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Left 4 Dead 1.1

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Left 4 Dead is a Team Based Map like the Original Game, stay together , fight against massive amounts of Enemys.
- AI Director - Each Round or Map you play the AI Director gets the Amount of Players ingame and will spawn Infected in the whole Chapter on Random Positions.

- Special Infecteds - Each Chapter there will be Special Infecteds with Special Skills Each one , watch out for them:

*Smoker will catch you with his tongue and you can't do anything.
*Hunter will Pounce on you and cut you in Pieces
*Boomer will Vomit on you or even explode on death and lure Infecteds to your Position
*With a Small Chance a Tank will appear he is a real Badass with much Hitpoints and Damage
*With a Small Chance a Witch will appear , don't get in near of her or she will be verry angry.

- Infected Waves - They will Appear periodicly in Each Chapter you get Messages that Waves of Infected ar on the Way to you, Better Watch out an Stay together.

- Items - Items are Spawned by the AI Director too , he will spawn random Items and random amounds on Random Positions in each Chapter. There are Items Like:

*Pipe Bombe will lure Any Infected in Near of it to the Signal and after a Few Seconds it makes a big Boom.
*Molotov Cocktail will set the Ground and Everything near it on Fire and the Fire will Burn until the Unit is Dead
*First Aid Kids are Rare and should be used only if you under 15 HP. They Heal 75 Hp out of 100.
*Pills should be used if you are wounded they only Heal 15 Hp out of 100.
Then there Are a Few Normal and Advanced Weapons like:

*Pump Action Shotgun strong in Damage but few Ammo and long Realod Time
*Uzi has normal Damage but Fast Reload and Atackspeed and more Ammo then Shotgun.
*Pistol is your Standard Weapon it has Unlimited Ammo but must be Fired Manualy

*M4 Super 90 Shotgun is the Advanced Shotgun and has More Ammo, Damage and Faster Reload
*M16 Assault Rifle is a Good Distance Weapon with High Damage , lots of Ammo and fast Reload
*Hunting Rifle is a Long Range Weapon with slow Attack but very High Damage.

*Ammo Refill Boxxes can be used to refill your Ammo completly , just press Leftklick on it to Refill.

Your Hero has Skills like:
*Open/Close Doors

*Help a Survivor Up when he is down (Warning this spell needs Casting Time!)

*Jump a Little Distance

*Punch an Infected away from you

*Shoot Pistol ( Pistol is your secondary Weapon with unlimited Ammo you must fire her Manualy by presssing R , Your Primary Weapons will be fired Automatically)

There Are 4 Difficulty Setting:


Each Difficulty the Enemys gets Stronger and Harder and more of them.

There is a AI System for Remaing Survivors if you Play Singleplayer. The Always will move around your Position , Punch Enemys away , Use Medpaks , Help you out of Dangerous Situations and Shoot Everything in Sight.

2 Available Game Modes

*Survivor is the Normal Mode, you must Survive by reaching each Save Room, Player 5-11 can only Observe Here

*In Versus Mode 1 Team Play the Survivors and the Other play the Infected and must try to kill all Survivors.

In Versus Mode you play 2 Hunters, 1 Smoker and 1 Boomer . Then there i a small chance that you become the Tank.

Before you can Spawn as Infected you need a Save Position.

The Terrain is Whole 1 Chapter of Left 4 Dead and is created to be close on Original Game.

Usefull Game Hints:
-Always stay Together in the High Difficulty Settings it is recommended.

-Don't forget to pick a Weapon at the Beginning , they laying next to you on the Ground (

-You can only hold 1 of them) , don''t foget to pick up a First Aid Kit Too

-You can Hold only 1 Item of each Type , 1 First Aid Kit, 1 Pills , 1 Pipe Bomb/Molotov Cocktail and 1 Weapon

-Punch Away Infected if there are Too Many , try that on Boomers before they Explode on you.

-Help Survivors Up if they are Down before the Dead Timer runs out.

