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lets talk heroes....

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Level 6
Aug 31, 2014
OK lets talk heroes what hero is your favorite? why is he? and do you think they will ever add alot more then they have right now?

personal favorite are Arthus and this one other why is Arthus my favorite jack of the trades can go full damage or go support

what hero is your favorite!!! and who is your least favorate mine is dioblo..... why he just isnt the hero for me...
Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
well, I'm mostly playing ETC, Valla and Zagara.

ETC is just fun to play and control enemies. The stagedive is just awesome in
such a objective based game and the most important thing: metal! xD

I'm also playing Valla because she's just a pretty basic damage machine with good skills.

And Zagara is just fun as I loved playing zerg in SC/SC2, I'm also planning to
get my hands on Kerrigan soon.

And if I'm not wrong blizz gonna add Sylvanas, the banshee queen very soon
(I've read something of 10th march in a live stream chat). A hint for this is
the b.net login screen when you start it by double-clicking the HotS.exe then
you will see a picture with some heroes which already are in HotS and Sylvanas ;)




I don't play often but when I do, I go Raynor and the Gryphon Rider guy.

Raynor is a great pusher and a great support dps. His aoe speed boost ability is awesome, both for engaging and escaping. Also stealthed banshees.

The Gryphon Rider guy is plain unfair. It has a talent that says "while hammerang is in the air, damage is increased by 100%" or something like that. I can 1v1 anyone with that talent. Its pretty op. Plus the gryphon can fly in any lane since it doesn't have a mount. He is amazing

I'd also like to buy the siegetank hero, but since I play rarely I doubt I will. That hero is also great for defending a lane. Mines and long range artillery fire + the skillshot ultimate that goes through the entire map.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2012
After Seeing Sylvanas, I was "meh"

Then I looked at her Abilities Kit and I was "OMG!"

She is easily my new favorite, however, My actual favorite is Tyrande and Uther ina balance Support/Offence. I used to have plans in buying Li Li to be a Full support but after seeing alot of FNAF series, just seeing her blank face reminds me one of those... robots.

I plan to also get Sgt. Hammer, because Siege Tank, Nuff said.
Level 12
Jul 19, 2011
I think I'm not the only one that plays with Arthas, he has a great tanking potential, especially with the recent changes in his abilities and talents, Thrall, Warchief of the Horde, Chrise Metzen in game, ofcourse he should be OP, he is Chrise Metzin, he have great tanking potential, great dps potential but I gotta say, removing battle momentum was harsh that makes him the second in my list of favs after he was the first, now my beloved Illidan, who doesn't like Illidan? He just yells all the time "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED" and then dies by Nova funny xD, anyway, in team fight early he is sh!t, all his early game should be building him especially when you choose Marksman Hunter(?) talent, this is why he is 3rd in the favs list, I play more heroes but these are my main guys, I'm checking Diablo now, he is not that bad as I thought he is, forgive me Diablo :(, Rhegar has a great assassinating potential, and this is all i have to say.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Currently I like all specialist heroes that go out on rotations. I cannot talk about the ones that have never been on rotation however.

Here are the highlights...
Azmodan -> Burning a fort in seconds with several thousand DPS.
Sgt. Hammer -> Bombarding enemy core from a huge distance away while allies hold off enemy heroes.
Zagara -> Mutalisk on enemy with low health, one does not need to guess that the outcome is always favourable.
Nazeboo -> Zombie Wall on silly Warror heroes with no escape.
Abathur -> Symbiotic just in time to fire the finishing blow at a hero who thought they could escape.
Gazlowe -> Ripping forts apart effortlessly with Robo Goblin and turrets.
Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
Ok I have to say Rehgar is simply awesome!

He is exactly the kind of support I was looking for, healing massive amounts
while still able to hit pretty hard.

@Dr Super Good: What is better in your opinion Mutalisk or long ranged Hydra?
I'm playing Zagara pretty often and mostly use the 'Grooved Spines'
(Hyrda dmg and range boost) over the Mutalisk together with 'Envenomed Spines'

And on topic of what heroes might still come: Just keep in mind which WoW/Wc3 races
have no hero in HotS, yet. I can imagine that there will be at least one hero for every
race, that being said Nightelves already have three and Maiev is still missing ...
Acctually I'm kind of waiting for Maraad or Akama (dem draenei^^)

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
@Dr Super Good: What is better in your opinion Mutalisk or long ranged Hydra?
Last time I ran the maths the Mutalisk did the most damage over its duration. It might not deal as much damage as quickly as the other but for taking down structures or in battles it still pays.

Acctually I'm kind of waiting for Maraad or Akama (dem draenei^^)
You are asking for yet more Warcraft heroes... The problem is the other series are heavily under-represented at the moment.

Only 2 of 7 evils from Diablo are in, of which 3 are seriously awesome villains (Baal, Mephisto and Belial). Mathael the angel of death is missing as well (primary villain of Diablo III RoS). Imperious is missing as an angel. Adria, Magda, Deckard Cain and Zultan Kule are also missing for novelty roles. Let us not forget that the Monk, Crusader and Wizzard are missing from primary hero roles. That is not even going into the Necromancer, Druid, Paladin, Amazon, Assassin and Sorcress from Diablo II.

StarCraft II is also missing a large number of key heroes. Swann and Stetman are missing Terran supporting heroes from WoL, both of which disserve a spot seeing how similar roles from Heart of the Swarm made it in. Characters like War Field and Tosh are also missing. The one Dehkan (or however he is spelt) primal Zerg guy as well as Stockovtch (however he is spelt) is missing from Heart of the Swarm. Villian wise Maar (a named Hybrid, the only one known so far), Narud and Mengsk are missing. Novelty wise the merc recruitment guy and Valarian could be added. Let us not forget with Legacy of the Void we are missing Artanis and his entire supporting crew. Finally Amon is missing, who's awesomeness deserves to be in.

