[Strategy / Risk] LOTR TOTAL WAR alpha

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Level 9
Sep 14, 2012
War in Middle Earth

War in Middle Earth alpha
created by: Valandil


This is the map that I'm developing for people that like me loves Lord of the Rings books and movies. I played all the games ever been released of Middle earth, also I am big fan of Warcraft3 (Middle Earth) map like LOTR: Ring Wars, LOTR-Last Alliance. I want to create the map of a high quality with a beautifull terrain like in the Peter Jackson's movie that is all around the story of LotR, but not only the events that was shown in the movie but also in the books.
I want create a map where you can play the role of your favorite characters like Frodo or Aragorn if you play for Fellowship.
There will be all most important heroes, places, events that was in the book.
I would like you all LOTR games players to give me useful suggestions before the final release.

Map Info

LOTR TOTAL WAR alpha is open world rts where you control one of 12 different races. The players are divided in 2 teams: Forces of Light:Gondor,Rohan,Lost Realms of Arnor,Fellowship, Elves and Dwarves, and Forces of Sauron: MOrdor, Isengard, Angmar, Dol Guldur, Harad, Rhun.
Each races have the different gameplay and different events in the game.
Every controled base give the income every minute and with the lost of one of the base your income will decrease.In the game there are bases that go under control of the player that destroy it and give him extra income, bases like Osgiliath, Cair Andros, Tower of Amon Sul etc...
The Fellowship have no bases and cant train units, they have 9 heroes and must compleate the quests to win the game like in the story. (not present not in the game)

About the Faction's role

Gondor: The strongest faction of the Humans, has a good defences, as the descendants of Numenoreans Gondorian like others Dunedains are true masters in healing arts, all Gondorian heroes can heal friendly units, also they are famos for their building skills, Towers of Gondor are difficult to destroy and help Gondorian defend their lands.
You have a bad neighbors, from south Harad can attack you as from the land using the giants beasts mumakills as from the water sailing river Anduin with a pirates ships to your costs, from the east after the mountains of Shadow lays the land of Dark Lord Sauron Mordor that grew in power every day, last defences from Mordor is the Ruined city of Osgiliath, and from the North-East there are savage Easterlings, ancient enemies of Gondor, they will fight at the back of Sauron against you.
Heroes: Denethor,Faramir and other Demi heroes.

Mordor: Mordor is realm of Sauron, your main objective in the game is to find the One ring, the only thing that can bring Saurons back his power, and once he will take it back only miracle could stop him. You have unique heroe (Witch King) mounted fellbeast, that can moove faster that anything else from one corne of the map to another seekin the Ring. With the time in the game the forces of Sauron grows, and nothing can stop Barad Dur only the destructionthe One ring,keep it mind, the Ring can be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom that is situated in the middle of your lands.
Heroes: Witch King, Mouth of Sauron, Gothmog and other Demi heroes like: Gorbag, Grishnákh, Shagrat, Lagduf, Radbug, Muzgash, Ufthak

Rohan: Is the land of Horse-masters Rohirim,the faster of all nations, the best units in all game are Rohirims Riders, fast and strong. Rohan start the game with Saruman's witchery on their King Theoden, King is under mind contol of the fallen wizard and you can do nothing with that, only Gandalf the White can. Till the Theoden is corrupted by Saruman some of income of Rohan go to Isengard, but you still have controll of all the buildings and units and other heroes.
Heroes: Theoden, Eomer, Eowyn and other Demi heroes like : Erkebrand, Hama, Grimbold etc...

Isengard: Your main enemy in the game is Rohan, your objective is to leave Gondor without his strong allies. Saruman's Uruk hai are one of the best units in the game, but attention to the Rohirim riders. Secure your position with towers and healing pits, do not move in the opened lands without good defences.
Heroes: Saruman, Grima Wormtongue, Ugluk and other Demi heroes like Wulf the Dunlading Chieftain ...