-Leftklick on Ammo Boxxes to Refill your Ammo ( Its the Only Way to get Ammo)

-Pistols have unlimited Ammo , you can Use them while your Hero is Shooting his Primary Weapon by Pressing R

-Infecteds can Jump over Walls and Obstacles!


This is the complete Playtrough of the Map in Singleplayer with AI on easy. Watch it if you like so you can see a few things from the Map.

Changelog v0.32:
- Fixed Nobody could move in Versus Bug
- Fixed Bug when Hunter Pounces on Everyone that causes to Stuck them for the Rest of the Game
- Fixed Revive Bug that causes Living Players to Move to Revive Regions
- Addead Collision Debug for Stucking Infecteds/ Special Infecteds
- Increases Smoker Tongue Range to 850 from 700
- Increased Boomer Speed to 360 from 300
- Increased Boomer Health to 50 from 40
- Fixed Bug that Replaces Weapons if Player drops everywhere on the ground
- Replaced Railgun System with Stand Railgun and Control System because of Bugs with other Version
- Fixed Text Bugs in Multiboard
- Added All 5 Chapters for Versus Mode (This was most of the Work in this Patch)
- Added Colors to Loadingscreen
- Decreases Punch Time to 0.4 from 0.5 Seconds
- Fixed "Close Door" Spell
- Added Launch Flare Spell to see Enemies that are on Cliffs ( good agianst Smokers that Pulls you over Cliffs)

Have fun Testing it now in Full Versus mode , i had no time to real testing it so post Comments and Bugs if you find.

As i said here is the update it took me a lot of time and over hundrets of tests , there was a lot to improve and to fixx , i hope this version is better then the last one, i will continue to improve the map further.

Changelog v0.33:
- Added Mode thate Let all 8 Players play the 4 Characters in Survivor Mode : Chapter 1 Player 1-4 ., Chapter 2 Player 5-8 , Chapter 3 Player 1-4 and so on ... every Chapter the Other Team Takes Control over the Characters and the Other Team can Observe Them and give them Hints.
- Fixed Bug When 1. Team Finish a Chapter the Infecteds are the Allies of the 2. Team
- Fixed Bug that Weapons don't respawn after Pickup
- Fixed Smoker "Tongue" Spell Hotkey from E to R
- Fixed Tank Hotkeys Rock Spell [R] and Punsh Spell
- Fixed Bug that Tank can push Players over Cliffs and out of the Map
- Fixed Roundsystem in Versus Mode that causes to repeat the Round over and over if whole Team is Dead or Down
- Replaced Help Survivor Spell that AI now Uses it Too if you are Down
- Fixed Dead Timer Bug that let Player Units Dissapear and Start Chapter after Chapter
- Fixed some Minor Bugs
- Added Anti Friendly Fire for Survivors
- Added Pause Unit when Jumping to prevent the unit to stuck in Air
- Fixed Bug that Causes Survivor Units to die and remove from game in Versus Mode
- Added lots of Different Point Statistics after Each Chapter u have done while u are playing

