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[Campaign] Legacy of the Master (Horde Campaign-2nd War)

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Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
Legacy of the Master

lotm header.jpg

It has been five years since the Orcish Horde abandoned their dying home for the verdant world of Azeroth. Five years of slaughter, bloodlust, and fel rage. Now, the young warchief Orgrim Doomhammer has reclaimed the Horde, desperate to restore the Orcs' honor. But can nobility be recovered when there is no choice but to kill and struggle to make a place in the world? Is victory worthwhile when its means come at the cost of redemption? And will the Horde ever truly be free of the Legacy of its Masters?

A character-driven retelling of the Second War. Based on Tides of Darkness by Aaron Rosenberg

Control some of the Horde's greatest heroes in a Blizzard-style campaign - including Doomhammer, Gul'dan, Cho'Gall, and Zul'jin - experience the Second War's most iconic moments, and march the Orcish armies across Lordaeron!







Authors Notes


It was the Elder Shaman Ner'zhul who first united the clans. He alone could speak with the spirits of the Elders at will. He alone could hear the voice of – the Beautiful One.

And I was his apprentice.

He told us the truth about our blue-skinned neighbors. The Draenei were an untapped fissure, a caldera waiting quietly to erupt and devour everything we knew and valued – unless we struck first. The clans put aside their petty conflicts to fight beneath Ner'zhul's symbol.

It was not until the elements refused to answer his call that Ner'zhul realized the Beautiful One may not be as he appeared. Kil'Jaeden was not an Elder Spirit – but something far greater.

He was the agent of an ancient Legion of unfathomable power. With but a shard of their potential, our shamans would no longer be beholden to the whims of the elements, our warriors would no longer need to rely on the limits of their bodies. Fel energies would be ours to command – and all we need give was our loyalty to The Beautiful One.

Ner'zhul turned his back on our Master, calling him 'The Deceiver'. He was too weak, or perhaps just too stupid, to seize the destiny promised the orcs. So I took up his mantle, the voice of Kil'Jaeden. And there would be no place for weakness in my army.

We drank deeply of the Master's bounty, with each sip knowing blood and glory unlike anything we'd ever imagined. Under the leadership of my puppet Warchief, Blackhand, we would be one mind, one Horde, one fist to crush the Draenei out of existence. Their blood would grease the engine of war.

When at last their great temple fell, I thought Kil'Jaeden would be pleased; that it would be the beginning of our conquests together. But the Master abandoned us. As if for the first time, I looked upon our world: once verdant plains rendered into swirling red dust storms, the great clefthoof herds nothing but rotting carcasses. Our blades still thirsted for blood, but with the enemy defeated, they had no choice but to be sated in orc flesh.

That is when I first heard the voice from across the Twisting Nether. A voice certain in its prowess, each syllable imbued with terrible purpose, that could humble even Kil'Jaeden. There was a world beyond Draenor – a naive realm of soft peoples waiting to be conquered. But there was something more – a hidden relic, a forgotten power that twisted even my own considerable faculties. I knew I would have it.

With the help of this human wizard, this Medivh, I opened a portal from Dranenor to his world. The Horde's greatest glories lay before it. Those without the strength to make their path were left behind.

But Medivh was arrogant and headstrong. Even as the Horde's armies made cinders of humanity, a strike force of Azeroth's mightiest warriors descended upon the wizard's tower. He fell – but he did not die alone. I was there, too.

I had not forgotten this world's mighty power, glimpsed only in wisps and shadow. Medivh thought to keep his greatest secret from me, holding it just at arm's reach to ensure my obedience to his plan. But not even he knew the full extent of my abilities, for I had foreseen the wizard's demise. I projected myself into his mind, scouring its contents, desperate to keep him from taking the secret to his grave.

Suddenly, there was a vision. For one brief moment, all was clear. And then – Darkness.



