Knock Back Cavalry

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Level 7
Feb 20, 2016
Hello, could someone be able to make knockback effect for mounted units so they push back about one meter all non-big units in it's path? The knocked back units will also receive some damage.

Something that resembles Total War.
Level 7
Feb 20, 2016
Hey this is awesome! How do I make it work my map mod though? I transferred the triggers and the Trample 2 ability but I don't know how to edit the triggers to make all mounted units be able to trample. The issues this causes with my mod:
1. I get the "trampled" message but it does no damage.
2. How do I stop the "trample" message from appearing when I trample.
3. I would like the trample to do enough damage to units around 200-300 hp so it insta kills them.

Here's a copy of my map with the triggers and the ability in them.


  • (8)GardenOfWar modded.w3x
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Trample message is there for debugging purposes, to be sure when the unit is trampled. Every trigger has them to see if they are all running.

But do you want to basically do the c&c tank infantry crushing system? Since what I tried to achieve was to simulate the trample effect from bfme2 and rise of legends. Hence no extra damage was added, because you already disable infantry this way, but it shouldn't be hard to add some. However it still contains leaks, so it'll need some cleaning first, the main problem is that it uses death animation, which has some undesirable effects, such as blood and death sound.
Level 7
Feb 20, 2016
Well if that's how your trigger works then I'll use that system. Is there a way to make an exception for certain infantry like pikemen?
Could you make these changed to my mod? You would be basically another member of my mod. I've already done the units editing but I don't know anything about triggers.
Level 7
Feb 20, 2016
The death animation for trampled units is fine, no need for lying down if that's what you mean. The map is a normal map. For now the mounted units that will have the trample ability will be: the knight, unit death knight, and hero deathknight.
Uhh, the system was meant for more specialized maps with few unit types. Because it uses duplicates of units which are lying on the ground, some abilities may break and so on and it's not a simple addition to a blizzard style gameplay. It's not the issue of the units which have the ability, but rather units which can be affected by the ability.
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