Changelog v0.34:
- Smoker now Pulls Survivors towards him
- Fixed Elevator Bug in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4
- Fixed Helicopter ArrivalBug in Chapter 5
- Fixed Win Conditions and Loose Conditions Systems in every Chapter for Survivor Mode
- Fixed Tank Sounds
- Fixed Railgun Systems
- Fixed Survivor AI for both Teams in Versus Mode
- Fixed Collision Periodic Times for Infected Units in Survivor Mode
- Added Suicide Command for Infecteds in Versus Mode , Type in -kill to kill your Unit in case of stuck in Air or something weird.
- Fixed all Safe Room Conditions in Both Versus and Survivor Mode
- Fixed Multiple Text Spawnbug on Versus Mode as Infected Ghost
- Fixed Ammo Supplies Bug that let you Refresh Ammo instantly without reloading. Fixed by Adding only Magazines to your Current ones.
- Greatly Decreases Hunting Rifle Headshot Damage from 99 to 5x multiplicator , and Increased Attackspeed to 0.45 from 0.85. Also Set chance to Create Headshot from 4% to 5%
- Fixed Bug that let your Survivor Reload altough you have no Magazines left and because of that added ammo to you.
- Changed Additional Spells Hotkey from U to "Q"
- Fixed Shotgun Reloading Sounds and Different Attack Speeds
- Improved the Survivor AI to react faster and Move Faster to your Survivor
- Fixed Bug when u have Uzi and pick up Shotgun u get the Slow Fire Spell and the Ammo of Shotgun , Fixxed this Bug by every other Weapon too.
- Increased Boomer Vomit Range from 255 to 380
- Fixed Tank Chance and Hordes of Infected Spawns in Versus Mode to get eqaulity for Both Teams
- Fixed Witch Triggers to work only for the Survivor who enters her Range or Attack her
- Decreased Boomer Health to 40
- When you pick up a weapon while you have one, the weapon you try to pick up is removed from the game. -Fixed-
- When someone dies, and the rest of the team makes it to the safehouse, the round doesn't end. -Fixed-
- When you enter a safehouse, you can instantly open the exit -Fixed-
- The hunter now permanently pins down whoever it attacks. -Fixed-
- In Versus mode teams constantly keep switching back and forth every 10 seconds for some reason after the first chapter -Fixed-
- Bill somehow was walking while the timer for Bill Dies in *number* was still ticking (Bill was Invulnerable while walking).
- Guns vanish when dropped (and the gun spawn dissapeared, so some people didn't get any guns), people dropped weopons because they wanted to repick. -Fixed-
- For some reason, when Chapter 2 started in Versus mode, my team as survivors played for 6 seconds, then we switched back to Chapter 1 as infected again and we had a massive amount of zombies (note around 80 comp infected charged the entryway at the very beginning of game, i got 3 hunters, teammate 1 got 2 boomers and a smoker, teammate 2 got 4 hunters and a boomer, and teammate 3 got 2 hunters and a smoker. -Fixed-
- Minimap image looks weird on Hiveworkshop and didn't pop up in warcraft 3. -Removed-
- Whenever chapters started swinging back and forth, survivor supplies started massively reproducing (note 20 somethin medkits, 4 uzis, and 4 shotguns. -Fixed-
- Bill managed to get shotgun damage, but Uzi ammo and attack speed!!! -Fixed-

Changelog v0.35:
- A tank got spawned outside the 2nd safehouse. -Test Fixed-
- If someone dies and the rest of the team makes it to the safehouse the round doesn't end. -test Fixed-
- Green didn't get any unit. -Fixed-
- You can still open the exit of the safehouse while the round isn't finished. -Fixed-
- Fixed Bug in Difficulty Settings
- Addead Always no Collision to Hunters,Smokers,Boomers,Tanks in Survivor Mode to let them Climb over Cliffs and attack you from everywhere

Changelog v1.1:
-Difficultys improved to make it easyer in Singleplayer
-Pipe Bomb too long sound fixed
-Removed most of the Stat textes after each Level, because it takes soo long before the Game goes further
-Removed some unused Triggers
-Both Shotguns now reload faster and sounds fixed
-Unused Mapsize removed
-Loadingscreen & Minimap added

Left 4 Dead, Dead, Zombies, Infected, L4D, l4d, Shooter, Survival

Left 4 Dead 1.1 (Map)

