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Lords of Middle Earth3.4

Lords of Middle Earth
By GolluM[KoMe]

Your realms suffered from the wars opposing Harondor, Gondor and Umbar; but this time of conflict is about to end with the fall of Harondor.
A new age is about to begin! ; Liege Man, Gallant, Doughty, Tyrant, Bandit, Trader, Young, Old or whatever you are, you are the Lords of Middle Earth !
You will have to thrive, find new allies and protect your lands in these new but uncertain times. New conflicts will rise, kingdoms will fall, corruption will grow, Lords will die...


Kind of Map : Anno-like (Rpg/Builder/Diplomacy)

Number of Players : 1-8

Concept's key words : Start from scratch, do whatever you want, make your region prosperous, sell your goods, make alliances, declare war, dominate colonies.

Victory : Defeat all other players (with your possible ally) / destroy all the Factions or reach the victory conditions set by the host.

Players : Gondor, Khand, Umbar, Harondor and 8 players.

Unprotected Version now available!

You can now download the unprotected 2.3 on this website : http://warlotr.free.fr/.
You should read these information if you really want to improve/change the map!
If you are interested in improving the map or just want to check out how the map goes on, check the newly created forum there: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/lords-middle-earth-180985/#post1733588.

Needed stuff to work on LoME:
-Time free xD
-Rather good level with the World Editor
-You absolutly need to know the map rather well!

-A trading system with your ally player, like in Age of Mythology (or Age of Empire) : a trading unit is sent to your ally and it comes back with gold. The more your ally is far, the more you get, exponentially, which might encourage alliances with a far village. It would be automatical, with a boat (which would be easier to be made and more realistic). Theses boats could be attacked and you could not make more than X of 'em. There could be upgrades in the Shipyard to increase the speed and the limit...

-A better terrain

-Mercenaries to buy

-More slaves to buy

-New units for the Inns: saboteurs; invisible Hobbit Spies (which could be made everytime, but with a limit)

-New victory conditions: instead of having to destroy everything to win, the host could set victory conditions.
He would first choose a stuff (like Money in Stock; Bread in Stock; Number of Kills; Number of Colonies.....) and then an integer to reach between 5, according to the stuff chosen before (like for Money in Stock: 15 000; 20 000; 30 000; 50 000; 75 000).
Once done, he could choose an other condition etc etc...
This would be rather long to make, but not that hard, and would be SOOOO great ! With that, the whole gameplay would be redifined and you could not to make any soldier and only focus on your development :).
These conditions would then be written in the quest!

-Find a better way to make the unit entrance/leaving in and out of your town.
You could first also make a command like Type "-L" (for Leave) and the units you are curently selecting leave the place properly, like a Packsaddle horse leaving.

-A building that produces Items with :
Common Items (like Iron Sword)
Items according to the current warfare (like Armor of Gondor etc...) PS: Be careful with the warfare change with Elves/Orcs
Powerful Items very expensive, according to the Heroes you have, that cannot be broken, and that can be done only once (like 'Vilya' (the elven ring of Air, if you have Elrond, who actually owns this ring). These items would only be available when the hero reaches level X or after Y minutes...

-Archer tower uprgradable in Elite Archer Tower (in which you can place your Elite archers, with their abilities ....)

-According to the town you chose, in the Library, you can research something which makes you able to use a special ability (in the Library).
This ability would of that kind: Increases the Trade Rate (the price) for a specific good (that you choose in a Dialog Box); Decreases one; Create a little inflation in a specific place (Gondor, Khand or Umbar); Create Revolts which create an attack in a random town..........................

-Events which would occure each X sec. The could be negative, like the collapse of the price of a type of goods in a region, orc raids, bad weather which makes people leave a region, earthquakes, fires.....; positive: inflation, a baby boom .......; But also both: like a famine which would increases the price of Grain, Bread and Sheeps but stop the population growth (or even make it negative)..... You can find a lot of ideas with this :)

-The diplomatic system has to be rethought!
By example If a player which owns a town (like Amon Eithel) Which originally belongs to a Computer (Red here) breaks an ally treaty with this player (still Red xD), the Computer would declare war to the player to get the town back in its influence :).
A lot can be done !

-Add all towns a Faction captures to be bought by its allies.

-Updates according of the chosen town at the beggining.

-Multiboard :
Create 12 icons : 1 red, 1 blue, 1teal, .... 1 brown
Add 2 columns :
-Ally player, in which there is the color of the ally
-Ally faction

YES !! Except removing the the credits of those who made custom stuff :)

You can mail me at [email protected] or contact me here on the Hive :)
If you want any kind of stuff like the original minimap preview without my name etc etc... I'll send it to you! I really want this project to be continued!

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Each player begins by picking a hero and a location on the map : your village. The rune in front of the hero indicates if it is a strength hero (red), intelligence (purple) or agility hero (teal). You will have to upgrade your town and make it thrive while you must defend it. Your townhall can reach 4 levels. Each new researched level unlock new abilities/buildings/... (like in wc3).

To grow your village, you first have to produce raw materials (like grain/wood/grape...) that you will sell in the three big trade places : Pelargir in Gondor, the Havens of Umbar in Umbar and Amrûn in Khand. You can also buy these goods at these places.

The second important stuff to thrive is growing your population. Each potential new citizen needs an accomodation (houses) and a job (posts) (you can check in the multiboard if you need to make new houses or if there is a lack of job. Then, each inhabitant will pay taxes (each 3min) according to their wealth (2 gold $; 6 gold $$; ;12 gold $$$). If your are not allied with a faction you will pay to the nearest one a tribute of 25% of this income.

When you reach level 2, you must choose between 3 ways :
-Mayor : you will be more focused on development, taxes and selling.
-General : you will be more focused on troop production and elite units.
-Outlaw : you will be at war against all the faction and you'll be more focused on raids and piracy.

If you choose Mayor or General you must choose between 3 kind of warfare (gondorian, umbarean or khandish). It ONLY determines the kind of soldiers/towers/boats you will be able to make. (yes you can make Mûmakil in deep Gondor :).
To be made, each soldier needs a weapon (that is an item). To be used, a weapon must be put in a war building's inventory and will be added to a virtual stock. The knights and the packsaddle horses also need a horse in stock.

Alliance with a Player
To use diplomacy, you must click on 'Diplomatic Action' in your main building.

Since level 2 you can :
Become allied with an other Player if he is at least level 2 too. You can only ally 1 Player. You can unally a player each time you want.
Declare war on a Player if he's also at least level 2. You can propose peace to a player any time you want.

Since level 3 you can :

Become allied with 1 Faction. You and your ally player will be allied to the same Faction. You can unally a faction anytime you want but if you own one of the town that originally belonged to this faction (which usually happens), the faction will then declare war on you.

Since level 4 you can :
Declare war on a faction which will send you some troops each X seconds. Thanks to this war, you can capture new towns by force (having more inhabitants and more raw materials)!

What will the factions do during the game?

At the beginning, Umbar and Gondor invade Harondor and after a cold war, they will enter at war and will begin attack the opponent towns (progressively thanks to the already taken places).
If you enter at war against a faction, it will attack you at your "village" and also in the towns you took from it or the towns it would like to capture.
Each town is also protected by a few guards. Before taking a new one, make sure you will be able to keep it!

Where sell your goods?
Each faction capital (Pelargir, Amrûn and Heaven of Umbar) have 2 selling places. Just drop your resources or send your animals to sell them. When animals/packsaddle horse (with the activated option) leave your town, they will automatically go to the nearest place to sell (and drop goods and go back to your town if it's a packsaddle horse).

Impossible to sell goods
You cannot sell your goods to an ennmy faction or to a faction at war against one of your ally (faction or player).
By exemple if you are allied with Umbar and if Gondor is at war against it, you cannot sell your goods in Pelargir.

How much will you earn?
Each faction have a selling rate for each kind of good. The selling rates always increase (if there is not a negative event :) (Max : 1.3; Min : 0.7). Each time you sell goods in a region, it will decreases the rate, but only at this place. If the rate of a good is below 1, it will increase faster.
The selling rates also grow faster the more players there are.
By exemple, the Grain rate in Gondor increases by 1% each (2+(X*(0.91^number of player)) with X =18.
Some special hero skills (developement heroes)(Not already done) and som specific events (Not already done) can also influence those rates.

Raw Materials
When you choose a village (a place on the map) at the beginning, you also choose specific raw materials, according the climate, the landscape etc...
To produce a new resource, you hav to "upgrade" a circle of power and then will be created 1 item of X every Y seconds (or an animal).
Then you can upgrade this production site (each time you reach a new level) what will reduce the time to produce one good. This time can also be decreased by researching updates.

Raw materials you can produce :
-Since level 1 : Grape, Grain, Sheeps, Wood/Rock (that is directly added to your stock (100 Wood/Rock per unit).
-Since level 2 : Horses, Iron Ore.
-Since level 3 : Silk.

Raw materials produced in colonies :
When a good is produced in a colony, it's not turned into item but into a dummy transport. This transport must reach your village to be turned into item.

They can be built since level 3 and permit to turn your raw materials into manufactured goods. The workshops need an amount of raw material for each manufactured good or will just not be created.

Manufactured Goods
-Since level 3 : Bread, Wine, Weapons, Supplies and Milk (that is a bit different).
-Since level 4 : Silk Fabric.

Three kinds of houses (that create accomodations) can be built :
-Tents : 10 accomodations for poors.($)
-Thatched Cottages : (tent upgraded) 20 accomodations for poors.($)
-Stone Houses : 10 accomodations for middle-class inhabitants.($$)
-Manors : 5 accomodations for upper-class inhabitants.($$$)

Each time anew building is created, it increases the number of posts, according to the qualification of the employees ($, $$ or $$$) and the level of the building.

Since level2, you can make markets in which you can :
-Sell your goods (25% of the basical price) to your inhabitants.
-Turn your wood into item. (to sell it or trade it with other players)
-Turn your gold into item. (to trade it with other players)
-Train Packsaddle Horses
-Stock any kind of item (the other buildings automatically drop the items that are not linked with their workings).

Shiping Port
The shiping ports increase the food limit (only used by the soldiers).

Mason's Guild
You can reseach some technologies to improve your buildings, such as "Fortress" that greatly increases the HP, range and damages of your towncenter but also add a trebuchet on its top.
You can also train engineers that can make siege weapons anywhere on the map with an additional cost of 150 gold.
Mason's Guilds also regenerte the nearby buildings.

They add a lot of job, have no limit and you can recruit random travellers that lodge themselves in it each x second : Prawler, Barbarians, Bounty Hunter, Dirty-Minded Assassin, Errant Priest, Gashed Veteran, Old Hermit, Knight Errant and Cleric; with custom abilities.

You can research "knowledge" to increase the skill points of your heroes by 1.
You can also get bonuses thanks to your "stats" (like the number of used horses, your kills, how many time you played...) : Metropolis; Bloodthursty; Master of Cavalry; The Grande Armée; Creditor; Supplies of Mass; Obstinate.

