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[Role Playing Game] Life Pact ORPG

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Level 7
Jan 7, 2009
Life Pact ORPG

The storyline is still to be worked on.
The main developers' idea is to create a simple and easy to play, but yet glittering and core complicated map like no others that are already created.
Personally I'm planning to create an online database if this project goes well in the future.

The project is started by late 2009.

Let me introduce you to what this RPG can offer you by now, and what is going on lately.

Quests are classified as repeatable or one time (however, sadly (or not) these quests will be repeat-able every time you remake the game).
We tend to create quests that would be shining with life, have special events, chain quests with storyline and alike. In conclusion we want to give a feeling like you were a certain type of a hero who helps out random citizen, that's what Life Pact actually meant in the first place. Life Pact is like the moment you choose a class to play, and it should mean that you are what you have chosen to be.

And here's a tiny list of map features for you:

You will be able to choose from different hair styles and hair colors.
Complete freedom in customizing your character to fit your needs.

This is common in better RPGs. Most of equipment will have their own models and will be visually equipped by your character.
Currently the attachments are made for armors, weapons and off hand items (shields, etc.).

The system's name can already give you an idea what kind of role does it play in the map.
Stats system is a unit statistics recording system which stores every bit of unit information,
including basic and custom, and on top of that it stores, it actually reacts accordingly if any of that information is
changed ingame with help of a few assisting API's, which means that this RPG can actually offer you an unlimited
amount of stats flexibility like changeable attack speed, hp, mp, and custom attributes which affects your basic stats.

Strength: increases physical damage.
Dexterity: increases attack speed.
Vitality: increases maximum health, health regeneration and physical defense.
Intelligence: increases magical damage.
Versatility: increases casting speed.
Wisdom: increases maximum mana, mana regeneration and magical defense.

This system should be more called an equipment system instead of inventory system
as it only works as an off-screen side of your inventory which holds your equipped items and gives all the stats
the items are meant to give.

The entire Inventory system is made manipulating the 6 inventory slots the Warcraft itself already left us.
And that is what we call simple, but effective enough.

This module is an extension to the stats system as it only ties with damage, and how the damage is meant to inflict.
Damage type module for now holds 9 different damage types. Damage and healing done in the game is colored by the type of damage
it is meant to be (including unconventional cases as wind healing).

Characters start up by having a physical main damage type, which can further be changed by equipping rare weapons.
When having such a weapon basic attacks by the character actually deals the weapon damage type instead of the main (Physical) damage type.

Damage types here does not work like old school attributes (fire < water < earth < wind < darkness < holy or whatever the chain is and alike).

Gathering attributes actually affects how you are damaged by the attribute,
how you are damaging by attribute, how are you healed by the attribute and
how are you healing by the attribute.

Damage types currently:

Having a great amount of complexity and requiring a huge amount of multiplayer testing time while developing,
here is our Quest system. Old school Warcraft3 Quest Log for each player. Nothing to be afraid of, just open the
Quest log and there's everything for you.

Multiboard arrow-controlled chat system. To talk with an NPC you have to double-right-click while standing nearby,
this calls out the Chat dialog in the multiboard, controlling is easy, up/down arrows to navigate, right (>) arrow to choose the answer.

In the map you can invite certain players into your party (or group in other words) to share experience,
item and gold drops, however this seems to be an efficient way of dealing with quests since it grants quest items or objectives to the whole party at once.

As long as this map has custom stats, a buff system is required, simple, durational custom stats buff system which can
affect even the basic stats (like movement speed, attack speed, max hp and so on)

The map itself has enter-able buildings which has doors and a roof. This module makes sure that the doors open when you
arrive, and the roof becomes transparent when you are interested what's inside.

The expertises (or passives in other words) are skills or abilities which grants permanent
passive bonuses on certain conditions (or without any conditions). To make each class wear the type of armor it is
meant to, the expertises grants bonuses to fill up the holes the classes primarily have.
For instance: casters have a low casting speed and movement speed while not wearing robe type armor.

You can find the current character list below, as the characters are still worked on, abilities are not shown on the pictures, but you can get a feeling on what kind of abilities they will be given.






Starter town - Westport, threatened by the Bandits, while citizen try to live peacefully, the Militiary is under a huge pressure and does everything to keep the town safe.


Westport's Militiary Officer, a quest giver which already holds 3 quests (2 of them are chain)


Westport's Blacksmith and Wizard, both are selling valuable items for both fighters and casters, the first repeatable quest is given by the Blacksmith.


Westport's Citizen, Sarah and her children, starter quests (very easy) are given by her.


A bandit near a Redberry Bush (used to collect Redberries for Sarah's quest)


A bandit group made of 2 commoners and a javelineer (he drops broken javelins used for the repeatable quest, or to be sold for money at any shop)


Group quest monster - Bandit Leader (blue colored bandit).


First attempt to create a capital city, still doesn't have a working name

Total amount of quests already working: 7

Quest type: One time
Quest requirements: none
Quest giver: Officer (Westport)
Quest difficulty: Normal
Quest level: 1
Quest description:

The Thieves are lurking around! You have to kill at least 6 of them.

