Looking for Spell Ideas Involving Fire and Earth Elements

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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Tried to design a harass hero with earth abilities. I am ok with the result.


Lord of the Desert


[Q] - Burial - Target Ground
Sandstorm creates a maelstrom of sand on a target location. Dragging all enemies towards its center in a circular motion. If the unit reach the center they are stunned for 1 seconds and takes damage. The maelstorm lasts for 5 seconds.


[W] - Shatter! - No Target Activate
By tearing a large rock into smaller parts Sandstorm shoots the rocks in a cone in front of him. The channel lasts for 3 seconds and deal damage to enemies hit.


[E] - Rock Smash - Target Ground
Sandstorm conjures a giant rock and sends it flying towards a target location. All units caught in it's path and knocked backwards. However only enemies take damage from it.


[R] - Earthquake - Target Ground
Sandstorm's ultimate move allows him to cause an earthquake. All enemies in a huge area are slowed by 70% and takes damage each second they are in the zone.

I have started to design quite a few heroes for fun lately. However I didn't have a single one with earth or fire. I will make sure to create one fire themed quite soon. Might update this post when I do.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Scorched Earth: Units degenerate health while in the affected area (permanent, affects all units).

Fortitude: Greatly increases armor and regeneration at the expense of movespeed.

Magma Chamber: Channels over an area, causing Flame Strikes (alternately, multiple weakened Volcanoes) to be cast at random in the area.

Wildfire: Causes a raging fire to appear at the location, preventing units (including air) from moving across it. Units that get too close will take damage.

Bend Metal: Lowers the damage and armor of all enemies in an area.

Rust: Target mechanical unit is stunned.

Fissure: Opens a fissure in the ground, allowing noxious gases to escape, slowly poisoning units in the area (the fissure itself can be destroyed and is not timed). If a Flame Strike is cast in the area, the gas ignites, dealing catastrophic damage and knockback to all units inside, and destroying the Fissure. If a Tornado is in the area, the poison has no effect.
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