lmao I hated this one soo much, it even creeps me out when I go to sleep, ok
It very dark in this little maze
and I felt something was eyeing me around.. just lingering.. watching me... then I heard something.. (I think I did) then I started running like a mother ****** and this big huge ugly beast was right behind me, I was so freakin scared, and I just kept running for my life, my heart beating like a jackhammer, thinking I was gonna die... AND I COULDNT WAKE UP!
and all of the sudden, I see a computer. and I KNOW if I pushed the on button, I would wake up, the monster was comming, I had to hurry, I pushed the on button.....
part 2:
"Ok, so I was being chased by this beast.. I see a computer, and I am getting ready to turn it on to get out of my dream.. and when I push it..."
All of the fear, it rushed through me like a bullet, then I suddenly bent down and turned on the computer... and all of the sudden, I thought I was awake, but...
part 3:
"so I was being chased by a beast, and I turn on the computer to get out of my dream... and then I..."
I appeared in a room, thinking I was awake, but then I saw my brother... I asked him to pass the chips... I kept repeating to my brother who was stuck watching tv and eating the chips, " pass me the chips Sid" the fear came back.. and I instantly knew I wasnt awake... and I kep trying, thinking WAKE UP JAKE WAKE UP...
and thats about it...
creepy huh, how would you like it? I get scared of these kinda dreams, they freak the shiz outta me... I fear these dreams every night...
Not being able to wake up.. lots of fear that feels like real fear... omg it is all messed up
LOL please comment my dream