a plane corridor. I deduced it shifted between these two states with unknown periodicity and I think I was afraid we were gonna get smashed, so we turned right and climbed down more stairs (again, I do not remember this climb-down either).

We reached a platform overviewing a large room (with inverted non-curve C shape) with a lot of tall shelves. I look to the left and I see a floating head! While I don't remember particular facial details, I'm pretty sure it looked like Conan O'Brien's face, with magical dust pouring from the neck. He comes to meet us and asks me "You are from the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon, are you not?", I said yes, and he flies away saying "I admire the way you've always lived surrounded by flowers". Yeah. I'm pretty sure it felt like a compliment then, but when I woke up I thought what the heck does that even mean.

So Conan O'Brien's head just went to the right part of the room. At some point, we had come down from the high platform we were standing on and onto the room's floor. In this moment, I was lucid. I thought to myself that it was an exciting and original adventure and I wanted the dream to go on. I lost lucidity shortly thereafter. EDIT: If you look into previous threads, whenever I got lucid, I would either wake up, or my mind would find a way to take lucidity away from me. I've always found it rather difficult to maintain lucidity once I reach that state.

The part of the room that corresponds to the vertical line of C had a few parallel tables meant for some sort of challenge. It was meant for groups of two people: one had to sit in a seat, and the other on the opposite seat. At each pair of opposite seats in the table, my colleagues (I'm 100% sure I wasn't alone at this point) play some traditional game. I saw them playing a game similar to chess, then using calculators for something on another pair of seats I deduced we would have to do this for all tables.

Meanwhile, I feel I should be helping them (not sure why or how), but I've picked up a problem in the room, I'm not even sure it had a physical form or if it was just a mental challenge, but I'm obsessing with solving it.

The dream ends at this point. I'm recording this story here for likely later use =P
I've had 2 lucid dreams before.

in one we are on a space ship and all the guys were being attacked by aliens. so I took over the dream and turned into a lady in order to survive. before that the dream kept trying to kick me out by killing me so I had to turn into a girl. when I turned into a girl I tried to investigate why the boys were being killed but the dream ended.

in a another dream there was this big mountain filled with gold and magic, but only if you were a girl could you enter. again I turned into a girl, this time to gain power.

I want to experience dreams again. most of all, I want to be me again because I'm dead on the inside
Dude, you should talk to a psychologist about a gender change.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
Dude, you should talk to a psychologist about a gender change.

Ha Ha, very funny. I'm perfectly happy being a dude. I don't think being a girl would be fun, besides I don't like all those girly things so I don't see why I would want to be a girl.

A dreams just a dream.

I've had dreams about mass murdering all of my friends, and so far only 3 have them have been killed, so If we all followed out dreams the world would be absolute madness
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