Town Squares
They permit to organise some events in your town since level 2 : Dance Festival; Military Parade; Tournament; Feast; Town Fair; Torture Performance and Charity Meal.

There you can buy items according to your warfare and your heroes, who can get a very unique and powerful item.

You can upgrade "Milking" since your Sheep Pen is level 3. It allows all your Sheep Pen (at level 3 and 4) to produce Milk thanks to sheeps in its fence. Every 50+(200 - ((Number of Sheeps) x 15)) seconds will be created a Milk. Make sure the sheeps are in the fence. (min=50 sec <=> max sheeps= 14).

When you reach level 2, you choose beetween 3 warfares that will define the soldiers you will be able to make, but also what upgrades you will be able to research in each kind of barrack:
-Gondorian Warfare : resistant units, good siege weapons, researches based on armor and HP.
-Khandish Warfare : speed units, good cavalry, researches based on MS and AS.
-Umbarean Warfare : powerful units, good archery, researches based on damages and ranges.

Your War Workers can build towers according to the warfare you choose.
-Guard Tower : small damages, but 3 targets.
-Elite Tower : great damage, 1 target, one arrow ability (according to the warfare)
-Archer Tower : tower in which you can put your archers in garrison.
-Prefectures : A main building with 4 light towers that has an aura that increases the the damages.

In your barracks, you can also "create walls" which will reduce the entrance size and make your town easier to defend.

Your war warkers can build 5 kinds of barracks : Barracks(lvl2), Archeries (lvl2), Stables(lvl3), Elite Barracks(lvl4) and Siege Workshops(lvl4).
You can make the soldiers of the warfare you choose.
Elite Barracks are a bit different as the units you can train in it are according to the place you choose at te beginning:
-Ardûmir : Corsair Glaive Launcher; Sea Dragon
-Endil : Knight of Belfalas; Captain of Belfalas; Archers of Belfalas
-Fanuilond : Lebennin Battle Mage; Sorcerors of Lebennin
-Hyarpende : Archer of Ithilien; Rider of Ithilien
-Isigir : Dunadan Knight; Dunadan Spearman; Dunadan Swordsman; Dunadan Captain
-Methir : Apothecary; Apothecary Fighter
-Oud Ilaz : Variag Captain; Suderon Rider; Variag Chariot
-Ramlond : Black Guard of Mirlond; Captain of Mirlond; Witcher

Where you can create your boats : two kinds of transporting ships, one kind of anti-boat ship and a anti-structure ship. (according to the warfare you choose). In shipyards you can also research Improved Nets which increases the food limit.

Scouts are trained in barracks. This is a fast unit with a large field of vision, even by night that can build Watch Towers (invisible) to keep an eye on parts of the map.

How to get some?
You can get/loose renown by:
-Making specific events on your Town Square
-Sending money to Mithlond/Angmar
-Building a dark/light Statue/Academy

What is it useful for?
When you'll reach +40/-40 Renown, you'll be able to bing a delegation from Mithlond/Angmar. They will propose you a treaty in which they wil be able to settle in your village to have enclave in the South of Middle Earth in exchange of their knowledge:
If you accept, you'll have a whole new warfare (Elvish/Orcish). The barracks, stables, towers ... will be replaced by new ones and Elite barracks will be destroyed. You can instead make an Ent Stone/Troll Cage. You will also be able to choose a third hero in a list of 8, - those that have already been picked.
If you refuse, you will get the third hero liked to your town + a new unit in your Elite Barrack according to your warfare : Dome Guard (Gondorian); Consul Bodyguard (Umbarean); Suderon Chariot (Khandish).

[COLOR=&RoyalBlue]At the beggining, you will have to choose between 3 heroes of a city. Then, when you will reach level 3, you will have to choose a second hero (one of the 2 others of the region).
When a hero dies, he will needs (50+12*level-1.25^level) seconds to be revived (at your town).

If your first chosen hero is more focused on developement (purple rune), you will earn 15% extra income + at the beginning you have an extra packsaddle horse.
If your hero is more focused on war (red rune), you will get free extra weapons in your virtual stock.

When you will reach level 2 and 4 you will receive a demi hero that can be made again in a barrack (or an archery) if he dies. Each place (village) has 2 specific demi-heroes.

Each 3 min you will earn an income (which can be negative:).
Each poor inhabitant($) adds +2 to the income;
Each middle-class inhabitant($$) adds +6 to the income;
Each upper-class inhabitant($$$) adds +12 to the income;

From this income is deduced a maintenance cost of your troop. (0 (level 1); 1x used food (level 2 and 3); 2x used food (level 4)).
If you are not allied with a faction, you pay 25% of this sum to the nearest one for "protection" :).

Quests arrive in the big towns each x seconds. Check the Town Criers to know what quests are active. They are very useful to get xp and gold, but also items (especially at the beggining).
Before someone reaches level 3 : Pelargir, Amrun and Umbar will each generate 4/5 "easy" quests.
After someone reaches level 3 : Pelargir, Amrun and Umbar will each generate 4/5 hard quests.(The hard quests are not already made).

Random events can occur (weather event, bandit attack, famine, epidemics...) according to the levels of the player.

There are a lot of creeps on the map. Some of them can hide treasures...
You can hire mercenaries in mercenary camps (not already done).
You can buy slaves to slave merchants.
You can buy items to itinerant merchants.

Ardûmir is a place of beauty. Between desert, oasis and sea, this region offers multitude sumptuous panoramas, but also a high variety of tropical resources.
In such an arid place, you can produce Horses/Sheep, Grape and Silk. The fertile bank of the river also permit the running of palm trees.
In spite of its richness, this region is far from the high trade places in which you can at least sell your scarce goods with an expensive price.

Between mountain and sea, Endil is a remote town of Belfalas.
Its region is known for its mines that provide the foundry of the southern Gondor.
In this realm, you can produce Wheat (Grain), Sheep/Horses and Iron Ore. The nearby mountain also permit the exploitation of a Quarry to gather Rock.

With the fall of Harondor, the plunderings of Fanuilond have stopped and the region can be exploited again. Nevertheless, if a new war is triggered, this wealthy realm will plundered again; without counting on the frequent bandit raids.
Thanks to the heavy rain brought by the wind of the South, this land is maybe the most fertile of Southern Gondor which permit to cultivate varied plantations.
In this realm, you can produce Wheat ([COLOR=darkred"]Grain[/COLOR]), Grape and Sheep/Horses.The nearby forest also permit to provide the town in wood.

Next to the prosperous Pelargir, Hyarpendë is a village of Ithilien which suffers from the war against Harondor.
Nevertheless, the vicinity with both the river Poros and The Anduin, this city can thrive.
In this realm, you can produce Wheat (Grain), and 2 Sheeps/Horses. The nearby forest also permit to provide the town in wood.

Right in the middle of a desert, between mountain and sea, Isigir is in a very harsh place.
But the factors that permited the settlement of this region is a little oasis, its mountain that can be exploited, as well as its position, close to Umbar and on the trade route from Caldûr and Erädas.
In such an arid place, you can produce Grape, Silk and Iron Ore. The nearby mountain also permit the exploitation of a Quarry to gather Rock.

During the prosperous reign of Sanghayandion in Harondor, Methir was unfortunetly a place battle, which Gondorians used to assail by boat.
Nevertheless, with the fall of Harondor, this realm can thrive again, but it will have to find new allies with the arrival of the Gondorians that can claim this land.
In this realm, you can produce Wheat (Grain), and 2 Sheep/Horses. The nearby forest also permit to provide the town in wood.

Between the Ephel Dúath and the river of Harnen, [COLOR=Orange&]Oud Ilaz is a continental place.[/COLOR]
Its region is known for its horses and its wines but also for its mining exploitations.
In this realm, you can produce Grape, Sheep/Horses and Iron Ore. The nearby mountain also permit the exploitation of a Quarry to gather Rock.

After Gobel Ancalimon, Ramlond is the second town of Harnen.
Its region is known for its great plains where breeding is exelent. Its position near the capital of Harondor would have been a great advantage; unfortunately this kingdom is in decline and at war against Umbar and Gondor.
In this realm, you can produce Corn (Grain), and 2 Sheep/Horses. The nearby forest also permit to provide the town in wood.

-Upgrade as fast as you can at beginning
-Use your hero (he revives for 100 gold!)
-Don't waste any soldier
-Prepare carefully sellings (place to sell, way to bring the goods...)
-Use the abilities of the Packsaddle Horses.
-Build your village cleverly
-Choose a player ally
-Use boats (for amphibious attacks)
-Capture/buy colonies to expand your production
-Make sure your village can always handle an unexpected attack
-Make artillery to attack villages/towns
-If you don't want to be allied with a faction, make sure you sell your goods at the good place.

To get the hint list:
To change view type:
-min ; -med ; -far ; -very far
To choose your height :
-set number (~beetween 500 and 3500)
To order to all your units to Hold Position:

/ -stophold
To order to all your units to use Defend:
/ -stopdef
To debug your Warhouse :

To know your Renown :

To know from how many time you play :

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Before 1650 T.A (Third.Age) -The influence of Gondor decreases in the South, while the one of Umbar is growing. The ambitious prince Sangahyandion, son of the current concil of Umbar, takes the head of a powerful army and in only 1 year, conquer all Harondor which he makes his realm.

~1650 T.A -The talented and fiery strategist was taken by his run-up and invades Ithilien. During the Battle for Ithil, he seizes Minas Ithil. He also plunders Pelargir but doesn't manage to control the city.

~1653 -In spite of its successes, the armies of Sangahyandion are manhandled in Ithilien because of guerillas. So he decides to continue his plan as fast as possible and begins the siege of the capital of Gondor : Osgiliath; but the armies of Gondor are now organized and repel his attack during the bloody Battle For Osgiliath. After this failure, the prince is chased away from Ithilien and Pelargir began its recovery.

~1660 -After a time of raid and guerillas, the Gondorians launch a counter offensive against Harondor and Umbar. During the Battle to Umbar, the King Tarondor manages to force Umbar to stop its support to Harondor by making a daring blockade of the Heaven and after a few naval victories.

~1664 -The Harondor begins to decline and Prince Sangahyandion takes refuge in Ramlond, leaving his realm to the assaults of Gondor; but Umbar also wants a slice of the cake and send armies to at least conquer the southern Harondor (Harnen). This period is a time of opportunity for all ambitious Lord.
In the scenario Lords of Middle Earth, you control one of these lords that have been ruined by the late wars and take a new beginning.

Write the next instalment of this story ! Rule Middle Earth !

This fictive scenario is inspired by the books and letters of J.R.R. Tolkien and the website of Sampsa Rydman: Lindefirion.
This is a fiction story from what could occur in about 1650 T.A. If you wanna know more about this period, I invite you to visit the website Lindefirion.

