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Explaining dreams ?

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Level 5
May 31, 2009
If anyone in here is able to explain dreams, help me out with this one : Tonight I've been dreaming something crazy : First me, and my friend were escaping our school, which became the harry potter castle. After we escaped, another dream followed. I was some kind of secret agent of something like that, and we were in the middle of war with something more advanced, like machines, or cyborgs, or something like that. We were seconds away from being captured, so I decided to avoid being tortured so I putted my pistol into my mouth and shooted. I felt the bullet crossing my head, I felt blood and some kind of pain, and I was completely paralyzed for like 10 seconds, but I didn't die. And then I woke up.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Dreams do not require explenation, as they have no meanings. They are reflections of memories and wants combined with your own creativity. If you believe otherwise, you might aswell look for a professional dream decrypter, as I don't think anyone has such knowledge on a Warcraft III modding forum.
I'll figure it out.

First me, and my friend were escaping our school, which became the harry potter castle.
By the escape, it means that you want 'shelter', 'privacy', for both you and your friend. The harry potter castle entity suggests that you want to go to somewhere you enjoy.
After we escaped, another dream followed. I was some kind of secret agent of something like that, and we were in the middle of war with something more advanced, like machines, or cyborgs, or something like that.
Something is in the way to this 'castle', represented by machines. Some entity you can't control and will opress you. The fact of being secret agent means that you have a face of yours you need to hide from these thinkless machines that cannot understand it.
We were seconds away from being captured, so I decided to avoid being tortured so I putted my pistol into my mouth and shooted. I felt the bullet crossing my head, I felt blood and some kind of pain, and I was completely paralyzed for like 10 seconds, but I didn't die. And then I woke up.
You were about to reveal your identity someway accidentally but intentionally. But you preferred to wait. The pistol in your mouth is a metaphore to something forbidden that would call everyones attention. The bullet crossing your head matches an enjoyable suffering in front of everyone you would fear.
You didn't die because you needed to face the 'machines'.

Oh my god. Sounds pretty gay.
Dreams do not require explenation, as they have no meanings. They are reflections of memories and wants combined with your own creativity. If you believe otherwise, you might aswell look for a professional dream decrypter, as I don't think anyone has such knowledge on a Warcraft III modding forum.

I was dreaming that my brother died ? what type of memory is that ffs?
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