[Crash] 'Load Pilot' Ability Crash Fix

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So I discovered that even though many sources online claim "Load Pilot" ('Atlp') just crashes the game, it doesn't if you give it to a unit with the "Tank Turret" ('Attu') ability (also called just "Turret" in some places).
When you do this, instead of crashing, it offers the error message "Must target an armored transport."

Anybody know how I get an armored transport? I thought it would be cool to see what this ability did, if it actually does anything.

I was wondering if maybe I needed to add some meta data fields to it. I noticed if you give Incinerate (Arrow) the meta data from Incinerate you can edit its data fields (like Bonus Damage Multiplier and stuff) and they'll work and have independent numbers from Incinerate - I was able to pump up the "(Arrow)" version to be a 1000 damage instant kill while normal incinerate was still normal. So, maybe we need to introduce meta data fields for Load Pilot to make it work right?

I'm just throwing it out there out of pure curiosity to see if anybody has any insight on that. I gave it "Allowed Target Type" and 9 "unitType" type data fields to fill in, and put a tank unit I was making on all entries, but it did not seem to do anything. I still "Must target an armored transport."


  • Tank_LoadPilot_Test1.png
    150.1 KB · Views: 206
  • Tank_LoadPilot_Test2.png
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Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
This is an interesting development.
I believe the "must target armored transport" is either based on having some ability, being a unit type(armored wagon), or is one of the unit tags(mechanical, peon, etc).

For the sake of reference, in an earlier version it was possible to load riflemen into steam wagons to give the steam wagon a rifle attack.
The steam tanks as we know them now were made in a similar fashion, although with mortars. I think they might even have been long-ranged back then.

If someone has a beta/alpha version of the game, then maybe it would be possible to find out how this specific ability was implemented?
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
nevermind it's being 2014' topic

what if I told you there's extra types of targets which never got into the game at all?

organic ground sounds pretty foolish tho

overall LoadPilot seems to be alpha-version of KotoBeast Devour, which been refined into something else. this function pretty big with many side calls so I gave up tracking which params unit have to fit to be counted as a armored transport. adding any params to ability fiends wont help, targets seems to be completely hardcoded
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
it exists, yet I cant detect which unit flags are checked, there's dozen calls and dead ends in the function, target have to fulfil dozen conditions, most of which are obvious (clickable, targetable(sic), alive, etc). when I disabled whole check function it did just nothing. either effect function call stands somewhere next to the checks, either there's no real effect left.

theres reasons why those abilities been cutted out
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