Harad: They are the enemies of Gondor, allied to the Dark Lord, Haradrims have some good unique stuff, Siege Mumakils great siege bests with a good stump ability that can be used to damage big number of units around them and the Pirates ships of Umbar that can take the corsairs throught the river Anduin to the cities like Pelargir , Osgiliath and Dol Amroth.











Credits: Fingolfin, HappyTauren, Vermillion Edict, Frankster, PROXY, Tranquil, Olofmoleman, Ujimasa Hojo, Wandering Soul, tillinghast, communist_orc, Shadow_killer

For now there are only 5 playable factions, the game is in alpha.
All the suggestions are Welcome, and sorry for my english ...

Alpha v.0.04
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Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
Really nice models you have here. Although you should definitely change those ugly green towers in your first screenshot. use custom models or at least change the players color of those.

So its some kind of risk isn't it ?
Level 9
Sep 14, 2012

Added New Screenshots

Could you tell us about more of different races and the heroes?
How about the events and gameplay of each race?

I cant for now, because the game is Alpha ... but i will in near future.

Really nice models you have here. Although you should definitely change those ugly green towers in your first screenshot. use custom models or at least change the players color of those.

So its some kind of risk isn't it ?

Its not Risk, but RTS (with elements of rpg, for Fellowship the most)
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Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
If you can terrain like that means you also can trigger. You just need a bit of time if you are newbie at it.
Level 9
Sep 14, 2012
Great screenshots. I love all lord of the rings maps. You really get the locations right but maybe you could make mordor and the mountains around mordor a bit darker.

Yes I will Add The shadows all around the Mordor to make it looks darker.
And the lighting, for now i didnt add the lighting glow effects, but when I add it will look so beautifull. I have test it Mount's Doom lava look epic ....=)
I want Mordor terrain look scary like in the movie, also all the players from the light teams will be weakened when they are on the Land of shadow ... in the future ....
Level 3
Mar 29, 2014
one plea, please keep to either the book or the movie (preferably the book), cause both together don't fit

For example, in the books, the eye of Sauron wasn't really an eye but rather a metaphor (the eye atop of the tower is a rather cheap idea of Peter Jackson)

Besides that I really like the idea to make a new Lotr map. Espercially, if you let the FS start in the Shire with 5 (!) Hobbits etc.
Level 9
Sep 14, 2012
one plea, please keep to either the book or the movie (preferably the book), cause both together don't fit

For example, in the books, the eye of Sauron wasn't really an eye but rather a metaphor (the eye atop of the tower is a rather cheap idea of Peter Jackson)

Besides that I really like the idea to make a new Lotr map. Espercially, if you let the FS start in the Shire with 5 (!) Hobbits etc.

I think that PJ made a very good job with the movie, the thing that I didnt like that he cut so many characters and events, like Tom Bombadil, Burrow Dens.... I will try to make the map compleat as possible .

And Yes, My Fellowship will start in the Shire and will not go around the map fighting for the level but will have their quest when they compleate one will open another of storyline.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Funny how i used iseedeadpeople to see what is in the map and somewhy this cheat code doesnt seem to be working right. Sometimes it like flashes and the whole map isnt revealed anymore. Its kinda strange. And ive also got 2 questions. First question: Are you gonna add AI in the future? Second question: Is the gold coming so slowly, because of a bug or will it stay that slow?
Level 9
Sep 14, 2012
Funny how i used iseedeadpeople to see what is in the map and somewhy this cheat code doesnt seem to be working right. Sometimes it like flashes and the whole map isnt revealed anymore. Its kinda strange. And ive also got 2 questions. First question: Are you gonna add AI in the future? Second question: Is the gold coming so slowly, because of a bug or will it stay that slow?