Orgrim Doomhammer
As the new Warchief of the Horde, Doomhammer must walk a fine line. Forced to confront the legacy of his people, forged in carnage and violence, he has the unenviable task of pushing the orcs towards greater war, while looking towards the elusive peace that can only come when the land has been scoured of their enemies. Having seen the orcs at their worst, he will give all to restore the Horde's honor and keep the rage at bay. For Doomhammer, the greatest struggle is not on the battlefield, but within.


Master of the Shadow Council, Chieftain of the Stormreaver Clan, and now a miserable outcast, brought to heel by Doomhammer and made an object of scorn by the Horde he built. Only by his magical talents and ability to bring powerful new weapons into the Horde's armies has he managed to earn a stay of execution. However, a warlock's gifts are not to be taken lightly, and the Horde itself may be just a stepping stone to a far larger destiny.


Zuluhed the Whacked
As the last active Shaman in the Horde, Zuluhed is an anomaly. When his colleagues turned to the fel arts and tasted unthinkable power, Zuluhed remained coaxing elements - even as they went silent. Though Warlord of the Dragonmaw Clan, he is often treated with contempt by his underlings. Now, he is driven to establish a connection to the elements of Azeroth, unknown to his Orcish senses, and prove that he can bring glory to the Horde - at any price.


Leader of the Twilight's Hammer and Gul'dan's lieutenant. Though he would follow his master to the ends of all worlds, his greatest passion is destruction - in any form.

Teron Gorefiend
Once a Necrolyte in the Shadow Council, now the leader of the Death Knights - orcish spirits in the bodies of undead human knights. He serves the Horde unfailingly, but his allegiances are murky at best.

Leader of the Amani Tribe of trolls and an ally of convenience to the Horde. He is a borderline psychopath with a single-minded resolve to drive the elves from his native lands.


A character-driven campaign based on official Warcraft lore

Modified tech trees inspired by WCII and WoW

Gameplay variety - melee, puzzles, escort missions, dungeon crawls, boss fights and more

Coming Features

Multiple Difficulty Levels*

Moral choices that determine your tech, units, and spells*

Hidden puzzle chapters*

Experience the story from the enemy perspective in human mode*



1 Burning Gorge

2 Redridge

3 Thandol Valley

3.5 The Founding of the Alliance*

4 Hillsbrad

5 Darrowmere

6 Quel'Thalas

7 Alterac Mountains

7.5 Destiny of the Horde*

8 Broken Isles*

9 Blackrock Spire

10 The Black Morass

*to be implemented in future updates




Burning Gorge




Thandol Valley








Alterac Mountains


Blackrock Spire


The Black Morass

[2017-03-06] Originally uploaded
[2017-03-14] Version 0.2 uploaded (added Alterac map)
[2017-04-18] Version 0.3 uploaded (added Blackrock map)
[2017-06-08] Version 0.4 uploaded (added Black Morass map)
[2017-07-27] Version 0.5 uploaded (Added Hillsbrad map, balance changes throughout)
[2017-08-11] Version 0.6 uploaded (Fixed caching, Added sound fx throughout, retool/add puzzles/combat encounters in level 5 & 7, numerous gameplay adjustments)
[2018-03-30] Provisional update uploaded (added Draenor Prologue)


Based on
Tides of Darkness by Aaron Rosenberg &
Warcraft II by Blizzard Entertainment

Spells & Triggers

Skins & Images
Apheraz Lucent
Eagle XI

Unit Models
Blood Raven
Dan van Ohllus
Mister X
Mc !
Sweet Oblivion
Ujimasa Hojo

Doodads & Effects
Blood Raven
General Frank
Mc !
Wandering Soul

This campaign is very much a work-in-progress. I realize there have been plenty of WCII maps and campaigns, but I could never find a story-driven one, like the works of Tomoraider or OutsiderXE. Essentially, I made the campaign I wanted to play.

So, I don't think I ever touched the author's notes, so here's a bit of an update (as of 0.6, what I'm calling the first 'alpha' release of the campaign).