Time References : Before the First Age : Creation of the world by Eru Ilúvatar and the Valars; 0 F.A : arrival of the Elves; 0 S.A : Morgoth is defeated (a second time xD); 0 T.A : Sauron is defeated by Isildur, 1000 T.A : Istari came to Middle Earth, 1300 T.A : Creation of Angmar, 2463 T.A GolluM finds the One Ring, 3019 T.A : Beggining of Fourth Age.

[COLOR=teal;]1650 T.A : Battle For Ithil[/COLOR]
1653 T.A : Battle For Osgiliath
1660 T.A : Battle To Umbar
1664 T.A : Lords of Middle Earth
You can find these four maps here : http://warlotr.free.fr/

Original map creator, Producer and Editor : GolluM[KoMe]

Website to download the last version : http://warlotr.free.fr/ (not already updated)

Many thanks to :
Advisers and Ideas finder:
FoFiF,Gloin[KoMe], Green.Heaven, SasuhKun, TheGodEmperor (aka stefan131), krisserz, Vaiar, Pomerancak, shadonavan, 88Warcraft3.
Testers: shadonavan, SasuhKun, TheGodEmperor, k13k, The Flamestorm, Tleno, D.A.R.M, SwampRaider, Spider22, Cortezz, 88Warcraft3 and CHILLA_KILLA (for his stupendous Square)!!
Master Tester: Desktop_General

-Documentation : http://wiki.lindefirion.net/ (many thanks to that amazing website and to Sampsa Rydman!).

-Model creators :
Many many thanks to OlofMoleman (trebuchet); Fingolfin (Gondor type ; wall, towers, roof); StormLegacy (lancer); HappyTauren (, houses); Nasrudin ( white houses); Tranquil (draw bridge) ;Communist_Orc(windmill); Willthealmighty(effects); Mr.Bob(Pelargir, lumbermill, town halls ........); GolluM[KoMe] (a nooby aura); sorry for those i forgot.

-Skin makers :
GolluM[KoMe] (Flags of Umbar and Gondor / white tree paving(based on the work of Mr.Goblin))

-Icon makers :
GolluM[KoMe] (lotr images + miscellaneous) ;sorry for those that I "forgot" ...

-Sound makers :
GolluM[KoMe] and Le_Bucheron.

-More than 600 custom units.
-More than 400 custom abilities.
-More than 120 items.
-More than 12 000 doodads/destructibles.
-More than 1380 triggers.
-More than 580 variables.
-More than 500 regions.
-40 custom heroes.
-Map size before optimization : 6.69 Mo.
-A lot of hour of work :)

Map Story
I started (5/6 years ago xD) to work on Battle For Osgiliath (from scratch) thanks to Lindëfirion, with my poor knowledge of roc maps with my late map Battle For Middle Earth 6.5. Most of the units/skills of LoME are from this map.
After ending that rather bad but appreciated map, I started Battle To Umbar by erasing the terrain of Osgiliath. After a while I thought about doing a trilogy, so I gave the management of the first map Battle For Ithil to my half brother that is still working on it (also originally based on Battle For Osgiliath).
Battle To Umbar was really appreciated but the map never really worked and in January 2010 I decided to make an other kind of map with the same terrain to save time and to keep spreading the story of this period : Lords of Middle Earth.
And the map came out in March 2010; and thanks to you guys is working as I couldnt have expected!

(You can find these five maps here : http://warlotr.free.fr/)

First influences of course come from the Tolkien's universe and from the maps of the Lord of the Ring on Warcraft.
Influences also come from old strategy games such as Age of Empire, Age of Mythologie, Starcraft... but mostly from management games like Anno (1701/1404), Sim City (3000, 4), Total War or even Mount and Blade.
Now you know (almost ^^) everything !

Modern Gamers : An other warcraft/starcraft website.
A chinese website xD
Some other not interesting websites like epicwar...

Some of the screenshots must be updated as the map changed :).

Whole map without doodads/units + Name of towns (Old)

Overview from Ardûmir (Old)


Linhir (Old)

Haven of Umbar (Old)

Bay of Belfalas


A good Town after 45 min

A good Town after 35 min

Multiboard and Packsaddle Horse

Prosperous Town and Warehouse

-A huge bug with Marshall specialization removed
-The attack on Ancalimon was on Mirlond ... Fixed
-A few little stuff remade/bugs removed

-Peace with a faction now works perfectly
-New victory conditons : you can still use the late victory condtions OR you can set a game difficulty : Easy/Average/Hard/Very Hard/Impossible :
Outlaw : Gold:10K/20K/30K/50K/90K ; Kills:200/300/400/600/900
Mayor : Inhabitants:700/900/1100/1400/1900 ; Gold:5K/8K/14K/20K/30K
General : Towns Taken:3/5/7/9/13 ; Kills:200/300/400/600/900
-Some bugs removed

-Plunder income decreased (a lot :)
-Now outlaws can make Dragon Nest (Sea Dragons (Pirate King) and Fire Drakes (Godfather))
-New command for outlaws to know where are there colonies : -colonies
-MAYBE I solved the problem with neutral hostile/faction stuck behind your town when they attack you. It has to be tested !!
-Some little stuff remade like usual :)

-Sorry I forgot to give workers the ability to build Taverns (to make bounty Hunters and Terrorists xD)
-Now Outlaws have their own terrain path
-Each colony can now produce its own units !! (according to where they are on the map, you can therefore you can make Ithilien Rangers or even Variag Guards
-Sry I'm too drunk right now to tell u each new stuff/bug I remade :) Have fun !!!

-5 Month of work xD
-New gameplay : you choose between 3 ways at level 2 : Mayor, General or Outlaw.
-Whole new gameplay for Outlaw.
-At level 4, with 40+ renown, you can specialize in 2 other path (2 path per way : Mayor ---> Governor or Merchant Prince; General ---> Warlord or Marshall; Outlaw ---> Pirate King or Godfather).
-Milk is now Whool.
-A loooooot of other stuff :)

-Looter : can loot the dead ennemies which turns them into gold, according to the level of the unit. If you specialized in Pirate King, you can upgrade it.
-Slave Master : can summon 3 kind of slaves: wargs, goblins or spear throwers.
-Arsonist : use torches to burn down buidlings.
-Plunderer : mounted unit which also uses torches and have pillage ability. They can also ensnare fleeing units :)
-Courtesan : can entice ennemies to slow them down.
Terrorist : they can set up traps that will block resource units (such as sheep, or packsaddle horses) for 20 seconds! and warn you on the map: you might have the time to slaughter them and get their items. They can also sabotage buildings.

-Archer Ship : put buccaneers in it and it will become very deadly !
-Raider Ship (Pirate King only) : can summon little ships or a group of soldier to plunder to coast.

-You can settle in colonies in which there are 2 new kind of resources : Tobacco and Pearls. You can sell them, but also turn Tobacco into Smoke Barrier (-50% accuracy for ennemies when casted) and Pearls into 4 types of item boosting your heroes.

-A loooot of change in triggers (now almost all arrayed :)
-Diplomacy remade
-Selling remade
-Renown remade
-Upkeep doubled
-Now each of the 3 factions are able to attack/defend each position on the map (renown is now considered to set the power of the attacks). Everything is ready for the soon coming adventurers :)
-A loooot of stuff remade

-Now dummy lumberjacks harvest the wood (with animations etc etc)
-Bugs fixed: splash damage doesnt affect buildings anymore;; You now get a third hero by refusing the elven deal;; Some icons fixed;; a lot of other little stuff
-The counter attack of Umbar toward Eradas is less effective

-New building (since the beggining): Trading Post: you can transfer your resources to your ally (goods, gold, wood, weapons and horses) for a better cooperation.
-Units now get easily outside of the towns: just tell them where to go outside ;)
-Some little stuff reviewed.

-The host now set victory conditions at the beggining. To win, the players must filfull each of these conditions OR do like before (kill everything but his ally xD). There are 4 conditions you can modulate : Money in Stock (20K, 30K, 40K, 75K or 100K); Population (500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500); Number of Colonies (2, 3, 4, 5, 6); Bread or Wine in the Warehouse (30, 50, 75, 100). These conditions are then written in the quest.
-After picking the conditions (or none), the host choose the modes (Money/wood and weapons at the beggining).
-Little bugs removed
-New line in the multiboard: the money of each player.

-The command -renown to check your renown now works properly.
-New game modes: -vqm : 15000 gold / 9000 wood ;; -em : +150 weapons
-The town of Amon Eithel now produce grapes instead of grain.

-A lot of balancing/bug removing
-New building: the Smithy, in which you can produce items, according to your warfare and also according to your heroes (by exemple if you have Morgomir you can make a 'Ring of Men') (all heroes have 1 custom item except Beorn, Barakiant, Bolg, Guhlavar and the elvish heroes). Which means a lot of new items :)

-Some Bugs fixed (like some orcs with no food cost)
-All elven heroes except the Istari have their own skills

-Some Bugs of 2.0 fixed

-Renown: you can gain/loose renown in order to reach 55/-55 renown. When this point is reached, Cirdan/Er-Murazor suggest you a deal : to set up an enclave in your lands. If you refuse it, you get the third hero of your place and a new unit type (made in the Elite Barrack) (Suderon Chariot (Khandish warfare), Dome Guard (Gondorian Warfare) or Consul Body-Guard (Umbarean Warfare).
If you accept the deal, all your Warfare is changed: all your towers/ships/military buildings/units/siege weapons ... are turned into an elvish/orcish way. (note : you also loose the Elite of your Village and the capability of making Elite Barrack with instead Ent Stone/Troll Cage). You can also choose between 8(-those chosen) elven/orcish heroes.

-Ways to get/loose renown:
By organising some events on your Town Square (check 1.9 changelog)
By building a lighty/darky statue that provides an aura
By building a lighty/darky "arcane sanctum" in which you can train mages
By sending some resources to Mithlond/Angmar

-A lot of new units, skills, upgrade, buildings...
-Fortress update issue fixed
-A lot of minor bugs i cannot remember fixed
-A lot of new icons and some new models
-Map neater, but not enough for now :)

-You can now buy the towns seized to Harondor by Gondor and Umbar if you are allied to the faction. (Amon Eithel, Barad Harn, Gobel Mirlond, Gobel Ancalimon).
-The goldmine of Korb Chelkar is more efficient
-Archers of Umbar spawning issue fixed
-Little issues fixed

-New building (since level 2) : Town Square : you can organise some events on it which will give a buff to the troops that see/participate it (with a some great (xD) animations on it)
1)Dance festival : +2 armor for 4 minutes / 350 gold
2)Military parade : +15% damages for 5 minutes / 300 gold and 2 weapons in stock
3)Tournament : +23% AS for 5 minutes + you choose if it's made with noble rules or if you allow blows below the belt (to win or loose renown) / 400 gold and 3 weapons in stock
4)Town Fair : Brings a Horse Merchant, a Slave Merchant, an Itininerant Merchant and a Goods Merchant (which sells each kind of resources) to your town for 2.5 minutes / 400 gold
5)Feast : +15% MS for 7 minutes / 300 gold, 2 wine and 2 bread
6)Torture performance : +7% AS and -5 renown for 5 minutes/ 350 gold, 125 wood and 1 weapon.
7)Charity Meal : +0.5 HP regen and +5 renown for 4 minutes/ 350 gold, 3 grain and 3 milk
-New ability for the packsaddle horse (again xD) : Item Transfer : if the horse is in your town, press it and all items it carries go in the warehouse and the weapons in the virtual stock.
-New command : -debug : it unstucks the warehouse that can sometimes be blocked
-New command : -time : tells you the time xD
-New command : -renown : tells you your renown
-New picture !
-Some buggs fixed
-Renown useful soon :)

-I'm happy to tell you that you can now play hours without any extra lag :) (there are still some lags when a big group of unit appears for a faction by example, but it doesn't prevent to play AT ALL; + the more you play, the more you take cities/kill players, the less Umbar/Gondor/Khand/Neutrals get soldiers.)
-A stupid bug removed
-I played all day (during 3Hours; and won xD) and it was Awesome ! (I've got the replay if you want ...)