Ok, you need to know that Alpha means WORK IN PROGRESS, this is not even BETA version, this is early alpha, the things like income and units balance will be fixed in the future, for now I,m adding cities, bases all units and basic income i need to finish creation of the map as terrainer first to start working on the income and unique balance for each faction .... (i want every faction have it,s unique gameplay) .
and iseedeadpeople dont work permanent because i have a trigger that periodicly reveal the map and enable fog of war. I made that because i want people have always the map discovered, where their enemies build towers and bases....but dont see units moove.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Nice screenies... but... is it the same builder(the borig peasant)that is a worker for every race?????????????????????????????????i suggest u add a variety of builsers fel orc ones for that sauron...... nornal peons(0 red 0 vlue 0yelliw rinting)
Level 9
Sep 14, 2012
Nice screenies... but... is it the same builder(the borig peasant)that is a worker for every race?????????????????????????????????i suggest u add a variety of builsers fel orc ones for that sauron...... nornal peons(0 red 0 vlue 0yelliw rinting)

I have written already that I haven,t focusing on gameplay balancing yet, you see that the map is in development forum and it is in ALPHA stage... I will change builders in the future, i want every faction have it unique units, buildings and roles in the game, so people will have the interess to test every faction and find the faction they like most.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
I have written already that I haven,t focusing on gameplay balancing yet, you see that the map is in development forum and it is in ALPHA stage... I will change builders in the future, i want every faction have it unique units, buildings and roles in the game, so people will have the interess to test every faction and find the faction they like most.

:thumbs_up:........ nice..... ...




You should have atleast add the Blue Wizards,those two single handedly stop the invasion of sauron force from the east with their force,which in the lore stated to be twice as big than the force of Isengard and Dul gordor and Mordor,COMBINED..
i think it should be on the same team as Gandalf,only need to be unlocked if gandalf have remembered them (since the two wizard came into the the realm in the second age at first then on early third age,which is far predeced the Other 3 wizard
also the power of the wizard;
-Radagast the brown (Natural Life,animal,trent,etc.)
-Saruman the White (The Light Power,but due to his arrogance of being the leader he is soon corrupted)
-Gandalf the Grey (The power of the People,Emotions,something personal)
-The Blue Wizard Alator and Palandio (Time and Space,you name it.. well most people assume that since their character is still a mysterious one)
Level 9
Sep 14, 2012
You should have atleast add the Blue Wizards,those two single handedly stop the invasion of sauron force from the east with their force,which in the lore stated to be twice as big than the force of Isengard and Dul gordor and Mordor,COMBINED..
i think it should be on the same team as Gandalf,only need to be unlocked if gandalf have remembered them (since the two wizard came into the the realm in the second age at first then on early third age,which is far predeced the Other 3 wizard
also the power of the wizard;
-Radagast the brown (Natural Life,animal,trent,etc.)
-Saruman the White (The Light Power,but due to his arrogance of being the leader he is soon corrupted)
-Gandalf the Grey (The power of the People,Emotions,something personal)
-The Blue Wizard Alator and Palandio (Time and Space,you name it.. well most people assume that since their character is still a mysterious one)

I intended to add them later for the Easterling faction, because of the Lore that Tolkien explained their destiny.
The Blue wizards didn't come back from the East only Saruman have, nobody know what happened to them, Tolkien said that some things should remain mystery, and he added that he think they have faill in their mission and created their own dark cults in the East. Also about the Radagast he failed too in his mission, this was said by TOlkien himself, that Radagast live in exile and forget about his mission (not like in the Hobbit movie) The only one who remain helping free people against Sauron was Gandalf. But I will add Radagast as a Demi hero in the future.
Level 12
Sep 25, 2013
I'm enjoying the overall feel of this map, but there a few things that need to be adressed right of the bat.

-Add hotkeys to all units. Make them based on their coordination to the keyboard so that its easy and self explanatory. So if a unit is on the top left corner of a structures UI grid, assign him to Q. the one to the right of him would be W.
Pretty much, use these hotkeys:
Q, W, E, R
A, S, D, F
Z, X, C, V
-There are no disbuttons, so when you go to the menu all the buttons appear green.
-There is no ground target circle for when you use ground attack. You just have to guess where you are targeting.
-There are no tooltips. What are farms for. What do ballistas do compared to catapults?
-The Captain of the Corsairs has Faramirs icon. The Witch King has the Mouth of Saurons.