All but one of the 'main' levels are currently implemented. But there are still more to come, including

  • A playable prologue set on Draenor
  • An 'Overture' cinematic 0.5 (which makes more sense to me than calling it a prologue. Something with a prologue doesn't have interludes; something with an overture does)
  • 'An Alliance is Forged' cinematic interlude 3.5
  • 'Tides of Darkness' cinematic interlude 7.5 (raising the Broken Isles)
  • A playable epilogue set in the Undercity
  • Two (and maybe more) secret bonus levels, as alternative endings

The storyline is currently a little bit of a jumble, because it includes elements of both the 'good' and 'bad' decision tree. While the differences between trees are, for the most part, minor and cosmetic, they can lead to a few key changes, and alter how characters are represented.

For this reason, instead of finishing the 'main' maps first, I'm going to turn my focus on the prologue. The prologue is not so much a full melee/puzzle level as it is a series of brief vignettes. The decisions made here determine your units, upgrades, and hero builds. Because of this, I can't really begin implementing the branches (which, again, are mostly minor) until the prologue is complete.

The epilogue is also not really a full level, but more a little bonus, following now-imprisoned Orgrim. It will also include the credits. However, one of the more ambitious things I want to include in here is an unlock for 'human mode.' Once you complete the campaign, you can go back and replay it from the perspective of the Horde's enemies.

When I originally thought of doing this, about a year ago, my intention was to create a campaign that covered both Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal - 14 missions that switched between Horde and Alliance perspectives. The first two levels I made for it were actually supposed to be for the second half of the campaign - Nethergarde Keep (a modified TD) and Blasted Lands (an escort mission). I scrapped that and retooled my focus, but I've still got the custom human tech tree and heroes.

A couple more things I'd like to add, but haven't yet: custom voices for the main heroes (probably taken from WoW), a custom campaign screen (less likely - haven't done any modeling before), and a third thing.



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Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
Thanks very much for your interest and kind words! I've just updated the thread with the latest version (which includes a new chapter, 'Alterac Mountains')

With regards to lore accuracy - the campaign is based on the 'official' novel of the Second War. While a couple of minor points have changed in Warcraft's ever-retconned canon, the vast majority of the story has remained intact and is still very much canon.

That said, a novel and a video game are very different storytelling media. For the sake of gameplay, I've changed a couple of small details. Absorbed minor characters who would muddy the narrative into larger characters. Added unique objectives to keep it from being a slog of AI melee maps. Condensed the timeline in a couple places in order to maintain momentum and keep the focus on orcs (there's no interesting way to recreate Lothar's endless months stomping through the Hinterlands).

There are also certain areas of the story that are ambiguous. For example, WCII and WoW treat the lore of Caer Darrow very differently, and the novel almost entirely skips over it. But, it's a major part of Second War history, so I kinda had to take an executive decision on how to present it.

I've also expanded on characters who have been left unexplored in the lore, Zuluhed most of all. Despite being so important to the Second War's leadership, his story has only ever been painted in very broad strokes, so I added in detail in order to provide some contrast for Gul'dan and the moral trajectory of the orcs.

Don't take this to mean this is a fanfic. Everything is firmly based in lore - a good chunk of the dialogue is taken directly from the book, and there are no invented characters, nothing that contradicts established story.

As a rule of thumb - main quests are directly canon, optional quests are speculation
Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
Thanks, MogulKahn!

I just finished the final 'boss fight' (though I need to finish triggering the rest of the level), and decided to add an in-editor shot of the arena.

lvl9 pre.png

I'm kinda curious to get folks' opinions on this. The canon fight between Lothar and Doomhammer was in the middle of a battleground, fairly short, and pretty one-sided - you've got a famed orc combatant in the prime of his life on the one hand, and an old human mainly famed as a strategist on the other. To make it more interesting (and challenging), I put them one-on-one in a closed area in a separate part of Blackrock Mountain, with strong PvE elements.