-Fixed bug that after someone upgraded to level 2, all messages that would normally be displayed to all players were not displayed a all xD
-Removed a bug wth stone houses
-Set the integer to reach to get "The Grand Army" from 135 units recruite to 400 xD
-Sorry for this little version bu thefirst bug was REALLY annoying :)
-Square in 1.7 if I wnt die tommorow.

Bonuses at the beggining : you choose between:
+450 gold
+600 wood
+5 horses
+6 weapons
+1 random item (between 8 ones)
+nothing xD

-A lot of Leaks fixed !
-The attacks of the factions over the player towns are harder.
-New unit for the orcish attack(xDDD) : Orc Catapult, which can throw corpse to threaten humans muhahahaha.
-Prefectures no longer has Troops In Garrison but increases this skill (the one of the townhall).
-Milk price reduced from 60 to 40 ! $(
-Time to get new free weapon increased.

-New Building (Based on the idea of 88Warcraft3) : Library :
You can research "knowledge" to increase the skill points of your heroes by 1.
You can also get bonuses thanks to your "stats" (like the number of used horses, your kills, how many time you played...) : Metropolis; Bloodthursty; Master of Cavalry; The Grande Armée; Creditor; Supplies of Mass; Obstinate.
-The upkeep increment (+1) is restablished at the level 3. (which makes an upkeep of 3 per used food at level 4).
-Now workers are divided in 3 : worker, advanced worker and war worker.
-Now in China ! (By s8637800); with new screenshots : http://bbs.uuu9.com/read.php?tid=3732615
-Stupid bug removed :).

-Detailed tuto thanks to "-hint":
1.What to do at the beggining
3.Town Development
4.How to Sell your Goods
5.How to Make Soldiers
8.Needed Stuff to Win a Game
9.How to leave your Town

-Minor fixed.
-New command : -tuto for all : the host can do this which will force the tutorial for each player.

-New item management : you now have a warehouse in which you get all your item, which is muuuuuuuuuch more practical :) (like in Anno). When the packsaddle horses go back to your village, they will automatically go next to it.
-New terrain : new tiles, new doodads, new trees ... more to come in 1.01.
-You can now make tower(s) to defend your colonies.
-The tax are doubled! $D
-You will now get free weapons, even if you didn't take a "fighter hero".
-Price of the horses increased.
-Towers now limited by 4. (not the archer and defense towers.)
-The research "Fortress" now makes a trebuchet on the top of your "real" townhall but ALSO on the one outside.
-Supplies now need 2 grain, 1 wine and 1 wine to be made (instead of 3 grain/2grape).
-Minor stuff remade.
-Post me what you think about this and please report each bug you see! Sorry to delay doing the new update, I really add to work xD.
-1.01: Bug with the horse going to the stock fixed
-Some stupid bugs removed :)

-Minor stuff remade
-Prefecture : an additional garrison, 4 low towers and an aura.
-Mason's Guild : you can research 4 stuff : advanced masonry (buildings +HP; 2 levels), advanced wells (increases the HP regen provided by your wells), advanced tower (+damages to towers, townhall, colonies), Fortress (+1000 HP, 100 range, 10 damages to your townhall + a trebuchet on the top of it).
Engineer can be trained in it : they can make siege weapons (with cost +150 gold) anywhere you want.
Regen the nearby structures.
-Number of towers limited by 6.
-0.91: Bug with warfare fixed.

-Little stuff remade
-New building : Inns. They add a lot of job, have no limit and you can recruit random travellers that lodge themselves in the inn each x second : 10 new units : Prawler, Barbarians, Bounty Hunter, Dirty-Minded Assassin, Errant Priest, Gashed Veteran, Old Hermit, Knight Errant and Cleric; with new custom abilities.
-Credits updated : Thx guys :)
-0.81; stupid bug with the Silk removed
-Time between 2 drops increased
-0.82 ; diplomatic bug removed

-Weapon bug fixed
-Transport Units problem maybe fixed xD
-Kicking bug fixed
-a lot of little stuff remade
-Time between two attacks reduced
-0.71 : All major bugs fixed
-a lot of little stuff remade :)
-0.72 : Weapon bug fixed
-Mumakil horn doesn't trigger Teleport Back anymore

-Now you can pick the position where you want to send your packsaddle horses when they leave home !
-Heroes has a teleport to the town (325 sec cooldown)
-Some stuff fixed
-Workers and War Workers are now a single unit (with morph ability)
-You can now sell your goods to a faction even if you are allied with an other : now the 2 restrictions are If you are an ennemy of this faction AND if one of your allies (faction or player) is at war against this faction).
-Diplomacy major change : You can now make peace with a faction and stop being allied with one. After each diplomatic action (peace, unhally, war or alliance) toward a specific faction, there is a cooldown of 10 min to be able to do an other action with this faction.
-Damages of the demi-heroes reduced.
-New ulti skill for Morëinion Orchaldor-Eldalótë : Call of the Depths.
-Some bugs fixed
-Optimized with Optimizer 4.9 insted of 4.7 (maybe less bugs after, and maybe fits with Mac; you tell me !).
-New model for archers
-0.63 : some little bugs fixed
-Kick System removed (maybe is it the thing that kicks everyone xD)
-Price of weapons and iron ore reduced (150 ---> 130 and 60--->52)

-bug with Umbar ennemy with Orange but attacking Blue fixed
-food produced by shiping ports greatly increased
-bug when a Resource Transport enters in a village not controlled by the owner fixed.(when you produce goods out of your town, you get a Transport (dummy) that need to reach your village to be turned into item)
-siege weapons cost increased
-cost of barracks decreased; with Khand warfare, you can now make stables since lvl2.
-cost of building updates increased
-overall cost in Wood/Rock increased
-"Troops in Garrison" decreased by 1 archer and 1 soldier
-Hero's time to revive increased (now equal to 50+12*level-1.25^level)
-"-Quick Mode" : if blue types it before 1 min, each player get 7500 Gold and 3500 Wood
-Watch Towers (made by scouts) are now always invisible and can see invisible units.
-Some weather effects fixed (SandStorms and Eclipses).
-New (and first :) Events : you can be attacked each x sec by x soldiers (according to your level) since level 2. Each place can be attaked by Orcs, Bandits or Pirates. Since level 3 places can also be attacked by specific unit (according to the location). Since level 4, the 4 possibilities of attacks also contain siege weapons (or heavy units like trolls or mumaks:)
-building's HP decreased
-Improved Nets (+15 to food limit) can be researched in shipyards since level 4.

-a lot of minor "bugs" fixed again
-skills minor change
-'Drops the Items' now works instantly
-Town criers (the ones who give quests) are replaced by Taverns
-When someone chooses a place at beggining, it tells it to everyone
-Faction's attacks fixed
-'Drop the items' of packsaddle horses now completly works
-Umbarean Scouts can now create Banners (aura '+armor')
-Thanks you a lot for suggestions! I'll add your names at the next version

-a lot of minor "bugs"
-town attacks (umbar vs gondor) fixed
-milk is now also produced in the Sheep Pens that belongs to captured cities
-Sheep Pens can now drop their milk without having to stop producing
-items size are increased
-Valdûmir Alcarialë now has "Robustness" (+str) instead of "Parry"
-workers don't have anymore 2 building abilities ^^
-some other stuff I forgot :)
-tell me what to do in 0.4 !!

Other screenshots : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/gollum_kome/albums/

Please leave some advices, ideas, bug reports etc... (it's not perfect yet !! (no, no really !^^))
The map is still in progress!
And btw it's protected :)

Enjoy !

I am looking for :
-Someone who speaks english very well (and that is ready to revise all the scripts in the map xD)
-Someone who could remake the human user interface in a Lotrish way.

I would of course give credits, rep, recognition and gratitude to the helpers (and a pet on the map !). Tell me if you're in! :)
Btw thanks again to those who already helped me to improve this game !

HF !

Builder, Anno-like, Strategy, Complicated, Lords, Middle Earth.

Lords of Middle Earth3.4 (Map)

12:22, 26th Maj 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved 23:01, 27th Mar 2010 ap0calypse: approved
Well, I thought about the Corsair/Bandit idea the whole day and there is what I think is the best, the funniest to play, but also the easiest to make:

-Everyone take heroes at the beggining as usual : 1 change : there are no colored runes anymore. (no distinction between Warrior or Mayor hero anymore)
-Level 1 is EXACTLY the same.
-When you reach level 2 you have 3 pathes :
  1. Mayor
    • Bonus of Gold and Wood
    • More income from the taxes (like +35%)
    • New skills/Updates good with town development
    • Greater defence buildings (not sure about this one)
    • Reduction of the price to buy a city from Gondor/Umbar
  2. Warrior
    • Bonus of Weapons and Horses
    • Some Soldiers + a better basic income of weapons (those who come automaticaly)
    • More kind of soldiers
    • Option of plundering a town :get gold (less that a corsair), capture the town, building unusable for X seconds. A town with unusable buildings cannot be plundered
    • Greater siege weapons
  3. Bandit
    • Bonus of Gold and Weapon
    • Some Ships
    • A whole new gameplay
    • Have to choose between 'Corsairs' and ' Goblins' (not sure for the gobs but it would be fun to have orcish units sooner)
The warrior/mayor still choose between Khand/Gondor/Umbar warfares; almost nothing change for them :).