There's a lot of work to be done, and it looks interesting so far. I really like your style of terrain. Is all the northern terrain going to be filled out?

Also, will this be a game where you capture points? or is it just all out war until you destroy the enemies base?

If you want, i can do the hotkeys for you.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Subscribing to follow the progress of the map. The cities are lovely and if anything at least terrain will be great.

Now I get this is Alpha and to early to judge but I'll share my first impressions anyway.

Units are now confusing. Infantry units have medium armor and normal attack which means they counter themselves and can resist archers;
Archers have siege attack and small armor which again means they counter themselves and buildings;
Siege units either as expected have siege attack but no AoE which is why their attack ground cursor is invisible. Special mention go to trebuchet in Minas Tirith that have range smaller than the walls and I couldn't even see the missile.
Cavalry have same attack as infantry so they counter infantry but heavy armor is not countered by anything.

I would suggest this:
Make basic system to be Archers > Infantry > Pikeman > Cavalry > Archers.
- Basic Archers would of course still be killed by anything that that melees them. (Bonus: Armored Ranged units that trade attack/range for better survival.) Also hope you don't plan to add to all archers same "fire arrow" ability.
- Infantry would counter pikemen. Infantry would have problem with cavalry but still more durable against cavalry than archers.
- Pikeman would counter cavalry naturally and be countered by infantry. As for archers no clear benefits.
- Cavalry would counter archers, reasonably effective against infantry but of course drop dead against pikeman.
(Bonus: Monsters to be like cavalry countered by pikeman and also by archers but not too much. Should be able to defeat infantry and cavalry with ease).
*Siege should be reasonably effective against all targets but probably best against archers and buildings; Balistas would instead be effective against the armored troops (infatry/pike). Both would be bad against cavalry duo to speed. And give them reasonable AoE.
(Bonus: Give Mordor Catapults ability to throw corpses as alternative ammunition. You know you want to "release the prisoners")

Of course not all units would follow this system which will add variations such as Cavalry Archers for Rohan, Spear Throwers for Harrad/Rhun, Axe throwers (ranged infantry) or dreaded Mumakil (probably siege melee with passive that shoots arrows.).
To do this you would probably need to modify attack/armor types. Infantry Attack/Armor (instead of Normal/Normal), Ranged Attack/Armor (instead of Pierce/Unarmored), Pike Attack/Armor (instead of Magic/Small), Cavalry Attack/Armor (instead of Chaos/Heavy), Siege Attack/Mechanical Armor (instead of Siege/Divine).

It isn't like you really need Chaos, Magic and Divine in Lotr game. As for Heroes well you are most likely going to keep the uber Hero attack/armor.

Must say that I am not a fan of icons being ripped from films, warcraft interface is just to colorful for that. But my real complaint is that you didn't make disabled version so all icons turn green if you pause the game. You need DSBTN versions with BTN icons.

That's it for now, of course the unit system is purely optional. The Icon thing you should fix.




Not exactly fail only one of them,presumably pallandio is the one founded the dark cult (since originally he wasn't meant to be a wizard only because Alator wishes he had a friend)

Also if they ever included in the game i think it should be a different or a more neutral one since the one that chooses them represent warrior,seriosuly if the easterling faction ever get those 2 (or just 1) it's the worst fate that could happen to middle earth because just 1 of them is extremely powerfull,unlike gandalf which rely on people to make him stronger or saruman that rely on hope and faith (that is until he got corrupted) and radagast which require his nature friend to help him,those two are unstoptable on their own,also in one of the lore it is stated that unlike the western place of middle earth,the eastern place is a bit more dangerous,more deadly and many of the goverment in their are either isolated or completely obey Sauron rule,They send the two blue wizard into the FUCKING ENEMY BASE,if it wasn't fo them i guess the trilogy of Last part of LOTR is not about simple battle of good vs evil,it's about Humanity trying to defend itself (and elf) from the overwhelming forces of evil and that mordor scene would just frodo and his co trying to inflitrate the enemy base,and minas trinith would have already fucking fall without Alator and Palandio intervention.
ALSO the shadow of mordor game is HALF-Canon,because the right of LOTR is still being held by the family of J.R.R.Tolkien not some game dev.