Is it better to keep the fight closer to canon, just a brief encounter in the middle of a warzone, or have something more varied for gameplay purposes? I'm thinking, if I finish this and implement the replay options, I might have two separate versions of the fight (maybe one a turn-based thing?) as a big culmination event that changes depending on the choices made.

I'm hoping to update this with the Blackrock map soonish.
Level 2
May 11, 2017
Hello ! I don't know with your still doing this campaign but I have a problem in the first chapter, when i click on the ability of Gul'dan in order to invoke a demon, the games quit so i can't play, is it normal ?
Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
Hello ! I don't know with your still doing this campaign but I have a problem in the first chapter, when i click on the ability of Gul'dan in order to invoke a demon, the games quit so i can't play, is it normal ?

Hi! Thanks for trying the campaign! I'm sorry, I stepped away from this for about a month, but I'm back at it, and I should be releasing the newest version in a few days.

I haven't found any problems with the demonology ability. Are you using the latest WC3 patch? And does this happen at a particular time/area, or just whenever you hit the demonology spell?
Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
This campaign is nearly complete and pretty high quality even before your polish pass.

You might want to upload this to campaign section when you release hillsbrad since only chapter 8 and some interludes will be all that break everything up.

This campaign is a gem. how far along are you do the next map release?
Level 6
Feb 10, 2014
Wait, we can turn the Horde back to it`s shamanistic roots and make their story about something else than a pawn of the Burning Legion ?
Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
This campaign is nearly complete and pretty high quality even before your polish pass.

You might want to upload this to campaign section when you release hillsbrad since only chapter 8 and some interludes will be all that break everything up.

This campaign is a gem. how far along are you do the next map release?

Thank you so much, Anaxie.

I'm sorry, I had some other distractions and stepped away from this campaign for a little bit (which, I admit, sounds pretty lame after my last post here) but I've been working again on it recently. Hillsbrad is nearly complete - just need to do the cinematics. I also did a (rough) balance pass on the rest of the existing levels and cleaned up a few things, so I should be putting out the next version pretty soon.

I feel like I should have all ten playable levels before I actually 'release' it, but I'm not sure what the conventional wisdom is on that.

Thanks for the model suggestion, MogulKahn! I like the hunter skin, I'll probably use that.
Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
at this point finish the last one before you "release it" but it's more or less finished at this point and if you look at some of the released maps that aren't finished such as a prime #1 example.

Orcs and Humans: Orc Missions ALPHA

This campaign by Adney is a MASTERPIECE it's absolute perfection of doing the Warcraft 1 Orc missions with the level and mission design of Warcraft 3. Unfortunately he stopped with only the final 2 Maps which clearly Goldshire+Moonbrook and the Siege of Stormwind levels being the most critical. hopefully it's finished but even if it's not I'm thankful to of played what I have been allowed too of his campaign.

If you havn't played it or simply overlooked it for it's rather generic name with the HUGE ALPHA tag in the name. Please do. You will be thankful you did.

What I'm trying to say is. Releasing long campaigns not fully complete is not a bad thing. And if the worst possible happens and you stop doing everything. At least everyone gets to enjoy what you DID complete.

The only thing that sucks of missing 2 mid campaign missions is the heroes game cache breaks and the gameplay suffers slightly for it. maybe link the missing chapters cache so it still transfers to the next while you finish the final map?

NOW on the plus side.

Your campaign is being updated and will hit release in a huge prime time year for Warcraft 3

~We are likely to hear about WC3 Remastered at Blizzcon
~Razorclaw X Released 4th Edition of Wanderers of Sorceria
~OutsiderXE Released an huge updated to his Warcraft Trilogy campaigns
~Turno has slated for Malfurions Quest to hit full release in 6 months which should not too long be followed by the update of Ressurection of the Scourge
~Tomoraider just released Rise of the Blood Elves 3.0 and is working on his 3.0 update for Curse of the Forsaken
~Chasing the Dawn is regularly updated
~Warden Regularly updated
~LordPerenoldII creator of Warcraft Orcs and Humans remakes is working on a full remake of all 4 Warcraft 2 campaigns
~Legends of Arkain 2nd Series is regularly updated

honestly all the big campaign features of Warcraft of the past and now are still around and updated even this exact year. Your campaign and it's quality couldn't be hitting release at a better time.
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Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
Alright! Hillsbrad is finally uploaded. A rather twitchy level - took longer than I expected, lots of stuff that wouldn't lay flat.