Well now, the Bandit (Let's say that for now, there are no Goblins, only corsairs)

  • The buildings for the resources remain the same.
  • You keep the old manufactures (like Bakery) but you also get new ones that don't work everytime like the others. They're here to make specific items/stuff that need resources in your stock. (like a Brewery :)
  • You don't have anymore : Library//Town Square//Manors//Mason's Guild (an alternative building with other improvement available; still building regen; no engineers anymore)//Prefecture//Elite Barrack//Statues//Mage academies//Markets
  • New buildings : New Workshops I still have to find (by thinking about the options the bandit has)//New structures they can build on the map area (still have to think about it too)//A Black Market//Some other vicious stuff :)
  • The town hall would be reviewed entirely (the model/the skills) unless if I cannot find good models for them.
  • The model of the houses will also be changed (maybe night elven ones, dunno yet :)
  • Totally new warfare with new towers/barracks etc...
  • Bad siege weapons/heavy units
  • Great ships/sneaky units
  • New Inn system with more units
  • The corsair earns a bit less taxes than the others.
  • The corsair buildings provide 2 times less jobs and no $$$ jobs (no $$$ inhabitants either)
  • Many options (I have to think alot about this point) to get money on other players (like traps for packsaddle horses etc) but also on Factions that will now have trading units and ships that can be attacked.
  • The possibility to set up 1 or 2 colonies (according to the number of Corsair players) on the map, at specific spots, with maybe new kind of resources, where you can make defences, hire basic soldiers AND send to your town (instantly) your booty. There are 2 of these spots on Islands btw :)
  • You can of course player cities: you still destroy them and make the player loose :)
  • Attacks on Faction Cities :
    • You plunder the town but don't control it
    • You leave behind you a kind of mafia which will grow in time 'til a point, according the the population of the city.
    • You have an invincible unit which shows toward the other players you do control the black business of this town. This unit (maybe a building) also allows you to create new units, according to the region of the town (some new but mostly already existing units). The mana of this unit shows the amount of gold this town makes you earn each 3min (counted in the tax)
    • When a city is plundered, its building don't work for 10/15 min. A plundered cannot be attack by corsair player for 30 min. A town "controlled" by a bandit cannot be attack by him.
    • A town seized/plundered by a player removes the mafia and replace it if the attacker was a bandit UNLESS the town buildings still don't work. I still don't know what to do if it's a faction.
  • The corsair player has a kind of renown; When he reaches a certain amount of this (based on the number of town you have a mafia in and some gold you can send) you can become a Corsair King: you get a third hero from a new list of 8 corsair heroes. (btw at level 3 you still get a second hero according to your town).
  • For the victory conditions: the same about the gold and resources; nomber of colonies+1 (town with mafia); 2 times less with the population
  • The Corsairs are always at war with the factions and cannot ally a player (but still can declare war ofc ^^).
  • You sell your goods in your Black Market you get when you become Corsair. You sell it at the average price in Middle Earth (of the specific sold resource). Then the price of this resource is decreased two times more in the faction it's the more expensive. By exemple you sell 3 grain and the price of it in Gondor is 30, in Umbar 27 and Khand 31, you will sell it 29*3 Gold and the price of grain in Khand will be reduced by 6% instead of 3%.

Please tell me what you think about it before I start working on this xD. Thanks for reading the whole scary stuff :)
Btw I don't think goblin option is a good idea
Level 4
Oct 19, 2010
-When you reach level 2 you have 3 pathes :
  1. Mayor
    • Bonus of Gold and Wood
    • More income from the taxes (like +35%)
    • New skills/Updates good with town development
    • Greater defence buildings (not sure about this one)
    • Reduction of the price to buy a city from Gondor/Umbar
  2. Warrior
    • Bonus of Weapons and Horses
    • Some Soldiers + a better basic income of weapons (those who come automaticaly)
    • More kind of soldiers
    • Option of plundering a town :get gold (less that a corsair), capture the town, building unusable for X seconds. A town with unusable buildings cannot be plundered
    • Greater siege weapons
  3. Bandit
    • Bonus of Gold and Weapon
    • Some Ships
    • A whole new gameplay
    • Have to choose between 'Corsairs' and ' Goblins' (not sure for the gobs but it would be fun to have orcish units sooner)
The warrior/mayor still choose between Khand/Gondor/Umbar warfares; almost nothing change for them :).
Mayor and warrior receive buffs, and mayor sounds much stronger (especially if you're still going to make it so you can buy all towns).

For mayor, it seems like the income boost should be smaller. A boost in the defensive (not offensive) abilities of buildings makes sense. Maybe their packhorses and trade ships could be faster.

For warrior, it seems like the units should be stronger (even if they're the same type). You could do that with bonuses and/or upgrades. Maybe the upkeep of soldiers could be lower. Maybe you could receive a food bonus (not that the society produces more food but that the military receives priority or something like that).

I think you could make pirate/bandit much more interesting, if you made it so they can rob packhorses and warehouses. Also, you mentioned before you wanted to make it so players could trade with each other by ship. Instead, make it so you can trade with the faction capitals by ship or packhorse. That way pirates could capture resources from trade ships and packhorses. Remove the trading post, and instead make it so you can send resources to your allies by trade ship or packhorse. That would give pirates/bandits more opportunities.

It would also be interesting if pirates could capture ships from other players (military ships and transports). Also instead of killing heroes, they could ransom them (get a gold reward for reducing them to 0 health). Maybe they should have to transport the hero back to their base. Anyway, after the hero is ransomed, they appear at the respawn point with 1 health after the respawn delay.

I like a lot of your ideas for the pirates/bandits. Maybe allow them to trade with faction towns by using smuggling ability which makes them neutral for a short amount of time (they used this in Bloody Pirates).

I think it would be cool if you could make hideouts which can only be detected at very close range. So you could only find them by searching the map or by following units. It could be a building that holds units, or you could make it so that when the player builds the hideout, their original town entrance is destroyed and instead is entered at the hideout. You could make it so they can relocate their hideout/town. That might encourage them to develop their town less which might be more realistic.

Anyway, these are just some ideas I had. I think you're doing great, and I'm sure you'll do a great job. I tried to host the new version, but since people weren't joining quickly, I decided to just write this.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Warrior should be Warlord or Marshal instead. I mean, Warrior sounds more of a solo character. Talking about that, you could also make an Adventurer way chosen, which would make both city building and your troops kinda the secondary and would strenghten your hero. I mean, I'm sure there are lots of people who prefer playing with hero than with armies or building cities.
Mayor and warrior receive buffs
you mean the hero??
it seems like the income boost should be smaller.
Yer you're right. I might reduce it to 20/25%.
Maybe their packhorses and trade ships could be faster.
Good idea!
For warrior, it seems like the units should be stronger (even if they're the same type). You could do that with bonuses and/or upgrades.
Exactly !
Maybe the upkeep of soldiers could be lower. Maybe you could receive a food bonus (not that the society produces more food but that the military receives priority or something like that).
Wow these are the ideas I needed to complete the warrior ! Thanks !!!! (there's even a logical explaination ! xD)
I think you could make pirate/bandit much more interesting, if you made it so they can rob packhorses and warehouses
Well it was already in my ideas with the packsaddle horse (with traps you can leave etc) but the warhouse !! I didn't even think about it ! thanks !!
Instead, make it so you can trade with the faction capitals by ship
Yep I had this idea before, but I first must remake the selling system (if we can even call it a system xD)
Remove the trading post, and instead make it so you can send resources to your allies by trade ship or packhorse. That would give pirates/bandits more opportunities.
Ye in itself the idea is cool; but you who played so much the game, have you ever seen two guys sending resources ?? Maybe they won't even use their trading post so... I think I'll keep it :). Or maybe there could be an automatic (and not controlable) horse/ship that travels by itself.
It would also be interesting if pirates could capture ships from other players (military ships and transports).
This is the idea I wrote in the other forum (here, you might have missed other ideas ^^):
""You would have the best choices of ships. There would be a new system for ships : They all have mana which defines the number of soldier they contain. Each time a ship is attacked, it looses a smal amount of mana (as some men can be touched too :). Some specific boats would have a better "mana burn" (if you see what I mean ^^) (like a boat full of archers). When you Board a ship, there is random losses in each boat and the looser is the one that have no mana. When a ship boards an other, they both become invulnerable. If the pirate wins, he gets Gold if the ship belonged to a faction, and get the ship. Otherwise the pirate ship is just destroyed. If, by an other manner, a ship looses its seamen, you just have to send a rope""
Also instead of killing heroes, they could ransom them (get a gold reward for reducing them to 0 health). Maybe they should have to transport the hero back to their base. Anyway, after the hero is ransomed, they appear at the respawn point with 1 health after the respawn delay.
THAT is the best idea EVER !! The amount of the ransom would depend on the time you wait (it reduces with it) and the level of the hero.
Maybe allow them to trade with faction towns by using smuggling ability which makes them neutral for a short amount of time
Well I dunno, black market seems simpler for the player, no?? and the corsairs have other business than trade !
I think it would be cool if you could make hideouts which can only be detected at very close range. So you could only find them by searching the map or by following units. It could be a building that holds units, or you could make it so that when the player builds the hideout, their original town entrance is destroyed and instead is entered at the hideout.
Waow a good idea but SOOO hard to make xD (only with the town entrance). Btw it gave me an other idea : you could make like mines that link two points of the map (only 2 mines linked), but on kinda short distance or it would really imba. You could this way escape from ennemies very easily for example by building the entrance in a wood and the other one and the other side of a river. Remember that corsairs will be alone while the others can ally !! they must be able to flee, like any bandit worthy of the name.
Anyway, these are just some ideas I had. I think you're doing great, and I'm sure you'll do a great job. I tried to host the new version, but since people weren't joining quickly, I decided to just write this.
Once again THAAANKS dude :).

Warrior should be Warlord or Marshal instead. I mean, Warrior sounds more of a solo character.
You're right oO. I can't choose bewteen Warlord and Marshal, can u help me ?? xD. Maybe it could also be an other specialisation, like, when they go level 4 and refuse the treaty, you can go Warlord or Marshal (with some different units/updates etc); with the Mayor you can turn Ambassador or Governor and with the corsair : King of the Seas or Bandit King. xDD so great !!
Talking about that, you could also make an Adventurer way chosen, which would make both city building and your troops kinda the secondary and would strenghten your hero.
Hum I kinda understand your idea but not entirely. But ye Andventurer would be fun !! Maybe after I end the Corsair path!
I mean, I'm sure there are lots of people who prefer playing with hero than with armies or building cities.
Ye I know, but it would be really hard to adapt a single hero with the other pathes, to make balanced. They could begin by choosing a "protector" (one of the factions). Maybe after a few feats they could choose two ways : become a faction lord (with a single little town) and could become the leader of the faction by doing some stuff (xD) OR stay a true adventurer (joined by 3/5 other heroes) and make glorious quest and that can even defeat other players. xD
Thanks Tleno :)
Sorry for the double post but it was overcrowded :)

To sum up the new ideas/ changes :
Stuff that is still not sure

When you reach level 2 you choose between the 4 pathes and get:
  1. Mayor
    • Bonus of Gold and Wood
    • More income from the taxes (like +20%)
    • New skills/Updates good with town development
    • Greater defence buildings
    • Reduction of the price to buy a city from Gondor/Umbar
    • Faster packsaddle horse/trading ships
  2. Warlord
    • Bonus of Weapons and Horses
    • Some Soldiers + a better basic income of weapons (those who come automaticaly)
    • More kind of soldiers
    • Option of plundering a town :get gold (less that a corsair), capture the town, building unusable for X seconds. A town with unusable buildings cannot be plundered
    • Greater siege weapons
    • Units deals more damages (+1 or +2)
    • Lesser Upkeep cost
  3. Bandit
    • Bonus of Gold and Weapon
    • Some Ships
    • A whole new gameplay
  4. Adventurer
    • You choose to leave your town as you're getting bored there. You loose it :)
    • Bonus of Gold and 1 random Item. +gets extra gold according to your current wood.
    • You choose a protector (a faction) which will give you missions (even war actions, like leading troops on an assault, against other factions but also players).
    • Bonus of XP increase.