Make them an obtainable for each faction (Alator for the Elf and Human faction,while Pallandio for Orc and Undead faction)
But in order to obtain them there need some step to be done,some sacrifice may be needed if you wish,Not only this will increase way of game style but make the experience rewarding as Both of them ARE EXTREMELY POWERFULL and can STOMP ALL OTHER 3 WIZARD,except themselve,which beg the question..
What faction will the Easterling be?

Subscribing to follow the progress of the map. The cities are lovely and if anything at least terrain will be great.

Now I get this is Alpha and to early to judge but I'll share my first impressions anyway.

Units are now confusing. Infantry units have medium armor and normal attack which means they counter themselves and can resist archers;
Archers have siege attack and small armor which again means they counter themselves and buildings;
Siege units either as expected have siege attack but no AoE which is why their attack ground cursor is invisible. Special mention go to trebuchet in Minas Tirith that have range smaller than the walls and I couldn't even see the missile.
Cavalry have same attack as infantry so they counter infantry but heavy armor is not countered by anything.

I would suggest this:
Make basic system to be Archers > Infantry > Pikeman > Cavalry > Archers.
- Basic Archers would of course still be killed by anything that that melees them. (Bonus: Armored Ranged units that trade attack/range for better survival.) Also hope you don't plan to add to all archers same "fire arrow" ability.
- Infantry would counter pikemen. Infantry would have problem with cavalry but still more durable against cavalry than archers.
- Pikeman would counter cavalry naturally and be countered by infantry. As for archers no clear benefits.
- Cavalry would counter archers, reasonably effective against infantry but of course drop dead against pikeman.
(Bonus: Monsters to be like cavalry countered by pikeman and also by archers but not too much. Should be able to defeat infantry and cavalry with ease).
*Siege should be reasonably effective against all targets but probably best against archers and buildings; Balistas would instead be effective against the armored troops (infatry/pike). Both would be bad against cavalry duo to speed. And give them reasonable AoE.
(Bonus: Give Mordor Catapults ability to throw corpses as alternative ammunition. You know you want to "release the prisoners")

Of course not all units would follow this system which will add variations such as Cavalry Archers for Rohan, Spear Throwers for Harrad/Rhun, Axe throwers (ranged infantry) or dreaded Mumakil (probably siege melee with passive that shoots arrows.).
To do this you would probably need to modify attack/armor types. Infantry Attack/Armor (instead of Normal/Normal), Ranged Attack/Armor (instead of Pierce/Unarmored), Pike Attack/Armor (instead of Magic/Small), Cavalry Attack/Armor (instead of Chaos/Heavy), Siege Attack/Mechanical Armor (instead of Siege/Divine).

It isn't like you really need Chaos, Magic and Divine in Lotr game. As for Heroes well you are most likely going to keep the uber Hero attack/armor.

Must say that I am not a fan of icons being ripped from films, warcraft interface is just to colorful for that. But my real complaint is that you didn't make disabled version so all icons turn green if you pause the game. You need DSBTN versions with BTN icons.

That's it for now, of course the unit system is purely optional. The Icon thing you should fix.

NO,The basic system would be Archers > Infantry > Axe/Mace Wielder > No Armour A.k.a Berserker > Pikeman > Cavalry > Shield Bearer > Archers.
and little bit more of the System For magic
Light > Dark > Nature > Pure/Arcane > Light

Infantry should counter Axe/Mace Wielder because the weapon their using is giving them an edge in Mobility and survivalbility,why?
Because swingin an Axe or Mace give enough G force to move you around giving you a disadvantage toward your Mobile target.
Axe/Mace Wielder counter Berserker is because.. well self explainotory
Why berserker counter Pikeman,have you ever try to dodge and incoming thing,same as berseker they could just move the Pole or Pike a little bit and Bam a Weapon stuck on the Pikeman head.
Cavalry counter shield bearer is because well,you get STOMPED like littereally by the horses or if you remove your shield they could just cut/stab you.
Shield Bearer counter ARCHER is also self-explanotory.