Anyways, as per Anaxie's suggestion, the next release will be beta! I'm going to add a bit of polish all round before I put this in the 'campaigns' section, but likely in a week or so you should see it there. Seems like an exciting time for WC3, so thank you very much for the encouragement!

EDIT: Did a tremendously dumb thing and uploaded without any of the custom ability triggers. Anyways, fixed now.
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Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
So, I'm nearing the first 'release' version. Just finished the polish pass (improve gameplay, standardize formatting, add sound effects, etc), and I'll probably add a couple of 'bonus' puzzles (sadly no Chapter 8 yet).

One thing I'm sort of stuck on is Gul'dan. I was never very happy with his current build, so I've come up with a couple alternates (each of the three main heroes will eventually have two 'build' options), and I can't decide on some of the spells. If anyone's reading, I'd love to solicit some advice.

Demonology - Focuses on summoning demons, using them to deal and soak most damage

Demonology: Summon an imp, voidwalker, felstalker, or succubus

Lifetap: Restore Mana at the cost of Guldan's HP

Empower Demon: Increase summoned demon's attack rate and hp regeneration (can be autocast)

and then, I can't decide between
Demon Gate (ult): Instantly teleport Gul'dan (and possibly nearby allies) to summoned demon's position (this is meant to provide an escape route to Gul'dan, who, by design, is perenially low on HP, and offers different strategy on a few levels)
Hand of Gul'dan (ult): Calls down a meteor which erupts into four short-lasting wild imps (can be affected by empower demon) (a modified version of inferno, acts as a more direct damage spell and gives more use to Gul'dan's buffs)

And the other build...

Destruction - Focuses on dealing massive damage directly - at the cost of others

Demonology: same as above

Soul Link: Sacrifice summoned demon to restore some of Gul'dan's HP and mana

Volcano (ult): same as in game (since raising volcanoes and landmasses is a major thing Gul'dan does)

Corruption: A single target spell. I cant decide if I want it to be
-A high damage, one-hit attack. If the affected unit dies within the next few minutes, all enemies around him take med-high damage
-A debuff lasting a few seconds, causing all enemy units around the target to take constant damage
-An autocast that enhances Gul'dan's attacks. If a unit dies with this debuff, they leave behind a stationary fel orb which does minor AOE damage and greatly drains mana from all enemy spellcasters in the area before dissipating

I'd love to get some opinions on whether Hand of Gul'dan vs Demon Gate sounds better, and which version of Corruption seems to fit the best.

Um, just so this post doesn't look so boring, here's a random in-editor shot
lvl10 pre.png

Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
Use the imp storm and the corruption nuke that AoEs if it dies.

The corruption nuke suits guldan as a glass cannon

The imp storm is a classic twist on infernal storm and perfect.

Both are appealing and powerful enough to give two very different hero experiences.

Please hurry with chapter 8 i havnt been anticipating a campaign this much since the finale book 6 of wanderers of sorceria

Guldan version 1
Auto attack cast<meh>
And infernal imp

You lifetap to keep incrasing auto attack damage..... thats boring how bout remove autocast and it lets you summon an extra demon per rank <one of each only>

Replace lifettap with a perma spirit link on guldan and his summons.

Spirit link
More demons
Imp rain

So guldan v1 is focused on demons
Guldan v2 is focused on nukes.
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Level 5
Sep 13, 2016
Corruption always felt like a DoT to me, but if those are my options then I think I will go with the first option for Corruption.