Level 3
Jan 6, 2009
wow. this is the best L4D in wc3 lol. one suggestion though, is to add more items in places, make different models for zombies, and make it so that the smoker pullsyou instead. If you want, i can remake the map and give it some extra models, of course all credit to you hehe.
Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
Very nice map. I tested the survivor mode and it was very good.
The only problem is the terrain and that some of the triggers leak.
For improving the terrain you could use the urban environment pack.
You could also import more models for the weapons, items and zombies.
I never played Left 4 Dead, but I liked this jumping ghoul and this ambonaition with this green fade filter.
I give this a 4/5 because of a bit bad terrain and some leaking triggers.
Level 4
Aug 1, 2008
I have just found an incredibly serious error in your map. When I hosted this and clicked Versus mode, all the Survivor units were still paused (this problem doesnt seem to appear in normal mode). This error is BIG, as selecting a gamemode and screwing 8 players over is bad.
Level 4
Aug 1, 2008
another glitch i found, if someone was to be pounced by the hunter, then an ally would push (skill) the hunter. Here is what happens.

1) For some reason, the person who the hunter originally attacked was still considered being under hunter attack even though the hunter was gone.
2) The original target of the hunter would be stuck for the rest of the game.
3) The hunter then could in rapid succession pounce the other teammates.
4) Whenever a hunter pounced a new target after that, anyone the hunter attacked became permanent stuck.
5) I saw the messages Hunter pounced Zoey, Hunter Pounced Louis, Hunter Pounced Francis, Hunter Pounched Bill all happen in 4 seconds.
6) Game Over?

Overall, I do actually have lots of fun with this map when its working, but the terrain could use up some serious renovation. Just remember to fix the glitches, trigger leaks, and terrain! 3/5 for now.
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Level 8
Jul 9, 2006
Sound is bugged at my pc. And when I picked versus mode the survivors' team couldn't move or anything...

Stupid mistake at versus mode choice... You made the condition for unpausing all units that red WASN'T in the game, while red had to choose the game modes...? I fixed it by making the condition 'red is playing', dunno if it'll break anything else, though.
Level 4
Aug 1, 2008
Sound is bugged at my pc. And when I picked versus mode the survivors' team couldn't move or anything...

Stupid mistake at versus mode choice... You made the condition for unpausing all units that red WASN'T in the game, while red had to choose the game modes...? I fixed it by making the condition 'red is playing', dunno if it'll break anything else, though.

Yeah I mentioned that problem above. Also notice there is a hunter related glitch if you read above so watch out and don't use the push skill on hunters :/
Level 13
Mar 25, 2005
Thanks for Comments Guys , I'am working in a Patch that Fixx many things Right Now.
For the Terain i must say that i maked it to look close like Left 4 Dead Chapters and i think its good as it is xD , if anyone can do better feel free and make one new but after i released the Patch Version. I also must make Chapter 2-5 Playable for Versus Mode because there is only 1 Playable right Now.
Level 4
Aug 1, 2008
Note : try not to use the woman citizen models for zombies, cause they don't have any attack animations :/

Note 2 : If you can, try to make it so that the smoker can pull the survivors towards them :)

Please hurry up and update =D I really do like this map, but the glitches cripple me from actually playing it T.T
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Level 9
Oct 7, 2008
I loled at "Bill has dead" "Zoey has dead" "Fransis has dead" "Francis has dead" "Louis has dead" Its all so funny

me2 :xxd:
anyway your map is the best L4D-map I have ever played ... there are some bugs as lollol123 said already ... please fix'em :D
your map deserves more efort, then could it be a badass L4D map
keep up the good work^^
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Level 4
Aug 1, 2008
Great work on the updates! One of my fav maps on Bnet! 5/5! :D

Edit: OH NOES! I found more glitches :/...

- In versus mode, in the first chapter the special infected and items didnt spawn (lots of people got angry and left).
- In versus mode, once the Survivors finished the chapter and it was their turn to become the infected, the normal infected were still enemies to team 1. So basically the survivors had the normal infected helping them and the special infected had to fight the normals.
- Tank can push survivors over the cliff (and if it pushes them off the map... umm... that guy is screwed over)
- Once a survivor picked up a weopon, the weopon dissapeared and didn't respawn.
- Once a chapter is finished, the kill credits also displayed the names of the infected players (*Infected Player here* Infected Kills : 0). Shouldn't it only be the survivor's credits here?
- For some reason, one player is always the target of the name trigger. Whenever someone left, it'll always say the same person's name. For example, it'll say Creed101 has left the game 3 times, Creed101 is still in the game, and we are missing 3 players (probably the infected who didn't get to spawn and got pissed off).

