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Laser Door

Laser door Readme
Model and textures made by lami
It is a fairly small model, and i think it looks
cool, acts as a normal door with all animations xcept the animation
of it getting hit.

Feel free to use it, you can give me credit on your map if you want,
just dont say you made it then im fine.

laser door bars red jump

Laser Door (Model)

Level 4
Jul 28, 2004
This is my first ever model, please give me any feedback on how it could be better, i guess the screeny i provided kinda sucks.

Also, i kinda know how to model, so if you have any inatimate objects you want me to make, email your request to [email protected] and i will try and get to it.
Level 7
Jun 20, 2004
its not bad just replace the skin THE FReAK U FUCKER DONT RATE DOWN THE MODEL CUZ OF THE SKIN WHY DONT YOU MAKE A MODEL SO I CAN RATE IT DOWN CUZ IT HAS A BAD SKIN EH?? lami you should add some lightning effects like that purge buff on the thing 5/5 for model because models these days get worse and worse (litteraly)

oh yeah can you by any chance make me a wall sorta like this and its conterpartas look ill get u a image

also can you make a kinda of shock post its like a light post but stiff and it has a little square on the bottom with all these wires (inside) and it closed in a box. Wait to be more clear have you seen starship troopers 2 if u havent go see it and in it youll see these poles that shock bugs. thanks again
Level 4
Jul 28, 2004
Whoa shit, your right, i niver looked at poly count, that is easy to reduce.
I will attept to make that starship trooper wall.
And pathing blockers arent needed, you need to create a custom destructable, based on a horazontal door.
i built the door to specifications of the demon gate horazontal, 640 units across = 5 terrain cells.
Level 1
Mar 27, 2004
Erm... to make it look better maybe add the lazers as team colour so it glows and you can see through it. Also it would creat a good effect if it was to die with the lazers slowly moving to the sides to open. And make the sides look more well lazery because normal lazers arn't created by white boxes. Just add more textur to it.

Just a thought. Looks good though.
Level 4
Jul 28, 2004
Lol i agree, but it is fairly good for a first model...
I couldnt figure out how to make it go to the sides, but i just figured out how so im gunna Remake the model.

Btw, Vegito, i made that picture into a model, i need your email, or somehow of sending it to you.

[Edit] Cookie how do you do what your talking about, i cant seem to find add alpha in the materials window =/
Level 2
Mar 25, 2004
I think it's a bit basic, I can't model, so it's okay, but something to add would be to add some redglow around the lasers, and maybe smooth out the white area where the lasers are coming out of.
Level 7
Jun 20, 2004
U HAVE TIBERIAN SUN DO U HAVE FIRESTORM ILL PLAY YOU AND ILL KILL YOU WITH NOD buggys (w00t) and lami ill send you a private message on where the link to the place you could upload it took ill send u a private message now