Monsters to hunt: Bandit, Bandit Javelineer.

Quest type: One time
Quest requirements: Kill those bastards! Done
Quest giver: Officer (Westport)
Quest difficulty: Group
Quest level: 3
Quest description:

We have to put an end to this. Kill the Leader of the Thieves!

Monsters to hunt: Bandit Leader.

Quest type: One time
Quest requirements: none
Quest giver: Farmer (Westport)
Quest difficulty: Group
Quest level: 2
Quest description:

Someone have robbed me! Last night I heard something and went to the Windmill and... that was such a mess out
there! Dozen of men were taking everything they saw. It was about 22:00 that night...

Objective: Defend the Farmer's mill at night.

Developer comment: This quest is the first one with special events and ability to choose your reward.

There are few ways of finishing this quest. You can pick the crop and let the
bandits pillage the farmer (results in finishing the quest the evil way), you
can pick the crop and help the farmer defend against the bandits (however,
this is the same evil way again) or you can leave the crops and defend the
farmer which results in a massive amount of experience.

The crops are changed into sell-able item after the quest which is worth around 200 gold.

Quest type: One time
Quest requirements: none
Quest giver: Sarah (Westport)
Quest difficulty: Normal
Quest level: 1
Quest description:

Can you get me some fresh water and fill this bottle with it? I would really appreciate it, cause I can't move
away from my children.

Objective: Fill the Empty Bottle with water from the town well.

Quest type: One time
Quest requirements: none
Quest giver: Sarah (Westport)
Quest difficulty: Normal
Quest level: 1
Quest description:

Can you bring me some redberries? I want to make a medicine for a man who lives far away from here.

Objective: Collect 3 pouches of Redberry and return them to Sarah.

Quest type: One time
Quest requirements: none
Quest giver: Officer (Westport)
Quest difficulty: Normal
Quest level: 1
Quest description:

We lost our camp, Soldier. Yesterday those filthy thieves ambushed our camp and slaughtered everyone.
Damn those bastards. Burn in Hell! You must retrieve our equipment before it's too late, I don't even want
to think what would happen if they have found those items. Now go!

Objective: Find and retrieve the lost equipment.

Quest type: Repeatable
Quest requirements: none
Quest giver: Blacksmith
Quest difficulty: Normal
Quest level: 1
Quest description:

Have you encountered those thieves outside yet? Recently I've noticed one... He was carrying a broken javelin
along him, and suddenly... He threw it away! Those bastards dont respect anything in this world!
That lovely iron... Here's the deal: gather 10 of broken ones and I'll give you some shiny gold for them.

Objective: Gather 10 Broken Javelins and return them to Blacksmith.

Developed by Existas and Manoo.

Existas - Brainstormer/Code Manager/Project Founder (responsible mainly for everything code related)
Manoo - 3D Artist/2D Artist/Resource Manager (and always helps to mess things up)

Updating with lore in near future.


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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I think that this looks awesome and I don't think it looks dead I wish you the best of luck.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
I agree I think the textures look good together. You are using a certain style and as long as you don't try to mix them with models with a different texture style you should be fine.

Keep up the good work
Level 7
Feb 27, 2011
Houses on the last screen shot can not be combined with other houses. What style?
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
Houses on the last screen shot can not be combined with other houses. What style?

Its a cartoon-like style I don't necessarily like it either, but if that is what he wants in his map I think all the textures he's used fit together. So it just looks to me like he achieved the look he wanted
PUVer, first and foremost, do not double post. Secondly, it is okay to state your opinion, but do not do so without an explanation at first. As well, do not say that a map looks bad simply because of the screenshots. Perhaps, maybe, the person who took the screenshots did so without fog effects or any other visual modifiers.
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
What's wrong with terrain and environment art? It looks decent, it looks clean and smooth. Saying *I do not like this style-_-* as the only argument is silly thing to do. And these houses can be combined as easy as that.
@PUVer, talking of style, you put modern doodads at your medieval styled project yourself, so I guess you should look at yourself before judging blindly.
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Level 7
Jan 7, 2009
I guess the capital city style called a bit of commotion here. What you can see in the picture, is the old resources of which the city is made of. The starter city - Westport is already using the project resource manager's models. I wouldn't call it too much cartoonish, but indeed it is, it may have a bad side, but the good side is that they're completely freehand and further models will have the same artistic feeling.

Thanks for your comments.
Level 9
Dec 21, 2011
Character Pics are broken, can you fix that? Also, it looks nice. Unholy should be Darkness or Corrupted, because unholy will make the word 'holy' redundant. The city ... maybe Intraia will do, or Sylone. And since it is called : Life Pact, I propose this idea :

You will have a wife/husband ( not sure if there are any female char ) if you reach a specific level in your tier one character. In a few seconds after 'Marriage' you will have an offspring ( boy, that escalated quickly ) and you can choose a 'second job' for the son/daughter. This cycle will continue until Tier X.

-Da Fist-

P.S. I can help with storyline...
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Level 7
Jan 7, 2009
The character pictures have been reuploaded.