For the officer/mayor you must refuse the treaty. You now can get renown by seizing towns. Moreover, there are no longer negative renown, I'll remake it to make it more credible.; For the pirate you must reach 40 Renown (infamy ^^) based on number of towns with mafia/units stealed etc; For the adventurer, it's after accomplishing great quests/attacks.

Then you choose between these 2 pathes:

  1. Mayor : you get the third hero of your town
    • Governor : Bonuses based on the taxes/town development
    • Master of Trade : Bonuses based on the selling/production
  2. Warlord : you get the third hero of your town
    • Conqueror : No unit upkeep anymore, More food production
    • Marshal : New elite troops available
  3. Corsair : you choose a hero in the Corsair hero list
    • Corsair King : Bonuses for sea units/Better siege weapons
    • Godfather : Bonuses based on the mafias you settled in towns/Better sneaky units
  4. Adventurer : you choose a hero in the Corsair/Orcish/Elvish hero list
    • Brotherhood : a fourth hero you get in the elven, corsair or orc list/an ultimate quest with ultimate XP and items.
    • Captain of the Hosts: your protector faction gives you a town where you can make troops, earn some money. If the faction don't have cities left (instead of capital), you get nothing : you had to defend it.

If you accept the elven deal you become Marshal or Governor; If you accept the orcish deal, you become Warlord or Master of Trade. OR you get nothing xD

Bandit Path

  • The buildings for the resources remain the same.
  • You keep the old manufactures (like Bakery) but you also get new ones that don't work everytime like the others. They're here to make specific items/stuff that need resources in your stock. (like a Brewery :)
  • You don't have anymore : Library//Town Square//Manors//Mason's Guild (an alternative building with other improvement available; still building regen; no engineers anymore)//Prefecture//Elite Barrack//Statues//Mage academies//Markets
  • New buildings : New Workshops I still have to find (by thinking about the options the bandit has)//New structures they can build on the map area (still have to think about it too)//A Black Market//Some other vicious stuff :)
  • The town hall would be reviewed entirely (the model/the skills) unless if I cannot find good models for them.
  • The model of the houses will also be changed (maybe night elven ones, dunno yet :)
  • Totally new warfare with new towers/barracks etc...
  • Bad siege weapons/heavy units
  • Great ships/sneaky units
  • New Inn system with more units
  • The corsair earns a bit less taxes than the others (-5%).
  • The corsair buildings provide 2 times less jobs and no $$$ jobs (no $$$ inhabitants either)
  • Many options (I have to think alot about this point) to get money on other players (like traps for packsaddle horses etc) but also on Factions that will now have trading units and ships that can be attacked.
  • The possibility to set up 1 or 2 colonies (according to the number of Corsair players) on the map, at specific spots, with maybe new kind of resources, where you can make defences, hire basic soldiers AND send to your town (instantly) your booty. There are 2 of these spots on Islands btw :)
  • You can of course attack player cities: you still destroy them and make the player loose :)
  • Attacks on Faction Cities :
    • You plunder the town but don't control it
    • You leave behind you a kind of mafia which will grow in time 'til a point, according the the population of the city.
    • You have an invincible unit which shows toward the other players you do control the black business of this town. This unit (maybe a building) also allows you to create new units, according to the region of the town (some new but mostly already existing units). The mana of this unit shows the amount of gold this town makes you earn each 3min (counted in the tax)
    • When a city is plundered, its building don't work for 10/15 min. A plundered cannot be attack by corsair player for 30 min. A town "controlled" by a bandit cannot be attack by him.
    • A town seized/plundered by a player removes the mafia and replace it if the attacker was a bandit UNLESS the town buildings still don't work. I still don't know what to do if it's a faction.
  • The corsair player has a kind of renown; When he reaches a certain amount of this (based on the number of town you have a mafia in and some gold you can send) you can become a Corsair King: you get a third hero from a new list of 8 corsair heroes. (btw at level 3 you still get a second hero according to your town).
  • For the victory conditions: the same about the gold and resources; nomber of colonies+1 (town with mafia); 2 times less with the population;
  • The Corsairs are always at war with the factions and cannot ally a player (but still can declare war ofc ^^).
  • You sell your goods in your Black Market you get when you become Corsair. You sell it at the average price in Middle Earth (of the specific sold resource). Then the price of this resource is decreased two times more in the faction it's the more expensive. By exemple you sell 3 grain and the price of it in Gondor is 30, in Umbar 27 and Khand 31, you will sell it 29*3 Gold and the price of grain in Khand will be reduced by 6% instead of 3%.
  • The Corsair is not attacked by creeps but by the factions :) (according to your renown and your position on the map).
  • Corsairs can board ships by using a ropes (which can be made in your town). When you Board a ship, there is random losses in each boat and the looser is the one that have no mana. When a ship boards an other, they both become invulnerable. If the pirate wins, he gets Gold if the ship belonged to a faction, and get the ship. Otherwise the pirate ship is just destroyed. If, by an other manner, a ship looses its seamen, you just have to send a ropes.

Adventurer Path
  • You don't have any town.
  • You are allied with you protector faction and follow it in its war; you cannot change your protector (too hard to do, and not credible)
  • You can pay your protector to stop or begin a war against a faction, but also against a player. You still MUST be at war against a color to attack it.
  • You get quests/missions according to your protector with rewards etc...
  • You win if your faction wins (control all the towns with its possible ally player).
  • You get a periodic income from your protector : according to the number of cities it controls, but also its trade wealth (to balance, Khand has a great trade wealth) which won't change.
  • You also can get quests from NPCs.
  • You get the demi heroes of your town and a second hero from your town the more you get renown by doing quests/helping your faction/get XP.
  • When a demi hero/hero dies, it revives in your protector's capital for money.
  • You loose if your protector looses its capital BUT : you are first called by your protector which sends a good army against the fucking attacker ^^ (you still have a chance).
EDIT : There can be only 1 adventurer for each faction: maybe it's gonna be too hard otherwise, I dunno. The pb of course would be that there can only be 3 adventurers at a ntime, which is not THAT bad whn u know only 3 players stay each time ^^

Diplomatic changes for Officers/Mayors
  • You cannot declare war to an adventurer, but you can do so with its protector, it will be the same (instead u are periodicaly attacked xD)
  • If you wanna make peace with a faction , you must pay an amount of money based on how many town you have and that they originally had.
  • If you break an alliance with a faction and have towns that it originally had, it declares war on you.
  • You can't ask for peace to a faction if you seized its capital.
  • Now, thanks to the adventurers, Khand can be at war against factions :) Isnt that beautiful ??

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Now boats have mana points which represents the number of seamen on them. Each time a ship is attacked, it looses a smal amount of mana (as some men can be touched too :). If this number reaches 0, the boat become neutral. Some corsair boats are specialised in killing only the units. The amount of mana slowly increases all the town and 4 time quicker in your town area.
  • Renown system remade : simpler and increases with your town growing, not anymore thanks to the statues/ academies (maybe just a little though).
  • The attacks of the factions against you are now based on your level, but also your renown!
  • Other things I had in mind but I can't remember for now xD
  • You are not attacked anymore by creeps (bandits etc) after reaching 80 or 100 renown
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Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Adventurer should also recieve a damage and hp/armor bonus and maybe some different way of reviving. I mean, instead of reviving in his town he would return back to life in one of his faction's cities.
Trade prince sounds kinda ew, I think Master of Trade should fit it better.

As for adventurer path, I suggest my own idea:
-Lone Wolf. You loose your second and third hero, but your first one recieves a very large buff and some kind of powerful artifact. Ancient mythrid blade or something like that.
-Brotherhood. You recieve a fourth hero.
I mean, instead of reviving in his town he would return back to life in one of his faction's cities.
Ye It's what i wantes to do but I couldnt finish befor dinner xD
Trade prince sounds kinda ew, I think Master of Trade should fit it better.
Okay :) (it's just that it sounded good in french xD)

As for adventurer path, I suggest my own idea:
-Lone Wolf. You loose your second and third hero, but your first one recieves a very large buff and some kind of powerful artifact. Ancient mythrid blade or something like that.
-Brotherhood. You recieve a fourth hero.
Well I'm okay with the brotherhood but not the lone wolf: you would loose one of your hero, you would be Imba in some situations, and also too quickly overcrowded. + it's kinda boring with one hero, especially if the hero you chose was a kindof healer :).
But it's true Warband Chieftain is kinda wierd, but I think it can work !. We must find an other idea :). Maybe will you find one when I'll show the gameplay I imagined for the adventurer
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Level 4
Oct 19, 2010
  1. Mayor
  2. Warlord
    • Units deals more damages (+1 or +2)
  3. Bandit
  4. Adventurer
    • Bonus of Gold and 1 random Item. +gets extra gold according to your current wood.
+1 or +2 damage doesn't seem like much of an advantage for Warlords (especially if the unit does a lot of damage). Something like 10-15% would be fairer. The 20% tax bonus Mayors get lets them buy/replace units faster. That would give them an advantage. There is a hero that gives +25% passive damage bonus and +40 active damage bonus, so 10-15% isn't much. BTW the library bonus that gives +1 damage isn't very good either.

For the path names, I have some alternative suggestions:

  • Warlord (General)

    • Conqueror (Warlord)
      Marshal (Tactician/Master Tactician)
    Bandit (Outlaw)

    • Corsair King (Pirate King) I know Tleno didn't like Pirate, but you already had pirates in the game. The word corsair means the same thing, but it's not used as much. Also, since Pirates of the Carribean, pirates are very popular. You might as well capitalize on that popularity because it is much more likely to excite people's imaginations.
      Godfather (Bandit King)

    • Brotherhood (Champion)
      Captain of the Hosts (Captain or a Noble title like Prince/Duke/Count/Baron)

Captain of the Hosts: your protector faction gives you a town where you can make troops, earn some money. If the faction don't have cities left (instead of capital), you get nothing : you had to defend it.
Adventurer seems much weaker than everyone else. Even though the Brotherhood could get a very powerful artifact, the other groups can become almost as powerful by buying 6 items. Plus they would have soldiers. It seems like only Captain of the Hosts would have any chance. I do have another idea for you, though.