Oh my with the problems. I'm setting the score to 2/5 until the glitches are fixed, but I still love this game, but the game doesn't love me back T.T

Note: Things you can change :/
- The Left 4 Dead music imports you have, did you set them to music or sound? The warcraft 3 music takes me out of the experience :/. Try clearing the music list first then set the left 4 dead songs you put in as music.
- The entry door at the beginning of the game, that should be godly in health too just like the safe rooms to prevent zombies from bursting into players while they're still in the start zone.
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Level 13
Mar 25, 2005
Thanks for the Testings you have done , that helps me to fixx things up . I working in patch and this time i realy testing all things. There are multiple things fixxed.
For the Campaings , as you see i had plans for one of them because of huge terrain on top of the map. There is place to create a second one . You can say which one you wish to have. But first i will balance and fixx all bugs in this map that you can play it real good. And i need to say a 2. Campaign is verry much work , this could be taken months. So vote for your Favorite second Campaign. And have fun with map i try to realease patch as soon a i finished.
Level 4
Aug 1, 2008
Do you have any rough indication of when you'll finish the update =D?

I vote for Blood Harvest!

Edit : Can you add in a import minimap preview image? Seeing the map from here sometimes discourages people to play when I host this :/
Level 1
Sep 15, 2009
im dropping my weapons then after i taking again my weapon all of ammo is resupplied.. and the lift near the sewers had a bug. can u fix it?
Level 8
Jul 9, 2006
Nice, a new version! I'll have to try out this one...

EDIT: Okay, I had hoped this version would be fairly bug-free, but it wasn't!
If you use the jump ability and shoot in the air, you stay in the air and don't come down. I suggest pausing the unit while jumping and unpausing it if it hits the ground.
If you pick the versus game mode, the infected can't spawn. Ever. They couldn't when we played. Also, if 3 people make it to the end, and 1 is dead, the game doesn't end. Besides that, you can open the door of the safe house even when the chapter isn't finished yet.
Finally, the weapons don't respawn, so only 2 people can have weapons in a team, and I don't think that's supposed to happen. You should just make the weapons respawn, so that the whole team can benefit from them.
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Level 4
Aug 1, 2008
Yeh! The new version is out! I'll comment again after the playthrough :D

Edit : Oh noes, some bugs from back have returned, but in a worse form.
- The hunter now permanently pins down whoever it attacks.
- In Versus mode teams constantly keep switching back and forth every 10 seconds for some reason after the first chapter (creating lots of lag and confusion)
- Bill somehow was walking while the timer for Bill Dies in *number* was still ticking (Bill was Invulnerable while walking).
- Guns vanish when dropped (and the gun spawn dissapeared, so some people didn't get any guns), people dropped weopons because they wanted to repick.
- For some reason, when Chapter 2 started in Versus mode, my team as survivors played for 6 seconds, then we switched back to Chapter 1 as infected again and we had a massive amount of zombies (note around 80 comp infected charged the entryway at the very beginning of game, i got 3 hunters, teammate 1 got 2 boomers and a smoker, teammate 2 got 4 hunters and a boomer, and teammate 3 got 2 hunters and a smoker.
- Minimap image looks weird on Hiveworkshop and didn't pop up in warcraft 3.
- Whenever chapters started swinging back and forth, survivor supplies started massively reproducing (note 20 somethin medkits, 4 uzis, and 4 shotguns.
- Bill managed to get shotgun damage, but Uzi ammo and attack speed!!! (rigged too much?)