Light counter Dark is because well.. Good prevail agaisn't evil.
Evil Counter Nature is because Corruption.
Nature counter Pure/Arcane Magic is because Infestation or Nature taking over.
Pure/Arcane Magic counter Light is because.. welll....... MAGIC.
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Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
How is that "basic"? That would be too many unit types and models and there simply aren't enough armor/attack types in warcraft to cover all that. Not to mention that it isn't logical if you are being realistic.

Infantry is not mobile, they fight in tight lines and push the other side. Only in films do you see soldiers dueling in the middle of war;
Axes and Maces are literally made for armor penetration and yet you made them counter armorless;
Does one isengard berserker really need entire type for himself?;
And why would you separate infantry from shield users;

What I described was traditional system used by other rts games like Age of Empires, Total War and Battle for Middle Earth. To be honest axe/mace users, berserkers and shield bearers can be lumped under infantry just with different passive abilities.

As for magic system well honestly lotr always seemed not to use traditional fantasy magic. As far as I know Tolkien never wrote about Light, Arcane, Nature magic and so or used "spells" that much. In main books the only one who uses magic in some way are Wizards who are Maiar/Demi-Gods and to some extent Elves but not directly.
Level 4
Feb 9, 2014
Your terrain is epic!
Maybe you can also post this terrain as a middle earth template when you is finished?
I don't think anyone ever will make a better looking map of middle earth(if you manage to complete it as well as you started it). Keep up your good job this map look great!




How is that "basic"? That would be too many unit types and models and there simply aren't enough armor/attack types in warcraft to cover all that. Not to mention that it isn't logical if you are being realistic.

Infantry is not mobile, they fight in tight lines and push the other side. Only in films do you see soldiers dueling in the middle of war;
Axes and Maces are literally made for armor penetration and yet you made them counter armorless;
Does one isengard berserker really need entire type for himself?;
And why would you separate infantry from shield users;

What I described was traditional system used by other rts games like Age of Empires, Total War and Battle for Middle Earth. To be honest axe/mace users, berserkers and shield bearers can be lumped under infantry just with different passive abilities.

As for magic system well honestly lotr always seemed not to use traditional fantasy magic. As far as I know Tolkien never wrote about Light, Arcane, Nature magic and so or used "spells" that much. In main books the only one who uses magic in some way are Wizards who are Maiar/Demi-Gods and to some extent Elves but not directly.

Good Suggestion,Although Tolkien never mention it,i notice the lack of Dark magic to overcome the light while the lack of Light magic able to purifiy the Nature magic,Also the arcane or pure magic is just come from the speculation the type of magic alitor and pallandio uses since both of them manage to stir up the east region of middle east which is widly known as the most dangerous area filled with Sauron Worshipper and Army,which require tremendously STRONG magic to overcome all but 1,Nature which is pretty much why the region of the east is never talked about because their magical creation is pretty much consumed by nature after they leave.

Also the reason i said Infantry is mobile is because there are MANY type of infantry we can't really sure which type did each race use but some used the way you described like the dwarbes or Normal Human,but other not so much,their infantry is much more agile and give more freedom than typical dwarves or Normal human Infantry (ex.Orc,Evles,etc.)

still since Tolkien sadly never finished his own realm fantasy it's all just an assumption,an assumption with no Confirmation..
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Also the reason i said Infantry is mobile is because there are MANY type of infantry we can't really sure which type did each race use but some used the way you described like the dwarbes or Normal Human,but other not so much,their infantry is much more agile and give more freedom than typical dwarves or Normal human Infantry (ex.Orc,Evles,etc.)