For the Ult on Demonology I think Hand of Gul'dan works a little bit better than the Demon Gate, mostly because I don't think you would want to leave your demon somewhere else instead of helping you.
Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
Okay, so I just finished what I'm calling my first 'alpha' build. No new levels, but a lot of changes nonetheless (though a lot of them may not be very visible). From my perspective, at least, the largest update I've made to the campaign.

Thank you, Anaxie and Warcraft Literature, for your thoughtful replies. Now I will proceed to ignore them. No, not really! But I am going with Demonic Portal after all, just because I tried playing level 5 with both versions, and I really liked the added strategy the Demon Gate ability brought to the table. But I'm defo keeping these suggestions in mind for destruction, and I'm still very much open to changing Gul'dan's build.

Again, Anaxie, deeply flattered and humbled I could make something so anticipated. Unfortunately, you're going to have to wait a bit longer. For the next release, I'm going to focus on finishing the playable prologue and implementing the tech tree/hero options. The prologue is set on Draenor, and covers (in three shorter 'vignettes') the fall of Telmor, Gul'dan's ascendancy over Ner'zhul, and the drinking of the Blood of Mannoroth.

Now I'm going to post this on the campaigns section (same campaign, except the map buttons are hidden, instead of all showing as default). I just need to figure out a good description template.

Here's an editor shot of Capital City (one of the things added in this build) to celebrate.
Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
Theres MORE? Fucking sweeet

Use turno or tomoraiders template. Pretty clean
Two questions

Does the cache carry over past the missing mid chapter?

Last time i played the last level nothing happened once timer ran out on the dark portal level. Is there a cinematic or conditions?

Ill advertise this is my thread on mmo.c when unbanned. This campaign is phenominal fuckin quality right there. Capital city is beautiful
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Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
Thanks for catching that! I just double-checked, and I had a weird condition on an optional quest. Fixed now.

I'm not sure if there's a ton for you in this version. If you've already played the existing levels, the core gameplay is the same, pretty much. But the cache should be working now (and the level 8 gap doesn't affect it).

Glad you like Capital City! It appears only briefly here, but one of my secret levels will be set there.

The conditions for the secret levels are both set before level 8, so if I'm feeling ambitious, I might try to finish off one of the full 'paths' with the next release, and include another map (in addition to Draenor). No promises, though.
Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
So I'm working on the alternate tech and hero builds. These are the hero abilities I think I'm going to go with. I wanted to see if anyone has any feedback.

Doomhammer (Protection)
Focuses on his ability to sustain an offensive group
  • Lava Lash
  • Ignited Doomhammer - an autocast damage bonus, adding a flame DoT to attacks
  • Courage - a cry that makes Doomhammer and units immediately surrounding him immune to the next spell to be cast on them. Higher levels decrease cooldown
  • Totem of the Ancestors(ult) - Drop an immobile totem, which resurrects ancestral spirits from nearby corpses of friendlies, and has a very powerful mana regen effect in a small area. Ancestral Spirits have high damage, low hitpoints, and a very large mana pool, which has a negative regen rate. Spirits cast mana shield when they are summoned, and disappear when the totem is destroyed.

Doomhammer (Fury)
Focus on increasing attack group damage capacity
  • Lava Lash
  • Execute
  • Endurance Aura
  • Blood Rage(ult) - Same as current 'Fel Rage'

Gul'dan (Demonology)
Focuses on summoning demonic hordes to deal damage
  • Demonology
  • Grimoire of Service - temporarily summons a copy of the target demon, who does 100/150/200% the original demon's damage. On a short cooldown
  • Lifetap
  • Demonic Portal(ult) - Teleport Gul'dan to a target demon.