I think there might be more, but I recommend to do a playtest before putting these on hiveworkshop. The glitches can get unbearable. Note all these glitches were found during Versus mode, I have yet to see if anything weird happens in Normal.
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Level 15
Aug 14, 2007
Very nicely done, though you can add some more features and special effects, including the player's character. It makes me recall the thrill while playng Left 4 Dead (the actual game).

Though the terrain can be done better but the gameplay is there..

Still many things possible to improve on, therefore I am going to rate it as 3.5/5 atm.. Holding vote..
Level 8
Jul 9, 2006
3 bugs:
When you pick up a weapon while you have one, the weapon you try to pick up is removed from the game. In example, if I try to pick up an uzi when I already have a shotgun, the uzi is removed from the game. It doesn't respawn.
When someone dies, and the rest of the team makes it to the safehouse, the round doesn't end.
When you enter a safehouse, you can instantly open the exit.
Level 13
Mar 25, 2005
Oh man, After many many many Hours of Testing , and lots of Bugs and thigs that has to be improved i can finally give u the update 0.34 . This one was a huge update and the most things schould be work now , and you should see imrpovements.
- Smoker now Pulls Survivors towards him
- Fixxed Elevator Bug in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4
- Fixxed Helicopter ArrivalBug in Chapter 5
- Fixxed Win Conditions and Loose Conditions Systems in every Chapter for Survivor Mode
- Fixxed Tank Sounds
- Fixxed Railgun Systems
- Fixxed Survivor AI for both Teams in Versus Mode
- Fixxed Collision Periodic Times for Infected Units in Survivor Mode
- Added Suicide Command for Infecteds in Versus Mode , Type in -kill to kill your Unit in case of stuck in Air or something weird.
- Fixxed all Safe Room Conditions in Both Versus and Survivor Mode
- Fixxed Multiple Text Spawnbug on Versus Mode as Infected Ghost
- Fixxed Ammo Supplies Bug that let you Refresh Ammo instantly without reloading. Fixxed by Adding only Magazines to your Current ones.
- Greatly Decreases Hunting Rifle Headshot Damage from 99 to 5x multiplicator , and Increased Attackspeed to 0.45 from 0.85. Also Set chance to Create Headshot from 4% to 5%
- Fixxed Bug that let your Survivor Reload altough you have no Magazines left and because of that added ammo to you.
- Changed Additional Spells Hotkey from U to "Q"
- Fixxed Shotgun Reloading Sounds and Different Attack Speeds
- Improved the Survivor AI to react faster and Move Faster to your Survivor
- Fixxed Bug when u have Uzi and pick up Shotgun u get the Slow Fire Spell and the Ammo of Shotgun , Fixxed this Bug by every other Weapon too.
- Increased Boomer Vomit Range from 255 to 380
- Fixxed Tank Chance and Hordes of Infected Spawns in Versus Mode to get eqaulity for Both Teams
- Fixxed Witch Triggers to work only for the Survivor who enters her Range or Attack her
- Decreased Boomer Health to 40
- When you pick up a weapon while you have one, the weapon you try to pick up is removed from the game. -Fixxed-
- When someone dies, and the rest of the team makes it to the safehouse, the round doesn't end. -Fixxed-
- When you enter a safehouse, you can instantly open the exit -Fixxed-
- The hunter now permanently pins down whoever it attacks. -Fixxed-
- In Versus mode teams constantly keep switching back and forth every 10 seconds for some reason after the first chapter -Fixxed-
- Bill somehow was walking while the timer for Bill Dies in *number* was still ticking (Bill was Invulnerable while walking).
- Guns vanish when dropped (and the gun spawn dissapeared, so some people didn't get any guns), people dropped weopons because they wanted to repick. -Fixxed-
- For some reason, when Chapter 2 started in Versus mode, my team as survivors played for 6 seconds, then we switched back to Chapter 1 as infected again and we had a massive amount of zombies (note around 80 comp infected charged the entryway at the very beginning of game, i got 3 hunters, teammate 1 got 2 boomers and a smoker, teammate 2 got 4 hunters and a boomer, and teammate 3 got 2 hunters and a smoker. -Fixxed-
- Minimap image looks weird on Hiveworkshop and didn't pop up in warcraft 3. -Removed-
- Whenever chapters started swinging back and forth, survivor supplies started massively reproducing (note 20 somethin medkits, 4 uzis, and 4 shotguns. -Fixxed-
- Bill managed to get shotgun damage, but Uzi ammo and attack speed!!! -Fixxed-
Level 8
Jul 9, 2006
- If someone dies and the rest of the team makes it to the safehouse the round doesn't end.
- A tank got spawned outside the 2nd safehouse.
- Green didn't get any unit.
- You can still open the exit of the safehouse while the round isn't finished.
Level 6
Jul 13, 2006
Aside from the spelling errors and the bugs that you are fixing then it's a great map.
But there are improvements to be made, especially to the singleplayer AI.
Although they are kinda stupid in Left 4 Dead too.