Irrelevant which race it is in question when there is no room to move around. Again only in films do soldiers duel 1v1, in real battles soldiers are in tight formations or disorganized groups and two armies are pushing each other. Only skirmishers and cavalry have actual mobility in combat.

As for magic my point is only Gods Valar/Maiar use it in active form as Tolkien avoided to reduce concept such as magic to be something mundane as simple spells and abused by spellcasters. Alitor and Paliando are same as rest of Wizards (Maiars) like Gandalf, Radaghast and Saruman. Since there is literally no mention of them we can only guess what they are doing but it is not hard to guess that they were being strategic and cunning (like Gandalf and Saruman) at approaching eastern men and not charging like maniacs showing their magic and having a sign "Hey Sauron we are here" (or was something about them going evil and starting cults). As for types of magic there is just magic, which gods use to create and Melkor to corrupt as he lost ability to create. What Elves and Dwarves use is more subtle use of magic and by far lesser extent.
Level 9
Sep 14, 2012
I have already decided about armor attack system and I have make it like VeljkoM have sugested. There will no magic type of damage wizzards will use swords or their stuffs to fight. Dragons will use piercing damage ... no need to complicate the map I want it simple and intuitive for the new players ....
Danor yes I will upload the finished terrain as templayet for people who want make their own middle earth map ... risk or what ever they want ....maybe the secont age or builder etc...
Now im working on the pathing ... i have found the way to reduce numbers of pathing blockers, so I will be able to putt more decorations to the map making it very high detailed as I want .
I also added diferent workers for each race and now units can be created in the special buildings that you can build anywhere, so you not obligated anymore train them in your base and moove to the battle through alll the map, now you can creat your own camp with towers and healing houses ...

Also now archers dont have the ability of fire arrows they use automaticaly second type of attack against structures and have the bonus, which is how i was intended from the begining, catapult use this system too and thank you for the suggestion about attackin the land, now you can see the point where to attack ....=)

))) 0.05 will come soon ... thank all for the suggestions !
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Oh for the Dragon(s) you can give them anyway renamed burning oil ability to scorch the land. They should definitely get AoE type of breath attack. Who actually gets the dragons, unless you are talking about Nazgul Fel beasts? Also you could actually consider hero type attack for dragons (basically useful against any armor except buildings), if I am guessing correctly that they won't be spamable units. I am pretty sure that in my suggestion list I managed to spare hero attack from being used.

As for Archers well great that they get fire attack purely for the structures but will fire have any effect on units? Burning or something, and like extra effect against Ents and Mumakils?

Oh regarding unit producing buildings, I would advise some form of prevention for spamming them without a limit. Maybe each next barracks can cost more (not most practical to do in wc3 sadly), or use food, or have a hard limit (actually I am against that one). It is just that in this kind of maps it can get out of control where player can make 12 barracks and just pump out units. Well at least that is problem I have in my project though I had low gold limit to discourage spamming.
Level 9
Sep 14, 2012
No, not the fel beast but real cold and fire breathing dragons, the last flying dragon was Smaug so they will be with no wings ... that is what Gandalf said at the concil of Elrond, that there are no more dragons that live in the Middle Earth that can destroy the ring, so we have the words of Gandalf that there are still dragons alives, but they will not be spawned, I have an idea for Goblin of Gundabad, this will be the quest maybe sacrifice the number of goblins to a sleeping dragon to make him fight in your side ...

Archers have 2 types of attack one for units and one for structures, and maybe i will add them bonus vs creatures... and yes for the catapults I will add burning oil abilitie in the future ... good idea)
Unit producting building and healing houses have max. number limit and cand be build to ostacolate the entrance to the city ... will no be abuse also because you will think twice use your money to build this building or an army .... ))
Level 6
Apr 5, 2015
Loving the idea so far. That's something I've always wanted to create too, just had not the passion and skill for the terraining part. Honestly, this could get one of the best LOTR maps out there at the moment. The terraining is the best for a lotr map I've seen yet, at least if you look at Middle-Earth as a whole. Every place i looked at in the Screenshots, instantly made it clear what place it is in the universe. Especially love Mount-Doom and Angmar. Really really well terrained. Impressive on that point.
About the gameplay, I haven't really had the possibility to test it yet, since you need 12 Players to play it properly, will do that in some time soon tho.