Give the adventurer an ability called summon friends or something. In many books and movies a hero will make friends and allies during his adventures (often because he helped them in some way), and sometimes those friends will help him out or get him out of trouble. So, some of the adventurer quests could be to help out different people (could be from different races, professions etc. You could get really creative) or towns. By completing those quests, he adds a follower to his group of friends/allies (you could even call it a fellowship which would tie in to Lord of the Rings). Every time he summons them, all of the friends he's made will show up and fight for him. It would be a good idea to have them last quite awhile so they can help him with quests or attacks. You could give it a long cooldown if you want.

You loose if your protector looses its capital BUT : you are first called by your protector which sends a good army against the fucking attacker ^^ (you still have a chance).
It seems like he should be able to liberate the capital if he can. However, he could lose at any time if some player eliminated all of their other enemies and he still hasn't liberated the capital. This idea isn't very important, but it's another possibility

EDIT : There can be only 1 adventurer for each faction: maybe it's gonna be too hard otherwise, I dunno.

I don't think you would have to limit the number of adventurer's per faction. It seems like they could use allies more than any other path.

Anyway, your ideas sound fun.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Well, the brotherhood should recieve an extreme hp/damage boost per each character.

Walord should specialize more on massiveness of his army and killing enemy troops, while the Marshal be more of army buffer / elite troop expert.
You know, so they would be like opposite of each other.

Also, adventurer type should still be able to someway build stuff in his city, but only some special buildings. No income or whatever, just some production buildings, wharf of transports (Only), inn for mercenaries and some weaker units to acompany your heroes, and some hero upgrade/ item shops. other buildings would be replaced with new ones or just made invlunerable and give to neutral. If all the buildings would just dissapear it would look wrong...
+1 or +2 damage doesn't seem like much of an advantage for Warlords (especially if the unit does a lot of damage). Something like 10-15% would be fairer. The 20% tax bonus Mayors get lets them buy/replace units faster. That would give them an advantage. There is a hero that gives +25% passive damage bonus and +40 active damage bonus, so 10-15% isn't much. BTW the library bonus that gives +1 damage isn't very good either.
Hum ye I'll see. Btw I reduced the +20% to 15% (and 25% for the Governor)
+I added that :

Tax rate :
  • Warlord : 100%
  • Mayor : 115%/125% if Governor
  • Adventurer : None/200% if Baron
  • Outlaw : 100%
Upkeep Rate :
  • Warlord : 50% / 0% if Warlord
  • Mayor : 125%
  • Adventurer : 100%
  • Outlaw : 75%
Job Rate :
  • Warlord : 100%
  • Mayor : 100% /105% if Governor
  • Adventurer : None / 100% if Baron
  • Outlaw : 40 %
Selling Rate :
  • Warlord : 100%
  • Mayor : 100% / 110% if Master of Trade
  • Adventurer : 130%
  • Outlaw : 100% (Black Market)
Transport Speed :
  • Warlord : 100%
  • Mayor : 110%/135% if Master of Trade
  • Adventurer : None/100% if Baron
  • Outlaw : 100%
Food rate :
  • Warlord : 105% / 130% if Warlord
  • Mayor : 100%
  • Adventurer : 35/60 if Brotherhood or Baron
  • Outlaw : 100%

For the path names, I have some alternative suggestions:
Thanks :) I'm not really good with english names ^^
But I'll keep Brotherhood I think, or your idea : Fellowship !! so lotrish ^^. Btw are u sure Godfather is bad ?? it's exactly what I want the player to become, even if it's in lotr universe and not in Italia ofc ^^
Give the adventurer an ability called summon friends or something. In many books and movies a hero will make friends and allies during his adventures (often because he helped them in some way), and sometimes those friends will help him out or get him out of trouble. So, some of the adventurer quests could be to help out different people (could be from different races, professions etc. You could get really creative) or towns. By completing those quests, he adds a follower to his group of friends/allies (you could even call it a fellowship which would tie in to Lord of the Rings). Every time he summons them, all of the friends he's made will show up and fight for him. It would be a good idea to have them last quite awhile so they can help him with quests or attacks. You could give it a long cooldown if you want.
Well I think being able to summon 10/more troops anywhere you want, each time you want (not counting the cooldown) is Imba. I just think the guys will join the adventurer and wont revive if they die. The adventurer will really be the "faction player". he'll need to play with it; he kinda controls it. Btw great idea ! :)
I don't think you would have to limit the number of adventurer's per faction. It seems like they could use allies more than any other path.
Are you sure ? a faction with more than 1 adventurer would be imba don't you think ? maybe not btw ... :) hard to say.
Well, the brotherhood should recieve an extreme hp/damage boost per each character.

Walord should specialize more on massiveness of his army and killing enemy troops, while the Marshal be more of army buffer / elite troop expert.
You know, so they would be like opposite of each other.
Exactly !! :)
Also, adventurer type should still be able to someway build stuff in his city, but only some special buildings. No income or whatever, just some production buildings, wharf of transports (Only), inn for mercenaries and some weaker units to acompany your heroes, and some hero upgrade/ item shops. other buildings would be replaced with new ones or just made invlunerable and give to neutral. If all the buildings would just dissapear it would look wrong...
Hum... I don't think so, at least for the idea I have of the adventurer. For me, it's a lord that is bored of controlling a city and left it to to seek glory. Thus everything about him turns about its protector. He could buy items, recruit some troops etc ... at his protector's places ! and of course at some other places. He could only produce stuff, in his town, after becoming a Baron.
Level 4
Oct 19, 2010
Btw are u sure Godfather is bad ?? it's exactly what I want the player to become, even if it's in lotr universe and not in Italia ofc ^^.
I don't think any of them are bad. :) I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
Are you sure ? a faction with more than 1 adventurer would be imba don't you think ? maybe not btw ... :) hard to say.
Oh... Well, maybe I misunderstood what you have in mind. From your description, it sounds like Adventurer just has heroes (except Captain of Hosts). He can cause factions to go to war with players, and then the faction will attack them like they do now (BTW I think it would be helpful if the Adventurer is informed about attacks before they happen so he could help). However, other paths get heroes AND troops, and they can ally with 1 other player.
Well I think being able to summon 10/more troops anywhere you want, each time you want (not counting the cooldown) is Imba. I just think the guys will join the adventurer and wont revive if they die. The adventurer will really be the "faction player". he'll need to play with it; he kinda controls it. Btw great idea ! :)
Oh. Okay. Maybe it would be too powerful. And thanks. :)
BTW I think it would be helpful if the Adventurer is informed about attacks before they happen so he could help).
Ofc !! In fact, there will be the normal attacks on the players plus the ones triggered by the adventurer which will lead it. He can also lead naval troops/transport to avoid towers, as it would be hard with all the towers at the entrances.
However, other paths get heroes AND troops, and they can ally with 1 other player.
Ye but the adventurer will have the players allied with the faction as ally too!! (and can win with their help).
Level 5
May 12, 2009
Dude, i thought you stopped working on this map, and yet I look at this page and see uber mega hyper super duper epic massive changes... did your exams end or what? :D
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
I did not have the time to read it all, except Gollum's huge post with the new ideas. And I gotta say, will you ever run out of ideas man? +rep to everyone that contributed, since I know tleno propably helped as well. And Desktop_General. The least I can do, since I don't have much time to suggest things myself D:
Thanks to everyone for your support!!!

Here is a few ideas I wrote during my class xD :

Milk turned into wool
Commands : -horse and -weapon to know your amount at any moment

Renown each time:
  1. You seize a town: +8 / +20 for a capital / +6 if you bought it.
  2. Each 50+10*renown acquired like this killed units : +2
  3. Send money to x (only makable before becoming specialized): +3
  4. Complete quests: +1,+2 or +3
  5. Kill orcish heroes on the map: +2
  6. Loose a town: -6
  7. Your first hero lvl +1 : +1
  8. Each time you earn 8000 or 7000 gold: +1
  9. Build a monument (statue, maybe academy,maybe library): +5

  1. Allows you to specialize at 40/60.
  2. Makes the attacks by factions bigger.
  3. Factions have 80 renown at the beggining.
  4. The more renown you have, the less it s expensive for the adventurer to convice protector to attack you.
  5. Can be a victory condition.
  6. At 120 renown : you get a great something (xD) but the game becomes hardcore (toward factions).
  7. Command -renown shows u the renown of everyone.
  8. Increases food capacity.

Outlaw buildings:
  1. Den :eek:n the map, where you can summon units.
  2. Barrack :
    • Marauder (normal unit with defend)
    • X (better Marauder with buff)
    • Robber (ability : the nearest human corpse --> level of the unit ---> gold
    • Barbarian (bonus against building, fighting with torches, pillage)
    • Slave Master (or Thrall Master) (can summon slaves)
    • Buccaneer (bonus for the ships they are in)
    • Corsair (poisoned attacks) (bonus for the ships they are in)
  3. Archery
    • Trapper
    • Crossbowman
    • Arsonist
    • Spear Thrower
  4. Stable
    • Light Mounted Bandit
    • Mounted Bandit
    • Mounted Spear Thrower
    • Plunderer (pillage, fight with torches)
  5. Shipyard
    • Galion (Pirate King)
    • Boarding Ship
    • Archer Ship (good to kill seamen (mana))
    • Frigate (incendiary shots with the Pirate King)
    • Sloop
    • Transport Ship
    • Heavy Transport
    • Raider Ship : can summon soldiers on the coast who can pillage AND can summon row boats to help in sea fights. (Pirate King)
  6. Brothel
    • Courtesan (Negative buff for ennemies)
    • Distraction for the nearby soldiers (if you pay ofc ^^)
  7. Tavern
    • Bounty Hunter (good against heroes)
    • Hobbit Spy (can become invisible at night)
    • Terrorist (traps, explosive barrels, sabotage)
  8. Workshop
    • Scorpion (which can get incendiary shots)
  9. Black Tower
    • Some kind of mage
    • Castellan (very strong unit with very powerful poison) (Godfather)
    • Master Assassin (Godfather)
  10. Brewery
    • Produces beer thansk to grain for your heroes
  11. Cages
    • War Dog (fast but weak unit)
    • Little Sea Dragon (after specialization) (amphibian)
  12. Rather bad defence towers
  13. Swag Chamber
    • Where you can be robbed xD

Outlaw Heroes:
  1. Assassin
  2. Patched Pirate
  3. Highwaymen ( a kind of Robin Hood)
  4. Looter
  5. Courtesan
  6. Faded Admiral
  7. Thug
  8. Renegade Mage
Level 4
Oct 19, 2010
Prostitute isn't a really medieval word. It's pretty modern. I think there is some other one... erm, I think they still use it in Italy and some other countries... so it's kinda the same, but, you know, less vulgar and modern word.
merriam-webster.com says the first known use of prostitute was in 1613. The first known use of whore was before the 12th century.
Definition of COURTESAN : a prostitute with a courtly, wealthy, or upper-class clientele
First Known Use: 1533
So, I don't think courtesan is the word you're looking for GolluM_KoMe, unless you they are high-class prostitutes. Prostitute or whore is fine.