But here's a suggestion from me: you should stick the camera to the player's character and make the map completely revealed (normal camera though, those 3rd person cameras are kinda annoying).

Oh and I find it annoying that the smokers can grab you through walls and doors.

Another suggestion is that you could make the characters make random comments like they do in Left 4 Dead (text comments that is, since that doesn't take that much space).

You should also make the game recognize who is host since, maybe the host doesn't want to play Francis for example?
Anyway, just some suggestions from me.
Level 3
Dec 5, 2010
Its a great map, but PLEASE add better AI for the survivors. Sometimes they don't follow me out of the safe room, and I can't play as the infected or they never leave the safe room!
I notice that they can't open doors. You could add regions in front of every door.
Make the survivors attack move to each region. If a survivor enters it the door opens, then you do the same thing for every other door.
I understand this will get complicated at some points (Like the elevator part). I would have done this all myself, but the map is protected :vw_sad:
Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
Good points about the map:
-Custom music and zombie sounds ( improves atmosphere )
-Nice shooting system.
-Judging from the video, it seems that the game can last for quite for a while...I think that's good, because the host doesn't have to RMK so often.

Things that can be improved:
-Lack of custom models
-The fog could be set to a darker color, since the No Mercy campaign is at night... it doesn't fit well with the atmosphere.
-Terrain isn't really L4D-ish. IMO with a few custom modern doodads, blood spatters, lighting effects etc. it would feel darker and more creepy.

The gameplay is quite fun, but please add some custom models and doodads into the map, especially for the Survivors if possible. Watching multicolored zombies rush at your Sorceress, Marine, Medivh and Rifleman team kills most of the realism...
Level 9
Apr 23, 2011
now for my review:
-Smoker tongue is permanent. its so damn freaky but good,well i didnt experience it in the real one.
-Zombies can go through cliffs. is that on purpose? i think it is.
-fog. isn't it supposed to be night? why is the fog sunny?
-hordes. too little zombies. mind increasing it a little(not too many though or it will ruin)
-die timer. increase it a little or remove it and make the incapacitated unit vulnerable with LOW health.
-terrain. freaky bad. probably improve it using imported files.
-models. so damn. try asking propotato to share his almost realistic l4d tank model. and search some more zombielic models and survivor-like models.
-special infected health. decrease it a little(not counted on rate)

-awesome gameplay. one bug about the weapons though. once the ammo is out. Reload Weapon disappears. so i always fail on versus. :(
-l4d modes. some of l4d only has one mode, such as left 4 dead versus by propotato(which is probably better). you made 2 modes of l4d. COOL!
-sounds. l4d sounds. epic. one thing about it. female zombie deaths on males and male zombie deaths on females. please fix it :D
-boomer hordes. just the right amount. unlike left 4 dead versus by propotato which looks like a super horde! aha

anyways, you can be inspired more to make this better by this left 4 dead: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/left4dead-versus-0-95e-155772/?prev=search%3Dleft4dead%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20

RATING: 3.5/5 (for the bugs, sorry)
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