Warcraft is missing far more important characters at the moment than those mentioned. Example Archimonde who was the main villain of Warcraft III RoC.
Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
Yes, you are totally right that there are also missing possible Heroes from SC and Diablo.
The good thing is, that Blizz does not need to design everything from scratch, as they
already have a lot of characters that could make good heroes, the challenge is in my
opinion, to find a spell kit that fits to the character. I mean they could even port chars
from Overwatch to HotS, for the lulz^^.

One thing that I'm missing right now is a SC-based map, as at the moment all maps are
quite fantasy (Wc3/Diablo) themed. I'd acctually really like it if they made maps that are
places we know from the games (e.g. WoW battlegrounds?!).
Level 6
Aug 31, 2014
would like to see how they do rexxard or any durtan ect would be nice to see :)

durtan frost wolf and his frost abilitys assiassan melee tank hybrid or have his talents set so he could be tank or force dps

rexxard summions beasts or he has things like ax throw net toss stamped things that you would see in warcraft3..... i mean they going to add heros from bonus campain thats some rich lore wow woudnt be the way it is today if these events did not acure

so i think these heros are rather impornent now lets go back on topic.......
Level 2
Jan 9, 2012
I don't know the Hyper of Sylvanas actually.

I still waiting for Fenix. Raynor and Tychus Represent the Marines, Tassadar the High Templars, Zeratul the Dark Templars, Zagara the Swarm Queens/Broodmothers, Nova Represent the Ghosts in SC-verse. We need the one that represent the Zealots or Dragoons and that one is Fenix.

Blizzard will also create characters for some especific units like Sgt. Hammer, She Represent the Siege Tanks but she don't have any role in SC universe as whole.

If you notice, Sonya the Barbarian is a also a filler, even if you can create her in D3, she isn't the canon Barbarian, she however, represent the Barbarian Class. Valla and Nazeebo are most probarbly in their canon potrayal.

There is a Rumor that Blizzard will make the Crusader as Female, even if in blizzcon model showed to be a male, things change when a game is in development.

Rehgar, while he appears in Comics and Books, he do represent the shaman unit/class from WC3/WoW so do Thrall.

Brightwind Represent the Faerie Dragon units from WC3... seriously that gal is a monster.

there is a bunch of character that blizzard can add to the game, in fact, they will create alot more if is to make a unit a hero

and that's I like it alot.
Level 4
Mar 22, 2013
I have only been playing for a few weeks and I have so far bought zagara and arthas.

I actually think that it is really cool that blizzard added the lost vikings as a character, even though they are from one of blizzard's old games.

I personally can't wait to try out sylvanas and any other heroes that are added to the game.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Blizzard will also create characters for some especific units like Sgt. Hammer, She Represent the Siege Tanks but she don't have any role in SC universe as whole.
Incorrect. She was created for Wings of Liberty but axed during development (unused dialog reference her). She also is mentioned in lore. Her lore referenced a bad temper and her being a tank driver. As such they simply "recycled" an idea to create her similar to how Nova, General Warfield and Tosh were all recycled from StarCraft Ghost.

If you notice, Sonya the Barbarian is a also a filler, even if you can create her in D3, she isn't the canon Barbarian, she however, represent the Barbarian Class. Valla and Nazeebo are most probarbly in their canon potrayal.
She was added more for the joke of her being a female not a male. Everyone expected the male barbarian but they got the female one. She however is the real deal as the Nephalim were without gender and the lore states that 1 or more were involved from what I can tell.

I think they planned to throw in the male Demon Hunter (which would make sense if female Barbarian was used as they are the opposite of the usual portrayals) however it would have clashed too much with Illidan. Instead they have Illidan sprouting taunts at the female Demon Hunter. Nazeebo is male purely to play on the male Troll Witchdoctor, who's head he carries around as a Mojo. I believe originally Nazeebo was the Troll Witchdoctor but they changed him to Diablo III Witch Doctor and hence why his Mojo is not from Diablo III and instead is the head of a Troll Witchdoctor.

There is a Rumor that Blizzard will make the Crusader as Female, even if in blizzcon model showed to be a male, things change when a game is in development.
Both have different and personalized lore. This is not WoW, the Nepahlim are generic and not specific people. Instead individuals are choosen to represent them with names that suit them. They should name one of the Nephalim some strange in-game sounding name for lols.

Rehgar, while he appears in Comics and Books, he do represent the shaman unit/class from WC3/WoW so do Thrall.
Thrall was a War Chief not a shaman. Rehgar is a shaman more since he can actually morph where as Thrall fights like one expects him to. In Warcraft III Thrall was Orc Farseer so a support hero and probably choosen to be so as he would conflict with Hellscreem who was the orc DPS melee hero.

Brightwind Represent the Faerie Dragon units from WC3... seriously that gal is a monster.
She was added as a joke, just like ETC, Murky and LiLi. ETC and Murky clearly have no lore tied to them. LiLi I am pretty much certain was added so that you could go around beating up a female panda child as grown men like Tychus who even posses personalized kill quote for her (something is wrong with that...). LiLi might have lore to back her and even a WoW representation however she is heavily out of place and likely only there for being a cute young female Panda.

They really need to add more of the heroes people want...
Baal (Tal Rasha body)
Artanis (probably will with LotV release?)
Alexi Stokovitch (wow my spelling is bad...)
Lord Garioth (bad spelling again)
General Warfield
Deckard Cain (he deserves it after his unfortunate death)
Grom Hellscream
Dekahn (primal Zerg guy from HotS, however he is spelt)
Stettman (nerd from WoL)
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