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War in Middle Earth
This is the map that I'm developing for people that like me loves Lord of the Rings books and movies. I played all the games ever been released of Middle earth, also I am big fan of Warcraft3 (Middle Earth) map like LOTR: Ring Wars, LOTR-Last Alliance. I want to create the map of a high quality with a beautifull terrain like in the Peter Jackson's movie that is all around the story of LotR, but not only the events that was shown in the movie but also in the books.
I want create a map where you can play the role of your favorite characters like Frodo or Aragorn if you play for Fellowship.
There will be all most important heroes, places, events that was in the book.
I would like you all LOTR games players to give me useful suggestions before the final release.
Map Info
LOTR TOTAL WAR alpha is open world rts where you control one of 12 different races. The players are divided in 2 teams: Forces of Light:Gondor,Rohan,Lost Realms of Arnor,Fellowship, Elves and Dwarves, and Forces of Sauron: MOrdor, Isengard, Angmar, Dol Guldur, Harad, Rhun.
Each races have the different gameplay and different events in the game.
Every controled base give the income every minute and with the lost of one of the base your income will decrease.In the game there are bases that go under control of the player that destroy it and give him extra income, bases like Osgiliath, Cair Andros, Tower of Amon Sul etc...
The Fellowship have no bases and cant train units, they have 9 heroes and must compleate the quests to win the game like in the story. (not present not in the game)
About the Faction's role
Gondor: The strongest faction of the Humans, has a good defences, as the descendants of Numenoreans Gondorian like others Dunedains are true masters in healing arts, all Gondorian heroes can heal friendly units, also they are famos for their building skills, Towers of Gondor are difficult to destroy and help Gondorian defend their lands.
You have a bad neighbors, from south Harad can attack you as from the land using the giants beasts mumakills as from the water sailing river Anduin with a pirates ships to your costs, from the east after the mountains of Shadow lays the land of Dark Lord Sauron Mordor that grew in power every day, last defences from Mordor is the Ruined city of Osgiliath, and from the North-East there are savage Easterlings, ancient enemies of Gondor, they will fight at the back of Sauron against you.
Heroes: Denethor,Faramir and other Demi heroes.
Mordor: Mordor is realm of Sauron, your main objective in the game is to find the One ring, the only thing that can bring Saurons back his power, and once he will take it back only miracle could stop him. You have unique heroe (Witch King) mounted fellbeast, that can moove faster that anything else from one corne of the map to another seekin the Ring. With the time in the game the forces of Sauron grows, and nothing can stop Barad Dur only the destructionthe One ring,keep it mind, the Ring can be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom that is situated in the middle of your lands.
Heroes: Witch King, Mouth of Sauron, Gothmog and other Demi heroes like: Gorbag, Grishnákh, Shagrat, Lagduf, Radbug, Muzgash, Ufthak
Rohan: Is the land of Horse-masters Rohirim,the faster of all nations, the best units in all game are Rohirims Riders, fast and strong. Rohan start the game with Saruman's witchery on their King Theoden, King is under mind contol of the fallen wizard and you can do nothing with that, only Gandalf the White can. Till the Theoden is corrupted by Saruman some of income of Rohan go to Isengard, but you still have controll of all the buildings and units and other heroes.
Heroes: Theoden, Eomer, Eowyn and other Demi heroes like : Erkebrand, Hama, Grimbold etc...
Isengard: Your main enemy in the game is Rohan, your objective is to leave Gondor without his strong allies. Saruman's Uruk hai are one of the best units in the game, but attention to the Rohirim riders. Secure your position with towers and healing pits, do not move in the opened lands without good defences.
Heroes: Saruman, Grima Wormtongue, Ugluk and other Demi heroes like Wulf the Dunlading Chieftain ...
Harad: They are the enemies of Gondor, allied to the Dark Lord, Haradrims have some good unique stuff, Siege Mumakils great siege bests with a good stump ability that can be used to damage big number of units around them and the Pirates ships of Umbar that can take the corsairs throught the river Anduin to the cities like Pelargir , Osgiliath and Dol Amroth.
Credits: Fingolfin, HappyTauren, Vermillion Edict, Frankster, PROXY, Tranquil, Olofmoleman, Ujimasa Hojo, Wandering Soul, tillinghast, communist_orc, Shadow_killer
For now there are only 5 playable factions, the game is in alpha.
All the suggestions are Welcome, and sorry for my english ...