Valandil said:
Each races have the different gameplay and different events in the game.

Could you be a bit more specific about it?
Since the first idea I had was to not just make it a generic Risk-Like map where you just have to take over the whole World. It would be cooler if you would make it more Quest-Task-Like. For example: Angmar has to attack Gondor, and the Goal is Minas-Tirith or something like that. And if you do these class-specific tasks, you will be rewarded with something awesome, that made it worth to follow it. That's just my guess about it.

Will write more ideas and stuff after I completly tested the map with friends.
Thanks for this Addition so far. I hope you wont give up on that map, because I really want to see it.
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Level 9
Sep 14, 2012
Loving the idea so far. That's something i always wanted to create too, just had not the passion and skill for the terraining part. Honestly, this could get one of the best LOTR maps out there at the moment. The terraining is the best for a lotr map I've seen yet, at least if you look at Middle-Earth as a whole. Every place i looked at in the Screenshots, instantly made it clear what place it is in the universe. Especially love Mount-Doom and Angmar. Really really well terrained. Impressive on that point.
About the gameplay, I haven't really had the possibility to test it yet, since you need 12 Players to play it properly, will do that in some time soon tho.

Could you be a bit more specific about it?
Since the first idea I had was to not just make it a generic Risk-Like map where you just have to take over the whole World. It would be cooler if you would make it more Quest-Task-Like. For example: Angmar has to attack Gondor, and the Goal is Minas-Tirith or something like that. And if you do these class-specific tasks, you will be rewarded with something awesome, that made it worth to follow it. That's just my guess about it.

Will write more ideas and stuff after I completly tested the map with friends.
Thanks for this Addition so far. I hope you wont give up on that map, because I really want to see it.

Thank you so much for kind words, its give the inspiration to continue the work on the map.
About the events you ca see I have written something about (concept) on the main page.
I have remaid all terrain, changing pathing, now units pwalk free through the decorations and dont look too big ... Mordor now smaller, Edoras bigger. Wait for version 0.05 to test it ok ?
Thank you and all once agan ! :ogre_hurrhurr::ogre_haosis:

Here some sneak peak of my Work In Progress...





Mount Doom in game ...

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Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
No, not the fel beast but real cold and fire breathing dragons...

Yes I do know about wingless dragons and wyrms, but I was still curious who gets them? Had to be evil faction and the only one that fits from what you said is Angmar, because of the orcs/goblins of Gundaband. Still my point stands with hero attack and AoE flame attack.

Archers have 2 types of attack one for units and one for structures, and maybe i will add them bonus vs creatures... and yes for the catapults I will add burning oil abilitie in the future ... good idea)

Well Mordor catapults should have mode between burning oil and severed heads. For the heads something like Item Orb Ability with 100% to summon untargetable (locust ability) unit (based of Serpent Ward ability as it is target ground summoned) that has negative value aura. Item Orb Abilities basically are passive abilities that make attacks cast a spell you select for object data.

Gondor uses Trebuchets (in movies) so they should have best range, now depends will you use model with wheels or the model that stationary and move modes. Or I think you already are using generic catapult.


Also great screenshots, but will there be room for Rivendel and Angmar in the North? Bottom half of Middle Earth seems to be larger while North seems to be squished. Could be wrong though, mini maps are liars.
Level 9
Sep 14, 2012
No it will not have the ai, if somebody will like to make them its ok, but me alone, i dont know how...
now im reworking all the areas of my map, after some testing i have noticed huge pathing problems and the cities was too close each others , im reworking expanding terrain...have little time now...hope to finish the map and get first playable alpha soon....
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