Gul'dan (Destruction)
Focus on increasing Gul'dan's damage - at the expense of others
  • Demonology
  • Grimoire of Sacrifice - kills the active demon, returning up to X health (based on what percentage of the demon's health was remaining), and briefly increases Gul'dan's damage output
  • Corruption - autocast that increases attack damage. If an enemy dies with corruption active, they leave behind a fel orb, which lightly damages and drains mana from nearby enemies
  • Volcano(ult)

Zuluhed (Restoration)
Focus on supporting allies and preventing enemy damage
  • Elemental Drake
  • Gale
  • Earth Shield
  • Enigmatic Mist(ult)

Zuluhed (Elemental)
Focus on controlling enemies
  • Elemental Drake
  • Howling Blast - calls down a ball of frost, which damages and stuns enemies in an area, while greatly increasing ally movement speed
  • Earthquake - greatly decrease enemy movement speed in an area
  • Throne of the Winds(ult) - Zuluhed rises into the air on an elemental whirlwind, removing him from melee range, greatly increasing his attack range, and making him spell-immune, but also making him immobile. Lasts until cancelled.

I've tried to come up with builds that preserve the 'role' of the heroes, relative to other units, but present difference focus/strategy. Doomhammer as a command hero who works best leading an attack group. Gul'dan as a specialist damage dealer. And Zuluhed as a support caster with area control. Any thoughts?
Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
I like guldans demon duplication spell a lot.

What exactly do you plan for lava lash to do
Lava Lash is actually the single target spell Doomhammer has already. Ignites the target, slows 'em down, leaves a big, flaming hammer behind.

Yeah, empower demon wasn't really what i wanted to be, and I was working out mechanics for the Gul'dan prologue vignette when I realized what would be perfect, thematically and mechanically, while still simple. Gul'dan will start with two grimoires, and the one he favors will be the one he carries with him into the campaign.

I'm not sure I've articulated this, but thanks so much, Anaxie, for championing this campaign and always giving great feedback. You've really inspired me to press on.
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Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
Might i beable to sway you on usi g tauers models :) or do i have to manually add them with every update :(

Can you elaborate on your planned human mode?

Epilogue is titled undercity? Curious whats the idea there
Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
Might i beable to sway you on usi g tauers models :) or do i have to manually add them with every update :(

Can you elaborate on your planned human mode?

Epilogue is titled undercity? Curious whats the idea there

I'm looking into it. I've started messing around with the model editor (I actually created a few simple edits that you'll see in the new spells), and I'm figuring out how to create an alpha texture map so I'll be able to have higher-quality trees throughout. There's one big roadblock, though - Zuluhed. I consider him to be this campaign's main character, and if I can't track down a high quality model for him, I don't think I'll be able to use the newer models for the other heroes. I tried putting them side by side, and the farseer just doesn't hold up next to Tauer's Gul'dan or Cho'Gall.

Human mode will be the very last thing I add. But the plan is for it to be what it sounds like. The same maps, same cutscenes, but control one of the human/elf/dwarf bases instead of the orcs. Different objectives. I've done no actual editor work on this, but I've got the quests mapped out, and the heroes have already been created (from the early days when this campaign was originally going to switch between Horde and Alliance). I feel like this would add a lot more replay value than adding multiple difficulties. But this is pretty far off - need to finish everything else in the campaign first!

After the 2nd War, Doomhammer was imprisoned in the sewers beneath Lordaeron Capital City. That's where I plan to set the epilogue - which will mainly be for credits, but also include a minigame that (eventually) unlocks human mode.
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009
Why on earth am I not getting notifications for this thread? This new Hive is really strange...

About those spells for heroes here are my thoughts:

I don't like spells for Doomhammer. Why? He is not a shaman and spells he has are pretty much shaman spells. Only spells in that Protection tree that actually fits him is Courage and maybeee Ignited Doomhammer, but that is more because he is wielding epic weapon and you want somehow to show that through his spellbook than what it should be if we follow lore strictly.