From his comments about your word choices of pirate and prostitute it seems like Tleno has a preference for words that aren't commonly used today. More exotic words probably help him feel more removed from modern mundane life (which is desirable thing for you to make your players feel). However, in the case of corsair, that would have caused you to avoid a word with massive appeal (pirate) which would excite the imaginations of prospective players. A lot of people would have had to look up the word corsair. In the case of courtesan, that would have caused you to use a word which meant something you didn't intend.

It's pretty modern. I think
Tleno, GolluM_KoMe isn't a native English speaker (although his English is very good), and he seems very open to language suggestions. If you're not sure about something, please look it up. In my opinion, it's helpful to look words up even if you're sure you know what they mean. I do it all the time.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Yea, English isn't my first language, too... well, see, it's just that when working on maps, I always prefer using more unstandart words to make them look more fresh and, you know, keep them away from standart words which kinda get booring.

Oh, and I see your point and I agree with you.
Is there a recruitment thread for this map?
Kinda :) :LoME Forum
Tleno, GolluM_KoMe isn't a native English speaker (although his English is very good), and he seems very open to language suggestions. If you're not sure about something, please look it up. In my opinion, it's helpful to look words up even if you're sure you know what they mean. I do it all the time.
Thanks Desk ! but btw I really prefer courtesan (especially for the hero). Maybe the units can become Whore (which is more funny/dirty to me xD)

it's just that when working on maps, I always prefer using more unstandart words to make them look more fresh and, you know, keep them away from standart words which kinda get booring.
Yep that is the spirit !!... the spirit I can't really get as I only know basic words :(((

Well, once again, a few ideas I had during my class :

  • Outlaw player can now pay a faction for a truth which will last x sec
  • Modes :
    • Only mayors/generals
    • only mayor/generals/outlaws
    • only adventurers (so 3 or less players)

Well, there, it's for those who speak a great english and know the map (no, no I'm not pointing Desk ^^); I just want a review to know if it's limpid and error free :) (these are the description of the diplomatic actions).

Alliance With a Player
Opens a menu in which you can see each player you can ally.
  • The player must be at least level 2
  • You/the player musn't have an other ally player
  • You/the player musn't have different ally faction
  • The player must also be a mayor or a general (maybe +outlaw but normally, not)
  • The player musn't be at war against your ally faction
  • You share the usual game victory (control all the towns with your ally faction and defeat the other players)
  • You share vision
  • You share ally faction : if you/the player is already/becomes allied with a faction, the other one will too
  • You can send each other resources (instantly) thanks to the trading post

Break Alliance with a Player
Cancels the alliance between you and your ally player
  • All the benefits from "Alliance with a player" are deleted
  • You can once again declare war on him
  • The player can get mad xDD

Alliance With a Faction
Opens a menu in which you can see each faction you can ally.
  • You can ally only one faction
  • Your ally player/you musn't be at war against him
  • You share the usual game victory
  • You share vision
  • Your tax rate raises from 85 to 100%
  • You can buy cities taken by it

Break Alliance with a Faction
Cancels ...
  • All the benefits from "Alliance with a Faction" are deleted
  • If you own towns that first belonged to the faction (at the very start of the game), the faction will declare war on you
  • Your ally player will get the same effect as you as you share ally faction

Declare War on a Player
Opens a menu in which you can see each player you can declare war on.
  • The player must be at least level2
  • The player cannot be your ally player
  • You can attack each other

Peace with a Player
Opens a menu in which you can see each player you can ask peace to.
  • The player can accept peace... or not :)

Declare war on a Faction
Opens a menu in which you can see each faction you can declare war on.
  • You musn't be allied with the faction
  • You can attack each other
  • The faction will send troops to your main town, but also at the towns on the map next to ones that are owned by this faction
  • You also declare war to the adventurer player protected by this faction

Peace with a Faction
Opens a menu in which you can see each faction you can ask peace to, with the price you would have to pay for it : (X+Y*number of towns originally owned by this faction) Gold (X might be 2000 and Y 1500)
  • You musn't own its capital
  • Your renown must be below 120
  • You loose a large amount of money
  • All the drawbacks of the war are cancelled
Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
looks cool!

maybe you can have a continent or a island called New Earth.here you build colonies run by vassels(and the player of course).vassels will automatically run the economic buildings.But you have total control over his military,but other then that you have no control over him.
and maybe a morale system?
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maybe you can have a continent or a island called New Earth.here you build colonies run by vassels
That would be really cool actually !! But for a few reasons, I think it will never be done .... first, the size of the map, then the work I already have xD
and maybe a morale system?
Hum... I think just a few worry about this. + morale system usually fits more with group of soldiers, which my map isn't based on. + it seems hard to make xDD
Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
ok GolluM KoMe.it seems pretty awesome anyways.

and maybe a hero appointment system?you recruit a commander hero,and eventually he becomes a general and then a supreme commander.

also could you explain to me how this games system works???and how do you become a outlaw player??

also here's an idea,when you chose what type of spells your mages use determine your renown aka you get - renown for dark spells and vice versa,and once you chose you can't go back(unless you abandon your type of magic,also reducing your renown equal to the amount gained by choosing your magic)

and also your systems really cool!
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also could you explain to me how this games system works???
Which game system ??
and how do you become a outlaw player??
It's not already done but in one of the next version, when U get level 2, you'll have to pick General, Mayor or Outlaw; that's all :) (in 3.1 probably)

also here's an idea,when you chose what type of spells your mages use determine your renown aka you get - renown for dark spells and vice versa,and once you chose you can't go back(unless you abandon your type of magic,also reducing your renown equal to the amount gained by choosing your magic)
Quite interesting idea; but I'll remake the Renown (in 3.0 probably). there won't be negative renown anymore :)

PS : 2.9 out very soon
Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
Good job man and how about instead of negative renown evil renown?also you spelled elephant wrong.also maybe like in stronghold legends an announcement every now and then telling you what you are based on renown?like for really bad lords"you are the most insidious lord in the county"or something like that?also i think you can use regular orc icons for the orcish units.to be honest the icons are pretty creepy....no offense,and maybe a uruk-hai suicide bomber like in the siege of helms deep?not to mention the fact that the corpse shot deals damage is it supposed to do that?also in the movie the orcs didn't hurl dead horses....and i like what you did with the colonies sending transports for resources,although it's hard to get ships out of the village,maybe a send ship out to sea ability that changes to a voyage home ability at sea?here's how it works the send ship out to sea ability will send him on a direct course out of the village whilst the returns him to the village.also how come i keep getting reanimated soldiers?is it the dark arrows ability???

and maybe a little more variety on wizards.maybe for players who just want to stay neutral a elemental academy?or maybe water and earth wizards for light academy and fire thunder wizards for academy of darkness.and maybe a wizard graduation award for the library?train 40 angmar or light wizards and 120 masters.result all wizards from then on have 120 extra mana.you can change it to suit your needs...

and whats the difference between a mayor general or adventurer,the outlaws already well known.
also i like how you did the "posts" for the troll cage,HILARIOUS!!!poor peasants!!!!LOL!!
stead of negative renown evil renown?
Actually, there are no negative renown anymore. I simplified everything. By doing mean/good actions, you earn renown :).
a uruk-hai suicide bomber like in the siege of helms deep?
I don't want to copy the movie
also in the movie the orcs didn't hurl dead horses....
What ???
although it's hard to get ships out of the village,maybe a send ship out to sea ability that changes to a voyage home ability at sea?
Actually it's not xD But a voyage home could be good, but dangerous as it won't avoid the Neutral Hostile (like pirate boats).
how come i keep getting reanimated soldiers?is it the dark arrows ability???
Yep :) But I must reduce their power/remaining time.
and maybe a little more variety on wizards.maybe for players who just want to stay neutral a elemental academy?
There are wizards in Middle Earth, but just a few. Btw if you want other wizard, you must play towns like Fanuilond (which have mages in its Elite Barrack).
and maybe a wizard graduation award for the library?
Ye it's an idea! But for now I'll focus on the outlaws :)
nd whats the difference between a mayor general or adventurer,the outlaws already well known.
Mayor and General will follow the same gameplay as it's right now. for the adventurer and the outlaw, read the late big posts :)
also i like how you did the "posts" for the troll cage,HILARIOUS!!!poor peasants!!!!LOL!!
Aha ye I forgot about this ^^ :
Also provides 15 "posts" (xD) for poor inhabitants ($) and 1 post for middle-class inhabitants($$).
Great ... id test this map .....it was awsome ... !!!!
Thanks :)) Btw If you liked it, rate it ! It'll help a lot :)
Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
well i think there should be more variety of mages,it seems like their the only ones with the least units,also maybe host a party ability at the inn to attract more mercs?

2 wine
3 bread
1 grain

that way players can somewhat choose what mercs they get...also your pirates invading event should have them coming from the sea.after all they are pirates no?
a party ability at the inn to attract more mercs?
Yer that is great !!!
also your pirates invading event should have them coming from the sea.after all they are pirates no?
Well why not; but you would also need to defend an other position . . . and , to me at least, it would be annoying; but ye a Ship attack would be good
Well, Middle Earth doesn't really have much mages.. okay, it only has Sauron and Istati (Gandalf, Saruman and friends)...
Yep! :) (btw Sauron is a Maiar, there are others); there are also the valars, and some creatures such as Beorn; but no human :); Some healer though, but there are already Apothecaries (in an Elite Barrack)
Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
hmm.... good point but still...also a elite barracks doesn't sound elite,maybe rename it Elite training grounds?also didn't the orcs have a giant battering ram manned by two trolls??but there is no such model so nah,anyways you can't build gates...also maybe the blacksmith forges you items,it sells you item recipes and you get the goods needed to make it?

also maybe a pow camp for orcs or any warfare except for elves?any enemy units killed will turn up in the pow camp and you will gain a trickle of 2 gold every time*either that or you get a ping where the enemies heroes are*also 6 renown is given
3 middle class*guards*
10 poor peasants*torturers*

Also gollum tell me will there be a warfare for harondor????also please fix the elven heroes....
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the blacksmith forges you items,it sells you item recipes and you get the goods needed to make it?
Ye I thought about doing a stuff like that, maybe for the upper-items later :)
Also gollum tell me will there be a warfare for harondor????
Nop. Actually, the Harondor was conquered by an Umbarean Prince who made it its realm named Harondor (oO xD). So there were Umbarean soldiers/mercenaries.
also please fix the elven heroes....
Agh I didn't change the 'Treaty' explaination. Actually, since a few versions, all elven heroes have there skills, except the istari, that's all :)