I guess the unholy attribute will be changed into darkness.

I don't think that wife/husband idea has interested me.

However thanks for your ideas, I do not negate the capital city name yet, but also not going to use it immediately, however there's a high probability that it would be of use later, thanks.
Level 7
Jan 7, 2009
The class names are a bit common, maybe give them more unique names?

Classes themselves are still under development, everything including the names is work in progress. However calling a class with something less unique shouldn't make the class look unattractive, and on top of that everything what's unique will be discovered sooner or later and will lose its uniqueness eventually. Thanks for your comment.


Added custom stats description into the stats system description window. You now can see what kind of custom stats classes will have, and how it will benefit them.
Added few more features which were not recently added to the features list.

Edit (second):

Added a new section of information called Gameplay data which for now includes quest information.
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Level 7
Feb 27, 2011
APproject, I do not judge blindly. I wrote
"Houses on the last screen shot can not be combined with other houses."
And add:

And for such a cartoon style, it would be appropriate to choose cartoon units.
Since there are no screenshots or gameplay videos, I can only judge by the screenshots of the landscape. Rest - only unreasonable words.
I do not want to litter project. I just wish that the projects were a bit better ...
P.S. Why should I look first at my project? I believe that everything is in order. Do not like something? Write comments.
Level 7
Jan 7, 2009
If you would take a look on those "unreasonable words" you would find this quote of mine:

I guess the capital city style called a bit of commotion here. What you can see in the picture, is the old resources of which the city is made of. The starter city - Westport is already using the project resource manager's models. I wouldn't call it too much cartoonish, but indeed it is, it may have a bad side, but the good side is that they're completely freehand and further models will have the same artistic feeling.

Which already told why the capital city style differentiates with the overall style, however, 3D artist already changed the bricks style on the house which you called cartoonish.

In my opinion Warcraft3 creatures actually blends within pretty good also.

What I've understood, you're doing your best to stand for your own project. The picture you have uploaded actually doesn't have a single shard of common criticism. You should really look at any other big RPG game. Towns there are not spammed of anything. While you're telling me that's the wrong way to do cities, you actually state your own taste.

Capital city is WORK IN PROGRESS.

I don't have a single idea why are you doing this. I know there are a lot of RPG. Yours as the description says isn't even multiplayer playable.
Actually I'm already fed up with your negativity.
Unless you have something valuable to say, I don't want to see your negative comments here which are telling to choose your RPG over this one.

Do something that would make people actually choose yours instead of this.

Thanks for everything, you did everything you could but you can't stop the development of this.

Regards and I wish you best luck.
Level 7
Feb 27, 2011
Existas, Yet another unsubstantiated words. Give me the video, in-game screenshots or the card itself. Then I will comment on.
Level 10
Sep 14, 2007
Hi, I saw some comments about house and cartonish style. So I decide to show why some of my models look too much cartonish. Durning this map creation I learned texturing, mybe this gona answer some questions. So that's why I'm put some screenshots of how houses changed in our RPG.


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Level 7
Jan 7, 2009
I'm really glad you're still interested in this.

Currently I'm busy on coding the first instanced zone (level 6) which will be a clash against the Bandit Lord Theren. Just wanted to prelong the wait for around a week and provide with a video or a test map.

As for a sneak peak, the instanced zones will be available for only 1 party at a time and the entrance is forbidden after someone enters. Each boss instanced zone will have a cinematic to amplify the battle feeling. As for my approximate calculations the raid would need a party of 5 players (around level 6) to accomplish.

Taking 4-7 hits from the boss kills a player of the same level depending on the player's class.
Currently the raid will have 3 phases.

I don't really want to provide with further information since it should be a bit of a surprise for all the followers.

As for something common:
We're changing the starting zone. New models and town construction changes.
Classes are still worked on.

Judicator*: strong healer, weak support, average damage dealer, weak defense, mana user.
Uses robe armors, preferred to be ward/staff equipped. A healing class with damage spells.

Templar*: weak healer, weak support, average damage dealer, strong defense, mana user. Has paladin elements.
Uses plate armors, preferred to be one-handed sword/hammer equiped with a shield. A tank class with few self heals.

Mercenary: strong damage dealer, average defense, energy user. A damage dealer
Uses light armors, preferred to use a unique weapon type - guns. Different styled ranger class.

Enchanter: average healer, strong support, average damage dealer, average defense, mana user.
Uses light armors, preferred to be dual-sword equipped. Huge aoe capabilities and unique (kind of) spells.
Spells are mainly with an idea to be like buffs but to work as healing/damaging abilities too. Mostly mass abilities.

Sorcerer*: strong damage dealer, weak defense, mana user.
Uses robe armors, preffered to be wand/staff equipped. Balanced aoe and single target killing capabilities.

Ability Energy lore: currently there are only 2 types of ability energy (mana, energy).
Mana excels in low to average ability energy costs but a weak regeneration.
Energy has average to high ability energy costs but a great regeneration.

* classes are discussed, from names to skills.
underlined classes are confirmed.

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