My suggestions are:

Replace Lava Lash with Intervene - Charge to target area knocking back all enemies you pass through and dealing damage to them.
Keep Ignited Doomhammer.
I would actually replace Courage even if it fits, because I think my suggestion has more sense, and it is: Intimidating Shout - Let loose an intimidating shout around your hero in X AoE, forcing all nearby enemies to attack hero for X seconds, while he gets bonus X armor for the duration.
Replace Totem of the Ancestors with Call of the Ancestors - Call 3 ancestral heroes to fight on your side for the next X seconds. First one is melee DPS with X% cleaving attack and X% critical strike. Second one is melee TANK with a chance with every attack to do bonus damage around attacked unit and has X% damage return and the last one is ranged SUPPORT unit with passive healing aura and with every attack reduce armor of attacked enemy by X.

For Fury Doomhammer.

Replace Lava Lash with Bloodthirst - deal X damage to target enemy unit and heal yourself for X.
I have no idea what Execute, Endurance Aura and Blood Rush are so I am not going to comment on those.

Gul'dan Demonology sounds great, but for Destruction I would actually replace that Demonology spell with Fel Bolt - Deal X damage to target enemy unit, and also reduce his armor and magic resistance by dramatic amount for X seconds.
And for Grimoire of Sacrifice I would change from Demon to target allied unit.

I am not going to comment for Restoration Zuluhed because we don't have spell descriptions and I like spells for Elemental tree.

If you need something more, feel free to ask! :grin:
Level 2
Jan 13, 2015
Nice campaign, Rondstat. I would be happy if you make campaign for Alliance of Lordaeron in Second War. At least, new units and maps you do not need:)
Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
Against all expectations, I am in fact working on this again.

The choice/morality system I originally wanted to put in place ended up spiraling into levels of complexity that put me WAY out of my depth, plus some srs bzns IRL stuff all kinda discouraged me from working on this for a good long while. But I've come back to it, and I've since had an idea for an alternative 'parallel progression' system that is both more manageable from a creation-standpoint, and probably would be more fun to play.

All that said, no guarantees. Don't have quite as much free time these days as I did.

Anyways, here's an in-editor shot of Talador from the Prologue mission.


I think I'll probably do an update here with just the Prologue added, before I implement the parallel progression stuff. I probably won't update the main map page, though, until after I've finished Broken Isles (which won't come until after I've done the whole progression system).
Level 6
Jan 14, 2016
SO - Newest version of the campaign has just been uploaded, with the Draenor prologue!

I must say, this is sort of a dirtier/more provisional release than I usually do here. That is, it's a working version. I've done a lot of stuff for the 'auxiliary progression' system that, at the moment, is all under the hood, and because of that, there are probably a few things that appear to be broken in the existing levels of the campaign.

The point is, if you do download and play this version, I can only vouch for the prologue. Rest assured, I've laid the groundwork, and the next update to this campaign should include the progression system.

I'll probably do a small update to my Zuluhed's Challenge map, first (which was based off of part of the prologue, here, though I've iterated on the gameplay exponentially. I really recommend trying it out if you have any interest in chess, wargames, or turn-based strategy - I can honestly say it's the only map of its type I've seen). However, that won't take long, and I plan to clean this up and do the next 'official' LotM release soon(ish)
Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
SO - Newest version of the campaign has just been uploaded, with the Draenor prologue!

I must say, this is sort of a dirtier/more provisional release than I usually do here. That is, it's a working version. I've done a lot of stuff for the 'auxiliary progression' system that, at the moment, is all under the hood, and because of that, there are probably a few things that appear to be broken in the existing levels of the campaign.

The point is, if you do download and play this version, I can only vouch for the prologue. Rest assured, I've laid the groundwork, and the next update to this campaign should include the progression system.

I'll probably do a small update to my Zuluhed's Challenge map, first (which was based off of part of the prologue, here, though I've iterated on the gameplay exponentially. I really recommend trying it out if you have any interest in chess, wargames, or turn-based strategy - I can honestly say it's the only map of its type I've seen). However, that won't take long, and I plan to clean this up and do the next 'official' LotM release soon(ish)

Waiting on broken isle level still!

Good work
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