Alpha v.0.04
War in Middle Earth alpha
created by: Valandil
created by: Valandil

This is the map that I'm developing for people that like me loves Lord of the Rings books and movies. I played all the games ever been released of Middle earth, also I am big fan of Warcraft3 (Middle Earth) map like LOTR: Ring Wars, LOTR-Last Alliance. I want to create the map of a high quality with a beautifull terrain like in the Peter Jackson's movie that is all around the story of LotR, but not only the events that was shown in the movie but also in the books.
I want create a map where you can play the role of your favorite characters like Frodo or Aragorn if you play for Fellowship.
There will be all most important heroes, places, events that was in the book.
I would like you all LOTR games players to give me useful suggestions before the final release.
Map Info
LOTR TOTAL WAR alpha is open world rts where you control one of 12 different races. The players are divided in 2 teams: Forces of Light:Gondor,Rohan,Lost Realms of Arnor,Fellowship, Elves and Dwarves, and Forces of Sauron: MOrdor, Isengard, Angmar, Dol Guldur, Harad, Rhun.
Each races have the different gameplay and different events in the game.
Every controled base give the income every minute and with the lost of one of the base your income will decrease.In the game there are bases that go under control of the player that destroy it and give him extra income, bases like Osgiliath, Cair Andros, Tower of Amon Sul etc...
The Fellowship have no bases and cant train units, they have 9 heroes and must compleate the quests to win the game like in the story. (not present not in the game)
About the Faction's role
Gondor: The strongest faction of the Humans, has a good defences, as the descendants of Numenoreans Gondorian like others Dunedains are true masters in healing arts, all Gondorian heroes can heal friendly units, also they are famos for their building skills, Towers of Gondor are difficult to destroy and help Gondorian defend their lands.
You have a bad neighbors, from south Harad can attack you as from the land using the giants beasts mumakills as from the water sailing river Anduin with a pirates ships to your costs, from the east after the mountains of Shadow lays the land of Dark Lord Sauron Mordor that grew in power every day, last defences from Mordor is the Ruined city of Osgiliath, and from the North-East there are savage Easterlings, ancient enemies of Gondor, they will fight at the back of Sauron against you.
Heroes: Denethor,Faramir and other Demi heroes.
Mordor: Mordor is realm of Sauron, your main objective in the game is to find the One ring, the only thing that can bring Saurons back his power, and once he will take it back only miracle could stop him. You have unique heroe (Witch King) mounted fellbeast, that can moove faster that anything else from one corne of the map to another seekin the Ring. With the time in the game the forces of Sauron grows, and nothing can stop Barad Dur only the destructionthe One ring,keep it mind, the Ring can be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom that is situated in the middle of your lands.
Heroes: Witch King, Mouth of Sauron, Gothmog and other Demi heroes like: Gorbag, Grishnákh, Shagrat, Lagduf, Radbug, Muzgash, Ufthak
Rohan: Is the land of Horse-masters Rohirim,the faster of all nations, the best units in all game are Rohirims Riders, fast and strong. Rohan start the game with Saruman's witchery on their King Theoden, King is under mind contol of the fallen wizard and you can do nothing with that, only Gandalf the White can. Till the Theoden is corrupted by Saruman some of income of Rohan go to Isengard, but you still have controll of all the buildings and units and other heroes.
Heroes: Theoden, Eomer, Eowyn and other Demi heroes like : Erkebrand, Hama, Grimbold etc...
Isengard: Your main enemy in the game is Rohan, your objective is to leave Gondor without his strong allies. Saruman's Uruk hai are one of the best units in the game, but attention to the Rohirim riders. Secure your position with towers and healing pits, do not move in the opened lands without good defences.
Heroes: Saruman, Grima Wormtongue, Ugluk and other Demi heroes like Wulf the Dunlading Chieftain ...
Harad: They are the enemies of Gondor, allied to the Dark Lord, Haradrims have some good unique stuff, Siege Mumakils great siege bests with a good stump ability that can be used to damage big number of units around them and the Pirates ships of Umbar that can take the corsairs throught the river Anduin to the cities like Pelargir , Osgiliath and Dol Amroth.

Credits: Fingolfin, HappyTauren, Vermillion Edict, Frankster, PROXY, Tranquil, Olofmoleman, Ujimasa Hojo, Wandering Soul, tillinghast, communist_orc, Shadow_killer
For now there are only 5 playable factions, the game is in alpha.
All the suggestions are Welcome, and sorry for my english ...
Alpha v.0.04
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