
This model is a test. I've never used this texture before...


Library (Model)

16:07, 28th Jul 2009 Rizz_Boomer: Its a nice building and i doubt that someone would doubt on that. Works stable, looks fine, needs to be approved.
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16:07, 28th Jul 2009
Rizz_Boomer: Its a nice building and i doubt that someone would doubt on that. Works stable, looks fine, needs to be approved.
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
good looking building as always. the death animation looks good, but i notice that the entire building is facing the opposite angle as the normal building facing angle (usually facing to the left, yours is facing to the right)

and the stand work is very strange. it kinda throws off the theme of the building, the stand work makes it look more "arcane" or like a space ship than a library.

But the building itself is great, keep up the good work
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
good looking building as always. the death animation looks good, but i notice that the entire building is facing the opposite angle as the normal building facing angle (usually facing to the left, yours is facing to the right)

and the stand work is very strange. it kinda throws off the theme of the building, the stand work makes it look more "arcane" or like a space ship than a library.

But the building itself is great, keep up the good work your right... The facing angle is wrong. Well, I guess you could look at models in games like age of mythology, were it is mixed. I personally like the mixed angles. XD Others may have different opinions...ah well. lol
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
Woot, it has a Stand Work animation, thanks for adding one :)

Personally i like it, that i faces the "wrong" direction, because it looks more natural, when there are mixed angles.

The building itself is very good, but i dont like the texture. I never liked it because it doesnt really fit all the other buildings out there...its more the style of those hidden buildings found in the map packs....
But this is only subjective, so the building is really cool!
Level 11
May 11, 2008
What no body has noticed about this model is the giant bowl on the roof, IT'S A LASER PHEW PHEW lol.

I say 4/5 for me, cause it doesn't use custom skin, it's like a gothic building, the laser bowl lol. Animation well.. it's a building, so birth and death is only thing that I can say about... death is nice, birth.... can't really say much about that.

Angle is to the right but the World Editor can fix it so no problems.
Level 3
May 8, 2010
I really love this model. 1; because there's parts you can walk so you're beneath it. 2; because of something no one else have mentioned - you hear people talk from the inside! It's so extremely genius; and yet, I can't believe not any other person have done this? It helps everything to become so much more alive!
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